Taste Me

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Taste Me Page 5

by Cali Caliente

  “Remember?” He pulled the sunflower seed bag downward and laid it flat on the hardwood floor.

  How could she forget? She lay out on the seed bag, and he yanked his T-shirt over his head and shoved his jock shorts down to his ankles. He was well-built, with muscles rippling over his torso and thick thighs that framed that wonderful part of him. He straddled the bag at her waist and offered himself.

  Loving him and kissing his body was something she craved. She grasped his thighs and pulled him closer to suckle his balls, one by one like he had done to her sensitive breasts. His pubic hairs tickled her nose, but she was persistent in her search to find the perfect spot that would send him into ecstasy. Gently and methodically, she caressed the soft dangling orbs with her fingers and her tongue, loving the special treat that lie within. He moaned and semen dribbled onto her cheek. She smiled up at him and wiped it away, but not before tasting it.

  “You taste good. Did I tell you that?”

  He closed his eyes and clenched his teeth. “Finish me, or I will pound myself into you until you scream with joy.”

  That was an offer she couldn’t refuse. She lay back and spread her legs, inviting his touch. “Please do, sir.”

  “Damn, woman. You make me crazy.” He thrust his cock deep inside her moistness, holding himself up with strong arms. “You feel so good, so hot—”

  Pulsations washed over her body, delighting her. She grasped his shoulders and held on for the ride. He pumped in and out, relentless in his need for release. Harder and harder, deeper with each thrust, driving her wild with erotic tingles. She came swiftly to the edge—

  And he withdrew completely. “Not yet.”

  “Not yet?” She gasped, but a smile tickled her lips. He was awesome at this foreplay game. He was patient and loved to please.

  He chuckled and scooted backward to place his face between her thighs. His tongue slipped inside, and he grabbed her buttocks to hold her in place.

  She was a goner.

  Orgasms were elusive things, but not with this man. He could coax them out of hiding every time. He worked his magic on her body and made it do what he wanted it to do, without her slightest bit of control. Shivers overcame her, and she let it go, feeling the moisture increase between her thighs.

  “You are beautiful, but you are most beautiful when you have sex.”

  He leaned over her once more and entered her slowly, all the way into her core, and then pulled all the way out. With extreme control, he brought her right back to the precipice within seconds. Aching for freedom, she fought it no more. Every coherent thought ceased to exist. She was losing it all. She came in a flooding puddle of release, followed by aftershocks, pulsing and erratic, tugging at her insides. She sighed in complete contentment.

  She didn’t want him to disappear like their first time. “Please, tell me who you are?”

  The sexy devil winked. “Bryce Love—”

  She pressed her fingers to his lips to hush him. It couldn’t be. This wasn’t the same man who’d kissed her last night. No way. She sat up and gazed down at him. By the relaxed look on his face, he’d enjoyed their lovemaking too. She wanted so much more, but she had to slow down. This magic between them couldn’t last. Sex alone wasn’t something to build a relationship on. Was it?

  “We can’t keep meeting like this. We need to keep our clothes on.”

  “You are right.” He ran his hand up and down her back in a tender caress.

  “Mmm…” She glanced up at the clock and scrambled to her feet. “Oh, my gosh! I was supposed to be at work half an hour ago.”

  He stretched out for her to admire, desire, and want one more time. She couldn’t do it. There was a small matter of responsibility. He took all responsible thoughts away with his irresistible charm. No way could she let it happen again. She slipped her leggings on and struggled to tug them up over her damp thighs.

  “Let me.” He brought a handful of tissues to wipe away the evidence of their sexual encounter. His hand lingered there, and his brown eyes searched hers. He kissed her lips, a soft caress after their passionate French kisses. “Bellissimo.”

  Shivers raced over her skin. He called her beautiful. “Thank you.”

  “No, thank you.” He handed her T-shirt to her and gathered up her sandals and purse from the floor.

  Aurora slipped into the sandals, yanked her T-shirt over her head, accepted her purse, and hurried to the door. With a twist of the lock, she opened the door and took one last peek at Bryce Love. The perfect name for the perfect man. Bellissimo indeed.


  Bryce sat naked as a babe, reliving the ultimate warmth she enveloped him with when they made love. It was love. Not just sex. The sex was hot, but what made it even hotter was the way she felt in his arms. The way she saw right through him and into his very soul. He’d made up his mind. This was the woman he planned to marry.

  His cellphone buzzed. The familiar tune told him it was Brent. “Did you forget your way back to work?”

  “Ha-ha! No, I wanted to tell you I have a date with my gal this evening. I can’t close up the market. Can you do the cash and timecards tonight, please? We need to get an early start. She gets off work at four. I want to take her into D.C. to Antonio’s Restaurant.”

  “Uncle Antonio’s?”

  “Yep. It’s her favorite place to eat, and I aim to please.”

  He’d heard that one before. “You owe me one, little brother.”

  “Done. Anything, anytime. This girl is special.”

  Bryce hung up the phone and bent to pick up the items he’d so hastily tossed from his desk in the heat of passion. He popped a strawberry into his mouth and closed the lid on the whipped cream. A little bit goes a long way. Perky nipples popped into his thoughts. Damn, he had a hell of a time keeping her off his mind.

  He stepped into his jeans and tugged on his T-shirt. As he zipped up, he felt a lump in his pocket. He pulled out the hot pink panties.

  “Wait a damn minute—”

  She’d left, while he was still in the hazy throes of sexual satisfaction, and he’d forgotten to ask the most important question—her name.

  Chapter Three

  The Daily Sun office was bustling as usual when Aurora walked in the front door. Being a local newspaper, the job didn’t pay well but it paid the bills. It was also perfect to establish herself in the culinary field. She enjoyed visiting different restaurants and shops, tasting their foods, and writing about her experiences. She’d gathered quite a following over the past year or two.

  “Hello, Rora.” Carla Mills waved from across the cluster of cubbies holding their desks and computers. “Stan is in a rage this morning. Be careful, if you go in there.”

  “Oh yeah? Over what…or should I ask who?” Her editor was a hot-tempered man, true. She’d seen his other side as well, the tenderhearted one. She had learned how to work with him and how to get him to see things in the right light.

  Carla ducked her head behind the partition and mumbled, “Don’t ask. I gave you fair warning.”

  Aurora glanced over at the glass wall encasing the chief editor’s office. He appeared to be in turmoil over something. She inched closer to see if she could hear who he was shouting at on the telephone.

  “I don’t give a rat’s ass if she said that. No, I won’t take it back. She’s reliable and she’s—” Stan’s deep voice broke off when he noticed her. He motioned for her to come inside. “She’s right here, Mr. Love—”

  She quit listening and tried to hide.

  Oh, my God, not Bryce.

  What level would this man go to in order to torment her? The mere mention of his name sent a flood of response to that very delicate space between her legs and erotic memories of exactly what they did through her brain. She couldn’t get horny now. She had to stop thinking about the man—if he would let her.

  Stan covered the receiver. “This one’s for you, Aurora. You take care of him. Your mess. You clean it up.”

  Aurora fr
oze to the spot and refused the proffered phone. “I’ve got something real urgent to take care of, Stan. Please, please, please?”

  Her boss shook his head and put the phone to his ear. “I’m sorry. She had an emergency. She’ll get back to you. Right away. Yes, sir.”

  She waved her fingers and backed out of his office with a forced smile on her face. “Thanks, Stan.”

  He slammed the receiver onto its charger and grabbed her arm. “Wait a darned minute. Get back in here. What are you up to, girl?”

  She shook her head, pretending innocence. “Not sure what you mean, Stan.”

  “By all accounts, you visited the new farmers’ market over on Oak Street, and while you were there, some lady found a wrapped condom in the fresh fruit area. The bananas, of all places. You told the owner you would write the entire incident up in the newspaper unless he featured your strawberry dessert in his market advertising.”

  If her jaw could really hit the ground it would have by now. What in the world was Bryce Love up to? “Stan, I swear, that whole thing never happened. He must have been drunk or something.”

  Or maybe had too much sex—

  “Well, get on over there and fix it. Do what you must do. My newspaper can’t afford any bad news. We report good news and depend on our readers’ support.”

  “I know that, Stan.” She glanced down at her tennis shoes and bent to tie the loose lace. She’d been in such a rush she’d forgotten her briefcase at home. Now, this business. Holy crap, she didn’t want to deal with him again today. “Do I have to go right now?”

  “Now.” There was no budging Stan when he gave an order.

  “What if I make you one of my fresh pies?”

  “Aurora…don’t test me today.”

  She shrugged. It was worth a try. Stan loved her pies, and his waistline proved it. She smiled a smile she didn’t feel and dragged her feet back to her desk. One way or the other, she would get to the bottom of this issue with Mr. Bryce Love. If she could keep him from touching her and get his mercurial personality to stay put for a few hours.

  Aurora hated to admit she enjoyed the man she’d left a little over two hours ago. She’d raced home, showered, and threw on the first set of clean clothes she could find—a plaid blouse and a pair of jeans. At least, she didn’t smell of their recent tête-à-tête. She bent to sniff her sleeve. The pleasant scent of lavender wafted into her nostrils, calming her irritated nerves. She would need that for what she was about to do.

  Her desk was a sloppy mess. She’d planned to clean it up today and organize more recipes for the column. Not her recipes, she was saving those for Chef Antonio. Who knew he’d love her dessert last night? Tingles ran along her skin at the very thought. She giggled.

  Stan’s shadow fell across her desk. “What’s so funny? Didn’t I tell you to go over to the market now? He won’t be there all day.”

  “He won’t? Oh, darn.” She gave Stan the thumbs up signal and hurried out to her car.

  Driving down the town’s quiet rural streets, Aurora watched for the daily specials vendors wrote on their chalkboard easels placed along the brick-paved sidewalks. Whatever the special was for the day, she would taste it herself and write why patrons would want to eat there. She remained positive in all her reviews. So far, it had worked. Her column received outstanding feedback the past few months, and Stan had been pleased as punch. But not right now. She had to get that business straightened out.

  She pulled her car into the market parking lot and felt lucky to locate an empty spot. The new business was jamming. She grabbed her purse, slung it over her shoulder, took a deep breath, and let it out slow and easy. I can do this. She could face him and not get all hot and needy.

  Instead of heading for the produce department, she headed straight for the back staircase that led up to the manager’s office. She knocked on the door. This time there was no scuffle, only his footsteps as he approached from within.

  “Well, if it isn’t Miss Sunshine. What can I do for you?”

  “Let’s see…for starters, why don’t you explain why you called my boss and put in a complaint about me?” How could he do something like that after their wonderful encounter this morning?

  He tugged her into the room and closed the door behind them. “I had to see you. I didn’t expect such quick results.”

  The thought he nearly got her fired riled her temper. His changing into the more business-like apparel and his sensual musky cologne failed to turn her on this time. He had no right to do what he’d done. He had her work phone number, didn’t he?

  “Well, you did talk to my boss. He said this was an urgent matter.”

  “It is.” Damn his charming smile.

  “No. It is not. It’s all a crock of lies. And I don’t think it’s funny, so wipe that little smirk off your face.”

  He pouted and bent to buss her cheek. “It got me what I wanted. Did it not?”

  “That depends. Before I forget, can I have my personal belongings back? Please.”

  He stepped around his desk, slid open the top drawer, and pulled out a shiny hot pink packet. The condom. He held it out to her in the palm of his hand. “I was hoping we could use this together. I only have eyes for you, you know.”

  She shook her head. “Isn’t that some corny love song?”

  “Love songs are never corny.” He ran his fingers through his tousled hair. “I will sing you an Italian love song—right after we make love. I promise, carina.”

  She snatched the condom and slipped it into her purse. “Please, don’t call me that. It’s nice and all, but it’s a little embarrassing.”

  “If I believe you are pretty, then you are pretty. Is that clear?”

  She laughed at his arrogance. “Are you giving me orders?”

  “Never. I’m trying to make you understand. True beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, and you are in mine right now. I say you are bella.”

  She shook her head in disbelief. “While we’re on the subject of understanding, if you ever pull a trick like this again, I will refuse to see you.”

  She didn’t want to tell him she’d been forced to come there by her boss. Rent was due, and she couldn’t afford to lose her job. But being around this charmer was a painful if not difficult situation to bear. He did things to her with the slightest look, making her self-esteem zoom sky-high. Very flattering, but he knew that, the devil.

  “Ah, please forgive me?” His eyes danced with amusement. He knew how he affected her, and he used it to his advantage.

  “Just because you’re Italian, and you know I love Italian food, please don’t use your Italian charm on me.”

  “Maybe after we are wed, then.”

  “What?” Okay, he was going in the wrong direction again. He had to have a personality disorder. Or maybe a screw loose. “We aren’t engaged and that’s final.”

  “But last night—”

  “We kissed goodbye, a fleeting kiss. No promises were made.” But this morning—oh, my gosh, he took her to the moon again.

  “Okay, you win. I promise you this—” He captured her lips with his and dipped his tongue into her mouth.


  She held him at arm’s length. “You know, this is crazy. Sometimes you kiss me like I’m your soulmate. But that kiss just now? It felt like I was kissing my brother. Not that I have a brother, but even if I did, I would never kiss him that way.”

  “I don’t understand what you are saying. You confuse me.”

  “Ditto. Big time.”

  This morning his kisses set her on fire and promised her everything her heart desired. He was a very perplexing man. Handsome and sexy. But odd. Hot one minute and cold the next. It was the ultimate of confusing opposites. She didn’t want to be turned off and on like a dang water faucet. She wanted the security of a relationship that would last, if and when she found the right guy.

  Bryce stepped back and shrugged. “I have a brother, and I wouldn’t kiss him either.” He bent to kiss her hand. �
��But I don’t give up easily. Can we at least be friends?”

  “Friends? Maybe, if you can be normal for five minutes.”

  Her comment blew right over his head. “Can I take you to dinner tonight at my uncle’s restaurant?”

  Dang it! Why did he have to be related to her favorite chef? His offer was tempting, but she had work to do. A lot of work. Her editor would expect a full story on this whole mix-up business. Tomorrow. So she’d better stay at home and work. “I can’t tonight. Maybe another time?”

  “Yes. Another time.” He sat back behind his desk. “Ciao.”

  “Bye, Bryce.” She closed the door to his office and released a huge sigh.

  An enormous weight lifted from her shoulders. No more Mr. Ordinary one second and Mr. Fireman the next. Sex with him had been incredible, but he had to be in the mood. Obviously. Maybe he was a super hero in disguise? When he was Clark Kent, he was nice and playful but his physical talents were limited. When he had his superhuman powers, his hunger for sex was hot like a firecracker, and she ignited at his touch, exploding with him in the most glorious display of passion.


  Bryce pulled his truck into the market parking lot. He climbed out of the cab and saw her across the way. He waved to catch her attention, but she seemed in a rush. He wanted to ask her name, so he called out in an attempt to be friendly. “Hello again.”

  She smiled and waved back, jumped into her car like a scared rabbit, and drove away so fast he worried she might run over someone. Maybe she was going back to work from lunch and was late again. He smiled and lifted a crate of lettuce from the truck bed. Looked like she would be a regular at the store. It was only a matter of time before he caught her name—or her. Just that thought urged his libido into remembering their little tryst.

  Brent walked out the back door. “Hey, Bryce. I need to run to the bank. I’ll be back in an hour or so. Need anything?” He climbed into his vintage two-door Italian roadster. “By the way, my date is off tonight. Want to go out to Uncle Antonio’s with me after work? He said he’d love to see both of us.”


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