His brother would do anything for a free meal at Antonio’s. Bryce had to admit his uncle made the best veal parmigiana in the world. “Sure. I can shower here to save time. I’ve been craving Italian food lately.” Among other things, like a sexy little blonde who sends my temperature into oblivion.
“Great. Uncle Tony will be glad to see both of us at the same time. He loves to try and tell us apart.”
“He can, more than we think.” And he never tried to fool him for that reason alone.
“Maybe. He raised us from kids. But we gave him a hard time when we could. I’m surprised he still loves us so much.”
He had to chuckle. “Glad he does.”
“Me too. See ya.”
He watched the shiny red roadster drive away. Nice fast car, but a heavy-duty truck was much more practical. He didn’t care for the luxury his money could buy. He enjoyed the basics and the natural way of life—like Miss Right. No makeup, no frills. Just pure desirable female. He shuddered to think what kind of woman Brent would end up with. Probably one of those Hollywood starlet types.
Which reminded him, he wanted to place an ad in the local newspaper. Something along the lines of looking for hot woman who wears pink lacy underwear. That should grab her attention. If she read the paper. He had to try something, anything to find out who she was or where she worked. This morning he’d gotten so involved with making passionate love to her that he forgot to ask her name. What kind of man did that make him? He’d had sex with her twice now and didn’t know what to call her.
Oh yeah, pretty woman.
Bryce set the crate down and loaded the bin, rotating stock so the oldest lettuce was in front of the new heads. She’d asked his name and appeared a little surprised when he told her, or maybe she was disappointed? Hell, now he felt like a fool. Other than wild erotic sex and fresh fruit, what did they share in common? He didn’t know, but he sure wanted to find out.
Antonio’s Restaurant was lit up like a party house. Red, white, and green lights strung around the parking lot, and a scene of Italy painted on the side of the all-white stucco building. The Italian flag displayed proudly by the front door. Aurora had worked all afternoon on the story about Love’s Farmer’s Market. She needed a break, and Italian food sounded wonderful. She also wanted to get Chef Antonio’s opinion on her review of his nephew’s new business while she was there.
When she walked in the door, she sighed. The scent of baked cheese, marinara, and heavenly garlic bread wafted in the air. She loved this place. Even though she’d been here dozens of times before, this time was special. The owner had invited her to drop in. This wasn’t business; this was pleasure. They’d made an actual date to practice making her strawberry pies in his restaurant kitchen next week. Soon, the whole area would know her name. Hundreds, maybe even thousands, would enjoy her pies—
“May I help you?” A young host, dressed in a gray suit with white shirt and red bowtie, smiled and picked up his pencil. “Do you have a reservation, ma’am?”
“Antonio asked me to drop by this afternoon for a good Italian meal.” She coughed, thinking how odd it sounded. “So here I am.”
“I’ll speak to him. Your name please?” He held his pencil ready.
“Aurora Daring,” came the deep voice from behind her.
She swung around. “Bryce? I didn’t expect to see you here.”
“It’s okay, James. I’ll take care of her.” He took her by the arm and led her into a smaller, more personal dining area. Heavy privacy curtains, with the ability to close if the guests so wished, draped across the opening. “You look ravishing.”
“Thank you.”
“I know you don’t drink. How about a virgin?”
She shook her head. What was he up to now? “A virgin?”
“No alcohol, just whatever mix you choose using different syrups. Let me come up with something. Be right back.”
After he left, she glanced down at the dress she’d donned because the restaurant’s attire was semi-formal. This satin, strapless mini-dress had snuck into her closet one day. It was too pretty a pink to ignore. She had slipped on a pale pink pair of princess shoes and matching pink panties. No stockings, it was warm out tonight. She felt wonderful and wanted to celebrate, even if she was alone. And now she wasn’t.
Her mind’s eye envisioned Bryce in his usual gray slacks and a light blue shirt that made his brown eyes even darker. His unruly black curls were meant to run fingers through. He took her breath away, but she didn’t dare let him know. He could be her undoing in a heartbeat. Besides, she’d finally gotten him to agree on being friends. No brotherly kisses and no steamy sex.
Suddenly, it hit her. Each time he’d made sexual advances toward her, he’d been wearing jeans and a T-shirt. The times he’d given her brotherly kisses, he was dressed for business. Was his sex drive inspired by the clothes he wore? Very interesting. She might write an article about it one day. Of course, Stan would never allow her to write anything other than his culinary column. Still, it would be fun to see if she could do it. And the research would be intriguing.
The red velvet curtain pulled back, and Bryce peeked in. “I’m dreaming.”
She smiled. He was funny. “About?”
“You. Where did you come from?”
“Venus?” She thought he was joking and played along.
He stepped inside the enclosed area and yanked the thick curtains closed. “I didn’t catch your name earlier.”
She drew back. What had he been drinking? “Does Aurora sound familiar?”
“Is it your name?”
He stepped closer. “Aurora what?”
Was there an echo in here? “Bryce, are you okay?”
“I am now.” He swept her into his arms and lowered his lips to within inches of hers. “What do you do to me, Aurora Daring? You are bewitching my soul.”
His mouth covered hers, and a fire lit within. That’s all it took to know this was the hero Bryce. The one who could make her hotter than a lighter’s flame in an instant. She closed her eyes and melted against him. His tongue danced with hers, and he nibbled her lips with tender care, exciting her even more. This was what he did to her nether lips. He adored them with his mouth.
She pushed away. “I love the way you kiss me, but I get wet when you do.”
“Down here?” He slipped his hand under her short skirt and cupped her moist mound. The heat of his hand through her panties made her squirm. “Hmm…nice.”
She squeezed her pelvic muscles to control the rising need for deeper intimate contact. “Please…don’t.”
He pulled his hand away and placed both thumbs on her nipples, teasing them through the satin material. They pebbled in response, aching to be touched bare skin to bare skin. Kissed, suckled, and licked. He bent to caress her lips tenderly, and she sighed.
She let go and enjoyed the wonderful lightheartedness flooding her senses. Butterfly wings took flight within her heart. “Bryce, I need to—”
His cellphone rang. He lifted it from his shirt pocket and stared down at the screen. “I have to take this. It’s business. Don’t worry, I won’t forget where we left off.” He touched his thumb to her lower lip and disappeared beyond the closed curtains.
Aurora dropped into a nearby chair, straightened her dress, and put her fingers to her lips. He’d done it again. He took her breath away in a matter of seconds and left just as quickly. She didn’t look up when the curtain drew back this time.
A waiter offered her a glass of water and a menu. “The chef says choose whatever you want for dinner.”
Bryce walked in and set before her a brilliant blue-colored drink garnished with a twisted orange slice on the rim and a cherry stabbed by a tiny blue sword. Long, orange peel curls dangled from the side. It was slushy and pretty. “Try this. A virgin, I promise.”
Well she certainly wasn’t a virgin, so
why should the drink be? She felt giddy knowing this was the Bryce she hungered for and tonight could be magical. Oodles of stimulating passion. “What’s it called?”
“A Moonlight Margarita. You’ll love it.”
She did. It was refreshing like a frozen slushy with a touch of elegance. Warmed from his passionate kisses, she nearly inhaled it. “Can I have another one, only this time with whatever alcohol comes in it?”
“Tequila.” He bent to gaze into her eyes and smiled. “I thought you didn’t drink. Are you sure?”
She squinted up at him, challenging him to deny her anything. “Yes. Please.”
“You drank that pretty fast. You can’t drink the real ones that way.”
“I feel like celebrating tonight. Don’t you?” She plucked the fruit from the glass rim and ate it, licking her lips and smiling for no particular reason.
He chuckled and picked up her glass. “Whatever makes you happy. I’ll be back in a few.”
She wiggled her bottom in the chair. Either the seat was wet or she was leaking. Damn those Kegels. They were supposed to help curb leaks. Obviously not when sexually aroused. She slipped her hand under her skirt and felt her panties. Damp.
“Can I do that for you?” Bryce’s voice startled her.
Back so soon?
She withdrew her hand in haste. What a stupid thing to do. She needed to visit the ladies room. “Where’s my moonlight?”
“Let’s see those.” He grasped her fingers and sniffed them, then wrapped his arms around her and tugged her into his arms. “I’ll be your moonlight, if you’ll be mine.”
He smelled wonderful, a mix of clean soap and Italian food. She allowed him to cuddle her and closed her eyes. Their bodies swayed in time to the instrumental Italian music flowing through the restaurant. Violins, piano, sax—instruments that made slow easy make-love-to-me music.
“I’m glad you’re here tonight. Leave the other guy home more often, okay?”
Bryce leaned back and chuckled, a deep sexy sound. “Whatever I can do to please you, and I would love to pleasure you right now.”
Oh, God, this guy is romance in capital letters.
“Then kiss me and make me shiver.”
He lowered his mouth to hers and teased her lips apart with his tongue. His hands caressed her bottom and pulled her against his hardness. She moaned. His mouth played with hers, nibbling and suckling. He could do whatever he wanted. She didn’t care where—
“Oh no! We’re in your uncle’s restaurant. You can’t seduce me here.” She placed her hands on his broad chest and gave a gentle push.
He chuckled, refusing to let her go. “It’s okay. We’re Italian. It’s amore.”
“Then I need to use the bathroom. Excuse me.”
She hurried through the curtained opening and along the hall toward the rear of the restaurant. One thing for sure, she wasn’t having sex Italian style here at Chef Antonio’s restaurant, even if she had to ditch her hot Italian lover to avoid it.
Bryce glanced down at his watch. Aurora had been gone about five minutes. And that was five minutes too long. He stepped out of the dining room and headed toward the restrooms down the hall from his uncle’s office. Ah, there she was, a dream in soft pink. God, she looked sexy as hell in that dress with her cheeks flushed and her long, bare legs begging to be touched. He nearly growled at the sight of her.
“There you are. I thought you’d run off.” He slipped his arm around her waist and guided her along the hall. “Let’s go in here for a moment.”
“Bryce, I told you we can’t—”
“Ah, but we can.” He led her into the office, switched on the desk light, and locked the door. His uncle had a comfortable futon so he could take afternoon naps before work. There was also a small bar, fully stocked with his favorite wines. “Very private. Very safe.”
“Very wrong.” She put her hands on his chest and looked up at him with those enchanting green eyes.
Big mistake, his nipples pebbled under her palms. He was aroused and so was she. He couldn’t wait to have her again. First, they needed some refreshment to set the mood. He walked away from her fiery body and opened a bottle of wine. Pouring them each a cup, he waited for her to settle on the futon.
“You whisper to my soul, Aurora. I crave your attention. Now that I’ve found you again, I won’t let you go.” He handed her a glass of wine. “This is my uncle’s favorite vino. You will enjoy it.”
She sipped the red wine and smiled. “It’s good. Sweet and not bitter. I like it.”
He leaned back and enjoyed their moment of intimacy. There were so many things he wanted to ask her. He wanted to know everything about this woman who had captured his heart in a matter of days. “What else do you like, mia bella?”
“For starters, all things Italian. I love the food, I like the wine, and I’m growing fond of a certain man.” She gazed into his eyes, and a pink blush dusted her cheeks.
An arrow pierced his heart. He wanted to learn all her secrets and craved her in a way unknown to him before. He could live with and love this woman for a very long time. Walking over to the bar, he retrieved the wine bottle. He poured another glass and topped hers off, then poured two more glasses and left them on the counter.
She giggled and tossed her luscious blonde hair over her shoulders, staring at him as if she were a contented cat. “Are we expecting company?”
“Those are for afterward. Drink your wine. Enjoy the mood it sets for us.” Hell, he needed to slow the raging fire inside, or he wouldn’t last long enough to take her to paradise.
“I’m already in a wonderful mood. You do that to me. I don’t need alcohol.” She smiled at him, and he swore he heard her purr.
“So you don’t drink much?” He couldn’t wait to touch her.
“A little wine now and then with meals, but don’t indulge very often. I told you that.”
Okay, so she wasn’t a big drinker, but she’d never told him before now. He took her glass away, set it on the desk, and pulled her to her feet. He grabbed the near empty wine bottle on the bar, tipped it to drink the rest, and licked the rim. She was watching him, waiting for him to shock her, and he wanted to do just that. He lifted her short dress with the bottle’s neck and slipped it beneath, caressing the insides of her thighs and making her squirm. Ever closer, he worked the bottle’s cool lip toward her most intimate spot. She wiggled and grabbed his shoulders.
“Just relax, I won’t hurt you. Feel the smooth surface, enjoy the firmness it has to offer.” When the bottle hit her clit, she gasped and dug her fingernails into his shoulders. He knelt before her and lifted her skirt over his head, then kissed her mound through her panties, licking and teasing her. Rubbing the bottle’s neck against her thigh, he inched it ever closer to her pussy.
“Oh, God, what are you doing?” Her whisper came in gasps.
He blew against the light fabric, and she shivered. “I will make your juices flow into this wine bottle as this nice bottle makes love to you. Do you like it?”
She moaned and gripped his shoulders tighter. “No, not the bottle. I want to feel you. Quit teasing me.”
“As you wish.” He set the bottle aside, slipped his fingers inside her to find her G-spot, and rubbed her clit with his thumb. She pushed against his hand and moaned, soft erotic moans that sent shivers to his groin. He wanted her, but he wanted her to never forget their lovemaking. He brought her to a quick little orgasm in seconds.
“That was so good.”
He pushed her dress up to her waist and peeked up at her. “Want more?”
“Don’t ask.”
When he slipped his fingers within again, she gasped and whimpered. She was putty in his hands. And oh, how he loved to play with her, molding her desire into an explosion of passion. Pumping his fingers in and out, he licked her in the creases of her thighs and wallowed in her feminine scent. She turned him on in a way no other women had. Aurora was perfect for him. She smelled good, tasted
good, and she loved sex. Lots of sex. He needed her in a way that made him want to brand her as his own. If he gave her the best sex ever, she would never be able to forget him.
“How did you come into my world, mia bella? You are what I have been looking for all my life.” He meant every last word.
Aurora sucked in a deep breath. His sweet words sent suggestive messages to her heart. This man had gotten under her skin far too fast, but she couldn’t resist him. What would it be like to be with him all the time? She shivered at the delightful thought. Sex with him was the ultimate high. She would never get enough.
With little effort, he pulled her dress over her head. “Ah, you are so beautiful.”
She kicked away her princess slippers and stood wearing only her skimpy panties. Her pelvic muscles quivered, and she awaited his touch with held breath. His lips made a trail down her neck and over her stomach to the heated point between her thighs. He blew warm breath there, and her response was to cover herself. He held her hands away with one hand and tugged the G-string panties down her legs with the other, kissing each leg in a request for her to lift it so he could toss the panties aside.
“I’m going to make love to you, Aurora.”
She nodded. “Yes.”
How could she say no when her body was screaming for total release? She wanted to melt like a wax candle and mold herself to his body, so she never had to let him go. This was insane, but she’d never felt so doggone hot—ever.
He nibbled at her lips, nudging them open for his tongue to play with hers, teasing and coaxing her to join in his erotic dance. His forehead touched hers, and his gaze was so close she felt she could drown. “You are an incredible woman, and I want to devour you.”
“I’m not going anywhere.”
Bryce stripped off his shirt and laid it aside on the futon. He kicked out of his loafers, slid his slacks and briefs to the floor, and kicked them off. He pressed his naked body against hers, moving her back toward the cool plaster wall. Holding her hands above her head with their fingers entwined, he kissed her passionately. His thick cock throbbed against her pussy, making her ache with need.
Taste Me Page 6