Taste Me
Page 12
The news changed his life, and it wasn’t for the better. He didn’t want to tell her about being a twin now. He would back away and allow Brent to claim his prize.
Son-of-a-bitch. Pregnant.
Tears streamed down Aurora’s face. Nothing she could think of would take away the pain stabbing at her heart. She would never forget the confused expression on Bryce’s face at her news. She thought he might be concerned. Or at worst, upset and refuse to see her. But to say he was sorry? Sorry he’d made passionate love to her? Or sorry that he might be stuck being a father? No. He was just sorry.
He wouldn’t call her. She would never hear from him again. She resigned herself to having the baby alone. That’s what she’d intended to do in the first place, right after she noticed her missing periods. When she did a pregnancy test, the positive answer slapped her in the face. Pregnant. And the only lover she’d had in a long time was Bryce Love.
She pushed herself up from the sofa and wandered out into the kitchen. Another yogurt sounded yummy right about now. Maybe she’d get so fat she couldn’t waddle to work. Maybe she would drop out of sight for a year and show back up with a toddler in tow. No one would know whose baby it was unless it came out with dark wavy hair and brown eyes. She imagined a miniature Bryce and shoved the image aside. She picked up a spoon and dug into the yogurt cup with vengeance. The creamy, smooth food always made her smile, and she did, through her tears.
Damn the devil.
Why couldn’t something work out in her favor just once? All she wanted was a man to love her the way she loved him. A man to hold her and make her feel like she was the only woman he would ever love. A man like Bryce. He’d done well in all those things up to the last critical moment. She’d told him she was pregnant. And he’d run like the hounds of hell were chasing him. What was she gonna do now?
“What has gotten into you? This isn’t the relaxed, laid-back brother I know.” Brent stretched out his legs and propped them on his desktop. “You seem all hyped up about something. What’s going on?”
Bryce plain wasn’t in the mood to talk about it. Just knowing his brother had won the girl of his dreams made him sick. “I need to go away for a while. There’s this farm down near Lynchburg I want to check out. Their lavender production is fantastic and maybe give it a shot on our farm. Anyway, I need a few days away, so I’m leaving.”
“And what am I supposed to do? You know I don’t like farm work. I had enough of that when we were kids. Dad was a slave driver, if you remember.” He waded up a sheet of paper he’d been reading and tossed it into the trash.
“Dad was a hard worker. I wish you had a little more enthusiasm for what this market sells, and what it’s all about. It’s so much more than flirting with the blondes who walk through the door downstairs.”
Except for one particular blonde.
He would eat his words, if Aurora ever came near him again. She meant more than words alone could express and was worth fighting for, but he wasn’t sure how to go about it when she wasn’t his anymore. She belonged to Brent now. Or at least she should. The lazy, egotistical, reckless playboy. His double in so many ways, but not in the most important.
“Hey, I’m not complaining about the blondes. I love all this attention your awesome newspaper ad gave me. I appreciate the boost to my image too. The ladies love me. Thanks to you, I have a date almost every night.”
His familiar grin was irritating. He wished he had a strip of masking tape to use like when they were young and Brent talked too much. “You’re supposed to be looking for a wife.”
“Don’t want one.” He popped a handful of candied nuts in his mouth. “Besides the deadline was up long ago, and you never found a girl either.”
“I had one. You ruined it for me. Remember?” Maybe he could tape him to the chair and spin him until he was nauseous.
“You can find another woman. No problem for you.”
He should leave before he busted Brent in the face again. He’d had enough of his brother’s casual remarks about women when a very special woman needed a father for her unborn child. If Brent wasn’t more careful where he holstered his gun, he would have a population explosion on his hands.
“I don’t want another woman.” A wicked thought popped into his mind. What if he could force Brent to do the right thing and marry Aurora?
Brent popped more candied nuts and leaned forward to grab his water bottle. “I didn’t know you were in love with her. How many times have I told you that? Besides, I haven’t seen Aurora since the day I brought her here to meet you. To tell her we’re twins. But you left, and the opportunity passed. She’s avoiding me now. I thought we could be friends, but for some weird reason, she told me to stay away.”
Imagine that?
She didn’t tell him she was pregnant, or he would have bragged about knocking her up and getting away scot-free. No, the honor of learning she was going to have a baby fell on his shoulders—if only it was his child.
“At least there are plenty of fish in the sea of love. Right?” Brent scrunched up the empty candy package and tossed it into the trashcan.
Their old joke about switching girlfriends rang sour. He was done with this conversation, but he had one more thing to say. “Okay, Brent. I challenge you to find a bride within the next two months, marry her, and settle down. Or else you can sign the entire business over to me and go your merry way, screwing all the blondes you want to screw—without Dad’s inheritance.”
“Ouch. You’re still mad.”
“Maybe. But there’s a lesson to be learned here. You can’t always stomp on people’s feelings, Brent. Grow up and be a man.”
“I should punch you for that comment.” Brent stood and straightened his tie to appear tough and in control.
His brother needed to hear the truth. Even if it hurt a little. His overblown ego could handle it. “You won’t because I hit harder than you do, and you don’t want your face all smashed up. The blondes wouldn’t like you much then, would they?”
Brent dropped back into his chair in defeat. “I accept the challenge.”
“Good. You can handle the market business with our small crew. They’ve been at it long enough to know the ropes, even if you decide to show up late.” He had to leave soon, or he would hit the late afternoon traffic on US-95.
Brent harrumphed. “Really? As if I’m late all the time.”
“Be honest, Brent. You haven’t been around much lately. You’re always running off here or there. Anything to avoid the work load, and I need your help. Take this challenge seriously. It’s the last one we’ll ever make.”
“Is that a promise?”
Damn right it was. Because he had every intention of pursuing Aurora’s affections, so she would agree to marry Brent and make him own up to fatherhood. “Yes.”
“That means you have to find someone to marry too. Are you over her yet?”
“I’ll manage.” He could be in close proximity with Aurora, if he refrained from touching her. He had to do it to make things right for her and the baby. “We start when I return.”
Brent held his hands high the air and laughed. “I surrender. It’s a deal.”
“Good.” He picked up his briefcase with all his farming information. “See you in a few days. Remember…you can only have one blonde.”
Walking out of the office without grinning was difficult to do. Bryce planned to snare his brother into marriage with Aurora. He wanted him to be decent and take care of the little problem he’d created. But damn it all to hell, he sure didn’t want to see him with Aurora, kissing her and touching her. That would be the biggest challenge of all—keeping his cool.
To think Brent had sampled the special magic he’d felt with Aurora made him cringe with regret. Bryce had given his heart to her, something he had never done before. She was that important. Her happiness was the most crucial thing now. He could do this. It would be his wedding gift to them both.
p; ****
Antonio’s kitchen smelled wonderful as Aurora walked in the back door. But chaos reigned, and she stopped to watch the drama unfold. Antonio was upset about something, and his sous chefs were the target of his anger. He ranted as he paced the floor, scolding them and shushing those who dared to answer out of turn. He picked up a large bundle of what looked like lettuce, but he was so upset most of his broken sentences slipped into Italian, and he lost her in the translation.
A young man with reddish curls peeking from beneath his slanted chef’s hat pointed in her direction. She forced a nervous smile, wary Antonio’s temper might continue with her showing up unannounced. She took a step backward, ready to turn and leave if the need arose.
Antonio glanced over his broad shoulder and spun around with a wide grin. “Oh, it is you, mia cara. Come in, come in.”
“I didn’t mean to interrupt anything. If this is a meeting—”
“No, you are welcome anytime. I told you so.” He motioned toward a stool for her to sit on. “Here, rest a momento. I am almost done scolding my crew.”
“Did they do something wrong?”
“No, not yet. My nephew sent the wrong lettuce, and my sous chefs were about to serve it on our plates. That will never do. I am explaining the importance to them.”
That’s when she noticed he was holding a beautiful head of green leaf lettuce, but that’s not what he used in his salads or his garnishes. “You wanted Romaine, right?”
He turned back to his group of talented chefs and frowned. “See? Even she knows the difference. Now someone get on the phone to our supplier and pick up the right lettuce before our dinner rush—fretta!”
Aurora wasn’t sure of the translation but perhaps he meant hurry? His face reddened from his outburst, and then he broke into a wide smile and set the lettuce aside. The kitchen routine hummed back to normal. One chef stood by the door, almost yelling into the wall phone, and the rest ignored her to do Antonio’s bidding.
“So you are taking me up on our little dealer, eh?”
“Dealer?” She laughed. “You mean arrangement?”
“Yes, that is the word, arrangement.” He slipped an arm around her shoulders and led her out through the swinging doors. “Let’s go into my office and draw on some paper.”
She loved the way he messed up the English language. “To make our agreement official?”
“Yes. We will be partners in this dessert of yours. In return, I will teach you how to make Italian pastries. Agreed?”
“I agree.” She followed him down the short passageway. “Thank you, Antonio.”
He paused outside a door. “Thank you, Aurora with the beautiful eyes.”
She blushed at the compliment as he opened the door.
Oh no. It was the one place she would prefer never to see again.
She crossed the threshold behind him. Memories assaulted her, and there was no way she could hold back the tears. Bryce. What a fool she’d been to love and lose such a wonderful man.
Antonio stared at her with curiosity. “What is it, mia cara?”
His concern only made it worse. She sniffled. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to—”
“Hey, Uncle Tony—”
Aurora knew that voice. She swung around. Bryce stopped talking before taking a step inside the office and closing the door. She swiped at her tears with the tissue Antonio handed her. “What are you doing here?”
“I could ask you the same thing.” Bryce handed a slip of paper to Antonio. “It wasn’t me who messed up the order. You can take it up with your other nephew.”
“Thank you, Bryce.” Antonio glanced from his nephew to Aurora and back again. He pointed at her with raised bushy eyebrows. “This is the one your heart lusts after, no?”
“Yes.” Bryce’s tone was hushed. “She’s the one.”
Antonio got up from his chair and walked around the desk. “I’ll leave you two lovebirds to work it out then. I expect results. Is that understood? Don’t unlock the door and come out before you settle this mess between you.”
Aurora followed Antonio. “I have nothing to say to him.”
“Oh, but you do, mia cara.” He spun her around to face Bryce and whispered into her ear. “Make this boy a man and don’t come out of my office until you do. Enough of this foolishness. Capire?”
Words wanted to form, but when she opened her mouth, nothing came out. She glanced at the chef. He nodded and blew her a kiss with his fingertips. The obstinate older man left and the door clicked shut. The room fell silent. No one had talked to her like that since her dad died. Chef Antonio had treated her like a naughty little girl. She should be furious with him, but she was more furious with his nephew. He’d promised to call but left her high and dry. She’d cried her eyes out for days, weeks even. She swung back around to face her nemesis.
“What’s this all about, Bryce?” When she was finally able to speak, her voice was hoarse. “What have you done this time?”
“This time?”
“You told him we’re engaged, and we were never engaged.”
“Is there an echo in here again, or are you hard of hearing when it’s something you don’t want to hear?” She plopped down into the chair and took a deep breath. She closed her eyes, counted to ten, and released the breath slowly. Calming exercises were useful, or so she’d been told. Somehow, they never seemed to work.
“I didn’t do a damn thing.” His voice sounded close, much too close.
Her eyes flew open to meet his heated gaze, and his lips lowered toward hers. So handsome, so delectable— “Don’t you dare kiss me.”
“I wasn’t planning on it.” He backed up and paced the floor. “It seems we have a problem here. We can’t leave unless we work things out. And I want to work things out with you.”
“There’s nothing to work out. We aren’t engaged and never will be. I told you I was pregnant, and you walked out. You never called, and you never came back. End of story.”
“I’m sorry. I was confused and didn’t know what to say.”
“Obviously, you said something to your uncle, or he wouldn’t have shut us in here.” She wrung her hands together. “I’m not in the mood to have my feelings yanked around. I care for you, but I won’t be walked on.”
“I would never walk on you, Aurora. Give me a chance to explain.”
He was back in hero mode, but for the life of her she couldn’t figure out which one he was—the sexy seducer or the egotist who proposed. She recalled the jeans and T-shirt image. Her gaze wandered up his strong thighs clad in a pair of Western-cut blue jeans. Muscles begging to burst from beneath his tight-fitting green T-shirt tucked in at the waist, just above—
Oh, God. This was the sexy hero.
The one whose touch drove her over the edge with delight.
“Aurora? Are you feeling okay?”
She stood and pushed past him to the door. She turned the knob, but Antonio had locked it from the outside. Whirling on her heel, she glared at the root of her problem. “What kind of sick joke is this, Bryce?”
“My uncle’s?” He walked across the room and pulled her into his arms. “Maybe it isn’t such a bad one. He wants us to make up and work things out.”
He was going to kiss her, and she couldn’t do a darn thing to stop him. She didn’t want to. Pregnant or not, this was what she wanted. To be held and loved by this man. She missed him dearly. His strength, his voice, his sexy smile…his lips descended closer.
“No. Please.” Her plea sounded as fake as it was, more like begging him to proceed.
“But I’ve longed for this moment, mia bella.”
“Me too,” she whispered with no attempt to hold back the groan of contentment. Being held in his arms was comforting and soothing to her ragged nerves. She’d been on edge for weeks now. Wondering where he was and what he was up to. Wanting to hear from him and hoping he would drop by the newspaper office.
“May I kiss you, Aurora?”r />
How could she say no? This is what she’d craved for the past month. Over and over each night, she’d relived their heated passion. The ache between her thighs, the wetness after she’d dreamed of him. It was all meant to be. He was the one.
She surrendered to passion. “Yes.”
His lips lowered to hers, and she caught fire. Her body wanted to melt into his and stay there forever. She needed to feel his bare skin again. Tugging at his T-shirt, she managed to get it over his head and did the same with her own. He lowered his mouth to her breast and suckled there, sending her body into little spasms of joy.
This was right. His manner of making love was delectable like he was. Maybe this one time, she could forget what he’d done when he walked out and never called like he promised. She could forget she carried his baby. She could forget everything and simply enjoy being loved again.
Bryce hadn’t planned it to happen this way. He had barely returned from the lavender farm to hear about the mix-up in the grocery delivery. He’d driven straight to his uncle’s restaurant to straighten things out. And here he was, holding Aurora in his arms. The one woman he wanted more than anyone else. Her brazen sexiness drove him insane with desire. It had been far too long. His passion unleashed its own personal fury in the form of needs. He needed to make love to her again. He needed to bury himself deep within her. And he needed most of all to fulfill both their wanton cravings. He also needed to be honest.
“Aurora, I want to tell you something.”
She put her fingers to his lips and shook her head no. She rubbed his rock-hard erection through his jeans. God, but he wanted her now. She wanted him too, and they had this moment all to themselves. No interruptions, no reason not to make love right here on the futon with his uncle’s permission.
Bryce lifted her into his arms and carried her across the room. When he lowered her to the cushion, she raised her hips in invitation to remove her leggings. He tugged them free of her smooth silky legs and ran his hands up her inner thighs.
She moaned and covered his hands with hers. “Take off your clothes.”
She smiled, a sexy little smile that sent flames through his veins and made his cock pay attention. He was a goner. No way could he resist her request. He stepped out of his boots, shoved his jeans and shorts to his ankles, and kicked them away with his sock-covered foot. “Tell me what you want, mia bella.”