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Protected by the Biker (Grim Reaper MC)

Page 10

by Savannah Rylan

  I was overwhelmed with desire and how he was capable of making me feel. With his hard cock deep inside me, my hands on his chest and my nipple into his mouth, I came.

  I could feel my juices flowing out of me and my toes curling in the water. I gripped his chest with both hands, using the muscles on his body as support while my body writhed.

  "Yeah, come for me, baby," I heard him growl as my body spasmed out of control. My swollen clit was rubbing against the rough hairs around his cock, sending my body into a further tizzy. My pussy was sliding up and down the length of his cock, and my nipples were throbbing from being in his mouth.

  "Fuck, yeah!" he roared, just when I felt him release too. Thorn's seed shot deep inside him, while I continued rocking over his body. His cock thrust in and out of me, till I could feel both our juices mingling together. He came like a wild animal, gripping me tightly by my waist, roaring with every thrust and emptying himself deep inside me.

  It felt like hours later that our orgasms finally began to subside. I was out of breath, exhausted and feeling relieved. I crashed down on his chest, the water in the tub still gently lapping against our bodies. He began stroking my damp hair.

  "You are like a fucking bomb," I heard him murmur, and I smiled when I heard his voice. It was crazy that I had this effect on him, that he couldn't control himself around him. I had already pictured Thorn, having spent his life surrounded by sexy beautiful women who were way better in the sack than I was. Even though I might have come across as someone with a lot of sexual experience, I wasn't. Ryan had officially ruined sex and relationships for me, till I met Thorn. Now, I felt like the floodgates had opened and all I wanted, was to constantly have his cock inside me.

  I could feel my eyelids beginning to droop, as I lay like that on his body, with my cheek pressed against his chest.

  "I hate to break up the party, but I have to go out. Meet the guys, see what plans we can come up with," I heard him say.

  I lifted my head up to look at him, and I pouted my lips.

  "I really wish you didn't have to go," I said, and Thorn smiled before he pinched my chin and pulled my face to his, so he could kiss me again.

  "And what will you wear? Your jeans are soaking wet!" I exclaimed with a laugh when he pulled his lips away from me again.

  "I'll throw it in the washing machine and tumble dry it," he said, and I rolled my eyes and tried moving away from him. He didn't let me. Thorn wrapped his strong muscular arms around me and kept me close to his body.

  "Ensley, you trust me right? You trust that I'm keeping a close eye on you and your safety?" he asked, staring into my eyes. How was I supposed to explain to him; that the reason I didn't want him to leave was because I wanted to spend more time with him, not because I was concerned about my safety?

  I nodded my head instead, and he smiled again. The moment was short lived. Within minutes, we were both getting out of the bath. I respected the fact that he needed to go out and meet the other members of his MC, as much as I didn't want him to go.

  We dried ourselves off with fresh towels, and I wrapped one around myself and led him to the laundry closet where the washing machine was. When I turned to look at him, I saw him staring at my ass. A thrill ran down my spine. I felt beautiful when Thorn looked at me like that.

  Chapter 19


  "But we still don't know if he's actually in LA or not," Brooks said, while a cigarette dangled from the corner of his lips. I'd arranged for my brothers to meet me at a cafe two blocks from Ensley's apartment. I didn't want to stray too far from her, and the others had reluctantly agreed.

  Meeting at a cafe, in an upscale LA neighborhood, wasn't exactly how we rolled. None of the guys knew what to order at this place either. At Dirty Harry's, we were served our usual drinks without asking. Jamison and Beckett ordered espressos, while the rest of us just sat around at the al-fresco table, smoking our cigarettes. Right under a huge sign, that said 'No Smoking.' None of the staff or our fellow customers had come up to ask us to put our cigarettes out yet.

  "Yeah, just because he called her on her phone, doesn't mean he's actually in the city," Brooks added, while Topher and I nodded our heads.

  Brooks had managed to hack into the NYPD database, to retrieve all the information they had on the asshole. Now, as I looked at the printed out versions of his records, I could see that the guy had several run-ins with the law. He had been arrested for stealing cars and robbing gas stations in the past-general violent behavior. Two women, before Elsey, had made reports of abuse.

  I slapped the file of papers down on the table between us and ran a hand through my hair.

  "Get his bank account then," I said, looking at Brooks. He was good with computers and was capable of hacking into secure networks online if he put his mind to it.

  "What good is that going to do?" Becket asked, and Topher gave him a glare like he was stupid.

  "His account activity could tell us if he's in LA or not!" he said and Beckett nodded his head.

  "You think you can get that done?" I asked Brooks, and he shrugged his shoulders.

  "Shouldn't be hard," he said, and Jamison slapped him on his back.

  "You got into NYPD's database, brother," he said, and Brooks nodded his head again.

  "Yeah, I'll give it a shot," he added.

  "Good," I said, pulling out another cigarette from my pack. "That's the best shot we have right now, to trace the bastard," I said.

  Jamison held out a lighter to the end of my cigarette, and I blew a mouthful of smoke into his face, which didn't affect him.

  "What's your plan?" he asked me, and I took in the first drag of the cigarette. I had already given the guys a schedule, for who was going to watch over Ensley when. In order for her security detail to be functional and top quality, it was important that we all got enough rest so we could be alert. This wasn't going to be a one-time job; it was going to be a twenty-four-hour task, and I needed everyone to be on top of their game. That was true for me too.

  I quickly realized that the more time I spent around Ensley, the more distracted I was going to be. I needed to figure out a way that I could spend some time away from her while keeping an eye on her as well. It was obvious to me that I couldn't do my job well if I were with her all the time.

  "I'm going to rent a place close to her," I said, and Jamison's eyes widened.

  "You hooking up with her?" he asked, and some of the others exchanged chuckles. There was no point hiding it from my brothers for very long. They had already sniffed out the truth, and the reason for my sudden interest in her.

  I shrugged my shoulders instead of answering, and a loud cheer rang out in our group.

  "You're tapping that ass!" Brooks accompanied that with a wolf whistle, and I smiled as they continued making jokes.

  "About time someone showed her the good life," Beckett added and I held up a hand to shut them up. A couple of minutes was enough. They needed to be set straight.

  "She's still paying us," I said, and the others stopped talking. They still had delighted looks on their faces, amused that I was fucking Ensley Adams, but they were also aware of the fact that I was the President of the club now and they needed to shut up when I told them to.

  "Here's the thing boys; she's still our client. I'm banging her, but she's paying us to get the job done, and we're going to do it well," I said and crushed the lit cigarette on the ground, stubbing it with my shoe. The others nodded their heads in agreement.

  "I'm going to try and trace him through his bank account," Brooks said.

  "And we'll take up duty in front of her apartment following your schedule," Topher added, and I nodded my head.

  "Good. We'll be in touch. I expect you boys to be on your best behavior around her," I said and stood up from my chair.

  "No time for a drink first?" Beckett asked as I started getting ready to leave.

  "No time for a drink. We need to sort this shit out first, get paid and move on," I said, and turnin
g from them, I started walking back towards Ensley's apartment building.

  Moving on from Ensley and this job; wasn't going to be as easy as I made it appear to my brothers. However, they didn't need to know about my growing attachment towards this woman. For all they were concerned, she was our first new client at this job, and I also happened to be fucking her.

  That was all.

  Chapter 20


  I tried to keep myself busy while I was in my apartment. I had already missed several calls from my publicist and later texted her to say that I was under the weather. Thankfully, she was understanding enough to not keep pestering me, and her priority was that I should be fit enough to be ready for the shoot for the second season. It was coming up three days from today, and I was hoping that Thorn and the rest of his team would be able to put me in a better position by then.

  I couldn't help but think of him while I waited. I didn't know what to expect or what kind of information he would come back with. I didn't know how soon it was going to be possible for me to leave the apartment. For now, no matter how many cancellations my publicist had to make; I knew it was not safe enough for me to leave.

  It was late evening, and I was still trying to keep myself occupied. Watching TV was boring, and I was too afraid to read my emails, worried that Ryan would have gotten a hold of my personal email address and might have written to me there too. I was walking on eggshells around the apartment, and beginning to grow weary waiting for Thorn. I couldn't stop thinking about him and what all this meant for our relationship.

  Was this going somewhere, or were we just two people who had been thrown together by circumstance?

  When there was a knock on my door, I approached it on tiptoe. Like I was afraid that it was going to burst into smithereens and Ryan was going to appear on the other side.

  "Ensley, it's me," Thorn's voice was strong and confident, and I swung the door open to see him standing there, with his hands stuck deep into the pockets of his jacket.

  He came into the apartment and shut the door behind him.

  "I've put the rest of my core team members on shifts, to watch your apartment," was the first thing he said when he came in.

  The first thing I wanted to do, however, was to throw my arms around his neck and kiss him. I had to do everything I could to hold back from following my instinct. This was supposed to be a professional conversation.

  "Okay, are they going to be right outside my door?" I asked, and Thorn nodded his head.

  "Someone will be at your door, and one of the guys will be downstairs, watching the entrance to the apartment building at all times," he said, and I clasped my hands together nervously and nodded my head.

  "Okay, that makes me feel better," I told him, and Thorn stepped towards me.

  "I've given them instructions that you should be watched at all times," he added, and I had to crane my neck to look up at him, the closer he came to me.

  "Does that mean that I can leave the apartment?" I asked, a smile tugging the corners of my lips. Thorn nodded his head. He had an expression on his face that told me that he was glad he was able to please me.

  "Yes, you can go out, and you will have someone with you at all times," he said. Our bodies were just inches apart, and I could breathe in his strong masculine scent now. I wanted him again, and I was trying my best to not make a complete fool of myself.

  "And what about you?" I asked, hoping that he wasn't able to see the way my lips were quivering.

  "I've rented a hotel room a few blocks down, so I'll be close to you," he said, and I tried to ignore the way my heart fell. What did I expect? For him to move in with me? Realistically, we had only known each other for two days. He had no reason to move in with me.

  I smiled weakly at him and nodded my head.

  "Okay, that's good. I'm happy with this arrangement," I told him, and Thorn reached out a hand and placed it on my shoulder.

  "It'll be all right, Ensley. I'm going to do some digging around tonight, and in a few days, I'm sure that I'll know his location," he said, catching my gaze. I nodded my head and smiled. I wanted him to know that I trusted him and I appreciated everything he was doing for me. A complete stranger.

  Thorn hooked his forefinger under my chin, tipping my face up in his direction. I had been avoiding looking at him directly, and I could sense that he wanted me to see him.

  "Nothing is going to happen to you. I'm going to make sure of that," he said, and I stared into his blazing green eyes. My gaze dropped to the tattoos that were crawling up the side of his neck. I had seen this man naked, and I wanted to see again.

  His hand left my face and traveled down the front of the plaid shirt I was wearing.

  "I really need to keep my hands off you," he said, his fingers fumbling with the buttons of my shirt. My breasts were heaving now. I could feel my nipples pebbling under my shirt, just as his large warm hand slipped in through the shirt and cupped one breast.

  "But you are so damn sexy, it's a sin," he added in a growl, squeezing my breast, as his other hand reached for my ass. He pulled me close to himself, and I gasped when my body thudded against his. He could turn me on at the blink of an eye. Just looking at him made my pussy quake with desire. It was already beginning to swell up in my panties.

  "I don't want you to resist me," I said, in a low shy voice, and he slipped his hand away from my shirt and then down the front of my jeans.

  "But I need to do my job," he said, bringing his face close to my ear. He was whispering, as his rough stubbled cheek brushed against my own soft skin.

  "I'm your employer, and I'm asking you to fuck me," I said, and Thorn's mouth was on my earlobe, flicking and sucking it. There was no going back from this.


  Thorn's thick fingers were down the front of my jeans and inside my panties. He was nuzzling my ear and my hair, while his fingers sought out my swollen clit. I was writhing in his arms, moaning and clinging on to him.

  His fingers slipped into my pussy, and I felt like I was about to explode. He pushed me with his body so that my back was pressing up against the wall of my living room now.

  I could feel his cock thrusting into my thigh as he held me in position, his fingers sliding in and out of my folds. I was out of breath, moaning and calling out his name. His mouth lapped against my other earlobe now, just before he pulled that into his mouth and started sucking on it again.

  His fingers inside my pussy were like a time bomb going off in my body. Inch by inch, the rougher his movement got; I knew that I was on the brink of coming.

  I dug my nails into his back and bit down on my lip as I tried to hold back for a few minutes longer. He wanted me to come. His stroking became rougher by the second, his fingers played with my folds, his thumb stroked my clit. I could feel my juices sticking to his fingers, and he slipped deeper into my pussy.

  With one hand, his free one, he shoved my shirt off my shoulders. My breasts were on full display for him now, and quickly he took one nipple into his mouth. That was about all I could take. I weaved my fingers into the hair in the middle of his head. I held on to him by twisting my hand around it. His mouth continued to suck on my nipple.

  "Thorn, please, I'm about to come," I screamed, as I felt my body slipping out of my mind's control.

  His fingers had reached that spot deep inside me, that spot that was going to set my orgasm in motion now. Repeatedly, his fingers stroked me, the friction against the walls of my pussy was too much to bear.

  "Come for me, princess," he growled again, and that was all I needed.

  With his fingers still inside my pussy, I felt myself explode. My juices trickled out of me, his fingers slipped in them, and now a wet slapping sound filled the air in my apartment while he fucked me with just his fingers.

  My jeans were wet from my own cum, my panties were soaked, and my body was shaking out of control. I was standing on my tiptoes now, while I sank my nails into his jacket. His mouth remained on my breasts, su
cking one nipple and then teasing the other with his teeth. He didn't stop thrusting his fingers into me till I had finally stopped coming.

  My breathing was hard, I wanted to collapse right there to the floor, but I managed to hold myself back. Especially because Thorn still had a grip on me. Slowly, as the voice of reason started to return to me, I felt him slide his fingers out of my pussy, and then out from my jeans.

  Thorn stepped away from me, not concerned by the juices that covered his hand.

  I knocked the back of my head against the wall. My breasts were heaving, I could still feel my swollen throbbing clit recovering in my panties. Every time we had sex, I felt exhausted. Like I had given all my energy to him, and I had none left to keep going.

  "I really should get going," Thorn said, and when I gazed down to the front of his jeans; I could see the bulge. He was turned on, but he didn't want to stay. Something told me that he was making a firm decision on this. He didn't want to spend any more time in my apartment than absolutely necessary.

  Was making me come a necessity?

  I drew the stray strands of my blond hair away from my forehead and could feel the beads of perspiration that covered my face.

  "Yeah, sure, hope you have a nice night," I said and tidied up my jeans.

  Thorn was watching me intently like he was trying to figure me out from my behavior. I tried to be as cool as I could pretend to be.

  I had asked him to fuck me. Now he was leaving. Did he consider giving me orgasms a part of his job? Did he think that I needed them to keep me sane and relaxed?

  I didn't want him to read it on my face; that 's what I was thinking. I wanted him to think that none of this affected me as much as it really did.

  When I looked up at him and met his eye, I saw that he had clenched his jaw.

  "I'm going to be working," he replied to my earlier statement, and I nodded my head. We were not in a relationship. He didn't owe me an explanation of what he was going to be doing tonight. I was paying him and his crew to provide me with their protection, and as far as I could tell, he was getting the job done.


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