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Ladies of the Night OMNIBUS Collection: Sizzling Romantic Suspense

Page 8

by Taylor Lee

  Jase paused and emitted a heavy sigh. Focusing on Sapphire, his frown was apparent.

  “As I said earlier, it is a good thing that Sapphire is strong and multitalented as her role is to bait this evil man—essentially get him to take her on as a conquest. If that isn’t dangerous enough, what we are hoping is that she can uncover concrete evidence of his role in the trafficking arena.”

  Jase let the silence settle for a moment underscoring the seriousness of the mission. Even though Sapphire had studied the evil man they were targeting, the grave expression on Jase’s face, and the obvious concern of the others, underscored the dangers she was facing. Jase’s recounting brought her back to the present. Turning to her, he underscored the obvious.

  “The reason your role is so essential, Sapphire, is that Ventrilo prefers, make that he insists that any woman he personally associates with has your physical characteristics. Not just any beautiful woman will suffice. We’ve tried introducing other women, including Ruby, and while Roberto is pleased to keep them around for his visual pleasure, he has not taken them as conquests. Unfortunately the only woman that we are personally aware of who met his requirements is Aimee Carpenter, Senator Carpenter’s oldest daughter. It was her disappearance that led us to Ventrilo’s link to the trafficking arena.”

  Pausing once again, Jase froze the image on the screen. The stunningly handsome, well-dressed man with the flashing dark eyes, lean body and a shock of long black hair secured at his nape with a leather cord, could have been any successful international entrepreneur. That he was a drug lord who romped with some of the most dangerous men in the world had been known by the authorities for some time. That he was also a crazed sexual sadist and likely a murderer of beautiful young women who looked like her was new news. It should have frightened Gabriella. Instead, it galvanized her.

  She now knew her role in the op and accepted it eagerly. Taking down evil men was her mission in life. But something in the man’s eyes that he had unknowingly revealed to the camera unexpectantly filled her with dread. In that captured image, she saw the demonic evil that Jase had been describing. Catching his eye, and seeing his concern, Sapphire swallowed hard, choking back her fear. Grateful that her voice didn’t crack or waver, she addressed the group as a whole.

  “Caligula was murdered by men he trusted. This modern day tyrant is about to meet the same fate. My job is to get him to trust me as much as Caligula trusted the men who killed him.”

  She paused and added dispassionately, “Which I will do without hesitation, and with pleasure.”


  “You two, wait here. I want to speak with you both.” Diamond’s customary frown deepened as she turned to Sapphire. “Particularly you.”

  Sapphire’s chest tightened. Naturally her formidable boss would have to add that last warning. Just as she was beginning to feel that she had redeemed herself with her confident claim that Roberto Ventrilo would meet his demise at her hands, Diamond cut her down again and, of course, in front of her team.

  Having already said good bye to Ian and Noah, and even managed a cursory nod to Jase, Gabriella had congratulated herself on making it largely unscathed through the meeting that had cost her a sleepless night of worry. Knowing that she would be meeting with the intimidating troika the first thing in the morning had ensured that what little sleep she might have had was a pipe dream at best. She still didn’t know how she had finally fallen asleep after castigating herself for hours. She ranted and raged at her image in the mirror for everything from agreeing to meet Jase alone, to allowing him into her house. What she regretted the most was not telling him to go to hell and take his stupid mission with him.

  Two hours in the middle of the night, beating the punching bag in her home gym until her hands and arms throbbed with the effort, followed by a blistering hot shower and finally half a bottle of wine, couldn’t erase the most agonizing memories. It wasn’t the fact that she’d submitted to—make that participated in—one of the most electrifying kisses she’d ever had, in front of at least 100 noisy patrons in the bar. No, that behavior was uncalled for but paled in comparison to the assault she endured against the wall in her living room. Even now as she silently groaned at the memory, she startled at the shivers of sensation that flickered between her thighs. Good God, just the thought of Jase’s arms around her, his tongue in her mouth and, admit it, his searching fingers pushing aside her panties, were enough to make her swoon.

  It was that last thought that caused her the most agony. Dammit, why had she worn what she did? It would have been so easy to wear jeans or her trademark leather pants. Both discouraged wandering hands. But no, even though she was meeting a guy who could best be described as “sex on a stick” she’d decided she could do him one better. She’d chosen a short flirty skirt, knee high boots, a stretchy halter that made the most of her full breasts and a leather bomber jacket. As her mother would say, wrinkling her nose in distaste, “What did you expect, Gabriella?”

  Even though her mother was wrong and men should be able to control their sexual impulses no matter what the woman wore, in fairness, Sapphire admitted that she wanted Jase to find her attractive. She wanted him to be enticed. Turnabout was fair play wasn’t it? God knows, she was definitely enticed. As it was she could hardly breathe thinking about him particularly when her wayward brain went to those expert fingers of his. It was bad enough when he slid his hand up her thigh, squeezing the sensitive skin. But when he cupped her sex and then moved the scrap of her lace thong aside she almost collapsed from the sensations rioting over her.

  Sapphire reminded herself that was when he stepped back. Stopped. Made it clear that he was in charge right down to how much excitement he would allow her to have. She should despise him. At one level she did. He was precisely the kind of man she did despise. Arrogant, overbearing, and, in Jase’s case, devastatingly handsome.

  As if her life wasn’t tormented enough, now here she was faced with her unsmiling boss ordering her to follow her into her private quarters for what was sure to be a stinging reprimand. She’d known that at some point she would have to face Diamond’s ire without the buffer of Ian’s presence. But why did the intimidating woman have to make sure that the rest of the team knew that she is on probation at best. She thought that she’d handled herself well in the meeting. She’d been calm, professional and assertive. In other words, she’d been the epitome of the trained agent that she had spent her adult life becoming. Now, like a naughty child ordered to the woodshed, she followed her martinet leader into Riley’s inner chambers. Gabriella refused to look back at the three men she most wanted to impress, not wanting to see the amused expressions she was certain were on their faces.

  Closing the door behind her, Sapphire was grateful when Ruby reached out and squeezed her hand. The surprising gesture underscored that her fellow agent knew what she was going through. It also confirmed that Diamond was as fearsome as she appeared and that Sapphire wasn’t the only “lady” who had faced her ire. The thought was comforting and she threw Ruby a grateful smile. To keep from dwelling on her boss who’d marched to sit behind her desk as if mounting her throne, Sapphire took in the redheaded woman beside her.

  Ruby was indeed more petite than most of the agents Gabriella knew but she was surprisingly voluptuous. Her high, lush breasts, curvy hips, and cloud of bright auburn curls dancing down her back were show-stopping. Her cheerful smile and confident laugh were engaging. Gabriella had seen how the three men in the room brightened when Ruby smiled at them or let loose a peal of infectious laughter. And why wouldn’t they? Sapphire had felt that same appealing warmth from the vivacious sprite. But Ruby was clearly more than merely a beautiful woman. Her sharp retorts and insightful questions had livened the debate among the six of them. Intuitively, Gabriella knew this diminutive woman was not to be messed with. Glancing at Diamond’s stony countenance, she breathed a grateful sigh and squeezed Ruby’s hand. It was good to know that she had a worthy teammate.

“I hope you know what you are getting into, Sapphire. This mission promises to be one of the most challenging I’ve agreed to. If Ian hadn’t come to me specifically requesting that I provide one of my agents. I would’ve dismissed it out of hand.” Her already stern expression hardened more. “And I can assure you that I wouldn’t have recommended you.”

  Gabriella nodded wondering if somehow her snappish boss thought that she hadn’t already made that clear. Not for the first time, Gabriella wondered how a woman as stunningly beautiful could be such a hard core bitch. She responded gamely, refusing to be cowed by Diamond.

  “I know you’re angry with me, Diamond, but, I assure you, I’m up to the operation.”

  Diamond gave a dismissive sniff. “You better hope you are. This is the last chance you will have to prove that you’re LOTN caliber.” For emphasis, and because she apparently liked piling on, Diamond added, “If it wasn’t for the fact that our mark has a penchant for willowy blondes with blue eyes and big tits, we wouldn’t be considering you.”

  To Sapphire’s relief, Ruby broke in.

  “Diamond’s correct, Sapphire. Jase got me into the Caligula but I didn’t get more than a friendly pat on my ass from the demonic Roberto Ventrilo. Seems that redheads don’t cause the predator’s flag to rise. But, I will tell you, you are golden in more ways than one.” Her lip quirked up and a twinkle sparkled in her dark brown eyes. “Except for the fact that this gig is dangerous as hell, the fact that you get to enter on the arm of that luscious eye candy, Jase Malone, turns me green with envy.”

  Before Sapphire could respond to Ruby’s surprising assertion that she was entering the job on “Jase’s arm,” Diamond took up the theme.

  “And that, Sapphire, is my primary concern. Jase Malone is not a man to toy with.”

  Before Sapphire could deny that she ever would toy with the arrogant man, Diamond cut her short with a sneer.

  “Before you deny it, know that Malone has a reputation with women that rivals the most outrageous lothario you’ll ever hope to meet. Add to the fact that he is charming and the single most dangerous man I know, except perhaps for Ian Ross, you will do well to put aside any foolish thoughts that the man may be interested in you as any more than a partner.”

  Sapphire gasped. Good God, had she given herself away? Somehow telegraphed to the insightful woman what had happened last night? Knowing that her cheeks were flaming she glared at Diamond and did her best to respond dismissively.

  “I can assure you, Diamond, thinking that Col. Malone is interested in me as anything more than an agent is the last thing I would do. I have spent the last six years of my life working with men who were convinced that they were God’s gift to women. Agent Malone is simply one more tiresome, arrogant man strutting around the barnyard; behavior that I find humorous— not appealing.”

  Diamond sniffed. “Well, just be sure that you understand the rules, Sapphire. When it comes to men like Jase Malone and Ian Ross, you cannot keep your defenses high enough. They simply assume that they are irresistible and it is only a matter of time until they add you to their long list of conquests.”

  Startled at Diamond’s inclusion of Ian Ross in her male bashing diatribe, Sapphire glanced over at Ruby. Seeing the redhead’s widened eyes and arched brow, it was clear that Ruby was as surprised as she was by Diamond’s telling remark. Striving to capture control of the conversation Sapphire nodded.

  “Trust me, Diamond. The only thing that I want from Jase Malone is a partner worthy of me. I know he is arrogant and accustomed to running the op. And, yes, I know I’m inclined to chafe under that kind of leadership. But, I assure you, I will not disappoint you. If Col. Malone is as good a commander as he thinks he is, it will be a pleasure to work with him. And to let him know that he isn’t the only agent on the team with a corner on danger. I’ve faced down men more compelling than Jase Malone. A lot of them didn’t live to tell about it.”

  Diamond didn’t hide her contemptuous grunt but the twinkle in her eye that disappeared almost as quickly as it came, confirmed that she understood Gabriella’s saucy claim. For a moment Diamond almost seemed human, less a real life Gamora, the anti-heroine sprung from the Guardians of the Galaxy. Sapphire mused silently; maybe her boss actually was warning her in a good way, not merely to harass her.

  Walking out to the parking lot, Ruby reached over and grabbed her arm. Her eyes sparkled with mischief.

  “Now wasn’t that an interesting remark from the Ice Queen? Ever since I joined this crazy company everyone from the janitor to the limousine driver has been trying to get a take on the Ian-Riley connection. We all know that he fronted the money that allowed Diamond to start the company and he has a damn big say in who gets hired and who gets fired. I trust you know that if Ian hadn’t spoken up for you that you’d be history. But that tinge of bitterness in our boss’s voice when she warned you about Jase Malone made me think that maybe the stunningly handsome Ian Ross provoked the gem hard Diamond.”

  Sapphire wasn’t the least bit interested in the Ian-Riley dynamic except as it affected her. She shivered uneasily. It wasn’t that she didn’t appreciate the handsome man’s endorsement but it hurt that Diamond only kept her on because Ian encouraged her to. An unwelcome thought crossed her mind and without thinking she blurted it out.

  “Do you think the reason Mr. Ross supported me…is because I fit the physical description of the woman they needed for the op?”

  Ruby shrugged. “Probably. And also likely because you might be the most beautiful woman I’ve seen, except for the Ice Queen.”

  Gabriella frowned, not hiding her disappointment. Ruby picked up on it immediately and squeezed her arm.

  “Look Sapphire, I saw that damn video. The whole company is whispering about it. The rest of the ‘ladies’ including yours truly thought it was sensational. Damn, girl, Diamond gives you not one but two direct orders and you not only ignored her but you tossed off your com as if she was a nosy mother nagging in your ear.” Ruby laughed her delightful laugh. “Gotta tell you, girlfriend, that was one of the more ballsy moves I’ve seen.”

  Sapphire gave an embarrassed chuckle. “Okay, I’ll admit it wasn’t the smartest thing I could have done. But, dammit, I was so close to getting the documents we’ve been after for four months and she was telling me to abandon ship, turn tail and run like a coward.”

  Ruby shook her head in appreciation, “Like I said, honey, that was one ballsy move.”

  Ruby tugged on her chin as if considering her next statement, then blurted out, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

  “But I’ll tell you who did appreciate you telling your boss and her money bags sidekick to fuck off: Jase Malone. Bad boy that he is, he was clearly amused that you ignored their direct orders. He all but told the imperial Diamond Legree that she needed to take the stick out of her ass and appreciate your audacity. It didn’t help that Ian Ross agreed. Both about your willingness to go it alone and that Diamond is one uptight babe. Which, as you might guess, didn’t go over well with our, stick up her ass, boss lady.”Before Sapphire could give into the pride that swelled though her, knowing that at least she’d convinced the men on the team that she could hold her own, Ruby knowingly zeroed in on the reason Sapphire still felt vulnerable.

  Ruby cocked her chin and said pertly, “Speaking of bad boys, let me tell you, girlfriend, if you make it through this mission without spreading your legs for that seriously gorgeous hunk, you will be a better woman than I.”

  Gabriella gasped unable to hold back her shock at the thought that Jase and Ruby had been together. Oh God, wouldn’t that be the worst? The fact that the guy she’d practically begged to take her had already made the rounds of her agent team? Forcing herself to ask the question she didn’t want to hear the answer to, she stammered, “You…you mean that you…and Jase…”

  Ruby let out a peal of laughter and shook her head.

  “If you are asking if Jase Malone has ever looked at me the way that I saw him looking at yo
u today? Sadly, sweetheart, my answer is no. To my regret, I haven’t. But Diamond was right to warn you. The guy is a first class player. But he’s also one of the best agents you’ll ever meet. No doubt about it, he is one commanding hottie. He’ll even make you toe the line.”

  She gave an exaggerated shiver and chortled salaciously, “But, I gotta believe that following his commands could be one of the most exciting things you do in a lifetime of sex. Just think, you’ll be able to tell the grandkids, ‘I was fucked by the most gorgeous man alive.’” Ruby whistled in appreciation. “Talk about crossing a big one off your bucket list!”

  Sapphire was still trying to deal with Ruby’s outrageous remarks when she rounded the corner and saw Jase lounging lazily against her car. Seeing the impish glint lighting his bewitching emerald eyes, Sapphire closed her eyes and admitted to herself with a heartfelt sigh, “Damn, woman, you are sooo screwed.”

  Chapter 11

  Taking a deep breath, Sapphire bit down on her lower lip. Hard. She didn’t care if it bled. It was the only way she could hope to control the rioting sensations raking her body. Shaking her head in dismay, she admitted that the daunting man draped against the hood of her car, was simply not to be believed.

  She’d only allowed herself surreptitious glances at Jase in the meeting, which wasn’t easy. As he strode across the front of the room, describing their target and what the team could expect, it was hard not to gape at him. It was challenging enough to pretend she didn’t notice his tight black jeans cupping a world class ass or the black t-shirt hugging his lean muscled chest and arms. The fact that he chose rugged leather boots and an equally interesting leather belt confirmed that the guy knew how to dress to impress his audience. Particularly if the women in the audience were as besotted with him as Gabriella was.


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