Ladies of the Night OMNIBUS Collection: Sizzling Romantic Suspense

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Ladies of the Night OMNIBUS Collection: Sizzling Romantic Suspense Page 29

by Taylor Lee

  “What I always understood, but now more than ever, is that you are a prince, Noah. You’re royalty. And as royalty you assume that anything you want, for as long or as short as you want it, is yours for the taking.”

  Biting down so hard on her lip that she tasted blood, she added, “But, not me. I’m not a plaything, Noah, for you to amuse yourself with.”

  Noah’s disbelief morphed into icy cold before her eyes. Pressing his lips together in a hard line, he spit out the words. The chill in his voice froze her breath in her throat.

  “I do not know what the fuck you are talking about, Ruby. All I know is that you clearly don’t know who or what I am. You don’t have a clue what makes me tick or drives my spirit. You apparently think I’m some over privileged asshole who thinks he can take anything that suits his fancy for the moment.”

  He took a deep breath and continued. His words were as cutting as his tone.

  “And you know what, sweetheart? I’m not in the mood to try and persuade you otherwise. You think I’m a thoughtless son of a bitch who came on to you because of a couple of glasses of tequila? That because I’ve had other women that you’re simply an additional lay I can add to my stable? You know that’s not true, Ruby. But I’ll be goddamned if I’m going to try any harder to convince you.”

  He leaned over and opened the car door wider. He gave her enough of a shove that she landed hard in the seat.

  “Get in your damn car, Ruby. And drive carefully. Given what the tequila made you do tonight, it might not be safe for you to drive.”

  He reached across her and fastened her seat belt then slammed the car door so hard the impact reverberated through her. Ruby watched him, in her rearview mirror, stride across the parking lot to his sleek black and silver Porsche. He yanked open the door and folded his long, muscular frame into the low slung driver’s seat. In seconds, he was peeling across the parking lot—his tires squealing fiercely. Ruby leaned against the back of the seat forcing herself to suck in one shallow breath after another. The screeching sound of his angry tires cut across her twanging nerves. They were so loud that Ruby barely felt the aftershocks slamming up her spine. She told herself that she should have, but she didn’t. She was far too numb to feel anything except despair.

  Chapter 9

  Seeing Ian’s name on the caller I.D., Noah debated whether to answer the phone. The last thing he wanted to do was to talk to anyone—much less his boss. Reminding himself that Ian never called unless it was important and work related, he punched in the hands free button on his option-loaded dashboard and answered the call.

  “What’s up, Ian?”

  Ian’s smooth baritone was questioning.

  “Interesting, Noah. Precisely the question I was going to ask you.” When Noah didn’t answer, Ian continued. “Since you know very well why I’m calling, let’s cut through the dissembling. I’m at home. See you in twenty minutes.” Click.

  Noah huffed a disgruntled sigh. Dammit, this was all he needed. Obviously Ian was calling about the scene at the restaurant when he baited Ruby and then practically dragged her to her car. He grunted. Wonder what his boss would think if he knew what happened at the car. But then, given that he and Ruby had hardly been discreet, Ian might very well have heard about the dark man accosting the beautiful redhead in the parking lot. At least that’s how an uninvolved observer could have interpreted their actions. Noah groaned and shook his head in dismay. What he needed to do was go home, throw himself into his physical regimen and do his damndest to blot out the image of Ruby’s shell shocked face when he’d practically thrown her into her car and slammed the door, before striding across the parking lot like a dismissed teenager.

  Damn, he really needed to don a pair of gloves and flay the stuffing out of his punching bag. Instead he was meeting with the most astute man he knew who would see through his angst in about three seconds flat. He groaned at the thought and what was sure to come next. Christ, somehow he would have to explain to Ian the things that he’d done in the last twelve hours that he couldn’t begin to explain to himself. God help him! Should he start with the fact that he’d literally attacked Ruby, his teammate, in the MMA Ring? Okay, attacked was too strong a word. To be precise, he’d spanked her. Yeah, he’d pinned the 110 pound woman beneath his 200 plus pound body and then spanked that pert, curvy ass of hers. Which he admitted was nothing compared to what he’d wanted to do to her. How about fuck her brains out? Was that dramatic—literal enough—of a description of what he’d wanted to do? And what he had almost done in the parking lot fifteen minutes ago. On the hood of Ruby’s car, no less. As if that wasn’t bad enough, when she’d responded to his raging lust with lust of her own, he’d turned righteous, played the honorable man card and pushed her away.

  Jesus, no wonder Ruby was upset, Noah thought, yanking at the neatly trimmed facial hair on his chin. He slammed his eyes shut trying to blank out the memory of the emotional roller coaster that had stormed across her expressive face. Ruby had gone from disbelieving to pained, and ultimately to angry in a matter of seconds. Of course, she’d struck out at him. Why wouldn’t she? He’d been an arrogant asshole, unbelievably thoughtless. He shook his head trying to blot out the scene and then gave into the real reason for his dismay. Taking a deep breath he admitted that he wanted Ruby like he’d never wanted a woman. Ever since the night at the Washington bash, he’d been wrestling with the knowledge that what he felt for the stunning redheaded vixen went way beyond professional friendship. And a hell of a long way beyond a commander/agent relationship. Which was a problem, to say the least, given that not only was Ruby engaged, but he himself was practically betrothed to Natalia. It was an action that his parents had been telling him since puberty that he needed to make happen.

  Doing his best to calm his raging emotions, Noah knocked on the heavy paneled door to Ian’s palatial home. The understated architectural masterpiece was discreetly hidden behind a grove of pine trees and lush foliage. Miguel, Ian’s dark-skinned man servant, opened the door and ushered him in. Miguel had been with Ian as long as Noah had known his boss. As always, the portly Hispanic man was polite but guarded. His loyalty to Ian was unquestioning, as was his discretion. Nodding to the door at the end of the hallway, he said, “Good evening, Mr. Walker. Mr. Ross is waiting for you in the library.”

  Melodious notes from Gershwin drifted from the library. As Noah entered, Ian rose from his high-backed arm chair and pointed the remote at the speakers sequestered behind the glass doors of his stereo system lowering the sound. Crossing the room to the impressive bar, he welcomed Noah over his shoulder.

  “Come in, Noah. Thanks for coming. May I offer you a drink? I’m having a particularly pleasant Garrafeira Vintage Port. Or does that frown on your face indicate that you need something with a little more bite?”

  Noah shook his head and forced himself to laugh.

  “No, Ian, as always I will defer to your choice of libation. In that the only person I know who is more partial to expensive liquor than you are is my father. I would never refuse any alcoholic drink that either of you offered me.”

  A distant smile crossed Ian’s striking face as he took another Riedel Vinum Port glass from the well-stocked shelf of exotic crystal glasses. He poured a healthy portion of the rich, dark red liquor and nodded to the chair across from him. Motioning for Noah to sit, Ian handed him the liqueur he’d poured and then resettled in his chair. Picking up his glass from the table next to his chair Ian raised it to Noah. Tipping up his glass in response, Noah silently watched Ian. His astute boss let the silence settle between them as he often did when he had something important to discuss. After several moments he spoke carefully as though he was choosing his words.

  “Interesting that you should mention your father, Noah. That is one of the reasons I wanted to see you this evening.”

  Noah was surprised and frankly relieved. He’d been preparing himself for Ian’s inquisition regarding Ruby and breathed easier knowing that the topic of discussio
n was another of his father’s attempts to exert control over him via his boss.

  Noah flashed his host a smile. “And what have I done now to get my paterfamilias to call on my boss to rein me in?”

  Ian quirked an amused brow.

  “This time his target is me, Noah. He’s given up trying to convince you.”

  Noah shrugged. “He gave up trying to convince me a long time ago, but trust me, he hasn’t given up on you. He’ll use you when he has to because he believes that you can make me understand the importance of doing my father’s bidding when he is unsuccessful convincing me.”

  Ian’s eye twitched with the beginning of a smile. “No, Noah, in this case, the Senator is actually annoyed with me.”

  “Well, Ian, from my perspective that’s a nice change. What have you done to warrant my father’s displeasure?”

  “It won’t surprise you that he is upset about your latest mission.”

  Noah shrugged again.

  “Yes, he’s made that very clear. He doesn’t like any of my missions but this one has him seeing red, or in this case seeing black.”

  Ian nodded in agreement. “Obviously you understand why he’s upset. He accused me of using you to ‘race bait’ our target.”

  “Hmm, yes, he said as much to me. Only he blamed it on me, not you.”

  Ian smiled. “Nope, this time he came out with barrels blazing aiming directly at me. He said it was a disgraceful attempt on my part to use your race to incite the FAN leaders.” Ian’s smile widened to a grin. “He wasn’t happy when I agreed.”

  “It’s good to know that you aren’t letting his interference sway you any more than you usually do.” Seeing Ian watching him closely Noah added, “I am still commanding the mission, correct?”

  “But of course, Noah. As much as I admire your father, and you know that I do, I admire you even more. You are one of my three top agents and, yes, you and I specifically decided to use your race to ‘bait’ our homegrown terrorists. It was your suggestion and a brilliant one. And, as with all of your actions, Noah, a courageous one.”

  He paused for a moment to sip on his port.

  “However, I do have another question for you, Noah, regarding your parents. I’m wondering how they will react to the fact that you have fallen for one of your fellow agents.” At Noah’s shocked gasp, he added casually, “They’ve made it very clear that they’ve had your and Natalia’s wedding announcement penned and poised for the Washington Post for a decade now. I’m confident that the guest list is drawn and the invitations ready for distribution. Given that, do you have any advice on how I should handle the seismic quakes that shake the land from the East Coast to the West when the Senator learns that his son’s carefully arranged marriage is being ‘unarranged’ by a sprightly redheaded special agent?”

  Noah didn’t try to hide his surprise. He stared at his mentor in amazement. Realizing that he’d been on target regarding Ian’s purpose for calling him in, Noah took a long, slow breath, determined to respond as coolly as Ian had uttered his bombshell remark. But, before he could craft a cogent response, Ian held up his hand.

  “On the one hand, it’s none of my business.” He shrugged then allowed a smile to quirk his lips. “On the other hand, it is very much my business.”

  He rose from his chair and walked over to the bar. He lifted the bottle to Noah. “Would you like a refill? Or perhaps we should move on to a hardier libation. How about a tumbler of Glenmorangie Extremely Rare 18-year-old Scotch?”

  Glad for the reprieve and the moment to regain his composure, Noah nodded.

  “Yes, by all means, bring on the Scotch. But don’t waste your expensive stuff. I plan to drink it as fast as you can pour it.”

  Ian laughed lightly. “Good Scotch is never wasted, Noah. And feel free to drink it as fast as you need to.”

  When they had both taken a hearty swallow of the intense alcohol, Noah faced his mentor and spoke carefully.

  “Sorry to inform you, Ian, but for once you are off base. There is nothing between Ruby and me.” At Ian’s questioning frown, he forged ahead. “If you have any doubts about that, I suggest you ask her. Ruby has made it very clear that she thinks I’m a pretentious, over privileged asshole. I believe she called me ‘royalty.’ While you and I know that isn’t true, apparently Ruby is convinced that she and I are societal levels apart. I don’t have to tell you, Ian, how offensive that view is to me.”

  Ian frowned thoughtfully. “Hmm. I’m not as surprised as you appear to be at that description. You have to admit, you do have a rather rarified background. Particularly compared to Ruby who has had to claw her way to every opportunity she has earned.”

  Noah managed to suppress his anger at Ian’s apparent acceptance of Ruby’s disparaging view of him. Before he could take him on, Ian stopped him.

  “We both know that you have spent your life trying to break the elite chains that your family has tried to tether you with, Noah. It must be challenging that Ruby buys into that meme.”

  He held Noah’s gaze.

  “So, at least as far as she says, Ruby isn’t as enamored with you as she might be. Let’s accept that for the moment, but how do you feel about her, Noah? Are you denying that you are very much taken with that appealing agent?”

  Noah aimed for the sidelines rather than the goal line.

  “Of course I’m ‘taken’ by her, Ian. How could I not be? She is without a doubt one of the most beautiful women I know. Hell, even if she didn’t have that glorious hair and that lush body and didn’t wreak sexuality with every move, her laughter alone would capture me.” Seeing Ian’s quizzical expression, Noah quickly added, “As, of course, she has captured all of us. Hell, look at the way that Gray and Jase respond to her. They fight to be next to her. She’s that appealing.”

  Forcing himself to hold Ian’s gaze, Noah added firmly, “Even if I was ‘taken’ by her, as you say, you are also correct about my personal situation. I’m close to being formally engaged to Natalia. And though she wouldn’t admit it tonight, Ruby is engaged to be married.” He added scornfully, “To a fucking idiot if you ask me.” He sucked in a deep breath and didn’t bother to hide the animosity apparent in his voice. “But then, she didn’t ask me.” He faced Ian squarely, “I hope that puts your concerns to rest, Ian.”

  Ian regarded him contemplatively and took several leisurely sips of his Scotch before he chose to answer. When he did, he sounded almost philosophical, as if he were trying to unravel a conundrum.

  “It’s interesting, Noah. I’ve watched you all of your adult life break those familial shackles in ways that only you could have. With the father that you have and the standards he’s set for you, it takes a strong, principled man to take him on. But you never did the things you did to spite him or to rebel. You simply choose to follow your own path. Moreover, in every endeavor you undertook you excelled, rose to heights beyond anyone’s expectations. I don’t have to tell you, Noah that you are an impressive man. If you aren’t aware of it, your mother and your father are exceedingly proud of you.”

  “Thanks, Ian. You’ve been a great mentor and a helpful bridge between my father and me. But you are clearly trying to say something else.”

  Ian huffed an amused sigh. “That transparent am I, Noah? But, yes, you are correct. I do have a question that is begging to be asked.” He hesitated then said, “As I said before, in every important aspect of your educational, and/or professional life you fought to follow your own path, damn well insisted on it. Which is why I find it hard to believe that in such a central part of your life—who you will love and spend the rest of your life with—you seem to bend to the inevitability of your parents’ wishes.”

  He held up his hand to stop Noah from interrupting.

  “Let me finish, Noah. I agree with your parents. Natalia is a lovely woman and, at least on the surface, seems to be the ideal woman for you to marry.”

  Noah snorted. “But?”

  Ian shrugged. “Let me put it simply, my f
riend. In all the times I have been with you and Natalia, at one elaborate event after another, I’ve never seen you look at her the way I see you looking at Ruby.”

  Stunned at Ian’s matchmaker candor, Noah started to disagree. But he stopped mid-sentence. He found he couldn’t pretend. Ian was too damn smart and for some reason he didn’t want to tell a convenient half-truth. To Ian—or to himself.

  After a long pause, he emitted a rueful sigh. “You’re right, Ian. I’ve never come close to feeling for Natalia what I’m finally admitting I feel for Ruby. Which makes the fact that she thinks I’m an over privileged asshole, who only wants to fuck her, a cruel joke. She’d never believe that I want so much more. Ergo, why she has chosen to marry a man who doesn’t begin to appreciate what an incredible woman she is. It would almost be funny—but it isn’t. She has decided to marry a man who’s the opposite of me in every way. And I’m essentially engaged to a woman who couldn’t be more different from Ruby if she tried.”

  He met Ian’s concerned gaze and shook his head.

  “It’s a losing proposition, Ian. And after what happened tonight, I’m self-protective enough not to force myself on a woman who doesn’t get who I am at my core.”

  He laughed—a harsh sound even to his ears.

  “It’s like I told Gray, for a guy who’s supposedly had everything handed to him on a silver platter, apparently the silver spoon in my mouth doesn’t apply to my love life. In that regard I’m a pauper, a fucking idiot who can’t get to first base with the woman I’m crazy about.”

  Chapter 10

  “Anything I can do to help, Bro? I’m not accustomed to seeing my best buddy looking as though his world has come to an end.”

  Noah startled, and looked up to see the concerned expression on Gray’s usually smiling countenance. For a dismayed second, Noah wondered if Ian had talked to his cohort. He dismissed the thought as rapidly as it came. He knew Ian would never break a confidence. Ian may be the most devious man Noah knew, but he was also the most honorable. Noah sucked in a lungful of air and then released it slowly forcing himself to respond unconcernedly.


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