Ladies of the Night OMNIBUS Collection: Sizzling Romantic Suspense

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Ladies of the Night OMNIBUS Collection: Sizzling Romantic Suspense Page 30

by Taylor Lee

  “I’m not sure what you are talking about, Gray. I just—”

  Gray interrupted before Noah could finish his sentence.

  “Cut the crap, buddy. You almost bit my head off last night. And when you dragged our little redheaded agent to the parking lot, you looked like a damn marauder. Nothing like the suave guy we all know and love. C’mon, Noah. Out with it, before Ruby arrives. What’s wrong, man? If I did anything—”

  Noah cut him off. “Hell, Gray. You were nothing more than your usual annoying self. Besides, what could possibly be wrong, Bro? We’re about to do what you and I like best. Strap on a shitload of weapons and get out there and take down a bunch of criminal sons of bitches. If anything, we’re about to make our world, and a lot of other peoples’ worlds, a hell of a lot better.”

  At Gray’s narrowed gaze, indicating that Noah’s response hadn’t swayed him, Noah continued.

  “But I’ll admit, there’s a lot that can go wrong with this gig. If Ian and I are right and there’s a mole in the ATF, we may have more than our hands tied behind our backs.”

  Gray grunted in agreement. “How about having our dicks in a sling, so our hands can’t get to them no matter how horny we are.”

  Turning toward the sound of infectious laugh pealing across the courtyard, Noah’s heart leapt at the sight of Ruby striding toward them. He was gratified to see her looking almost as cheerful and sprightly as she usually did. But he didn’t miss the dark circles under her eyes or the way that she focused her attention on Gray not him.

  “I have to ask, guys. Do any of you ever think about anything other than those appendages dangling between your legs? Just wondering since every mission I’ve ever been on, since my early days in special ops, the goal of my male teammates has been to protect those precious little firehoses of theirs at all costs.”

  Gray bounded across the patio and picked Ruby up and swung her around.

  “Hey, short stuff, you can’t fool me, your ol’ buddy Grayson. You know you lassies are as concerned about our jewels as we are. Hell, without these you wouldn’t be able to drive us crazy with your sexy bodies and gorgeous lips. Not to mention, in your case, a head of glowing fire to heat up these ever ready loins of ours.”

  Ruby laughed again and tried to release his hold.

  “Put me down, Gray! You really are crazy, you know that don’t you?”

  Gray leaned down and murmured provocatively, “Crazy about you, hot stuff!”

  Ruby sniffed and shoved at him. “At least you were smart enough not to call me short stuff.” Levelling a cautionary stink eye on his crotch, she said, “Remember, playboy, I warned you what happens to men who annoy redheaded women. They live to regret it!”

  Gray put his arm around her and led her to the table, droning in her ear. “Ooh, tell me, at least give me a hint, saucy minx. What might you do to me before I begin to regret it? Is it painful? Does it involve ropes or other kinds of restraints? Please say yes!”

  Determined not to give into the fury that had him within inches of attacking his best friend, Noah forced himself to join in the sexually infused repartee. Reaching out he knocked Gray’s hand off of Ruby’s shoulder and pretended not to notice Gray’s surprise at the harder than expected move. He took Ruby’s hand and pulled her toward him away from Gray.

  “No need to bring out your restraints, Agent Harper. Your whips and chains should be reserved for the true assholes in your life. They shouldn’t be wasted on a merely annoying rascal like this guy.”

  Ignoring her attempt to pull away, Noah led her to the table and pulled out the chair next to his. After he’d seated her, he waved the server over to their table. “Now that the lady has arrived, Tomás, please bring us menus. And start by bringing a large pot of that strong café you save for yourselves in the back room. This young woman can take on anything you or we can throw at her.”

  Noah wasn’t surprised when Ruby rejected the menu Tomás handed her.

  Instead she faced the waiter directly and said sweetly, “Yes, Tomás, in addition to coffee that will have these two wusses begging for crème, please bring me an order of Huevos Rancheros, with a side of extra hot salsa. Oh, and also bring me an order of pancakes and bacon.”

  Noah couldn’t hide his admiration, hoping that the sudden fullness in his jeans wasn’t noticeable. But, dammit to hell, what could be sexier than a woman with a large appetite and a grin as saucy as her unexpected order. As he gazed at her in appreciation, Noah tried to remember if he’d ever seen Natalia, or his mother for that matter, order such a huge breakfast as Ruby just did.

  He must have given himself away because Ruby shot him a baleful glance and tipped up her chin.

  “What’s the matter, Agent Walker? Haven’t you ever seen a woman who likes to eat as much as you men do? Although in the circles you run in, you probably haven’t had to deal with a woman who hasn’t been taught that it’s not ladylike to out-eat the men at the table. ”

  Rather than taking her bait, Noah ignored her implied taunt about the difference in their backgrounds and smiled.

  “You forget, Agent Harper, I’ve shared many a meal with you. Hell, I’ve even offered up the rest of my dinner when it was clear you were still hungry. It’s a good thing that your clients are willing to pay an arm and a leg for your services. Damn, forget the outrageous fees you ‘Ladies’ charge, your dinner expense account alone would break any but the wealthiest clients.”

  Not willing to let her win the round, he glanced at Gray and added, “Besides, ask my buddy there with his tongue hanging out. What could be sexier that a woman who loves to eat. It speaks to her appetites—all of them.”

  Gratified at the rush of crimson flushing her cheeks, Noah congratulated himself. He’d be damned if he was going to let Ruby control their relationship going forward any more than she had in the past. Fine, if the most they could be was friends, he’d learn to accept that but not without making her pay for it.

  “Just curious, little hellcat. What does that cautious, status-conscious fiancé of yours say about that rapacious appetite of yours?” Ignoring her shocked gasp, he added with a grin. “It must scare the hell out of him.”

  Before Ruby could answer, and pretending not to see the surprised frown on Gray’s face, Noah changed the subject.

  “Okay, team. I didn’t ask you to come here today to discuss our eating habits or those of the people we associate with. This is the last time that the three of us will be together before we assume our undercover roles. I want to go over what we can expect and what the hell we’re going to do when the shit hits the fan—as it always does.”

  He focused on Gray.

  “This is as dangerous a gig as you’ve ever agreed to, Bro.”

  Gray shook his head. “You know as well as I do, Noah, they’re all dangerous. Don’t worry. I don’t underestimate these skinheads, Free America motherfuckers any more than you do. At least I will be well armed. If nothing else my ‘highjacked’—make that illegal—gear will impress them and help ensure that they think I’m one of them.” He glanced at Ruby. “Don’t get your back up, Red, when I say this, but you’re the one I’m most worried about. You’re going in as a fly-by-night bar girl. No question you’ll get hired on at the Back Door Saloon. But, let’s face it, it will be hard for you to justify carrying weapons.”

  Ruby frowned. “For God sakes, Gray. You’ve worked with LOTN agents and you’ve worked with me. You know that we can pack a mini-arsenal beneath the scantiest clothes.”

  Noah agreed. “You’re right, Ruby. I’m amazed what you ‘Ladies’ can hide in the most unexpected places. But Gray is right. I’m having more than a few nightmares knowing that your job is to get in deep with none other than the big guy himself, Clay Drechsler.”

  Ruby lifted her chin and glanced at Gray, then turned a fierce glare on Noah. Her voice was laced with scorn. “Someday, maybe you ‘gentlemen’ will come to admit that we ‘Ladies,’ of the night variety that is, are as skilled and deadly as you are.”

  Noah held her gaze and spoke softly but didn’t hide the intensity he felt.

  “None of us who know you, Ruby, question your skills…or your willingness to kill a man, if necessary.” He paused then released a hearty sigh. “That doesn’t mean that we don’t worry about you and want to keep you safe.”

  Ruby didn’t back down. “From my perspective, Noah, you have the most dangerous role in this little rodeo we’re about to ride in. You do your job, Commander, and I’ll do mine. And let’s hope to hell that we all get out of Cochise County alive.”

  When they finished breakfast, Noah rose and stood behind Ruby’s chair. Nodding to Gray, he said casually, “I want to have a quick word with Agent Harper. Will you get the check, Gray, and then meet me back at my place. We need to go over our armory and make sure that you have all the latest and greatest black market arms available. Weapons that are sure to make your new friends green with envy.”

  Not waiting for Ruby or Gray to protest, Noah pulled back Ruby’s chair and reached for her elbow, helping her to her feet. Nodding to Gray who was staring at him, and still holding her arm, Noah led Ruby across the courtyard to the parking lot. Aware of the similarity of his actions to those of last night, Noah waited until he was sure that they couldn’t be overheard, then leaned down and murmured in her ear.

  “Don’t worry, Ruby. I’m not going to attack you. Trust me, Agent Harper, I learned my lesson. Even though I am an over privileged, arrogant asshole, know that even pretentious royalty like me understand when a woman isn’t interested—in fact when she is appalled.”

  Turning her to face him, he tipped up her chin and forced her to look at him. “I’ll only apologize once for what happened last night, Ruby, and promise you that it won’t happen again.”

  Not able to meet his hard gaze, Ruby closed her eyes. She didn’t know if she could answer him without giving away the tortured emotions that had kept her thrashing about in her bed for most of the night. Forcing herself to speak, she said, “I’m sorry too, Noah. I hope you know I didn’t mean all of those awful things I said. It was just that… I was angry—”

  He interrupted her.

  “Don’t, Ruby. You were right. It probably was the tequila and the adrenalin highs of our upcoming mission that caused us to do what we did. But we need to put it behind us. You need to know that you can count on me as your commander and know that I will never step out of line again.”

  Wishing she had the courage to say that the tequila had nothing to do with how she’d felt, but not willing to embarrass herself further, Ruby nodded in agreement.“I know you won’t, Noah. And neither will I.”

  They were quiet for a moment then Noah held her chin so that she couldn’t look away.

  “Just one thing you need to understand, Agent Harper. I’m not going to stop harassing you about that guy you’ve chosen to marry. I’ll learn to live with the fact that you don’t want me, but Stuart Mason? C’mon, Ruby. Why not just rub acid in my face? The guy is a pretentious prick and doesn’t begin to understand you or deserve you.”

  Ruby pulled away, trying to tamp down her rising anger. Who did Noah think he was? Just because he could have any woman in the world including Miss Black Universe, maybe everyone wasn’t so lucky. Surprising herself, she rose to Stuart’s defense.

  “You don’t understand, Noah. How could you? You don’t know how I grew up. Suffice it to say that my childhood didn’t include nannies and prep schools. Try an alcoholic father who got killed in a bar fight that he started and a pill-popping mother who finally succeeded in killing herself.”

  Jerking free from Noah and refusing to acknowledge his shocked expression, Ruby barreled on.

  “I… I want… a normal life, Noah. The ordinary kind of life everyone except people like me seems to be able to have. I want an ordinary man, not an adrenalin junkie like you and me. A man who makes a decent living and comes home every night after work. I want a home in the suburbs and a couple of kids, and…” She stopped, seeing his puzzled frown, then added bitterly, “Laugh if you want to. Go ahead. How could you possibly understand why all of that is important to me?”

  When she tried to pull away, he tightened his hold forcing her to look up at him. She was shocked at the fire burning in his gleaming eyes and even more shocked when he spoke in a voice rife with emotion.

  “I’m not laughing. Not at all. For what’s it worth, Ruby, I’ve read your sheet. I know the shitty childhood you had. But unlike the unflattering conclusions you drew about me from my background, I was overwhelmed with admiration when I read yours. I’m impressed as hell that almost singlehandedly you overcame hardships that would have stopped 99% of the people who faced them. You fought your way out of hell and climbed to the top of your profession.”

  He was quiet for a long moment as if deciding what he wanted to say. His voice shook with intensity when he finally spoke.

  “As for your need for ‘normal,’ hot stuff? Let me tell you something. Stuart Mason isn’t normal. If he was, he’d be at your feet, singing your praises and endlessly thanking you for choosing him. No, darlin’, he’s a supercilious bastard who doesn’t know the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow when it’s shining in his face.”

  He released her arm and stepped back.

  “One more thing, Ruby. You may think you want normal, whatever the hell that is, but if the woman I had in my arms last night is any indication of what lives inside that fiery body and spirit of yours, the best advice I could give Stuart is to run for the hills. Jesus, baby, you’d burn him to a crisp if he ever dared to really know you.”

  He shook his head, a deep frown marring his brow.

  “No, fire woman, you don’t need normal, ordinary. You need a man who is as driven and passionate as you are. The sooner you acknowledge that, Ruby, the happier you’ll be.”

  Ruby stood still staring at his strong muscular back as he headed to his car. When he reached it, he turned and focused his narrowed gaze on her. His strong jaw was rigid, his expression grim. The pain in his eyes shone through his thick lashes. Ruby understood. It was the same feeling that was making it impossible for her to take a deep breath and much harder than it had ever been to keep the tears burning the backs of her eyelids from falling.

  Chapter 11

  “You gotta be shittin’ me, man. You’re the ATF agent them Washin’ton D.C. hotshots sent in to clean up our little ol’ backward county? You’re the guy who’s gonna send them Hitler lovin’, America-hating, racist sons of bitches your bosses think I’m in cahoots with to jail? With their tails between their legs, no less? What’s the matter with you, Son? You got a death wish?”

  Noah studied the Gabby Hayes look-alike and couldn’t help but grin. With his handlebar mustache, unruly gray sideburns, and beard streaked with tobacco juice, Sheriff Benjamin James Carter, BJC for short, looked like he’d been sprung from Buffalo Bill’s travelling Wild West show. The black Stetson smashed on his head, ornate bolo tie, and checkered suspenders hitching up a pair of worn blue jeans over his portly gut completed the iconic image. Except that Noah was sure this was the get-up this guy had been wearing for most of his life.

  “Well, let’s see if I can uncouple that statement and make sense of it. If you’re asking if I’m Agent Noah Walker who’s heading up the national team that came here to figure out who is running a massive illegal weapons operation in your county, as well as a flourishing methamphetamine enterprise, then I’m your man. And, incidentally, Sheriff Carter, one of our assignments is to determine if the highest ranking law enforcement officer in the county is going to be part of the solution or a big part of the problem. That, Sir, makes me particularly interested in meeting you.”

  Carter studied Noah as forthrightly as Noah had been studying him and then shook his head, not hiding his dismay.

  “I’m gonna ask you jest one more thing, Son, and if the answer is yes, I might jest take the Cochise County early retirement plan that those sums a bitches in the Guvnor’s office has been tryi
ng to get me to take since the new guvnor stole the last election.”

  He hesitated then shrugged. “I’m lookin’ at you and I see a right good-lookin’ black man who somehow looks familiar. I’m gonna ask my stupid question and hope I’m not opening myself up to some racial discrimination bullshit.”

  Noah smiled and nodded at the three ATF agents who were accompanying him and the two sheriff’s deputies who were staring at him menacingly.

  ”Heck, Sheriff Carter, go for it. It’s just you and me here, and five additional witnesses. Take a risk, man. As Muhammad Ali said, ‘He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life.’ ”

  The Sheriff groaned and sighed loudly. “Fine then. Tell me that in addition to being an uppity educated black man, you aren’t also that black Senator’s son. You know the one they’re sayin’ might be president of the U-nited States someday.”

  “Guilty as charged, Sheriff. But don’t worry, my father gave up on me long ago and might even be willing to help you get rid of me. Not permanently, you understand, but off this case. Like you, he has some concerns about his son heading into what has described by some as ‘skinhead’ country.”

  Carter snorted. “Hell, if it was just skinheads we was dealin’ with, even I coulda handled ‘em. But the asswipes you’re after are a hell of a lot more than that. Why their leader might just be as smart as you are, Son. And, no, he don’t have a U-nited States Senator as a pappy but he does have half the elected officials in the surrounding states in his back pocket. Where he keeps ‘em and takes ‘em out any time he wants to squeeze their balls. Jest to remind them who owns this territory—and them.”


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