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Ladies of the Night OMNIBUS Collection: Sizzling Romantic Suspense

Page 33

by Taylor Lee

  Remembering the way that Stuart had tried to diminish her, and Ruby’s quick come back, Noah felt a surge of relief. He actually managed to laugh at the memory.

  “Fortunately compared to Ruby, Stuart Mason is the one-legged halfback in the football game while Ruby is the star quarterback. The fucker doesn’t stand a chance.”

  Gray was quiet for a long moment. “Hmm, funny you mention the fiancé. I’ve broached the subject a couple of times but she shuts me down. Methinks our little short stuff is struggling with her choice, maybe even rethinking it.”

  Noah pounced on Gray’s offhand remark.

  “How do you know that? Has she said something?”

  “Just the opposite. She won’t even call him by name, much less talk about him.”

  Gray paused, then said, in a voice touched with humor confirming that his customary grin was firmly ensconced, “As for how I know? She sighs a lot. Kinda like you do, Bro.”

  Noah didn’t bother to respond. There was nothing he could say. His partner and best friend knew him too well for him to pretend. Instead he assumed his commander role.

  “Thank you, Agent Webb. I look forward to seeing you at the dinner tonight.”

  Gray’s laughter was audible as Noah clicked off his Bluetooth, ending the call.

  Chapter 14

  “I’m delighted that you could join us, Agent Walker.”

  Standing in the entry to the Back Door Saloon, Noah smiled and extended his hand to the flinty-eyed man who was welcoming them. He nodded to the three men standing behind Drechsler. He marveled to himself that in addition to Drechsler’s key man, Logan McIntyre, the other two, Ned Angler and Grayson Webb were plants—his plants.

  “My pleasure, Mr. Drechsler.” Motioning to the three agents beside him, Noah added, “You met Agent Daniels, Agent Parker and Agent O’Hanlon this afternoon.”

  Drechsler’s smile was forced but his tone was congenial. “But of course.” Waving them all forward he said, “Please, Gentlemen, come in. We can never have too many ATF agents in our establishment, right, men?”

  None of the stern characters behind him smiled at his ironic joke.

  “I’ve been looking forward to making your acquaintance, Agent Walker. You have quite a reputation.”

  “As do you, Col. Drechsler, or perhaps you prefer that I call you Mr. Drechsler given the ignominious way you left our country’s armed services?”

  To his credit, at least on the surface, Drechsler appeared to take Noah’s insult in stride. Only the slight tick, hammering at the corner of his right eye, betrayed what Noah was certain was anger.

  “If you prefer, Agent Walker, you may call me Clay. Few people call me Mr. Drechsler. This is an informal town and most of us go by our given names. As for your insulting reference to my distinguished and formally unacknowledged service to my country, you and I clearly have a difference of opinion. As we are about to break bread together, perhaps, at least for the time being, we can put that disagreement aside.”

  Noah shrugged and said, “By all means, Clay. But just so we are clear, my service to my country as an Army Ranger ranks as one of my proudest moments.”

  Drechsler shrugged in return and said dismissively, “I’m surprised, Agent Walker, I would have thought that as an avowed ‘freedom fighter’ your proudest moments would be your celebrated teenage notoriety marching for this random cause or that.”

  Noah chuckled. “I can see you’ve done your homework, Clay. And, yes, as an upstart boy I was a bit of a rabble rouser. I took to heart Malcolm X’s dictum, ‘You don’t have to be a man to fight for freedom. All you have to do is to be an intelligent human being.’ ”

  Drechsler’s eyes gleamed with anger but the man kept his tone remarkably civil, even affable.

  “It’s obvious we are going to have an interesting evening, Agent Walker. By the way, may I call you Noah?”

  “But of course. At the very least we can pretend to be polite even if in our very souls we despise one another and all that each of us stands for.”

  Drechsler studied Noah for a moment then said almost grudgingly, “Wouldn’t it be ironic, Noah, if in our raconteur efforts to outdo one another, we actually came to respect, if not to like, one another.”

  Noah shook his head. “Sorry, Clay. I can assure you. It would be easier to like you than respect you. But neither is possible in this lifetime. That said, I am looking forward to the evening. I always enjoy getting to know what makes my adversaries tick before I take them down.” Noah added for the benefit of the glaring men standing behind their leader, “By the way that ‘take down’ includes the sycophantic followers my target surrounds himself with.”

  At the forward movement and angry growls from at least two of the men behind him, Drechsler raised his hand, stopping them.

  “Gentlemen, please. Stand down.” He spoke to Noah. “Let me introduce my companions. This is Logan McIntyre, Ned Angler and a new recruit of ours, John Stapleton.” He added smiling at the grim-faced men, “You’ll have to forgive our young guest, gentlemen. He is merely trying to antagonize you. Don’t give him the satisfaction of responding.”

  The burly redheaded man with gleaming black eyes standing next to Drechsler forced a grim smile on his face.“You’re right, Clay. We’ll deal with this nig… man the way nature intended. Later.”

  Drechsler frowned and said, “Now, now, Logan. Agent Walker is our guest and for the moment will be treated like one.” He nodded to the man who Noah knew was the FAN’s most rabid member and Drechsler’s alter ego.

  “As I said, this is Logan McIntyre, my second in command.”

  Noah nodded and didn’t bother to put out his hand. He knew the avowed racist would sooner swallow smoldering coals than shake his hand. Instead he chose to do what would be even more confrontational to the confirmed bigot, he insulted him.

  “Ah, yes. I recall that Mr. McIntyre was also bounced out of the Army for deeds unbecoming to an enlisted man, or, frankly, to any man.”

  Only Drechsler’s firm grip kept his sidekick from attacking Noah.

  Drechsler shook his head in mock dismay although the tightness of his jaw indicated that Noah’s taunts were having an effect.

  “I can see, Noah, that you are determined to test my good will and that of my men. I do hope that a bottle of my best whiskey will convince you that at least we can get to know one another better if only to determine how we intend to take each other down.”

  Ignoring Drechsler’s implied threat, Noah let a grin play across his face.

  “I was wondering when you were going to stop the chit chat and get down to business, Clay. The business of good whiskey, that is.”

  He looked around the room taking in the opulent remaking of a true turn of the century Saloon and nodded approvingly.

  “You have outdone yourself, Clay. I feel as though I’ve stepped back in history. I wouldn’t be surprised to see Doc Holiday or Wyatt himself striding through those swinging doors.”

  Clay smiled and said with an exaggerated wink, “Sorry, Noah. No outlaws allowed in my establishment. However, we are pleased to offer even better scenery in the form of the lovely ladies who will serve us tonight. I believe they were known in the 1800’s as ‘Soiled Doves.’ ”

  Drechsler led the way past the swinging gate doors into the private dining room. A large, heavily carved table held court in the center of the room. Dark oak wainscoting mixed with red velvet embossed wall paper added to the authenticity of the décor. Life-size oil paintings featuring shapely women in various stages of undress were hung on the walls throughout the large room. Noah observed that red velvet was the official covering for everything from the upholstered dining chairs to the plush settees that were strategically placed in the corners and along the back wall. Replicas of kerosene lamps with flickering electric flames cast a pleasant glow warming what would otherwise be an austere setting. Pointing to a chair, his host motioned for Noah to have a seat then pulled out a chair for himself next to the one he’d des
ignated for Noah.

  As they moved forward his agents looked inquiringly to him to see where they should sit. Noah nodded to the chairs across from him and Drechsler. It was an obvious step to ensure that he and his host were in the line of fire should it be necessary. Drechsler’s snort and slight smile confirmed that he hadn’t missed the strategic seating arrangements among Noah and his men. At that point Logan McIntyre pointedly walked past the open chair next to Noah and sank down in the chair beside Drechsler. The clearly angry man made no attempt to hide his disdain. His whispered complaint to his boss was audible… intentionally, Noah was sure.

  “Your call if you want to eat at the same table with ‘im, but nobody, including you, Clay, is making me sit next to a nigger.”

  Drechsler didn’t answer him, rather looked to Ned Angler who along with Gray were the only two who hadn’t sat down.

  “Ned, if you would be so kind to take the seat next to Agent Walker. John, you can sit by Ned. That way Noah’s three armed men will each have a number of targets to shoot at should our conversation become in any way testy.”

  Turning back to Noah, Drechsler spoke pleasantly as if the room wasn’t thick with palpable tension.

  “I’m a whiskey drinker myself, Noah, but our bar is well-stocked. Tell me your particular poison and I’m confident we can accommodate.”

  At Noah’s raised brow, Clay looked surprised then apparently recognized his unintended double entendre. He quickly added, “Trust me that was merely an expression, not a Freudian slip.”

  Noah smiled at him and said, “Not to worry, Clay. I’ll have what you’re drinking.” He added, “From the same bottle if you don’t mind.”

  The tension in the room lightened somewhat when all of the men except McIntyre joined in Clay’s hearty laugh.

  At that moment, the door to an adjacent room swung open and four waitresses pranced in. To his surprise, Noah saw that Ruby wasn’t among them. A quick glance at the costumes the women were wearing again confirmed Drechsler’s penchant for accuracy. The young women’s attire would have been the norm in any turn of the century saloon. The fact that each of them was more gorgeous than the next made it easy to join in Clay’s round of applause.

  “As promised, gentlemen, these lovelies will be serving us tonight.” Pulling a dark-haired voluptuous woman next to him, he pointed to Noah.

  “Dianna, will you please bring Agent Walker and me a bottle of my premium whiskey and four more for the table?”

  While the other girls scurried toward the bar, Dianna leaned down and whispered to Clay loudly enough that Noah overheard.

  “Clay, Spike told me to tell you that we have a new girl. He thought you might want to have her serve with us tonight.” At Drechsler’s frown, Dianna quickly added, “She’s an experienced waitress and, uh, Spike was sure you would like her once you saw her.”

  Clay waved his hand and shook his head in annoyed acceptance. “Fine, but as you know this is an important dinner. She better know what she is doing.”

  He’d barely uttered his curt warning when the side door opened once more and Ruby walked in. Noah was glad that both he and Ruby had worked together enough that they could rely on each other not to reveal their relationship in any way. That said, Noah was relieved that all of the other men at the table as well as his host were gaping at Ruby. He told himself that it would be odd if he didn’t respond to the vision in front of them. Giving way to one of the most natural reactions he could have had, he let out a low appreciative whistle.

  Drechsler nodded at him. “Agreed, my young friend. You took the whistle right out of my mouth.”

  The distinguished man rose to his feet and held out his hand.

  “Come here, my dear. Let me introduce you to our guests and make quite sure that they know that you are strictly off-limits. Indeed that you will be my special companion this evening.” He added in a lewd undertone, “And I hope for many nights to come.”

  Chapter 15

  Ruby stepped forward, accepting Drechsler’s outstretched hand. Her bright smile was genuine and forthright.

  “Mr. Drechsler, I presume? I’m pleased to meet you, Sir. My friends call me Ruby.”

  To Noah, Drechsler’s slight frown indicated that he was surprised and more than a little annoyed

  at Ruby’s pert assertiveness. From the concerned look on Dianna’s face it was clear that the

  “Soiled Doves” were not expected to address their boss so familiarly. Ruby’s raised chin and

  sparkling eyes confirmed to Noah that she not only knew that she had annoyed Drechsler but

  also that it was her intent.

  He breathed a little easier when Drechsler’s customary smile reasserted itself and he squeezed Ruby’s hand and put his arm around her shoulders.

  “What an apt name for a true jewel, my dear. I trust that even though we are meeting for the first time, you will permit me to call you Ruby?”

  Ruby tossed her head and laughed.

  “But of course, Mr. Drechsler. How could I object?”

  Hearing the familiar musical peal of her laughter, for an instant, Noah fought the urge to knock Drechsler’s offending hand away and step in to assert his prerogative. He caustically reminded himself that in the current scenario his only prerogative was to appear as though, like Drechsler, he was meeting her for the first time. He allowed himself to stare openly at her. It was no more or less than could be expected and what every other man in the room was doing. To Noah, Ruby had always been one of the most beautiful women he’d known. He loved her looks, and the fiery temperament that went with them. But tonight she had traversed from lovely to astonishing.

  The 1890’s costume could have been designed with Ruby in mind. It was clearly designed to make the most of her lush figure. Given her bright red hair, the similarly colored costume should have clashed or at least undercut her flaming tresses. It did the opposite. Ruby looked like a luminescent flame with every shade of red and gold lighting her—a voluptuous, radiant blaze that could ignite at any moment. The bright red corset cinched her tiny waist and underscored her remarkable hour glass figure. Noah had always loved her lush breasts. While until their last encounter, he’d never had the pleasure of touching them, he admitted that he’d always lusted after them. The corset ensured that every man in the room had to be feeling what he was. The lewd gleam in Drechsler’s eyes confirmed that for certain his host was struck, as Noah was, by the sumptuous womanly flesh spilling from the top of Ruby’s corset.

  As if that wasn’t enough to have the male guests ogling her, the design of the wired undergarment did for Ruby’s curvy bottom what it did for her breasts. It made the sumptuous curves of her hips and ass even more pronounced and mouthwatering. A lacy garter belt anchored black fishnet stockings, revealing an eye-catching glimpse of her toned thighs. High-heeled cowboy boots and a black velvet choker at her neck were her only adornments other than the velvet ribbon tying her fiery curls high on her head.

  Not willing to concede the floor to Drechsler and confident that in any other circumstance he would have acknowledged the young woman, Noah reached for Ruby’s small hand with his much larger one. Turning it over so that her palm was face up, he bent over her hand and kissed the soft flesh. He wasn’t sure if the tremor he felt originated with Ruby or with him. Knowing that he was being overt in his admiration, he managed to focus on Drechsler.

  Glancing up at his host while still holding Ruby’s hand securely in his, Noah shook his head in wonderment.

  “I have to hand it to you, Clay. You really do know how to set the scene. This young woman could have stepped off the screen of The Harvey Girls. I’ve never seen a woman who better personifies those famous turn of the century beauties.”

  “I wish I could take credit for her, Noah. But, like you, I’m meeting Ruby for the first time.”

  Drechsler made an obvious move to come between Noah and Ruby and reached for her arm. Smiling unctuously at her, his crooning murmur was intended for Ruby and also f
or the six men staring at her.

  “While we’ve just met, my dear, do know that you and I will be seeing a great deal of each other.”

  His open leer at her bodacious breasts underscored his intentional double entendre.

  Forcing himself to back away, Noah was relieved when Ruby tossed her head and gave a tinkling laugh. Stepping back she freed herself from Drechsler’s grip then looked up at him and gave him an audacious wink.

  “That remains to be seen, Mr. Drechsler. I’ve never been big on small towns. My daddy always said I needed a bigger stage to let my light shine.”

  At Drechsler’s frown, she appeared to reconsider if slightly.

  “However this is a cute place and these costumes are over the top.”

  She laughed, glancing down at her décolletage and added drolly, “So to speak.”

  Noah laughed and glanced at Drechsler. Not wanting to let the opportunity to needle him pass, he built on Ruby’s taunting remark.

  “I dunno, Clay, you may have your hands full with this little firecracker. Perhaps my men and I can convince her to join us in D.C. after we eradicate the cancer blighting this small out-of-the-way burg. Methinks we could find at least one stage in the nation’s capital big enough to showcase Ms. Ruby’s sensational wares.”

  Drechsler’s attempt at humor was undercut by his curt tone and flashing eyes.

  “Be careful, my young friend, I believe it was Lemony Snicket who said, ‘Assumptions are dangerous things to make, and like all dangerous things to make—bombs, for instance, or strawberry shortcake—if you make even the tiniest mistake you can find yourself in terrible trouble.’ ”

  He glared at Noah and added, his rancor now clearly showing, “You are making two unwarranted assumptions, Agent Walker. The first being that even if there was a cancer infecting Cedartown, that you and your men have a ghost of chance to eliminate it. The second assumption being that any woman I choose to ‘detain’ doesn’t have the ability to leave until, and unless, I give her leave to do so.”


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