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Ladies of the Night OMNIBUS Collection: Sizzling Romantic Suspense

Page 40

by Taylor Lee

  “I’m going to be straight up with you, Sheriff Carter. I know more about you than your wife or parish priest knows. I know the location of every pimple on your ass and which coochies you spend time with when you drink too much. I’ve been studying you for five full months—as long as we’ve been planning this op. Maybe because I want and need to, I’m going to trust you. I’m going to assume that you are as good a Sheriff as you’ve been for thirty years.”

  Seeing the Sheriff’s frown deepen, Noah went for a dunk shot.

  “Look, BJC. I can’t give you the specifics but we are as close as anyone has been to taking Drechsler down and punching a Grand Canyon-wide hole in the FAN. We have some of our people in place and more are coming in. By Friday night, we’ll be ready to move.”

  Meeting the Sheriff’s hard gaze, Noah continued.

  “Here’s my challenge. By Friday, this whole damn county will be crawling with Army Rangers. You’ll have more federal interference than you’ve had since the Alamo. My problem is that I’m a little light until they get here. If we can get through the next couple of days, we’re solid. Point is, I need to know that I can call on you and your men when and if I need you.” He added with a frown of his own, “I don’t have to tell you, that I’m jumping off a mighty high cliff trusting my gut that you and your men are clean.”

  Carter tugged at the unruly tobacco-stained beard on his chin and studied Noah. When he spoke, his country bumpkin façade was somewhat contained. Both his words and his expression were serious.

  “You’ve given me the greatest compliment you could have, Noah. I’ve been shittin’ peach pits trying to figure out how to make a dent in the FAN. So have my men. We’re as clean as you’re gonna get in these parts of the backwoods. I know that ain’t sayin’ much. Jest know that if you call on us, we’ll be there.”

  Noah extended his hand. “Thank you, Sheriff Carter. That’s all I can ask and hope for.”


  “I just got an invitation to the dinner tonight, Noah. According to McIntyre, Drechsler wants my read on you. Thinks I know more about you than anyone does. He’s almost right about that although not in the way he thinks.”

  “That’s great news, Gray. Looks like tonight will be a scouting mission for both teams. Any idea if Ned’s on the guest list?”

  “Yeah, he was there when Logan invited me. He confirmed that we were to be there at seven o’clock.”

  Noah nodded thoughtfully. “Tonight is a big opportunity to drill down on Drechsler. See if we can pick the scabs off his sore spots. I intend to be even more of an uppity black smartass than I usually am. Drechsler’s reactions can give us clues on what to expect on Friday. The biggest issue is whether he is straight up and intends to go through with the exchange. If he does, we’ll have him cold. If he plans to throw us a curve, which is at least 99.9 % likely, we may be able to better anticipate it. By the way, I had as good a conversation as I could have with Sheriff Carter. The guy was grateful, almost effusive, western style, that I asked for his help.”

  “I’ve asked you this before, Noah. Can we trust the guy?”

  “You know as well as I do that I’m taking a chance. But we need some kinda backup over the next couple of days. For better or worse, Carter and his boys are the best we have.”

  Noah hesitated then added. “I know the danger of over optimism, Bro. But, I gotta tell you, the world is looking brighter today than it has for a long time.”

  Gray’s guffaw was audible. “Hmm, big guy. I wonder if that has anything to do with the fact that Ruby has the brightest smile I’ve seen on her gorgeous mug since we started this op. Hell, man, I’m not overstating it when I say that she is glowing. Let’s hear it, buddy. Did you finally get the stick out of your ass and put something akin to it in short stuff’s curvy little butt?”

  Noah couldn’t help but laugh at his outrageous friend who knew him all too well.

  “I’ll not comment on the crudeness of your question, merely confirm that Ruby and I managed to come to an agreement on a number of important issues.”


  As he was preparing to leave for the dinner, Noah took the precaution of placing no fewer than five weapons on his person. Several were appropriately obvious. The others were well hidden. Noah thought, with a disparaging grunt, that given the participants at the dinner, among them they likely could supply a small army. Closing the door behind him, Noah heard the vibration of an incoming text. Seeing who it was from, he looked at his watch wondering if he had time to indulge in what would likely be a drawn out conversation. Unfortunately he knew that an unanswered text from this particular sender was merely evidence that more were needed. Noah glanced again at his watch, sighed and pulled up the familiar number in his phone bank.


  Apologizing for his tardy arrival, Noah accepted Drechsler’s welcoming handshake. Glancing at the private dining room, Noah was impressed. The dining room truly was a show-place, even more so tonight than at their previous dinner. Fresh flowers placed strategically around the room added a festive touch as well as a panoply of fragrances. Bright lights, many of them tinted red, added warmth and mystery.

  Noah smiled at his host. “You’ve outdone yourself, Clay. The place looks spectacular. You could have been a celebrated restauranteur at the turn of the century. Hell, if you played your cards right, and survived to the prohibition era, you could’ve given Bugsy Malone a run for his money. Maybe even opened a Flamingo or two for yourself.”

  Drechsler returned his smile and waved expansively toward the table where the rest of the guests were seated. As before, the two seats at the head of the table were open, presumably for him and Drechsler. Taking note of the seating arrangement, Noah saw that, once again, Logan McIntyre had claimed the seat next to Drechsler’s. But unlike the previous dinner, Drechsler had arranged for his men and Noah’s to alternate, presumably to make for a more affable, less confrontational seating arrangement. Noah avoided eye contact with Gray but didn’t suppress an admiring whistle seeing Ruby sitting beside Ned at the foot of the table. Rather than dressed as a waitress in the scanty turn of the century outfit, Ruby was wearing the stunning, body-revealing, green satin dress she’d worn at the Washington D.C. event.

  Noah nudged Clay teasingly.

  “Ah, I see that the red-headed serving girl has risen in the ranks and is now seated at the grownup’s table. Kudos, Clay, you work fast. But she really is something. I didn’t think anything could top that 1890’s ‘uniform’ you dress your women in, but the green dress she’s wearing is stunning.”

  Drechsler nodded in agreement motioning for Noah to take the chair next to him.

  “I agree, Noah. The woman and the dress are spectacular. As you noted, Ms. Ruby has gone up in the ranks. But then, I couldn’t let such a beauty languish in the serving quarters. I’m looking forward to taking her back to my compound and getting to know her much better.” He added with a small frown, “I’m still amazed that such a glamorous woman managed to wend her way into our humble burg. Proves the adage that I must be living right to have achieved such a windfall. Why, in less than a week, I’ve had the opportunity to meet the dazzling Ruby and Senator John Walker’s celebrated son.”

  Noah bowed slightly, acknowledging the compliment, trying to discern if there was a message underlying Drechsler’s praise. Picking up on his compliment, Drechsler clapped his hands and a bevy of serving girls entered. They were carrying trays of steaming hors d’oeuvres and several of them held bottles of scotch. Putting the bottles on the table, one bottle for every three guests, the servers also placed a Copita nosing glass in front of each of the guests. The fine, tulip-shaped glasses were designed to ensure that the drinkers of fine Scotch whiskey were able to savor both the smell and taste of the potent alcohol.

  Picking up the bottle in front of him and recognizing the elite distillery, Noah smiled appreciatively.

  “My, my, Clay. You really are going all out. Nosing glasses, no less. And Bunnahabhain Single Mal
t Scotch? I’m impressed. And here I thought that my father was the only man I knew who regularly imbibed Bunnahabhain. In fact, I don’t believe I’ve seen it served elsewhere. Much less in Cedartown, Colorado. My compliments on your excellent taste.”

  Drechsler nodded mildly.

  “I’m not surprised that you recognize the label, Noah. After all you are somewhat royalty—at least among the members of your tribe.”

  Noah let the slur slide and raised his glass.

  “To our cultured host who knows Scotch as well as one of the most influential men in Washington does. A toast to you, Clay, and to my father—who just might become president one day.”

  Logan’s angry curse shattered what was left of the ersatz camaraderie.

  “The day that we let another spook in that office is the day we set fire to this fucking country!”

  Not reprimanding his Lieutenant for his ugly outburst, Drechsler’s tight smile was in sharp contrast to the anger blazing in his eyes. He stared at Noah through narrowed eyes then asked, “Might I assume, Agent Walker, that the gloves have come off?”

  Noah returned his host’s smile with a more genuine one of his own.

  “Were they ever on, Clay?”

  Drechsler studied him for a long moment then shrugged.

  “I’m curious, Noah. You say that you are an aficionado of The Art of War, particularly Sun Tsu. I’m wondering which of the master’s quotations you find most compelling.”

  Noah scrubbed at this chin thoughtfully.

  “That’s a difficult question, Clay. Acting on any of a hundred of Sun Tsu’s remarkable insights could make the difference between victory and defeat. However, in the circumstance we find ourselves, the one I think most apt is ‘If you know the enemy and know yourself you need not fear the results of a hundred battles.’ ”

  Drechsler sneered, “And you think you know me, Noah?”

  Noah shrugged.

  “Yeah, Clay, I do.”

  Drechsler expression hardened. His firm jaw became more rigid. The tic alongside his stone cold, dark gray eyes vibrated strongly and his thin lips curled in a sneer. Given the transformation of his expression from that of the affable host to the hate-filled man staring at Noah, Drechsler’s voice was surprisingly cool, almost pleasant.

  “I wouldn’t be too sure of that, my young friend.”

  Taking an appropriate-sized sip of the fine whiskey, Drechsler took a moment to savor it, swirling the liquid in his mouth. Meeting Noah’s gaze he said, “You see, Noah, not only are the gloves coming off, but so are the masks. All of them.”

  He nodded to Ned Angler, who abruptly rose and pressed a Smith & Wesson 500 Magnum hard against the base of Ruby’s skull.

  Chapter 25

  “Why, Ned?”

  Ned returned Noah’s penetrating gaze and shrugged.

  “Why, Noah? You know the answer to that question, Agent Walker. What it always is: Money.”

  Drechsler smiled. “Well, yes, Ned is as greedy a son of a bitch as the rest of us. But, Agent Walker, you also helped to convince Ned that our cause was his. You see, FAN members aren’t the only men who resent an uppity black man lording his wealth and connections over the rest of us. According to Ned, he had to stand by and watch you receive one promotion after another while he was stuck at Lieutenant grade. I believe you told me, Ned, that the final insult was when our dark-skinned marvel was inducted into the Army Rangers and you failed to gain admission.”

  Clay took another careful sip of his Scotch then looked around the circle of guests. He nodded approvingly at the men sitting next to Gray and Noah’s other agents, who had guns pointed at their chests.

  He grinned and this time his smile had a demonic glint to it.

  “As I said before, it’s time to take the masks off, all of them. But before we do, Dianna, will you bring a box of my Cohiba Esplendidos and offer them to our guests? I believe that death is an important event in every man’s life, and that, if possible, it should be done with gusto. Which is why I’m offering all of you my finest Scotch and if you desire, excellent cigars. Too late to fret about cancer, yes?”

  He nodded at Noah’s agents spaced around the table, each of whom now had a gun pointed at his head.

  “While you introduced yourself and Agents Daniels, Parker, and O’Hanlon as who you are, you neglected to introduce your other two agents. Or, at least by their correct names and titles.”

  Pinning a hard gaze on Grayson, Drechsler shook his head in mock dismay.

  “Ah, yes. Agent Grayson Webb. I understand that you and Agent Webb often partner up, Noah, and work under the leadership of none other than Ian Ross. Ross is a significant factor in the security world. Almost as powerful, pompous, and rich as your Pappy, the Senator.”

  Noah shook his head and smiled in return.

  “That’s stretching it a bit, Clay. My father has done well, extremely well, given his humble beginning, but Ian Ross is in a different financial echelon entirely.”

  “I accept that correction, Noah. Let me put it this way, your father is wealthier and more influential by far than any black man in this country has a right to be.”

  Turning back to Gray who was leaning back casually in his chair making a production of the lighting the Esplendido that Dianna offered him, Drechsler added, “You are an impressive man, Agent Webb. Under other circumstances, and if Ned hadn’t informed of us your correct identity and role in this little farce, I might have fallen for your ruse. You’re a clever man, a smart one, Agent. And amusing. I only wish you were for real. I could use a man like you on my roster.”

  Grayson puffed on his cigar then grinned as he spoke.

  “I second Agent Walker’s congratulations on the booze—and certainly these cigars. Among the many other things that you are, Drechsler, you are undeniably a hell of a host.”

  Drechsler’s eyes narrowed at Gray’s dismissive compliment. He appeared as though he would respond but instead chose to focus on Ruby.

  “Ah, yes. The delectable Ruby—also known as Agent Chloe Harper, a former Staff Sergeant who chummed around with Army Rangers and Delta Force operatives for six years. You have an impressive résumé, Agent Harper. My congratulations. And to think that in your usual role, you present yourself as an oversexed cunt and first class tease.”

  When Ruby merely stared at him impassively he added, “I understand, my dear, that you are one of the elite agents in that infamous company Ladies of the Night. The company that hires spectacularly beautiful women and sends them in to entice their targets with their beauty and sensuality, but never ‘puts out.’ A rather cruel and unusual tactic, wouldn’t you say?”

  Glancing at Ned, Clay added, “Ned told me about your menstrual period ruse. You were correct, Agent Harper: I do not bed women who are already bleeding. I insist that when they bleed it will be at my hand—or to be more precise, my whip.” Drechsler pursed his lips and rubbed his hands together. “How do I say this this without sounding crude? Suffice it to say, I find their screams arousing.” He winked at Noah. “Not the kind of screams you elicit from the fair lady, Noah. Yours come from her lusty response. The screams I elicit from Ruby will come from pain, not lust. We have another similarity, with a difference. Logan and I like to share our women as do you and Agent Webb. In our case we’ve developed quite a tag team. When one of us tires of wielding the whip, the other stands enthusiastically at the ready.”

  Lighting a cigar and puffing on it until it drew, Clay focused on Noah.

  “Tell me, Noah, does your boss know that you are fucking your agent? Better yet, does your father know? Or your to-be fiancé? Trust me, they will all know soon enough.”

  Noah didn’t answer; rather he reached for the bottle and poured himself another glass of Scotch. He took the time to insert his nose into the nosing glass then made a production of swirling the potent amber liquid in the crystal glass. Taking a small sip he sighed with pleasure.

  “Hmm, this truly is one of the finest Scotches I’ve drank. Gray
, may I offer you another glass?”

  Grayson pushed his glass toward Noah. “By all means, Noah. Since our long-winded host seems to be on a roll, the least we can do is polish off his expensive booze while he drones on.”

  The crimson splotches on Drechsler’s cheeks confirmed that Noah and Gray’s apparent dismissal of his threats had hit their target. Drawing himself up in his chair, Clay glared at them.

  “I’ve been meaning to ask you, Noah. I don’t imagine that you are an MLK fan. Given your Army Ranger exploits, non-violence doesn’t seem to be your gig.”

  Noah shrugged, “As Malcolm X said, ‘Nonviolence is fine as long as it works.’”

  Drechsler shook his head ruefully.

  “Dammit, Noah. In another lifetime, I could like you. It you weren’t a fucking nigger, you’d be damn impressive.”

  Logan growled. “But he is a fucking nigger. Tell the cocky bastard what’s gonna happen to him in the next several hours, Clay. Maybe that’ll wipe that smug grin off his face!”

  “Yes, indeed, I shall. First, regarding your carefully planned mission. Let’s just say, there’s been a change of plans. We definitely want the weapons. Our clients are expecting them. Greedy bastards that they are, since they have paid us up front, we don’t want to disappoint them. However, instead of having the weapons shipped here where you intended to have them swept up by a gang of Rangers, we are having them sent directly to the Middle East. You ask how is that possible? Why would we ever do that? Why would you comply?”

  Deshler’s grin widened. “The best part of the new and improved plan, Noah, is that your father is the lynchpin. He will make it happen. Can you imagine how much I’m looking forward to his being crucified by the very same fawning media drones who made him into the second coming of Christ? How can we be sure that he will follow orders? The plan is already in place. Your father has received an urgent text from you indicating the need for the change of venue. In the event that he chooses not to follow our next instructions, we will send him convincing evidence that we are not to be trifled with.


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