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Ladies of the Night OMNIBUS Collection: Sizzling Romantic Suspense

Page 74

by Taylor Lee

  “Don’t, Ian. You have to know how they talk about me. Those supposedly eager men.”

  He grinned and murmured against her ear, sending tantalizing sensations rocketing through her. “Yeah, you have cultivated quite a reputation, Tiger. You enter a room looking like you do tonight and bring every guy with a dick to his knees, begging for a taste of you. And then what do you do, baby? You let them get a little close, give them a whiff of heaven and then you pull back. You push them away. Just like you’re trying to push me away. You’re what we poor devils call ‘all come-on but no put-out.’ ”

  Diamond bristled at the accusation, knowing it wasn’t accurate. Well, maybe it was in part. But she never intended to give any of the pushy men a “come on” and she sure as hell didn’t intend to put out. As far as she was concerned, if the too-eager men didn’t like the message she sent, or if they misread it, that was their problem. They should leave her alone and hit on more available woman.

  Determined to push him away, she muttered dismissively, “Surely you’ve also heard that I’m cold as ice.”

  “Yeah, Diamond, I have heard that. Colder. From a hell of a lot of disappointed men.”

  Managing to twist free, she whirled on him placing her hands on his chest to put distance between them. Finally able to draw a full breath, she struck out.

  “Then why are you here, Ian? Why are you doing this? To torment me? Tease me?”

  He took hold of her hands allowing some distance between them but not letting her escape further. He gazed at her quizzically as if he was studying her, trying to put the pieces of an interesting puzzle together.

  “Hmm, the problem is that I like to get to the bottom of rumors personally. I don’t accept other men’s judgements. Not when it comes to something I want. Besides, methinks the wrong men have tested the proposition of your responsiveness. You are a beautiful woman, Diamond, a desirable one. The tales I hear told about you don’t ring true, at least not all of them. You definitely are one haughty woman. That I can confirm. But then you know that. It is one of the ways you push men away.”

  Seeing his calm determination, and knowing that she could never measure up to the expectations of this prodigiously experienced lover, Diamond fought the panic that was making it hard for her to breathe. She tried to break his hold, to push him back, but he held her in front of him and wouldn’t let her look away. Knowing that she was close to tears she made one more attempt to convince him that she couldn’t do what he seemed so very confident that she could.

  “You don’t understand, Ian. I am cold. Those things you’ve heard about me are true. I…I don’t know how to make love like your expert ‘professionals’ do.” She glared at him and added bitterly, “Trust me. We both will be disappointed.”

  He studied her for a moment, and then nodded his head as if in agreement and released her hands. Diamond didn’t know which was more profound, her relief that she’d managed to convince him she wasn’t a good enough lover for him, or her disappointment. But at least for the first time since they’d entered the suite, she was able to take a deep breath and begin to focus on quieting her hammering heart.

  Ian gazed at her through narrowed eyes and quirked a brow thoughtfully. Diamond’s relief was short-lived when his full lips curved in a smile. Stepping back, he pulled out his wallet and took out an unusual bill. From her up close and personal experience with the various Cartels she’d infiltrated, Diamond recognized the one thousand dollar bill with Grover Cleveland on the obverse. To her dismay, Ian’s smile had broadened to a grin.

  “Regarding your certainty about our mutual disappointment, are you willing to put a little money on it? Tell you what, honey. There are at least five more of these in my wallet, the entry fee at Club 69. They are yours if I don’t satisfy every fantasy you’ve ever had.”

  Diamond managed to contain her shock at his audacious gambit and spit out, “Of course, Ian, you would win that bet easily. You know how good you are, how practiced. How superlative your renowned lovemaking skills are. But I can assure you: you will be disappointed. I truly am all come-on, no put-out.”

  Ian reached into his wallet and took out five more G notes. He tossed the stack carelessly on the table and smiled at her.

  “Nope, Tiger. That old defense of yours isn’t going to work. This isn’t a joke. The money is yours, if you don’t have me begging for more of your luscious body.”

  His grin faded somewhat and his eyes narrowed. “Now Col. Davis, we have spent entirely too much time discussing the inevitable. It’s put-out time.”

  Seeing his clear intention, Diamond was desperate to keep the tears burning her eyelids from falling. She grasped for a way to hold him back and decided to do what had always worked with other men. She insulted him.

  “So you really are going to pay me for my services? After all those claims about being my lover, you want to make me your whore tonight for real?”

  Annoyance and a hint of anger chased away the last of his humor. He reached for her, his strong fingers trapping her, making it clear that he was serious.

  “No, my exasperating lover-to-be. Tonight I’m going to make love to you. Do you understand, Diamond? I’m going to tear down those protective barricades you’ve built around yourself. The barriers that have convinced you and others that you are cold, unlovable. Once I’ve proven to you that you are as desirable a lover as I’ve ever had, then with all your resistance gone, you can take me on.”

  He pulled her close, his warm breath snaking across her throat causing shards of excitement to dance in her core.

  “Hear me, Tiger, and hear me well. Tonight I am going to take you in more ways than you knew existed. But someday, my ‘would-be’ Ice Queen, you will live up to your promise and treat me to the whore that lives inside the buttoned up body of yours.”

  Ignoring her shocked gasp, Ian tightened his grip. “But first I need to loosen the chains you’ve wound around your heart and soul.”

  Diamond couldn’t hold back the tears flooding her eyes. She pushed him back and said desperately, “Ian, I can’t…I just can’t….”

  His expression was hard, but his voice was gentle as he brushed at her tears.

  “Oh yes, my lovely partner, you can.”

  He pulled her up next to him and murmured, “Prepare to come apart, Tiger woman.”

  Turning her back toward the window, he nodded to her reflection in the glass.

  “Let’s start by taking this extraordinary creation off of you.”

  Before she could resist, Ian unzipped the dress and eased it to the floor. In that one expert move he disrobed her, revealing her seductive underwear. Staring at the glass, Diamond was startled to realize that what he’d left on was even more provocative than her outrageous dress. She barely remembered putting on the black lace shelf bra that held her overflowing breasts in a startlingly shocking display. She shuddered, wondering what had ever made her choose the miniscule thong that was no more than a brief patch of lace covering her mons and a thin satin string separating her ass cheeks. Then there were the five inch high-heeled slippers that truly did make her legs look spectacular.

  It didn’t take Ian’s sharp intake of breath to confirm that her lingerie was as incendiary as her dress had been. Seeing him glance at her audacious stiletto ‘fuck me’ shoes and meeting his lust-filled eyes in the reflection, it was abundantly clear that fucking her was precisely what he intended to do.

  Placing his hands on her shoulders, he held her in front of him. Gazing at her reflection his voice was filled with wonder.

  “Goddamn, Diamond. Look at you…. You’re the most beautiful, erotic woman I’ve ever made love to.”

  At his awestruck expression and stunning words, Diamond felt a flood of emotion storm her shattered nerves. It was as though a force much stronger than she was had taken over her body. She didn’t recognize it, she only knew she’d never felt it before. In retrospect, many hours later, she realized it was her letting go of her resistance to desire. Of her bei
ng willing to loosen the bonds that had held her spirit firmly in check for so many years. It was when she allowed her fear to become excitement. It was her knowledge that she’d lived her entire adult life without giving in to the extraordinary passion that she’d buried beneath a mountain of icy denial. It was a barrier so strong, so compelling that only Ian’s fierce and consummate love making could send it up in a cloud of passionate smoke.

  Chapter 20

  “First, as enticing as this is, I need to take it off.”

  Holding her back against his chest, Ian locked his gaze on hers, not allowing her to look away. He ran his fingers under the front closure of her bra, then with a flick of his fingers, released the lacy restraint. He held the fabric against her breasts for a moment then allowed the exotic concoction to fall to the floor. Her lavish breasts sprang forward eagerly, as though they’d been imprisoned far too long. Embarrassed that her nipples were sticking up in bright rosy peaks, Diamond put her hands up, trying to mask the errant nubs.

  Ian’s low cautioning growl and tight grip on her hands stopped her.

  “Oh no you don’t, sweetheart. Not unless you want me to cuff your hands behind your back so that you can’t try to hide your beautiful body from me.”

  His voice was filled with warning. “Is that what you want, Diamond? You want me to take away your ability to resist, for me to control you?”

  At his provocative threat, an inferno of heat flared in her groin. Horrified at her body’s unexpected reaction, Diamond tried desperately to contain the violent shudder that shook her.

  Ian’s lazy chuckle and firm grim holding her in place confirmed that he’d felt her untoward response.

  “Ah, darling, now, that is most interesting. I assumed that as up tight as you are at the best of times, that a restraint or two would likely be in order. Now I know that is something that we definitely will explore.”

  At her sharp gasp, he relented. “Relax, Tiger. We’ll have a lot of time for exploring later, but first I need to deal with these beauties.”

  Still standing behind her, Ian reached around her and lifted her breasts up in his hands, pressing his fingers into her welcoming perfect flesh.

  Amazement riddled his words.

  “Jesus, Diamond, I’ve always known that your breasts would be full, lush. But baby, look at you. I can barely contain them in my hands. And, god, honey, look at your nipples. They are like hard bright berries just begging to be sucked.”

  The image of Ian suckling her nipples sent a fiery furnace of heat searing across her chest. Diamond couldn’t suppress a soft moan at the thought.

  “Is that what you want? My lips, and tongue and teeth playing with these responsive nubs. Tasting you, sucking on you?”

  When he tugged gently on one swollen tip then lightly pinched it, Diamond couldn’t suppress a tortured cry. She’d never dreamed that such a simple act could be so riveting, would cause such a strong reaction in her body. The very idea of him tasting her, suckling her and yes, biting her distended nipples, was almost more than she could bear. Good god, what would she do if he actually did those things to her? As it was, his strength was overpowering. She felt exposed, vulnerable. Not knowing how to tell him how overwhelmed she was, she tried to push his hands away.

  But he just held her hands tighter and shook his head. His voice was firm but comforting.

  “Uh uh, baby. There’s no holding back. Not now, not ever. I promise I won’t hurt you. But I am going to do things to you that are going to push your boundaries clear off your erotic map. We’re going to explore frontiers you didn’t know existed. And best of all? You will soon be begging me not to stop.”

  At her muffled cry, he continued, “Look at your nipples, darling. They’re tightening, swelling from my words alone. Can you imagine how they’re going to feel when I take them in my hungry mouth, rake them with my tongue and teeth?”

  He ran his hand across her taut belly and shook his head.

  “And to think that I haven’t begun to examine the rest of you.”

  Plucking at the narrow band of silk hovering on her hips, he ran a searching finger across her mons Venus. Sliding his hand under the brief patch of material, his eyes widened and a soft groan escaped his lips.

  “Damn, sweetheart, if I’d known that you were bare, I’m not sure I would have been able to handle it. But now that I know that little secret, I think more exploring is in order.”

  Diamond clenched her core muscles, desperate to keep him from feeling the moisture she knew was there. But it was too late. Ian’s expert fingers traced across her intimate lips and she heard his breath hitch. Before she could push him away or beg him to stop, his fingers parted the sensitive folds causing a flood of moisture to trickle down her leg.

  To her dismay he pushed her away slightly. For a moment she was afraid that her untoward response had surprised him or even repelled him. She truly didn’t know how to react. With other lovers over the years, she’d gotten somewhat wet but had always made sure to carry a bottle of lube with her, anything to make penetration easier. But here she was with Ian, of all men, with moisture running down her leg. And God, all he’d done was to pinch her nipples! When he turned her toward him the expression on his face confirmed how foolish she was to think he was repelled. Lifting her chin, he stared at her. His storm filled eyes left no doubt as to his reaction. His passionate words weren’t necessary.

  “Jesus, baby, you are soaking wet. Do you know what that means? What that does to me?”

  Diamond could only stare at him, praying that what she saw in his eyes was passion. She closed her eyes for a second to get her bearings, then looked up at him askance. Frustrated that her voice shook, she stammered, “That it is a good thing that…I’m wet….”

  His chuckle was low, guttural. “Yeah, Col. Davis, it is a good thing. A very good thing.”

  Holding her chin firmly, not letting her look away, he shook his head.

  “Let me tell you what that moisture says to me, Col. Davis. It says that you’re a fraud.” At her startled gasp, he added, “Perhaps an unwitting one, but a fraud nevertheless. Uh uh, baby, you’ve given yourself away. Confirmed that you are the hot, passionate woman I knew you were. I’ll concede. Maybe you’ve buried your passion so deep that you’ve convinced yourself that it doesn’t exist, that you are the Ice Queen.”

  To her shock, Ian ran his fingers along her slit, moistening them with her succulent juices then brought the glistening digits to his lips. Licking the fragrant moisture, he groaned.

  “You have to taste this, Diamond. You will not believe how wonderful, how exotic you are.”

  He inserted one finger then another inside of her swollen folds, prompting a spasm of pleasure so intense Diamond couldn’t hold back a desperate cry.

  Ian held his moist fingers against her lips and ordered, “Taste this, Diamond. Taste how sexy, how succulent and savory you are. And know that all of this extraordinary lushness is your excited body preparing for me.”

  His command was so fierce, his fingers so firm against her lips that Diamond couldn’t resist. She opened her mouth and did as he ordered. Sucking the juices from his calloused fingers, her core clutched. She realized with a start that she’d never tasted herself before. Never known how fragrant, how spicy-sweet her juices were. Or how sexy her musky, intimate fragrance was.

  Ian grabbed her hand and ran her fingers across the opening to her weeping pussy. Compounding the unexpected pleasure tearing through her, he held her hand to his lips and sucked her drenched fingers.

  He groaned. “Now, baby, taste both of us.”

  He leaned down and licked across the seam of her lips. Probing with his tongue, he forced her lips open. His guttural order shot sparks through her groin.

  “Open for me, baby. Let me kiss you.”

  For a moment he merely toyed with her mouth, inserting his tongue then pulling back before inserting it deeper. With each thrust her excitement grew. The taste of her erotic juices mingled with the pote
nt scotch he’d drunk. The more he probed, exploring her mouth with his tongue, the more intense the heat inside of her grew. Within seconds, Diamond found herself wanting more. More of him. She began to kiss him back, driving her tongue deep inside of his mouth. She sucked on his tongue, wanting more of the taste that had her core rippling with excitement. His deep guttural groan was her reward. When they’d played violently with one another’s mouths, sucking, thrusting, their teeth clashing with fervor, Ian suddenly pulled back.


  His sharp command startled Riley, as did the wild expression on his face. She’d never seen Ian so out of control. Gone was his urbane, ironic humor. In its place was fervor so intense it might have frightened her except that the passion storming her was as intense.

  Without further explanation, Ian scooped her up in his arms and headed toward the bedroom. Her heart pounded fiercely in her chest as he literally tossed her onto the expansive bed. Bending over her, he ripped at the thong baring her to his fierce gaze. Muttering about how gorgeous she was, how inviting, he snatched one high – heeled shoe then the other off of her feet and tossed them to the floor. Lying on the bed, Diamond was tempted to cover her nakedness. His fierce glare stopped her hands in mid-air, his guttural order confirming that she couldn’t have hid from him if she’d wanted to.

  “Oh no you don’t, baby. We’re done with the foreplay, Diamond. You’ve teased me enough.”

  Ian’s gruff assertion startled her. Surely he’d been the one teasing her. Driving her passion higher and higher with his provocative words. The fire burning in his eyes and the rigid set of jaw confirmed that he was done with words.

  He stood beside the bed, surveying her, his hooded eyes literally eating up the sight of her. He looked like a mad marauding pirate. A ferocious warrior who’d captured his prey, and fully intended to take her at his will. Rather than being frightened by his aggressive stance, Diamond stared at him, aching with a riveting hunger that she’d never felt before. Unable to hold back a low moan, she acknowledged that she wanted Ian in a way she’d never wanted another man. In a way she hadn’t known she was capable of.


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