Ladies of the Night OMNIBUS Collection: Sizzling Romantic Suspense

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Ladies of the Night OMNIBUS Collection: Sizzling Romantic Suspense Page 80

by Taylor Lee

  “First, let me deny that I have ever upset my volatile fiancée unless she provoked me, as she is so wont to do. And second, while you could never look bad, Col. Davis, you do look exhausted. Can I assume that you didn’t get much sleep las night?”

  Diamond shook her head, surprised at the lump in her throat. That and the queasiness in her stomach made it impossible to answer Noah’s concerned question.

  A soft smile curved his sensuous lips.

  “On the other hand, it’s not easy to sleep when your phone rings—what, six times? Seven, during the night?”

  Diamond started. She didn’t know how Noah could possibly know that. She’d had her phone on vibrate throughout the night. Surely he couldn’t have heard Ian’s repeated calls. God, she could only hope that Noah couldn’t hear the provocative messages Ian left her. She flushed at the memory of the erotic things he said he planned to do to her. She tried to forget how her wayward body had responded to his erotic taunts to the point that she’d shocked herself by climaxing not once but twice during the turbulent night.

  Seeing the amused glance Ruby and Noah exchanged, she shook her head. Her friends didn’t understand. How could they know the devastating power Ian now had over her? And how she intended to resist that power if it was the last thing she did? The two messages he’d left this morning were more serious. He didn’t hide his frustration. The last message had been curt, cutting, informing her that she was to call him now, they needed to discuss their professional plans. He’d intoned sarcastically that, after all, they were in the middle of an escalating crisis.

  At that moment, Noah’s phone buzzed. He glanced at the caller I.D. and shook his head with a grin.

  “Yes, Chief, there is a gorgeous blonde sitting at our breakfast table. And, yes, she is awake, thanks to the second pot of coffee that she has consumed essentially by herself. Given that you and I have already spent over an hour this morning deciding how we’re going to keep that recalcitrant father of mine from spouting off to every reporter seeking an outrageous quote, may I assume you are calling to talk to Col. Davis?”

  Noah smiled at Diamond, then shrugged in mock defeat. Putting his hand over the mouthpiece, he murmured as he handed her the phone, “Sorry, Diamond. Like Superman, I’ve been known to stop a speeding train with one hand. But Ian Ross? Not an option.”

  Diamond rose from her chair trying to keep her hand from shaking as she reached for Noah’s phone. She saw the concern in his eyes flare when she stumbled and caught the edge of the table. Surprised at the wave of dizziness that shook her, she conceded that Noah and Ruby might be right. Maybe she couldn’t actually live on caffeine, alcohol and two hours of fitful sleep.

  Doing her best to compose herself and lying through her teeth, she reassured him as she took the phone, “I’m okay, Noah, honest.”

  Seeking a semblance of privacy, she headed into the living room. She took a deep breath and forced herself to speak as normally as she could.

  “Good morning, Ian.”

  His crisp rejoinder was distinctly sharper than the seductive tones he’d used during the night to lull her into an erotically charged sleep.

  “Good morning, Col. Davis. I guess this qualifies as progress of a sort. Instead of throwing your usual two-year–old’s temper tantrum when you’re angry, you’ve now assumed the teenage practice of refusing to answer your phone. Let me be clear, Agent Davis. That is not an option. We are at a crisis point in our operation and I need to be able to reach you when I need to. Do you understand?”

  When she didn’t answer, Ian huffed an amused snort.

  “Hmm, apparently not. It’s clear you and I are in for a serious conversation, my teenaged bad girl.” He cut off her attempt to interrupt him. “Look, Diamond, I’m spending most of the morning with Senator Walker, prepping him for the interviews he’s agreed to do this afternoon. I’ve arranged for a private room at the Aegean Club which I use when I’m in D.C. I want you to meet me there at 1 p.m.”

  When she didn’t respond, his effort to keep his annoyance at bay was obvious.

  “Not being as up on teenage behavior as I apparently need to be, I will assume that your silence is consent.”

  Struggling to respond calmly, not give into the anger she felt at his sarcastic goading, she said, “One o’clock should be fine. I’ll see you then.”

  He stopped her from hanging up as she intended to with a quick command. “Uh uh, Agent Davis. You don’t get off that easily. We need to discuss what you will wear. Because the club is at the center of D.C. politics and most of its members were at the event two nights ago, you will need to—”

  Grateful for the rage rising from her gut, Diamond broke in.

  “I don’t need costume instructions from you, Ian. I’m quite clear on how you want me to appear to your ‘gentlemen’ friends.”

  There was a light pause then Ian said casually, “Good, I’m glad that you understand.” He chuckled softly and added, “Given that it will be lunchtime, you don’t need to wear anything quite as controversial as the last two outfits…”

  Before he could finish his amused sentence, Diamond interrupted him.

  “I understand, Ian. I’m not a complete idiot. You don’t want me to look as ridiculous as I did the other night…but you still want me to look ‘whorish.’ ”

  A long silence greeted her caustic remark. When he spoke Ian’s voice was cool. “That wasn’t what I was going to say, Diamond.”

  The distinct edge underlying his restrained response sent a shiver up her spine. Before he could intimidate her, she huffed a harsh laugh.

  “Don’t worry, Col. Ross. I’m confident that between Ruby and me we can come up with something appropriately slutty.”

  Again his silence was deafening. Ian broke it in a calm, almost collegial voice, but she didn’t miss the anger spiking it.

  “It’s clear you and I are going to have a serious conversation, Tiger. I won’t respond to your childish remark, except to say that I don’t give a good goddamn what you wear, Riley. You can wear fucking farmer’s overalls for all I care.” Obviously forcing himself to sound in control, he added, “Just get your ass here no later than one p.m. I’ll send a car for you at 12:30.”

  Infuriated at his presumptive arrogance, Diamond gave into her anger. She said crisply, “That won’t be necessary, Ian. I’m perfectly capable of getting myself to your exalted presence without any assistance from you.”

  His low command reverberated over the ether. “The car will be there at 12:30, Col. Davis. Be ready.”

  Before she could refuse, he actually laughed. “Oh and, Tiger, if you decide to wear the overalls, be sure that they have a drop seat.”

  The humming dial tone confirmed that he had ended the call.


  Ian glanced at his watch. It was close to 1 p.m. He’d received confirmation from his driver that Diamond had been waiting for him and that they would be at the Aegean Club shortly. Given the mood that Diamond was in, Ian was grateful. Damn, as angry as she seemed, he wouldn’t have been surprised to learn that she was winging her way back to Phoenix on a 747. He hadn’t been sure that she would do as he told her to. He’d impressed upon Noah and Ruby that it was essential that they encourage her to meet with him as he instructed. Apparently her powerful work ethic and extraordinary professionalism convinced her, assuring him that she would see the mission through.

  He huffed a soft snort and chided himself. There was no telling what she would do when it was over. But that was the purpose of this luncheon meeting. He intended to get to the bottom of her simmering anger and somehow get back to where they had been two nights before. The memory of that turbulent night was never more than a few inches below his consciousness. With little effort he could conjure up her intoxicating fragrance, hear her soft moans and heady cries. Even now his cock surged at the thought of her beautiful, responsive body.

  He looked up to see Rourke Nielsen, the Aegean Club’s manager in the doorway. He was surprised as the sof
t-spoken, genteel man had stopped in fifteen minutes earlier to ensure him that Ian’s strict instructions for service and privacy would be met.

  Seeing that it was a couple minutes before one o’clock and noting Rourke’s concerned expression, Ian had a hard thought that somehow Diamond had escaped his driver.

  “What is it, Rourke?” he asked curtly.

  Looking over his shoulder, Nielsen stepped into the room and closed the door behind him.

  “I’m sorry, Col. Ross. I explained as firmly as possible that you were expecting Ms. Davis, but she still wouldn’t listen. You know how overbearing she can—”

  He stopped in mid-sentence when the door flew open and Marjorie Chapman breezed in, clarifying who the ‘she’ was in Rourke’s nervous warning. Flicking a dismissive wave at Rourke, Marjorie said in her imperious voice, “That will be all, Mr. Nielsen. I’m confident Col. Ross can spare a few minutes for a close friend. You may leave, and, please, close the door behind you.”

  Rourke Nielsen lifted an apologetic brow and nodded to Ian, then left the room.

  Ian pinned Marjorie with a hard gaze and said in a low voice. “I don’t understand, Marjorie. What is so important that you’re willing to interrupt a private meeting? Surely you understood from Rourke that I’m expecting a guest.”

  If she’d been at all attuned to him, the simpering socialite would have heard the annoyance undergirding his question. Being as tone deaf as she was and convinced of her own omnipotence, she merely shrugged.

  “I know who you are expecting, Ian, and that is all the more reason I need to talk to you now.” At his frown, she pressed eagerly forward.

  “Listen to me, Ian. I know you better than you know yourself. We both know that you’re attracted to me. In addition, we know that we are literally made for each other. Our backgrounds, our contacts and our ambitions are essentially the same. Every person in this city who is anyone is convinced that we belong together.” At Ian’s negative murmur, the flushed woman rushed on. “Ian, I’m here to put my cards on the table. I know that you–like all powerful, wealthy men, like to dally with unseemly women. It’s to be expected. A given in the circle in which we move.”

  Ian interrupted her. His voice was cool, cautioning.

  “What are you trying to say, Marjorie? Before you continue, I suggest you pause for a moment so that you don’t embarrass yourself further.”

  She moved within inches of him and loosened the top button on her tailored blouse revealing a hint of her bare breast.

  “I’m saying that you can have me in all the important ways our social status requires—and you can have your little playthings, the diamonds in your life on the side.” She flashed him an impish smile as she advanced toward him. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she gazed up at him and said in a breathy voice, “In my view, Ian, I’m making you an irresistible offer.”

  Ian didn’t have to hear her sharp gasp to know that Diamond had entered. He’d known she was near just by the rising hairs on the back of his neck. He gazed at Diamond standing in the doorway, her fingers pressed against her lips. He didn’t know when if ever he would forget her shocked expression, or the blinding pain in her eyes as she turned and ran down the hallway.

  Seeing Marjorie’s unintentionally revealing smirk, Ian understood that the conniving woman had created the compromising scene. Shoving her aside, he said, “If you weren’t so pathetic, Marjorie, you would be an even bigger punchline than you already are.” Striding past her, he said, “Now if you will excuse me, I need to catch the woman I love and try to explain to her what a pitiful bitch you truly are.”

  Chapter 29

  “Diamond, stop! Wait!”

  Ian’s voice rang through the corridor. Diamond fought to get through the knot of startled men crowding the hallway to the dining room. Hearing Ian’s footsteps rapidly closing in on her, and not seeing a break in the crowd of luncheon guests, Diamond frantically searched for another exit. Seeing a service door to the side, she yanked it open and dashed in. Slamming the door behind her she saw that she was in a stairwell leading to a corridor on the next level. If she could make it down the stairs, she might be able find another exit.

  “Goddammit, Diamond. Stop now. Do you hear me?”

  Shoving at the sob in her throat, Diamond almost laughed at the ludicrousness of Ian’s command. She was running for her life. If he caught her now she knew she could never resist him. She made it to the floor below and saw a door at the end of a long hall. Looking over her shoulder she saw him take four steps at a time. In seconds Ian cleared the staircase. Knowing he was close to catching her, she prepared to make a run for the door at the far end of the corridor.

  Unexpectedly, he stopped.

  “Diamond, stop. Stop. Please, Tiger.”

  His voice was urgent, so compelling that she stopped and faced him. The expression on his face was a mix of anger and pain so intense that it took her breath.

  “Where do you think you’re going, Diamond?”

  Remembering his arms wrapped around Marjorie’s lush body, Diamond’s resolve flared. Taking several deep panting breaths she held her hands up in front of her to halt his advance. Sucking in enough air to respond, she said, “As far away from you as I can get.”

  He frowned at her declaration as if not understanding. Seeing that he was inching closer to her, Diamond knew she had to be calm, make him understand that he couldn’t force her to change her mind. Still holding her hands in front of her to keep him back, she spoke firmly.

  “I’m going to stay with Ruby and Noah for the rest of this operation. I…I’m not going back to the hotel. Not now. Not ever!”

  Charged by her fierce declaration, she barreled on. As if a dam of resistance had broken, a flood of angry intentions spilled over.

  “In…in addition…I…I want to sever our business relationship.”


  Ian was now within a couple of feet of her, close enough to reach out and touch her if he chose. But he didn’t. He didn’t have to. His intense gaze held her more powerfully than his hands could have. His simple question frightened her then galvanized her. She lifted her chin and glared at him.

  “Because…I…I…. NO, it’s about you. You have become much more intrusive. You seem to think that LOTN would collapse without your participation. You question my every decision and…you embarrass me…in front of clients. You treat me like a child. Like I don’t have a brain in my head, or a grain of business sense. You diminish me.”

  A dark frown creased Ian’s brow and his eyes narrowed as he studied her. Refusing to let his fierce gaze him intimidate her, Diamond squared her shoulders resolutely.

  “It’s…time I go out on my own.”

  Even though his intense gaze frightened her, Diamond was determined not to stop. Not until she had told him what was tearing her apart, splitting her soul in pieces.

  “And…I will never partner with you again, ever.”

  “Why? Riley?”

  His calm question and dark frown should have warned her, but it only made her more intent.

  “Because you don’t think of me as a trained agent, a world-class fighter. You don’t care about my skills or insights or experience. All you think of me is as a piece of ass that you can use to accomplish your goals.”

  Thoroughly incensed, she glared at him. “You think I’m a joke. A plaything. That you can taunt me and tease me. You put me on display in front of your powerful friends and adoring women. You pretend that we are lovers, and then to make sure that no one would actually think you were my lover, you presented me as your whore. Jesus, you even used me to get Marjorie to declare that she loves you.”

  Ian’s darkening frown and tightening jaw at the mention of Marjorie didn’t scare her as it should have. It only made her angrier. Breathing in his powerful scent made her aware that he had been steadily closing in on her. She could see the sweat gleaming on his upper lip, the powerful muscles rippling under his shirt. His eyes were dark gray, almost black
, steely, hard. Diamond didn’t have to look down to know that his erection was as hard as his eyes. Fighting the flood of sensations that swelled across her thighs, she shuttered a moan.

  Determined not to give into his looming presence, she forced herself to remember how he called their lovemaking a ruse, to ensure she knew that he would never truly be her lover.

  She was startled when he asked her more than a one word question.

  “How can you believe that I’m interested in Marjorie Chapman, that I have anything but contempt for her? Jesus, Riley, the bitch set us up. She planned that ridiculous scene, knowing full well that you were coming to see me.”

  Before she could respond, he added bitterly, “And, damn you. You believed her.”

  His eyes flashed dangerously “How dare you, Riley? How dare you think that I’m such a philandering son of a bitch that I would go from the passionate night we shared to a woman like Marjorie? Or anyone? Jesus, Diamond, do you really believe that I would make love to you the way that I did and that it meant nothing?”

  Startled by his rising anger, Diamond fought to maintain her own anger, not feel that she had to defend herself or ignore the pain he had caused her.

  She shook her head. “We both know what that night at the hotel was all about. You told Frank and everyone else that it was it was a ruse, a cover. Obviously it got out of control…but you’ve made it clear….”

  “STOP. That’s enough!”

  Ian reached out and grabbed her by her arms and pulled her up in front of him. His harsh command cut through her defenses. He gazed down at her his eyes blazing with anger. She could only stare at him in shock.

  “Goddammit, Riley. We’ll deal with those other issues later. Just know that I respect and admire you. Your skills, your fierceness and your persistence. Also know that you and I will partner again, and that I will continue to help you grow your company. Period. Those are non-negotiable!

  “But right now we are going to deal with what is really bothering you, what has caused this misguided tirade.”


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