Love Jones For Him
Page 2
He seemed thirty-ish or just a bit older, and was dressed smart-casual, in clothes that seemed to fit his lithe, tall frame like they were made just for him. And when he opened his mouth to speak – well. Victoria was only just beginning to realize how sexy a British accent could be on a man.
“Would you like to go into the kitchen? I could make you some tea or something,” she offered, and saw his chiseled lips tilt in a smile.
“Sorry to break the cultural mold, but I’m more a coffee man myself,” he said, and she couldn’t help throwing a smile over her shoulder as she led the way to the kitchen.
Once there, she offered him a seat at the kitchen table while she set about preparing coffee. It suddenly became hard to concentrate on such a simple task, knowing that his piercing blue-green eyes followed her everywhere.
“I’m glad Abbey was kind enough to get you to work on this,” she said, her tone light as she kept on the conversation. “I can’t imagine how long it would have taken for me to find someone myself. I can imagine you must have a lot of projects on your plate; it’s good of you to make time to see me and take a look at the house. So how do you like your coffee?”
She glanced his way, and yep, he was looking straight at her. She tried not to spill the coffee she was pouring out on herself as she met his penetrating gaze.
“Oh, black,” he said in a smooth tone. “Definitely black.”
Oh-kay, Victoria thought as she looked away and reminded herself: no clichés. She was not going to read meaning into his every look, his every sentence. She wasn’t going to imagine that just because she felt ready to get thrown over his shoulder and carried off, that he would feel the same way.
Bringing over both their cups, she sat down across the kitchen table and asked him if he thought he could handle the job.
“I’ll need to look around properly to know exactly what needs doing, but yes, it would be great to take on the project. I hear you wish to renovate, then sell?” he asked as he took a sip from his coffee. Victoria’s eyes strayed to his hand which was wrapped around the cup.
For such a large guy, he had really nice, well-shaped hands, which was great because she didn’t like big hands. Now, hands that looked like they’d seen some hard work but still had neatly kept nails and tapering fingers. In short, she liked his hands.
“Yes, that’s the plan,” she said quickly, as she pushed back her wayward thoughts. She had to quit being conscious about every little thing about him. His square-cut jaw, his deliciously curved lips, his straight nose, his smooth, nice forehead, his –
Seriously, Victoria – stop.
“Good idea,” he said with an approving nod. “Some buyers normally like a house with a bit of crumble – but it’s great to put some effort into renovating to get a better price.”
“It’s not about that,” she said, shrugging. “But I do want to see the house fixed up. I can’t wait to hear your plans once you make them. I was reluctant to renovate because I thought about the cost and time involved, but if it can be done within my budget and a reasonable time frame, then I’m up for it.”
“I’ll see what I can come up with,” he replied, and Victoria nodded, liking his business-like tone. This was how it should be: business. She had to stop thinking about what a total hunk he was, and remember why he was here. Whatever happened, she must never lose sight of her goal, which now entailed restoring the house, getting it sold and then leaving.
And nothing was going to disrupt that strategy, she decided firmly.
Chapter Five
It was almost hard for Victoria to believe how smoothly everything was going. By the time her neighbor Abbey paid her next visit, the renovations were already well under way.
“I take it you got a good deal from the contractor?” Abbey asked, looking around at the stripped walls as they walked through the house.
“He was great. It took just two days to give me an estimate, and I was amazed how little it would cost. He also assured me it would get done in a few weeks or less. I can’t believe my luck. Thanks, Abbey.”
“Don’t mention it. He’s done work on many of my friend’s houses. He’s one of the very best in the business. I’m glad you both worked something out,” she said, waving a hand in the air. Then she grinned. “The great thing about it is that he does most of the work himself, and subcontracts stuff like the plumbing and electricity - which is probably why he can afford to keep his fee minimal.”
“I thought as much,” Victoria said as she poured out iced tea into two glasses. “I absolutely loved what he intends to do with the place. He showed me his plans and I was impressed. There’s going to be some shimming work to level the floors, realignment of some rooms upstairs, and repainting. And then of course some insulation and dry-walling on both floors, as well as changing three rooms to two down the corridor from the master bedroom. In fact, I almost can’t wait to see the finished product.”
“Sounds like a whole load of renovating needs to be done. So, what did you think of him?” Abbey surprised her by asking, her smile cheeky. “I mean, about Gordon Dorchester, the man. He’s considered something of a catch in these parts.”
Victoria couldn’t help smiling. “I guess that means he’s single. I never really gave it much thought,” she said lightly, before quickly changing the subject.
“I got a call from my aunt, Diana Wakefield yesterday. She said she heard I was keen on working on the house,” Victoria said with a slight crease in her brow. “She didn’t sound too happy about the idea.”
Abbey shrugged. “What can one expect? She’s probably not too happy about a lot of things. Not getting this house, for example, must have put her out immensely.”
“I see,” Victoria said slowly. “That explains a lot. I can imagine how it must feel for her, especially since she lives here in London and I don’t. I guess it didn’t make sense to her that I should be the one to get the house.” And now I’m about to sell what had been her family home, Victoria couldn’t help thinking with a prick of guilt.
“Victoria, you are Mary’s daughter. You have as much right to this place as anyone else does. Maybe even more so. Almost everyone knows that your mother was Elizabeth’s, your grandmother’s, favorite. It’s a pity you wish to sell, but then that’s your decision. One I’m hoping you’ll change when the time comes…”
Victoria wasn’t sure about changing her decision any time soon, but she couldn’t help thinking how well the renovations were coming along. Gordon had said it was okay that she could stay in the house while the work was going on, which was great so she could see for herself how the house was being brought back to life.
Thankfully it hadn’t been too dilapidated, and Gordon was working long hours to ensure the project got finished in record time. Victoria was grateful for that, and couldn’t help admiring his dedication. It was obvious he loved what he did, and took pride in his work. The way he paid attention to every detail was impressive. Sometimes she’d stop to look into the room he was busy in, and watch him at work.
There was no way she could lie to herself that she was just there to monitor his renovation skills. What woman with red blood in her veins wouldn’t like to view Gordon without a shirt every chance she got?
He was usually always dressed in jeans and a tee, overalls, or a work shirt. But some days, like this one, he’d stripped down to just his jeans while he hammered away at the newly beveled window in the living room.
That day was particularly humid. It had rained earlier in the morning, but now the weather was all sticky and hot. She guessed that was British weather at its best: unpredictable. Filling up a tall glass with orange juice, she went into the living room where he was, and offered him the drink.
“You look like you need cooling off,” she explained, as he straightened from his task and turned to face her.
Oh. Wow.
There she was, getting the full frontal of Gordon shirtless, in nothing but dangerously low-slung, faded blue jeans. Hi
s dark blond hair was slightly tousled, some errant locks brushing his forehead. Her eyes swept downwards and it almost got difficult to actually breathe.
Victoria was no expert on the male form. But if she was judging by her personal taste, then Gordon had to have the best body structure she’d ever seen. He was all chest and torso, the muscles ripped and golden and looking tempting to touch. From his wide shoulders to his smooth chest to his incredibly sculpted abs, he was a vision for Victoria’s starved eyes. There was no hint of fat anywhere, just a perfectly lean, healthy, sexy body that seemed lifted straight out of a male fitness mag.
His long legs were encased in those sinfully snug jeans, and if her eyes lingered a second too long on his crotch area, she hoped he wouldn’t notice. If a man’s body could create the most wicked, filthiest thoughts in the most innocent woman’s mind, it was a body like Gordon’s. And Victoria was far from innocent. So her imagination was working on overtime right then.
Finally, she trailed her way up to his face. The fact that she’d spent the last fifteen seconds ogling his half-naked body didn’t seem lost on him. There was a crooked lift to his smile; his jewel-like eyes twinkled. He had that look on his face that told her he liked being ogled. By her.
Oh no, she thought in sudden despair. The “Love Jones”. She had it for him. No wonder she was always looking for an excuse to bump into his work space; why she took every opportunity to talk or see him whenever he was in the house. She was into him, big time – like she’d never been into any guy in a while – if ever. She just had to look at him and she thought of silken sheets, a king-sized bed, and the sweet, hot musk of all-night sex…
Yep, she had a Love Jones for him all right.
His magnetism was coming off him in waves, and she was standing there, soaking up the masculine, red-hot ambience he exuded. I’m male. I’m fuckable. Want me.
His body, his eyes, seemed to be telling her those words. She blinked, and almost stumbled back. His hand shot out to grip her arm before she could topple over some work tools.
“Careful,” he said, in his clipped, sexy British voice. His fingers wrapped easily around her slender arm; her skin tingled beneath his touch, which was warm, alive. Her eyes flew involuntarily up to meet his, and found in them a flash of something. His fingers tightened on her wrist for a fraction, and there was a time-bubble moment when everything was blocked out but their locked gaze, and the sound of their breathing in the silence of the room. The element of sexual tension had now been established; Victoria just wasn’t sure from whom it had emanated. Was she the only one who felt it, or did he feel the same?
She chewed on her lip in confusion, frowning with annoyance at herself for being silly and fanciful.
“I know. My fault – I guess any room you haven’t finished is a danger zone,” she said, forcing a light tone and a smile. He slowly let her go; once he seemed sure she’d regained her balance. “When exactly do you think you can be finished – I mean, with the whole house?”
“At this rate, pretty soon. I’d say before the end of the month. Why?”
She shrugged. “I live in New York, that’s where my work and family is. Family being just my paternal grandmother, but…well, I miss her. I miss home.”
Victoria watched him lift the glass of juice to his lips, tipping his head back as he downed the contents in a few gulps. She stared at the powerful column of his throat as if mesmerized. Her lips seemed to itch to place itself upon the strong cords of his neck, to taste the thin sheen of perspiration coating his smooth, golden skin. Her teeth longed to sink into that sweet-looking flesh and nip him, ever so gently, before she’d run her tongue flat along the plane of his collar bone, savoring his deliciousness.
Her immoral thoughts were beginning to make her face feel hot. Thankfully there was no chance of her being able to blush – but all of a sudden, she was beginning to understand what the term “hot under the collar” meant. She was definitely that, and much more.
“Is there anything else you miss? Or should I say, anyone?” he asked, done with the glass, which he handed to her. Their fingers brushed, and the brief, almost-nonexistent contact was enough to set her tingling all over again. What on earth, she swore, getting all the more furious with herself.
Being around Gordon was reminding her about the sorry state of her sex-life in the past several months. True, it had been her choice to stay single and stay celibate, but she was beginning to think that the effects were causing her to be too over-conscious of this very gorgeous and sexy contractor guy she had working on her home. She’d like to think it was all about his face and body, but that wasn’t the truth. There was something about him that drew her, made her glad to see him, even if it was just a glimpse she had of him, busy at his tasks.
In the past few days since the renovation went underway, he’d been the perfect professional. Always courteous and even friendly, but that was all. No matter what he seemed to think about her and what was becoming her increasingly obvious attraction to him, he showed no sign. Well, maybe until now. She blinked to clear her thoughts as she tried to answer his question.
“What do you mean?” she asked. “I guess I have friends I miss too – but I don’t have anyone in the romantic sense pining for my return or anything, if that’s what you’re asking.” She tried not to feel guilty thinking about Jeff, who was still ringing regularly to keep abreast with her activities. She kept telling herself that Jeff had no claims on her, and that she was free to feel or do anything with anyone she chose.
And yet, she couldn’t help feeling like she’d betrayed him somehow. For simply wanting Gordon the way she did, in the way she’d never wanted Jeff, made her feel like she’d let Jeff down. But that was silly, wasn’t it?
Gordon was saying with a shrug, “I was simply wondering, why the hurry with the renovations and all that. You’re in a new city, just waiting to be explored. There’s so much on offer while you’re here. Maybe it’s time you focused on enjoying your stay rather than counting the days till you can leave.”
“I am enjoying my stay,” she said defensively. “I’ve been touring the city whenever I can, visiting the many sights. Abbey has been great, showing me around and even taking me to the theater. The fact is, Gordon, that no matter how much I get to enjoy it here, one day I’ll still have to return to New York and my life there.”
“Of course,” he said, his tone light as he picked up his tool again. “But that’s the thing about life: you never know, do you?”
“I guess you’re right,” she replied, getting confused again by his mysterious words. With a quick smile, she excused herself and left him to get back to work, her head in a whirl.
He slipped into bed beside her, and she started.
“What...what are you doing?” she asked in panic, turning on her side to find Gordon beside her. She could feel the heat of his lower body close to hers beneath the sheets. Her eyes couldn’t seem to tear away from the sight of his muscular chest, the tiny nipples invitingly brown, pebbly. She wanted to catch one in her teeth so bad, she trembled.
He smiled a slow, wicked smile, leaning back on his elbows as he watched her watching him. “Answering your call, honey,” was his cocky reply.
She frowned, even as her heart pounded. Gordon, in her bed. Every hot-blond inch of him just laying there waiting to be enjoyed. But why did this feel so crazy?
“My call?”
“Yes,” he said plainly, his jewel-like eyes darkening almost black. “Your body, Victoria. It’s been calling out to me and I can no longer ignore the signals. You want this; you need to come get it.”
With those rumbling, heart-tripping words said in that hot British voice of his, Victoria started to feel a definite moistening between her legs. She locked her knees together reflexively. He couldn’t possibly be serious – could he?
She was beginning to discover that he’d never been more so. He was lying back, lifting his arms and locking his hands beneath his head in a reclined
pose. That wicked smile never moved from his lips, and she swallowed at the undeniably delicious image of him spread out like a buffet just waiting to be devoured. For some reason, the small golden tufts evident in each exposed armpit were an immense turn-on. This was surprising to Victoria because she wasn’t a fan of armpit hair. But on Gordon, it was the sexiest thing ever. Her pussy throbbed and dampened even more.
She couldn’t wait to take a bite of him.
He seemed to read the capitulation in his eyes, and his grin widened with satisfaction and approval. “That’s it, baby. Take a big bite. Take anything you want.”
Her eyes widened at his words. How had he read her mind? Was that even possible?
This was definitely getting too crazy.
“Victoria…,” he said warningly, as she hesitated. Her whole body was quivering; she needed so much to give in. She’d never wanted anything so bad in her life. To succumb to her desire, her lust, for Gordon in every way. And yet…
“Gordon, I…,” she began, shaking her head in confusion. And just like that, he disappeared.
Victoria woke up with a start, suddenly realizing she’d cried out in her sleep.
Looking around at her empty bedroom, she placed a hand to her heaving chest. Damn. Just a dream. A very spicy, short-lived and dissatisfactory dream. Her breasts tingled beneath her shirt, and the cleft in her thighs felt decidedly wet. Double damn.
It wasn’t the first time that Gordon had flavored her dreams. But this one had left her feeling particularly bereft for some reason.
The room was slightly dim, and she realized it was evening. She glanced at the bedside clock, which said six pm. She’d come up to take a nap, and had obviously overslept.
She’d barely managed to freshen up when the doorbell rang. There were sounds all over the house of work being done; today Gordon had brought in the other work men to handle the electricity and plumbing in some of the rooms.