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Double Doms: A Menage Baby Romance

Page 46

by Tia Siren

  “So,” I said, once they had ordered their drinks, “I didn’t expect to see my employees out and about tonight here in Salt Lake.”

  “I practically had to beg Jo to come out,” Sabrina said, rolling her eyes. “You know, she never goes out. She needs to have some fun in her life.”

  “It’s not really my thing to come to places like this,” Joanna replied defensively. “I’ve always been a stay-at-home type of girl. You know that.”

  I nudged Joanna in the arm. Her bare skin felt warm and hot against the fabric of my shirt. I tried to ignore the fact that my cock twitched in response to sitting so close to her.

  “You were enjoying yourself out there,” I said. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you so carefree since you started working for me.”

  “That’s because it’s been a long time since her boyfriend has let her get out of the house,” Sabrina said. She ignored the dirty look that Joanna sent in her direction, but I couldn’t agree more with her about it. “I’m just being honest, Jo. He’s a fucking prick. He doesn’t let you have any fun. He threw a damn fit over you coming tonight even though he’s working. What kind of boyfriend does that?”

  “We don’t need to talk about that right now,” Joanna said quietly. “Let’s just drop it.”

  The center of Joanna’s cheeks burned as she looked down at the tabletop. I reached over to place a hand on her forearm, squeezing there to gain her attention.

  “I meant what I said earlier,” I said. “If there is anything going on and you need help, don’t hesitate to talk to me.”

  A small smile tugged at Joanna’s lips. “You’re my boss. I don’t think that open-door policy applies outside the workplace.”

  “I’d make an exception for you,” I said, nudging her again. “Anytime. Any day.”

  “Thank you, but—”

  “Excuse me.” I looked up at the sound of Drusilla’s voice. She stood in front of the table with her hand on her hip, gazing down at Joanna with narrowed eyes. “You’re in my seat, darling.”

  “Oh,” Joanna said, and she immediately slid away from me to make room. “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize someone else was sitting here.”

  “His date is,” Drusilla said as she took her place next to me. She slithered up close to me and placed a hand on my upper thigh. “I’m Drusilla James. I’m sorry that I don’t know your names.”

  I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at the theatrics. Sure, I’d leave with Joanna in a heartbeat if she asked me to go home with her, but she had a boyfriend to go home to at the end of the night. Even if he sounded like a prick from what Sabrina said and my other interactions with him.

  “I’m Joanna Lind. This is Sabrina Sanchez. We work for Bastian. I mean, Mr. Burke.”

  “That’s so nice of you to invite your employees over for drinks,” Drusilla said in a sugary voice that instantly grated on my nerves. “I’m sorry to say that the VIP lounge is only for VIP tickets.”

  “Of course. We want to see the band close anyway. It was good to see you, Mr. Burke.”

  Joanna nodded as she nudged Sabrina out of her seat. She didn’t spare me another glance as the both of them quickly left the table in the direction of the band. I kept my eyes glued to the curve of Joanna’s lower back as she followed Sabrina through the crowd.

  “It’s rude to check out other women when you’re on a date with someone.”

  I looked back over at Drusilla as her lips thinned at me. “I didn’t say this was a date, to be fair. Just a casual thing like we’ve had before.”

  “You shouldn’t stoop to lusting after women like her,” she continued on, reaching up to rub at my dick through my pants. “How about we get out of here? I’ll make sure you’ll want to come back for more again.”

  I doubted that, but given my interaction with Joanna in her revealing outfit, I needed something to give me a good release. Drusilla’s skills in bed were good enough for that. I glanced through the crowd of dancing people around the stage one last time before I took Drusilla’s hand to exit the club. Tonight, even if it was fucked up of me, I’d be imagining Joanna squirming beneath me in pleasure. I just hoped that it would make interacting with Joanna in the future easier, because I had a gut feeling she needed help.

  Chapter 4


  “Remind me to thank you for convincing me to come out here,” I shouted over the music to Sabrina while we made our way back to the stage. “I needed it. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome,” she shouted back and touched me on the elbow lightly. “Just one question though, Jo.”

  “What is it?”

  Sabrina paused on the outskirts of the writhing crowd in front of the stage. She gave me a long and hard look before asking, “Is there something going on between you and Bastian Burke?”

  The question made me squirm uncomfortably because my heart was still racing from our encounter. I didn’t know how to answer that, besides that it was harmless flirting. Bastian Burke would never be interested in a woman like me. He had wealth, power, and status in society. He could have any woman he wanted, including the woman who had practically draped herself over Bastian the moment she realized Sabrina and I were seated in her booth.

  “Nothing is going on. Why would you ask that?”

  “Because the both of you were flirting with one another,” Sabrina said. “I saw it. That woman with Bastian saw it, too. She was totally threatened by it.”

  I waved a hand at her. “It was nothing, Sabrina. You’re reading too much into it.”

  “You aren’t reading enough into it.”

  “I’m not here to talk about my love life anyway,” I said and started in the direction of the band. “You were the one who asked me to come out here against my boyfriend’s wishes. So just drop it.”

  Sabrina shrugged her shoulders as she followed me back to the front part of the crowd where only a few ticket members were allowed to go. The bass of the music thumped through the core of me while I let myself slip into that blissful trance of being carefree for a few minutes. I didn’t have to worry about Sid or anything else. I could just dance to the music without worrying about a thing.

  My eyes slid over to where Bastian sat with Drusilla all over him in the booth. A stab of jealousy went through me. Not that I blamed the woman who had made it clear that he was hers tonight. I was used to seeing Bastian in his nice suits and ties. Tonight, though, he was wearing a pair of gray pants and a black button-up shirt that had felt soft beneath my fingers. It was sexy to see a more laid-back appearance of Bastian.

  I didn’t want to think more about the encounter, but it kept replaying in my head while Sabrina and I danced together. It wasn’t until an hour later, when the band announced they were taking a break, that I managed to go back to the bar to order a glass of water to combat all the sweat I had poured out while dancing alongside Sabrina. The entire night felt like a surreal and pleasant blur. Especially since running into Bastian, even though he was obviously on a date with an older woman who didn’t want us around at all.

  Jealousy smoldered in my chest as I reached into my purse to pull out a couple dollar bills to hand over to the bartender. It shouldn’t matter what my boss did outside the workplace, but it mattered to me. I didn’t like the idea of him going home to that woman who clearly was into him for only two reasons—money and his dick.

  I had heard the rumors around work about Bastian Burke’s skills in bed. They kept women coming back to him even though he didn’t want a committed relationship. Getting involved, or even letting myself feel like I could get involved, was a critical mistake. I had Sid to think about, too.

  I stopped digging through my purse when my fingers brushed against my buzzing phone. The pleasant haze in my head faded away as I slowly pulled out my phone to gaze down at the screen right as a phone call from Sid went to voicemail. Again.

  “Shit,” I muttered, scrolling through the fifteen missed calls and the various text messages, all demanding me to call him back. �
��Great. Just fucking dandy.”

  A phone call or a text message wouldn’t calm Sid’s temper. So, I shoved my phone back into my purse before swiping up the water and heading into the crowd, where Sabrina was still dancing. I tapped her on the shoulder to motion for her to follow me out into the club’s lobby where it was a bit quieter and not so crowded.

  “What is going on?” Sabrina asked, reading the distress on my face. “What is it?”

  “I have to go,” I said. “I just wanted to let you know before I took off. I’m calling an Uber. I need to get back home.”

  Sabrina crossed her arms with a sigh. “You mean Sid is blowing up your phone as usual?”

  “Don’t worry about me,” I said and pecked a kiss on her cheek with a forced smile. “I’ll be fine. I just need to get home because we have plans early tomorrow morning.”

  I didn’t know why I felt the need to lie to her about it, but it was embarrassing to admit she was right.

  “I’ll come with you,” Sabrina said.

  “You stay to hear the band.” I nodded encouragingly. “There are some good-looking men in there who were eyeing you up. Stay here. Have a good time.”

  Sabrina hesitated for a moment, her expression somber. “If you’re sure, Jo. I don’t want you to leave if Sid’s in a mood.”

  I waved her concerns away even though my heart was pounding furiously in my chest. I knew what type of mood he was in, and it was going to be a long night of having to calm him down. It had taken a full two days of me pleading and promising certain things to get him to accept this concert tonight.

  “I’ll be fine,” I said. “I have an Uber coming to pick me up.”

  “Call me this weekend to let me know that you’re okay.”

  “I will. I promise.”

  Sabrina hugged me tightly before heading back into the club. I stepped out into the chilly night, buttoning up my coat in the process to fend off the cold air. Cars were lined up along the sidewalk as I waited for the Uber to come around the corner like the map on my phone said it was about to. The squeal of tires startled me as a car pulled up to the curb in front of me.

  My heart sank to the pit of my stomach as cold fear filtered through me. Sid, still dressed in his black attire from doing sting operations all night, hopped out of the unmarked car. Fury raged in his eyes as he strode up to where I stood, motionless with fear, on the sidewalk.

  “Where the fuck have you been?” Sid demanded. “I’ve been trying to call you for the past two hours, Joanna! Are you ignoring me because you’re having too much of a good time in there with your friend?”

  “I’m not ignoring—”

  Sid grabbed ahold of my arm. “You’re ignoring me. I know you are. Whenever you hang out with that Sabrina, you act like you don’t even have a boyfriend at home waiting for you.”

  “That’s not what it is,” I said, squirming against his tight grip on my arm. Tears filled my eyes as Sid’s fingers tightened even more. “Stop, Sid. You’re making a scene, and you’re hurting me.”

  “Oh, am I?” His lip curled up in contempt. “Does this hurt, too?”

  His fingers pinched down hard on the corner of my elbow. I yelped in pain while struggling to break free of Sid’s iron grasp, but it was futile to fight him. Sid had spent the last five years of his life training to fight and to protect himself. Muscles bulged off him as he pulled me in the direction of the unmarked car.


  Sid and I stopped short in surprise at the voice yelling at us from across the street. My heart leapt into my throat when I saw Bastian approaching from the other side of the street with cold and glittering eyes. His date, Drusilla, was nowhere in sight. Sid’s fingers didn’t loosen from around my elbow. I shot Bastian a warning glance, but he didn’t pay attention to me. His eyes were focused on Sid, who eyed him with contempt.

  “Get your fucking hands off her,” Bastian said icily. “You’re hurting her. I heard her tell you to stop.”

  Sid laughed darkly. “Yeah, and who the fuck are you, man?”

  “I’m Bastian Burke. I’m Joanna’s boss.”

  My eyes slipped closed in despair at that. Sid glanced at me harshly. This would result in another argument later. Now that Sid had gotten a view of how good looking my boss was, he would probably want me to quit.

  “This isn’t any of your business,” Sid said. “All right, boss man? Maybe you should move along now.”

  He tugged me in the direction of the car again. A turmoil of emotions filled me when I opened my eyes to find that Bastian was staring directly at me, trying to see if I was okay. Numbness washed over me, along with embarrassment. This was the last thing I wanted Bastian Burke to know about my life.

  “She happens to be my business,” Bastian remarked smoothly. “If something happens to her—”

  “What the fuck did you say?” Sid snapped, letting go of my arm. “Did you just tell me that she is your business? She ain’t your girlfriend, man.”

  Bastian arched an eyebrow. “You’re the only thing standing in the way and preventing that.”

  “Sid,” I started, grabbing ahold of the back of his jacket. “Come on, don’t do this. You’re making a scene. You’re on the—”

  Sid pushed me away. I stumbled into the car, and he started in Bastian’s direction. Bastian was the image of utter calm. He didn’t even step back in fear when Sid pushed at his chest. Bastian’s arm cocked back swiftly and he swung at Sid. The sound of bones slamming into the corner of Sid’s jaw filled the entire street. I held a hand over my mouth in horror as onlookers paused as well to take in the fight. Sid stumbled for a second, then straightened quickly, pulling out his service pistol and aiming it directly between Bastian’s eyes.

  Screams filled the night. I distantly heard myself cry out as well. Bastian stood stock-still with the barrel of Sid’s gun pointed at him. There wasn’t any fear in his eyes, though. They were narrowed in loathing at the man standing in front of him.

  The passenger door to the unmarked car opened quickly. It was Sid’s partner, Joe Hernandez. He came around the front of the car and glanced nervously at the crowd gathered outside on the club.

  “Put that fucking gun away,” Joe hissed, pulling at Sid’s arm. “Come on, man. You’re still on the clock. You ain’t got no reason to shoot this man besides for a personal vendetta. People are fucking filming this shit.”

  All around us, people had their phones out, capturing the altercation. Sid looked around, fury still burning in his gaze.

  “Horrible mistake to pull a gun on an innocent man who isn’t armed,” Bastian said. “Enough to have your badge and gun revoked. And you’re on the job?” Bastian shook his head. “This will make one hell of a lawsuit.”

  Sid’s arm lowered slowly, and Joe pulled him back in the direction of the car. Sid’s eyes didn’t leave Bastian’s as he slowly walked backward until he reached my side. I grimaced when he wrapped a protective arm around my waist. The cold winter air stung my wet cheeks, and I felt Sid open the door behind me, a silent indication to get in without further argument. Or else. That threat and promise intermingled in Sid’s eyes as he looked at me.

  “You don’t have to go with him,” Bastian said, taking a step forward. “Joanna, you can stay here with me. I’ll make sure you find a safe place to go.”

  Fingers pinched my waist. I shook my head at Bastian sadly before sliding into the back seat. No matter what amount of money Bastian spent to protect me, Sid had his resources through the police department. It wouldn’t be hard to track any sort of movement from Bastian’s accounts.

  Chapter 5


  I tapped my fingers impatiently against my desk while staring at the clock on the wall above my office door. Where the fuck is she? In the years Joanna had worked for me, not once had she ever been more than five minutes late. Even a minute late. She was always early, Monday through Friday.

  I had arrived early with the blind hope that she would be sitting at her desk as
usual at 7:45 a.m., but her desk was empty alongside Roger’s. Unease filled my stomach all over again, and it only fueled my foul mood.

  Drusilla had been a nightmare after witnessing me storming over to protect Joanna. She hadn’t been upset over the fact that Joanna’s piece-of-shit boyfriend had pulled a gun on me or that he had clearly been hurting Joanna. Her anger had been about me rushing over to help while we were on our way to get my car, which was parked farther up the street from where Joanna had come out of the club.

  “I’m your date for the evening,” she said coldly. “And yet you’re paying more attention to that employee of yours than anyone else.”

  I ran a hand along my face tiredly. Friday night had been a shit-show, but the rest of the weekend had followed suit as well. I couldn’t get Joanna out of my mind. There had been several times I’d considered texting, calling, or even just writing up a quick email to make sure she was okay. There was no doubt in my mind about what had most likely happened after Joanna had gotten into that unmarked car.

  Sid Alvarez. That was the name Joanna had put under her emergency contacts, and with my own resources, I had done some digging over the weekend. He was a crooked cop who ran the drug tactical force here in Salt Lake City. He’d been fired from another police department in New York City for increasing reports of violent behavior and complaints about his mishandling of investigations. A few people had threatened lawsuits, too.

  I wanted the bastard’s badge and gun—the one he had pulled on me. And yet I hesitated to file my own complaint this morning because of Joanna’s empty desk. I wasn’t a fool. I didn’t want to sit idly by while my employee was being abused, but I couldn’t do a damn thing about this situation. Not without Joanna’s go-ahead, and it wasn’t my business who Joanna found herself tangled up with.


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