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Double Doms: A Menage Baby Romance

Page 72

by Tia Siren

  “No. I’m not gonna cancel. It’s bullshit that Jeremy thinks he can frighten me into not having a life,” I said.

  “Yes!” Courtney said, pumping her fist in the air. “Lexi, it’s good to have you back, sweet cheeks.”

  “Sweet cheeks?” I asked.

  “Yeah. You know, you’ve got that nice round ass. Me, I’m a stick. So sue me,” she said.

  “You’re insane. You know that?” I asked.

  “Precisely why you love me. Now, if I might interject with all these twins you’re volleying about.”


  “Be honest with them, at least with the Kirkland brothers.”

  “Now you’re just doing it on purpose. Castle brothers,” I said.

  “The sexy firefighters, I know. Tell them. If Jeremy’s gonna be pulling this kind of shit, it’s gonna piss him off that you changed your number so he couldn’t call. Tell them what’s happening and keep them in the loop. It’s only right.”

  She had a point. This was something I couldn’t hide from them, especially if we were going out tomorrow night. So, I took to my group chat with Liam and Logan and began to explain why I had changed my number.

  And while I was at it, I decided to just go ahead and tell them all.

  Chapter 7

  Even though I wanted to meet them out somewhere, Liam and Logan insisted on picking me up. They wanted to make sure I was going to be all right, and I finally relented, not relishing the idea of Jeremy following me on the road at night. They were doing something sweet, and even though that concept was foreign to me after three years with Jeremy, I allowed them to do it. I smoothed down my dress, the green fabric clinging to my body, before I stepped into my heels.

  “You look decadent enough to be ravaged by two firefighters,” Courtney said, grinning.

  “Shut up.”

  “I want all the juicy details,” she said.

  “Let me assure you, there will not be any juicy details,” I said.

  “Oh, I see that smirk. Come on, you know you’re lying,” she said.

  “Well, if they make a move, I’ll go with it if it seems right.”

  “Lexi, these men are not Jeremy. Grow a pair and take what you want.”

  I looked over at her with a glare just as the doorbell rang. I felt my heart beating in my chest as I grabbed my purse, shoving my phone, debit card, and lip gloss into it. I fluffed my hair out one last time as Courtney opened the door, and I heard them talking to her as she ushered them in. Courtney was giving them some idiotic rundown of what time I needed to be home, but the dual chuckle I heard told me they knew she was joking.

  Good. Because I was theirs tonight, for as long as they wanted.

  I walked down the hallway and couldn’t help but rake my eyes over the two of them. Their tan skin juxtaposed with the light-washed jeans they both wore, and as they turned around, I caught a glimpse of the darkness behind their eyes. Liam’s chest was slightly broader than Logan’s, pulling at the buttons just a bit more, and I licked my lips at the sight. Their arms were peppered with bulging veins and their hair was the perfect length for me to curl my fingertips into. I watched as the brothers devoured my body with their eyes. Then finally Logan piped up.

  “You look delectable this evening, Lexi,” he said.

  Courtney groaned, and I had to stifle a giggle. I walked toward them and rose up to kiss their cheeks. Liam planted his hand on the small of my back.

  “How are you doing?” he asked.

  “Much better now that the two of you are here. So, where are we off to?”

  “It’s a surprise,” Logan said, grinning.

  The two of them ushered me to the car, and Liam allowed me to sit up front. He opened my door for me and I slid on in, making sure our fingertips touched before he shut the door. He climbed into the back as Logan slid in beside me, and immediately I felt safer than I’d ever felt before. My panties were already wet as my eyes cascaded up the bulging muscles of Logan’s forearms. I could practically feel the protection radiating from both of them. Screw the detail the Wolf brothers wanted to hire for me.

  I’d just keep these two around.

  “Has that fuck-face tried to contact you again?” Liam asked.

  “Language,” Logan warned.

  “No, no. The language is fine. I’ve got a bit of a foul mouth myself if put in the correct situation,” I said.

  “Something tells me that would be filthy, not foul,” Logan said.

  His statement sent shivers up my spine, and slowly I felt my confidence trickling back—confidence Jeremy had robbed me of over the last few years. It felt good to have that spark of adrenaline back.

  “I guess you’ll just have to wait and find out, huh?” I said.

  “I’m not a very patient person, am I, Logan?”

  “Nope. Liam is definitely not patient.”

  “Well, down boys; I’m starving. Let’s go get some dinner,” I said, grinning.

  Part of me hadn’t wanted Courtney at the house when they arrived, but the moment I had walked down the hall, I could tell they only had eyes for me. I wanted both of them, and I wanted them bad. I wanted their broad shoulders to hold my weight as they fucked me into the wall. I wanted their strong legs to contract as I sucked off their cocks. I wanted their foul-mouthed tongues silenced with the sweetness of my clit.

  I wanted them both at the same time, and I knew I wouldn’t leave them tonight without having it.

  “Something on your mind, sweet cheeks?” Liam asked. I felt myself flushing and had to take a deep breath. My panties were soaking, and if I wasn’t careful, it would leak through onto my dress. I turned my head around and smirked at him, winking, too, before I turned my attention to Logan. His eyes were fixed on the road, but I could see the outline of his rising cock.

  And holy hell, it was massive.

  “Any chance I could entice you into telling me where we’re going?” I asked.

  “To get some food. You said you were hungry,” Logan said, grinning.

  “Oh, come on. I wanna know! Please?”

  “You beg so nicely,” Liam said. “Doesn’t she, Logan?”

  “I wouldn’t mind hearing it again.”

  His eyes flickered over to mine, and I turned my body toward him. I jutted out my bottom lip and furrowed my brow as I fake sniffled a bit. Liam chuckled as Logan kept darting his eyes back and forth, keeping an eye on the road and me. I allowed my hand to touch his upper thigh before I squeezed lightly.

  “Please, Logan? Please tell me where we’re going. I wanna know so bad.”

  “Fucking hell,” he murmured. “We’re going to Standard Station.”

  “Is that the oceanfront sports bar and grill place?” I asked. “I’ve never been, but I’ve heard that it’s fun there.”

  I squeezed his thigh one last time before I sat back down in my seat. I could tell he was trying to keep his composure, but the cock raging beneath his pants told me it wasn’t working. I turned my head and gazed out the window, watching the city pass us by, and a few minutes later we were pulling up into the parking lot.

  Liam got out and opened my door, then offered his hand to help me out. They were such gentlemen, being so restrained even when I was throwing all this at them. Liam wrapped his arm around me and guided me into the bar, no doubt giving Logan time to situate that thick dick he had underneath his jeans.

  “How many tonight?” the hostess asked.

  “Three of us. A booth, please,” Liam said.

  Logan approached from behind and followed us to the booth. He scooted in before Liam ushered me to get in next, and my body shivered as I was sandwiched between the two of them. It was right where I wanted to be, honestly. I could feel the heat ricocheting off their bodies and onto my skin, and I knew exactly what I wanted to eat tonight. I would throw back a few Midori sours, have a small salad to munch on, and then I’d get them back to my apartment where I could devour what I really wanted to nibble on.

  Their fucking bo

  “Hello, you guys. My name is Allison, and I’ll be your waitress for the evening. Can I interest you in any of our drink specials?”

  “I’ll have a Midori sour,” I said.

  “Excellent choice. And for the gentlemen?”

  “I’m gonna have a pint of Guinness,” Logan said.

  “And I’m gonna have a Corona with lime,” Liam said.

  “Coming right up. Interested in any food orders right now?”

  “I know I’m just going to have a small side salad—with ranch, please,” I said.

  “You really should eat a bit more,” Logan said.

  “We know you must be fucking petrified, but you can’t let that keep you from eating. You need the fuel, even if you don’t feel like it,” Liam said.

  “Gentlemen, being out with the two of you is by far the safest I’ve felt in a long time. I promise I’m all right.”

  “Okay. I’ll have the bacon cheese fries,” Liam said.

  “And I’ll have the Reuben sandwich with a side of chips,” Logan said.

  “I’ll put all this in and be right back with your drinks then!” the waitress chirped.

  “Finally, a bit of alone time,” Logan said, grinning. “How have things been since you changed your number? That bastard still bothering you?”

  “Not yet, though I wouldn’t put it past him to try something else,” I said.

  “Have you talked to the police? Surely they can fucking get off their asses now,” Liam said.

  “They need concrete proof. There was heavy breathing and a maniacal laugh, but nothing that pinpointed my ex.”

  “Wait, what fucking what?” Logan asked.

  “Say that one last time for me, beautiful,” Liam said.

  Shivers ran up my arms, and they must have caught them. I felt their hands descend on my arms, slowly running their fingertips up and down them. I was shivering from just remembering how devious that laugh had sounded, and I didn’t realize tears had sprung to my eyes until Logan and Liam scooted closer to me.

  “What’s happened, Lexi? What is it that you haven’t told us?” Liam asked.

  “The last phone call,” I said. “I, uh, might have told the person I was changing my number and if they wanted to scare me, they’d have to come after me. And if they did, I’d castrate them.”

  “You fucking didn’t,” Logan said.

  “I just—I was so angry. I’m petrified in my own fucking apartment. How is that fair? How can he torment me like this and get away with it?”

  “You mentioned a laugh. What was that?” Logan asked.

  “There was this laugh that happened after I said all that. The breathing stopped and it just—began. It didn’t really sound like Jeremy, but then again it didn’t really sound human, either. I don’t know what the fuck it was, but it scared me to my bones.”

  Their arms wrapped around me and pulled me close as the waitress set our drinks on the table. I sighed, closing my eyes and taking in the strength that surrounded me. They were rubbing my arms and my back, whispering sweet nothings in my ears as they tried to assure me I was safe with them. But they didn’t have to worry. I knew I was.

  And what I wanted now was a distraction.

  I had two sexy men pressed against my body. They were worried about my well-being, which meant they would be willing to do anything to make sure I was all right, happy, and smiling. I slowly slid my hands down their thighs as I felt their breath on the skin of my neck. Their muscles twitched underneath my touch, their bodies pressing harder against me as the drinks went ignored on the table. Everyone around us was watching some stupid-ass game on television, completely oblivious to what was happening in our booth.

  When the food was delivered to the table, however, it interrupted our moment. My stomach started to growl, and the three of us grabbed our drinks, taking long pulls. I quickly drained my entire glass. The waitress came back with another round as I doused my salad in ranch dressing. Logan was the first to break the silence.

  “What made you want to become an event planner?” he asked.

  “I’ve always had this weird thing with being in control,” I said. “Even when I was young, I wanted to plan my own parties. No surprise parties, no surprise dates, no nothing like that. I wanted to know every detail and make sure everything was meticulously in its place. My room had a specific way it was organized, my clothes had a specific way they were coordinated, and that was just how it was.”

  “Are you like that now?” Liam asked.

  “I’ve lightened up a little bit. I mean, my clothes aren’t color coordinated and I can handle a sink full of dishes, but every event I plan is planned down to the number count of every piece of silverware.”

  “Sounds like you’re in the right job,” Logan said.

  “What about you two? What made you want to become firefighters?” I asked.

  “There was a fire in our neighborhood when we were twelve,” Liam said.

  “Thirteen,” Logan corrected.

  “Whatever. Anyway, it was our best friend’s house. Michael. Everyone was running up to the house, trying to make sure everyone was all right, but neither of us saw Michael or his sister.”

  “Holy shit. Were they all right?” I asked.

  “Logan ran in before I could even figure out what the fuck was going on. He just fucking took off,” Liam said. “I went in after him to try to catch him. I thought he was gonna kill himself.”

  “Did you get to them? Michael and his sister?” I asked.

  “Look at me. Does it look like I didn’t get to them? They were trapped in the fucking kitchen. I got Liam to help me pry a board off them that had fallen from the ceiling.”

  “At thirteen years of age,” I said.

  “Yep,” Logan said, grinning.

  “We got them out of the house and the rest is history from there. We traveled around for a while, helping out volunteer fire departments while taking odd jobs doing other things, and then we finally got on with the LA fire department, and we’ve been here ever since,” Liam said.

  “That’s incredible,” I said.

  We continued to chat and get to know one another, but all the talk and banter did was grow my need for them. I wanted to feel their muscles underneath my fingertips again, so while Liam and Logan were regaling me with childhood stories, I slowly slid my hands back onto their thighs. For a little while, they continued talking. Their eyes darted to me as I paid attention to every word dripping from their lips, but once my hands rolled over their cocks, they both jumped.

  “Everything all right?” I asked innocently.

  “Getting a bit hard to concentrate,” Logan said as his eyes darkened.

  “Something’s getting a bit hard all right,” I said.

  I rubbed their cocks more, feeling them grow beneath my palms. They had massive girths, their dicks rising to fit the crooks of my hands. Liam let out a shuddering breath as he released the beer he was drinking, but Logan was a bit more daring.

  He put his hand on my thigh and began to slowly work his way up.

  “Would the three of you like your checks?” the waitress asked.

  “Yes, please,” Logan said. “All together please, and you can hand it to my brother over there.”

  “Sure thing. I’ll be right back,” she said.

  “You all right, Liam?” Logan had taken initiative, but Liam was simply staring at the table. His hands were planted beside him, shaking but not moving. Logan’s fingertips were traveling farther up, and I could feel the heat of my pussy bearing down on his skin.

  But the moment Liam turned his eyes toward me, I saw a raging ocean of dark lust ebbing behind his eyes.

  “I will be when we get you home,” he said.

  Chapter 8

  I sent a text message to Courtney asking her to make herself scarce. Liam was now the one driving, and his fingertips were drawing faceless pictures on my inner thigh. I was panting, hoping to heaven on high that Courtney would be gone by the time w
e got back.

  I saw her passing us by as we rounded the corner into the complex.

  “Would you guys like to come upstairs for a drink?” I asked.

  “Depends on the drink,” Liam said, grinning.

  “I’ve got a bit of wine and some tequila,” I said.

  “Tequila makes my clothes fall off,” Logan said.

  “Then we better get you a shot or two,” I said, winking back at him.

  We all walked up to my apartment complex, and I poured them a shot in my kitchen. We clinked glasses, downed them, and I quickly filled them up again, then shivered at how the alcohol felt going down my throat. Liam and Logan threw them back as if they were nothing, and here I was grimacing as I tried to choke it down.

  “I wonder if her face looks like that with shots of other things,” Liam said.

  “I don’t know. I suppose we could always test the hypothesis,” Logan said.

  “The two of you are bad, you know that?” I asked.

  “Only when it comes to beautiful women,” Liam said.

  My body was on fire as their words poured over me. I stepped toward Logan, my hand traveling down the buttons of his shirt as Liam stepped up behind me. With each button I touched, I popped it open, feeling Liam’s hand caress my sides. My eyes fluttered closed at the sensation, and the moment my lips parted to sigh, Logan’s lips came down on mine.

  He tasted of tequila and beer, a swirling combination that left me weak in my knees. Liam’s hands gripped my hips, holding me steady as my hands worked the buttons loose on Logan’s shirt. I pushed it off his shoulders, skimming the breadth of his chest before I kneaded my fingers into his strength. I moaned at the muscles, feeling them throb and shake underneath my fingernails as Liam’s hands traveled up my skirt.

  “Your curves are delicious,” Liam said in my ear.

  “You should taste her lips,” Logan said.

  “Don’t mine if I do.”

  I was twirled around and met a shirtless Liam, his chiseled abs pressing into me as my back pressed into Logan’s chest. Liam crashed his lips into mine as Logan’s hands worked along my body, massaging my legs as he peeled my panties down them. I stepped out of them, the wet cloth finally being removed from my skin. Then Logan helped me out of my heels. Liam’s lips were warm and soft, his tongue licking all along the roof of my mouth as my fingertips danced along his rippling abs.


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