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Double Doms: A Menage Baby Romance

Page 81

by Tia Siren

  I wasn’t going to make it back to either of their houses tonight.

  “Come with me,” Cameron said.

  I found myself being tugged off the dance floor by the two professional athletes as we made our way to the back of the bar.

  Chapter 22

  Before I knew it, I was pulled into a janitor’s closet. The space was cramped, but I wasn’t complaining. Cole’s strong football body was behind me, raising my shirt over my head while his lips peppered me with kisses. Cameron’s slender baseball fingers were traipsing along my jeans, unbuttoning them as he slid them down my legs. Before I knew it, I was naked between them as their hands traveled along my body.

  It was dark, and I lost track of who was who. Hands were massaging my tits and tweaking my nipples, but I wasn’t sure whose. Cole was panting into my neck as he covered my collarbone with his breathless kisses. So it must have been Cameron’s fingertips that were dancing up my legs, teasing my dripping pussy folds as Cole’s strong hands cupped my rounded ass.

  Every single cell of my body was on fire as goose bumps ricocheted along my limbs.

  “You’re so fucking wet,” Cameron said. His fingertips parted my pussy, drenching his skin in the juices that dripped into his palm. I heard him groan, his hand exploring my folds while Cole hooked his arms underneath mine. His strong body held me up as my legs began to twitch from Cameron’s exploration, and before I knew it, his fingertips found my swollen clit.

  “Yes. Right there,” I said.

  “I feel it. So swollen for us, Lexi. So beautiful.”

  Cameron’s words hit me like a train wreck as my legs began to tremble. Cole’s tongue ran along the shell of my ear as I rolled my hips into Cameron’s hand. My legs trembled as my heels clicked into the floor, shaking with each ministration of Cameron’s dexterous hands. I could feel myself approaching my end as Cole whispered sweet nothings in my ear. I thought I was going to burst or take off like a rocket and soar to the edge of the atmosphere.

  But before I reached my end, Cameron pulled back as Cole turned me around in his arms. Cole slammed his lips against mine as my legs collapsed from underneath me. My hands gripped his T-shirt as Cameron’s arms snaked around my waist, holding me up as Cole slowly slid to his knees. I leaned back into Cameron’s unassuming chest, feeling his strength rise up as he held my dead weight in his arms. Cole parted my legs, his tongue darting out to lick a thick stripe up my pussy.

  The moan that left my lips was nothing short of lustful, and Cameron chuckled in my ear as Cole slowly swirled his tongue around my clit.

  “Fuck, you taste good,” Cole said.

  “I want your cocks so bad,” I said.

  “Patience,” Cameron said in my ear. “Patience is a virtue.”

  I whimpered as my entire body bucked into Cole’s face. His hands snaked around my thighs, parting my pussy folds with his fingertips as he held me close to his face. I ground down on his lips, bucking and writhing as Cameron held me close to him. I was trapped in a way I’d never experienced, my upper body held to a beautiful baseball athlete while a professional football player lapped at my pussy.

  “Shit, Cole. Yes. Fuck, don’t stop. Please don’t stop. Please let me come. I want to come so badly.”

  “Not just yet,” he said as he pulled back.

  “No. God, please. Why did you stop?” I asked.

  Cole trailed his lips back up my skin, sucking in patches as I writhed against him. He covered my stomach in marks, the raised welts bearing teeth marks I knew I’d see in the morning. My legs quaked as I watched Cole slowly take off his pants. Cameron was nipping at my shoulders, slowly lowering me to my knees as my hands grabbed Cole’s thick, rippling thighs. His hand was wrapped around his cock, its head red and raging as it dripped for me. He painted my lips with it and I lapped up the salty goodness. At the same time, Cameron wrapped his hands into my hair.

  “Open wide for my brother,” Cameron said.

  I slid my lips around Cole’s cock as Cameron guided my head. I slowly took him all the way back, feeling him turn down my throat as his legs began to tremble. I reached around and dug my fingernails into the meat of his ass, feeling his muscles jump at my assault as I closed my throat around him. Cameron had me pushed down onto his brother’s cock, and I could hardly contain my lust for them.

  My pussy juices dripped down my thigh as Cameron began to slowly pump my head around Cole’s cock. Cole grunted and gasped, his hips moving to meet my face as Cameron simply held me there. My throat collapsed around him, sucking him down as I hollowed out my cheeks. I could feel him pumping faster, his motions becoming more and more frantic.

  “That’s it. Take my brother’s cock,” Cameron said.

  “Mmmm. Yes,” I murmured.

  “Shit that feels so good,” Cole said breathlessly.

  “Do you want him to come down that little throat of yours?” Cameron asked.

  “Mhm. Mhm. Mhm,” I said.

  “Are you sure?” he asked.

  “Yes, yes, yes,” I chanted.

  “Shit, I’m so close. Wrap your tongue around the head. Please, do it,” Cole said.

  I lapped at the tip of his cock every single time he drew it out of my throat. His ass shook in the palms of my hands as he reached down to cup my cheek. I fluttered my eyes up to him, barely able to make out the outline of his eyes, much less see their beautiful green tint, but I could tell me was looking down at me.

  And by the way his hips were stuttering, I could tell he was about to meet his end.

  “Come down her throat, Cole,” Cameron commanded.

  “Oh shit, yes. Lexi, you’re incredible. Fuck, you’re gonna get such a beautiful…prize.”

  He shoved his cock down my throat one last time before I tasted his cum shooting down it. It poured right into my stomach just as easily as the shots we’d done before. I dug my fingernails into his ass, clinging to him and pulling him as close as I could get him. His cock pulsed against my teeth, threatening to rip my jaw apart as Cole grunted out my name time and time again.

  Then Cameron slowly pulled my lips from around Cole’s cock before they both moved.

  “Got a little more room in there for someone, beautiful?” Cameron asked.

  “Anything for you guys,” I whispered.

  “Good.” He slowly eased his cock into my mouth as he let go of my hair. I felt Cole kneel behind me, his hands cupping my cheeks as he began to massage them. I relaxed around Cameron’s cock, feeling him slowly inch his way back. The way Cole was massaging my cheeks felt so fucking good, and tears sprang to my eyes as I swallowed down Cameron’s cock.

  “You’re so perfect for us,” Cameron whispered.

  Cole peppered the side of my neck with kisses while he moved to massage my jaw. Cameron’s hand wound back into my hair as he began to slowly slide from between my lips, but soon his pace picked up. Cole kissed every single piece of skin available to him as I opened my throat for Cameron’s cock, and I raked my fingernails down Cameron’s thighs as I felt his muscles jump. They were both beautiful to me in their respective ways, Cameron with his commanding demeanor and Cole with his softer side. Cole praised every inch of my body while Cameron simply used me for his pleasure, but soon I felt Cole’s cock slide up and down my ass crack as Cameron jammed his dick into the back of my throat.

  “Please let me come down your throat,” Cameron whispered. “Please, Lexi.”

  I nodded my head and looked up and him, and one more thrust was all it took. I felt him spill his hot seed into my mouth as he pumped furiously, his hand twisting and turning in my hair just as Cole’s cock penetrated my asshole. I took Cameron all the way back, closing my throat around him and holding him there as Cole slowly inched his thick cock into my puckered hole. I pressed Cameron’s hips into the wall, trying to find something to grab on to as Cole’s massive dick split my body in half.

  Then, once I felt Cole’s hips bottom out in my shaking ass cheeks, Cameron slowly removed his cock from my spit-cov
ered face.

  “Just stay right there, beautiful, and let us take it from here,” Cameron said.

  Chapter 23

  I leaned back into Cole as he wrapped his pulsing arms around my body. Cameron slunk down onto the floor, shimmying between my legs. His cock was playing right at my pussy entrance as Cole slowly let me go, and I dropped my hands onto Cameron’s chest. I felt him teasing my entrance, both their eyes on me as they watched for and felt every single move I was making. I could tell they were trying to make sure I was all right, that I was still okay with what was going on.

  “Do we need—”

  “No,” I said breathlessly. “Pill.”

  As if I’d said the magic words, Cameron slid effortlessly into me. I groaned at the sensation of him sliding between my swollen walls as his cock began to throb. His hands descended on my hips, his thumbs drawing circles as I tried to adjust. Their cocks were incredibly thick, to a point where it took some time to be able to accommodate them.

  They were giving me time to adjust, and I adored them for it.

  “Whenever you’re ready, beautiful,” Cameron said.

  I ground down on his hips, which pulled Cole’s cock from my ass. Then I pushed back, stroking Cameron’s cock with my pussy as Cole hissed in pleasure. My ass gulped him down while my pussy gobbled down Cameron, and we set a steady pace as the three of us began to pant. I coated Cameron’s cock with my juices as I heard Cole spit onto his hand. Then I felt him rub his exposed cock down with it to keep us lubed up as they picked up their pace.

  “Hold on, gorgeous,” Cole said. “And take a deep breath.”

  I held myself up as the two of them pounded into my holes. My body quivered and darted as they filled me to the brim, and the only thing I could do was gasp. The pleasure was so great, my entire body alight with electricity. I felt every single molecule of my being come to life, and before I knew it, I was coming harder than I’d ever come before in my life.

  “Yes! Cole. Cameron. Oh, fuck. Yes. Thank you. Oh, shit that feels so good. Don’t stop. Don’t stop. Fill me up.”

  “Oh, your dirty words are the fuel to my fire,” Cameron said.

  “You come so tightly around my cock. So incredible, Lexi,” Cole said.

  I could feel myself breaking out in a sweat as my arms began to tremble. I collapsed onto Cameron, his cock sinking into me as Cole continued to pound my ass. My tits jolted in his face, and he opened his mouth to receive them. As he wrapped his lips around one of them, I felt his cock twitch inside my pussy.

  “You squeeze me so well,” Cameron murmured.

  Cole pulled his dick from my ass before he pulled me off his brother. He held me close to him, his back hitting the metal shelving as he shoved his cock back into my asshole. Then I felt Cameron’s hands run up my legs before he picked them up, and my eyes grew wide as he wrapped them around his waist. Cole was already thrusting into my ass while his balls smacked my skin, but the moment Cameron slid his cock back into my pussy, I knew it was game over.

  I was suspended in midair between two professional athletes while they pounded my holes until I screamed for mercy.

  Cole bit down into my shoulder while Cameron’s hand rounded around and smacked my ass. Cole groaned as my cheeks jiggled around his cock, and I could feel my pussy walls clenching around Cameron already. I shook in Cole’s arms as I heaved for breath. My body was sore in all the right places as my legs quaked around Cameron’s waist. The words I wanted to cry out were getting caught in my throat as my juices dripped onto the floor below us, and before I knew it, I felt their sweat dripping onto my naked skin.

  The shelving started to creak from being slammed repeatedly into the wall. I giggled as things started to fall from the shelves, but it didn’t seem to deter the boys. My tits were bouncing as Cole nibbled at my collarbone. My thighs were clenching as Cameron dug his fingertips into them. My asshole was swallowing down Cole’s cock while my pussy drew Cameron farther and farther into me. Then all of a sudden, a wet rag fell from the shelving and landed right on my stomach.

  “Holy shit, that’s cold. Cold, cold, cold.”

  Cameron chuckled as one of his hands released my thigh. He plucked the wet rag from my skin before he started his thrusting again, but we didn’t get going well before something fell on top of Cole’s head. He grunted as it crashed to the floor, but the moment we heard something spray, Cameron pull his dick from my pussy and set my feet on the ground.

  “The fuck was that?” Cameron asked.

  “I don’t know. My dick’s still in her ass. What do I care?” Cole asked.

  I found myself giggling as Cameron searched for a light. He flicked it on and blinded us all, so it took some time for my eyes to adjust. By the time I could see around me, both Cameron and Cole were eyeing me closely. Their playful green eyes turned dark as night, and they devoured my naked body in front of them as I turned around and slowly backed into Cameron.

  “What?” I asked.

  “The marks on your body are fucking phenomenal,” Cole said as he reached out to touch my shoulder.

  “You are fucking phenomenal, too,” Cameron said.

  I watched as Cole simply dropped to his knees. His tongue dove into the depths of my pussy as his hand wrapped around his cock, and soon I was being held up by Cameron’s strong arms while Cole lapped up my juices. The light was blaring and I was exposed, my legs open to him as my trembling body pressed into Cameron. I could feel every divot of his abs against my bare back as he ground his dick into my ass, and I reached around to grab it so I could put him inside me.

  I wanted to feel him one last time before I came so hard I wouldn’t be able to continue.

  “I’ve got you,” he whispered in my ear. “Just hold on.”

  He grabbed his cock and pushed it into my asshole as I whimpered. Cole sucked my clit between his teeth before he slid two fingers into my pussy, and the moment he crooked his fingers, I came undone. My asshole sucked Cameron into me as he groaned into my neck. Cole slurped up my juices as my pussy flooded his fingers with my silken fluids. Cole was moaning into my folds as Cameron grunted into my neck, and all I could do was unhinge my jaw in silent pleasure as my orgasm barreled over my body.

  Never in my life had I come so hard it rendered me speechless. I felt Cameron unloading his hot cum into my ass as my pussy clenched down on Cole’s fingers. My legs contracted and my toes curled, pulling taut for Cole as he moaned into my pussy. I could hear his hand stroking his cock faster and faster until his spurts of cum landed on the insides of my legs. Cameron sank himself deep into my ass, moaning and praising my warmth in my ear as I sighed in relief. I grew weak as Cameron held me up underneath my arms, and soon Cole’s hands held up my hips so I wouldn’t collapse onto the floor.

  Cole kissed up my body before his lips finally met mine. The kiss was sweet, innocent, healing in a way I didn’t expect. I released his lips and turned to capture Cameron’s, but I was met with a smile that warmed me to my core.

  “You look positively glowing,” he said.

  “I wish you would kiss me,” I said breathlessly.

  “I’ve never been one to deny a beautiful woman her wishes,” Cameron said.

  He dipped his lips to mine, capturing them lightly before he pulled away. Cole lifted my feet, helping me step into my panties and jeans before he shimmied them back up my body. They both dressed me as I stood there, trembling against their bodies, and for the first time in my entire life, I felt like someone was taking care of me. Their touches were so soft—so unlike the encounter we’d just had—and for a moment I had to stop and make sure I was still with the same twins who had dragged me into the closet in the first place.

  “Are you all right to walk?” Cole asked.

  “Yeah. Yeah, I’ll be okay,” I said.

  “Good. Ready?” Cameron asked.

  I nodded, and Cameron threw open the door. From the moment we stepped out, we got some seriously funny looks, but we ended up sneaking by the manager a
nd getting out the side exit. We poured out into the alleyway before we all started laughing, and I was suddenly disappointed that the night was about to be over. We made our way to their car, and Cole opened my door for me, kissing me on the cheek once more before I descended into my seat.

  But once we pulled out of the bar, I noticed a black car with two familiar men in it following us.

  “You know them?” Cameron asked.

  “Yeah. I think that’s the security detail the Wolf brothers hired for me,” I said.

  “I’m glad they finally did that. I know you probably don’t like it, but it makes me feel better knowing someone’s watching over you,” Cole said.

  “Is there a reason why you won’t let any of us watch over you?” Cameron asked.

  “I just don’t want to be any more of a burden than I already am. All of you guys are targets because of me, and I don’t want you to be put in danger or anything, I guess,” I said.

  “You know we’d protect you at any cost, right?” Cameron asked.

  “Yeah, we really would. You aren’t putting us in danger. We would be voluntarily protecting you from the threat,” Cole said.

  “And I get that. I just—”

  “Don’t want to be an inconvenience?” Cole asked.

  I fell silent at his question as we pulled into the apartment complex. I watched the black car drive up behind us and park before the two men looked over at us, and I couldn’t help but snicker and shake my head. One on side of the coin, I felt beyond safe whenever I was with any of the twins. They all felt the need to protect me in their own little way, and I wasn’t sure how long I’d be able to put them off. The Wolf brothers had already gone over my head because of their concern for me, and I couldn’t help but feel guilty for placing that worry there in the first place.

  But had I not branched out, I never would have experienced the beauty of what I had shared with them up until this point.

  “You’re not an inconvenience,” Cole said as he opened my door.

  “Promise,” Cameron said.


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