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Double Doms: A Menage Baby Romance

Page 84

by Tia Siren

  “A girl’s gotta make money,” I said.

  I left them all in the room as I headed back to work. I tried to push the hurt their jokes caused out of my mind, but it was hard. Everywhere I turned, someone was standing there to make sure I was all right. The only place I could really get away from them was in the bathroom, so every time I felt tears rising from their mocking jokes, I would dash down the hallway.

  Of course, a pair of them would always be standing there when I got out, but at least they didn’t follow me in.

  I tried to turn my mind to my date with the Wolf brothers tonight. I’d be able to dance my worries away in their arms while wearing the beautiful silver dress they’d had made especially for me. It was a spaghetti strap dress with a built-in bodice that hoisted my boobs up perfectly. It accentuated the deep dip in my waist before flaring out around my hips, the fabric slowly trickling to the floor. It had a few rhinestone accents that fit into the silken fabric and a silver and gray fur wrap that buttoned around my shoulders.

  I was looking forward to being the belle of the ball tonight, and that thought alone helped me forget about my disastrous lunch break.

  After work, we all made our way back to the hotel suite. I told them all to simply stay outside, but they tried to interject. They were all trying to apologize for earlier and explain that they’d been simply making jokes, but I didn’t want to hear any of it. I simply walked into the hotel suite and shut the door behind me.

  The eerie silence of the room helped to calm my mind and prepare me for my date. I was really excited to see them. The Wolf brothers were classy and refined, straight out of one of the romance comedies I remembered watching as a teenager. Something in their voices told me this wasn’t their first time courting the same woman, which meant their skills would be unmatched. I shivered at the thought of being in the hands of skilled men such as these.

  I wondered what the other twins would think when I walked out of the hotel suite arm in arm with the Wolf brothers.

  I pushed them all out of my thoughts as I stacked my hair on top of my head. I wanted my neck bare for them, just in case they got any ideas while we were dancing. I wanted to feel their noses pressed against my skin, sniffing in the perfume I was now dabbing along my pulse point. I wanted them weak at the knees, putty in my hands. I wanted them ready and waiting for me to make the first move that would allow them to unleash their greatest desires.

  But nothing could have prepared me for the whirlwind evening I was in store for when I walked out and saw them standing in my hotel suite.

  Chapter 27

  “Oh, darling,” Tony said. “You look remarkable.”

  “Those dimensions suit you better than I thought they would, love,” Terry said.

  I blushed underneath their comments as Tony walked over and took my hand. He brought it to his lips and placed a small kiss on top of it as Terry walked over to grab my other hand. He repeated the movements, causing a flush to trickle down my neck, and that was when I felt it: Tony’s nose against my pulse point.

  “You smell divine,” Tony said. “What is that you’re wearing?”

  “I had some Code Luna sent to her room as well,” Terry said.

  “A wonderful choice, brother,” Tony said. “She smells decadent.”

  “Thank you so much,” I said. “For everything.”

  “Nonsense. Don’t thank us just yet. We haven’t done anything to deserve it,” Tony said.

  “I meant for all this. The hotel room, this beautiful dress, this wonderful evening out. It’s all very debonair and romantic,” I said.

  “It doesn’t really make sense to thank us for an evening you haven’t experienced yet,” Terry said. “What if you don’t enjoy it?”

  “Oh, I think I’m going to enjoy it just fine,” I said as I hooked my arm around his. “And I especially want to thank you for the security detail that won’t leave me alone—not even for a second.”

  “A little too much meat for you?” Tony asked as he placed his hand on my lower back.

  “Hardly. But it is a bit overwhelming at times.”

  “In a good way?” Terry asked. “Or too much?”

  “Oh, in the best way possible,” I said, grinning.

  “Sounds like the plight of a beautiful woman surrounded by men she cares for,” Tony said as he opened the door.

  The rest of the twins ducked their heads in and gawked. Kyle and Kevin’s glasses slid down their faces while Liam and Logan’s lips parted in shock. Cole and Cameron kept raking their sparkling green eyes up and down my body as Terry pressed a small kiss to the top of my head.

  “We’ll have her back at a reasonable time,” Terry said.

  “Tomorrow,” Tony added deviously.

  I flushed at his comment as Terry escorted me past the men. I made sure to sway my hips a little more than usual, attracting their gaze as I made my way down the hallway with my dates. Terry’s arm was warm against mine while Tony carved out a path for us. He was definitely the most dominant of the group, but there was something in the way Terry held me that denoted an essence of something else. He was commanding, but warm. He held me fondly, but very close to his body. It was as if he were guarding a delicate butterfly.

  He was trying to allow me to spread my wings while making sure nothing came along to tear them from my back.

  From the moment I stepped out of the limousine, people were giving us odd looks. I could tell by the way people were staring that the Wolf brothers had a penchant for doing this. Tony’s hand rested at the small of my back while Terry’s hand wrapped itself around mine. It was almost as if that was how they typically escorted their women around. There was never a question as to where they put their hands or who took the lead at any given moment.

  Oh no, this was a dance they’d done many times before.

  And I loved every second of it.

  “People are staring at us,” I said.

  “No, darling. People are staring at you,” Tony said.

  “A glass of wine for the beautiful silver goddess,” Terry said.

  “Oh, now that’s a phrase I’d expect to slip from your brother’s lips,” I said.

  “I have a few of them stashed away for more personal occasions,” Terry said, winking.

  “So, how were your travels? Where did you two jet off to this time?” I asked.

  “Tony went back to upstate New York to take care of a few things before he joined me in Tokyo,” Terry said.

  “What was in Tokyo?” I asked.

  “Schmoozing. About like this really,” Tony said. “Only that was business schmoozing. See, to break into the Eastern business culture, you have to develop personal relationships with those you want to strike deals with.”

  “Really?” I asked.

  “It’s the difference in culture,” Terry said. “The Eastern world is very big on family, loyalty, and trust. Doing a business deal in the Western world requires holding your cards close to your chest, never showing emotion, and constant secret negotiations in order to save face. In the Eastern world, you leave your cards completely at home until you establish a friendship. Then you wait for your potential Eastern business partner to bring up business. If they bring it up, you’re in. If they don’t, you’re not.”

  “How do you know how long you have to wait before they bring it up?” I asked.

  “Why do you think we’re so good at reading people?” Tony asked.

  “It’s very easy for Tony to see whether someone is interested in creating a relationship in order to strike a deal,” Terry said. “It’s why he flies out frequently in order to meet me for those things. He’s the more intuitive one.”

  “That actually shocks me a bit,” I said, grinning.

  “And now, time to dazzle you more,” Tony said.

  He plucked my empty glass of wine from my fingers before he walked me out onto the dance floor. He spun me around, pulling me into his chest as my hand was suspended in the air by his. He wrapped his arm around me, pressin
g my body into him while my hand slowly slid up his chest. The warmth of his body calmed me as he swayed side to side, the rhythm of the song flowing over our bodies as his lips came dangerously close to the shell of my ear.

  “You really do look fantastic, darling,” he said.

  “I could say the same about you in this beautifully tailored suit,” I said.

  “In my adventures with women, I’ve found one thing to be very, very true. A bespoke suit on a man is like lingerie on a woman. It wets her palate, gives her a wonderful view of what she is working with, and taps into a deep, carnal desire to rip the well-fitted suit right off the man’s body,” he said.

  “Is that what you’re hoping for tonight? For me to simply rip this suit off you?” I asked.

  “Hoping?” he asked. “No, not hoping.”

  Our bodies stopped swaying as he ran his soft lips along the shell of my ear.

  “Guaranteeing, on the other hand…”

  My eyes fluttered closed as I shivered into his body. I let out a deep sigh, nuzzling my nose against his cheek. I felt him smile as our bodies started to sway again, but soon the dance was cut short when Tony stepped aside and allowed Terry to step in.

  “Hello, love,” he said as he smiled.

  “Hey there, Terry.”

  “You look a bit flushed. Are you all right?” he asked.

  “Oh, yes,” I said breathlessly. “Just fine.”

  “Tony is treating you with decency?” he asked.

  “I wouldn’t necessarily call it decency, but it most certainly isn’t unwelcome,” I said, smirking.


  His hand pressed into the small of my back as his leg took a massive step forward. I leaned into his body, laying my head against his chest as he slowly led me around the floor. His legs carried us away, our bodies twirling and uniting as one while my dress swished across the floor. His hands led me, pushing and pulling me in all sorts of directions, and every once in a while he would dip me low while the very tip of his nose drifted along the cleavage of my breasts.

  It absolutely took my breath away. He truly was the better dancer.

  We danced through three songs before I sighed deeply into Terry’s neck. He took my hands and pulled me from the floor, ushering me to a table where Tony pulled out my chair. I sank deeply into it as a glass of wine was set in front of me, and I was soon joined by the two striking men who had taken me out for the evening.

  Tony was in a black-on-black suit with his black hair smoothed back. His deep-set brown eyes were hooked on my body, gazing up and down while I sipped on my red wine. Terry was in a navy blue pinstriped suit with a white shirt and a pale yellow tie, the color of which matched the small yellow ring around the inside of his brown irises.

  They were both breathtaking, and I found myself trying to keep my composure underneath their intense gazes.

  “I’ve really enjoyed this ball,” I said, breaking the silence. “Thank you so much for bringing me.”

  “Already getting tired, darling?” Tony asked.

  “Not at all. I just wanted to thank you now that I’ve experienced the evening.”

  “Well, I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself, love,” Terry said, “but the evening is far from over.”

  “Then I think I might need to be drinking coffee instead of wine. If I drink much more of this, you might just have to carry me home.”

  “Or back to our penthouse,” Tony said.

  “Hmm?” I hummed.

  “What he meant to ask you was, would you care to accompany us back to our place?” Terry asked.

  “To your penthouse suite,” I said.

  “I believe you would really enjoy the view of LA from the top of the building,” Tony said, smirking.

  “And our bed is very soft,” Terry said.

  I choked on my wine and grabbed the napkin sitting at my side. Even though I knew the two of them were experienced in this subject, I hadn’t expected either of the debonair boys to be so upfront with what they were offering. I had to admit, the forwardness about what they were planning puckered my nipples underneath the sewn-in bodice of my dress, but I tried to keep my composure as I set my wine glass down.

  “I think I would enjoy accompanying you two back to your place,” I said.

  “Wonderful,” Tony said.

  “Glad to hear it,” Terry said.

  “Just one question,” Tony said.

  “And what is that?” I asked.

  “How do you feel about having your wrists bound?” Tony asked.

  Chapter 28

  I couldn’t stop gawking at their penthouse. The floor-to-ceiling windows opened up and gave way to a small deck that housed a see-through infinity pool. Every single piece of furniture was ornately decorated, and a fully-stocked kitchen housed a minibar just like the one they had gotten for Courtney and me. When walking around, I kept running my fingertips over everything like I was seeing it for the first time.

  It was hard for me to imagine having the money to pay for one of these places, much less two, without blinking an eye.

  “Like what you see?” Tony asked.

  “I could never afford something like this,” I said breathlessly.

  “Good thing you’ve got us then,” Terry said.

  “I bet you guys just buy shit for the fun of it.”

  “What do you mean?” Terry asked.

  “You strike me as the kind of guys who would, like, walk into a restaurant, not like how it’s being run, and just buy it so you could fire someone and make it better,” I said.

  Laughter came from behind me, and I turned around to look at them. Terry was stifling his laughter, but Tony’s was slowly growing into a dull roar. He held his stomach as Terry kept nudging him to shut up, but I knew I was spot on in my assessment of them. Tony wasn’t laughing because I was stupid; he was laughing because it was true.

  “Oh, that’s a story I’d love to hear someday,” I said.

  “Terry did just that a few days ago actually,” Tony said. “That’s why I’m laughing.”

  “And what did Terry buy?” I asked, throwing my gaze over to him.

  “There was this rundown mansion on the outskirts of LA that no one wanted to buy. It was just sitting there rotting away on twenty acres of land. Do you want to know the reason why no one would buy it?” he asked.

  “Why not?”

  “Because the soil isn’t very good. Can you believe that? Apparently all you can do with twenty acres is fucking grow grapes on it, so no one was interested in buying the mansion because you can’t plant shit. So, I bought it.”

  “Just like that?” I asked.

  “Yeah,” Tony said. “He just bought it—for what they were asking for it. Then he called some contractors up and priced out the renovations and just paid them to start doing it.”

  “You just bought a rundown mansion and decided to fix it up.”

  “Why not? Seems we’re in LA a bit more than usual, and we don’t have a permanent place to stay here. Only seemed fitting, love,” Terry said.

  “Wow,” I said breathlessly. “I wish I could do something like that. I’ll have to start thinking about that kind of stuff soon.”

  “Why is that, darling?” Tony asked.

  “Courtney doesn’t want to room together after Jeremy’s caught, and I don’t blame her. This has been a massive ordeal. But, that means finding a place of my own, and that’s hard to do on a budget when you work in the middle of one of the most expensive cities on the planet,” I said.

  “Actually, the most expensive cities in the world are Copenhagen, New York City, Paris, Geneva—”

  “Terry,” Tony said.

  “No, no, he’s fine,” I said, smiling. “I like his facts. Don’t stop him.”

  “The point was, LA isn’t one of them,” he said.

  “Well, when you make 52k a year and live in a city where it takes every single cent of that to live in a rundown studio apartment and feed yourself, it feels that way,” I said.r />
  “You could come live in the mansion,” Tony said.


  “Yeah. I mean, we travel a great deal. Someone’ll have to keep an eye on the place,” Terry said.

  “And the thing’s got eleven bedrooms. Just bedrooms. You can choose whichever one you want,” Tony said.

  “Hell, the guys could even come see you whenever you wanted. They could stay the weekend in the bedrooms, and they’d even all have their own bathrooms,” Terry said.

  “They could fucking move in for all I care,” Tony said.

  “The more the merrier, love!” Terry exclaimed.

  “What? Are you guys being serious?” I asked.

  “Of course we are,” Tony said. “Why wouldn’t we be?”

  “You need a place to go, and it’s obvious how much you care for the other twins. That’s an attractive quality to us, you know—someone who has so much love to give,” Terry said.

  “And gives it every day of her life,” Tony said as he approached me.

  “A woman who eats her fill and doesn’t starve herself of the glorious, decadent food this world has to offer,” Terry said as his hand reached out for me.

  “And speaks her mind instead of expecting someone to simply interpret her,” Tony said.

  Tony slipped one of my spaghetti straps down my shoulder as Terry kissed my cheek. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. They were actually suggesting I move into some mansion with them and just live—and invite the guys over whenever I wanted.

  The thought brought tears to my eyes.

  “We love a woman who isn’t afraid to show her emotions,” Terry whispered in my ear.

  “Or take what she knows is rightfully hers,” Tony said as he pressed his lips to my shoulder.

  “Or collapse into us when she needs a place to fall,” Terry said.


  I turned my head and captured Tony’s lips with my own. Terry slid the other strap down my arm, working my dress off as my tits sprang free. Tony’s hands moved down my back with a feather-light touch, drawing me into him as Terry helped me step out of the dress. But he didn’t help me out of my heels before his lips descended on the inside of my thigh.


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