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Double Doms: A Menage Baby Romance

Page 90

by Tia Siren

  “Yes,” Cameron said. “We really do.”

  “Even you?” I asked as I looked at Logan.

  “Oh, yes,” he said, smiling. “I really do.”

  “We want you to be happy,” Cole said. “Always.”

  “And we want you to feel safe,” Kyle said. “Always.”

  “And we want you to feel vivaciously sexy,” Terry said, smirking. “Always.”

  “And none of us want to lose you,” Tony said as he gripped my hands. “Never.”

  “The finishing touches on the mansion will be done come Friday, but the house is ready to be moved into whenever everyone wishes,” Terry said as he pulled his hands from his pockets. “I figure it’s probably appropriate now for us all to exchange numbers if we haven’t already, and I’ll shoot out a mass message with the address of the house.”

  “I’ll get us all keys made and keep them in a safe place at our new home,” Tony said as I smiled broadly. “So when you guys start moving your stuff in, the key you take, you can keep.”

  I threw my arms around Tony and crashed our lips together. His hands pulled me from the couch, swooping me up into his body as he stood. I about found my footing as he slowly released me, but before I could fully catch my bearings, Terry stepped in and ran his thumb along my swollen bottom lip.

  “Think you can handle eight men, love?” he asked wickedly.

  “Oh, can I ever,” I said.

  I pulled him in for a kiss before I was passed off to Liam. His arms picked me up off my feet and swung me around, our tongues dancing like fire before he handed me to Kyle. Kyle peppered my neck and cheek with kisses, opting to suck in a patch of my skin as I moaned lightly.

  Then I felt Kevin pull me from his grasp and wind me up in his long, strong arms.

  “My brother was lucky enough to get one. I feel a bit left out,” he said, pouting.

  “Then come here,” I said.

  I ran my fingers through his auburn hair and pulled his lips down to mine. I could feel them swelling underneath the pressure as his hands rounded down to cup my ass. Then I was being pulled from his grasp before I was looking up into the eyes of Cole, the massive football player who enjoyed allowing his brother to have all the control.

  “I’m so excited,” he said, grinning.

  “So am I,” I said.

  His kiss was soft, delicate. No tongue was involved and there was no urgency to his touch. His hands grazed over my body, memorizing my curves before they came up to cup my cheeks. But soon I was ripped from him by Cameron, who pulled me quickly into his body and jammed his tongue down my throat.

  I moaned at his possessiveness as I felt his cock grow against my stomach.

  I stumbled back onto my feet and felt the strong arms of Logan catch me around my waist. I slowly turned in his arms, my eyes half-hooded in pleasure as his lips descended on my forehead. I sighed into his touch, feeling his hands drift up my back and hold me close to him. I could still feel his body trembling, shocked from whatever had happened at work before he and his brother headed over here.

  “I love you, Lexi,” Logan said into my hair.

  “Oh, Logan, I love you, too.”

  Gently, softly, I was pulled away from him and found myself face to face with Liam again. His eyes dripped with guilt as my hands snaked around his neck. I twirled my fingertips into the base of his black hair as his forehead slowly descended on mine.

  “Not everyone made it today,” Liam said.

  “Oh my gosh,” I said, whispering. “I’m so sorry.”

  I crept up and slowly encompassed his lips. I could tell the person wrapping his arms around me from behind was Logan. He buried his face into my neck as they both shivered into me. Liam broke the kiss and held me close, his face buried in the other side of my neck, and one by one the rest of the brothers stood around and hugged them both.

  These men weren’t just my support system; they were each other’s support system. Something told me this was the very rough beginning to a beautifully wonderful family.

  Chapter 37

  Liam’s lips puckered against my neck as I shivered in his grasp. His kisses became nibbles, my skin rising to his touch as Logan’s hands slowly began to undress me. I felt all the guys step back as belt buckles clattered to the floor. My tits rose to painful peaks as I registered what was going on. Logan helped me step out of my clothes as Liam’s lips bent down to take in my puckered nipple. My entire body was covered in goose bumps as Logan’s tongue slowly licked up my thigh, approaching dangerously close to my heated pussy as Liam’s hands ran through my hair.

  “I love you, Lexi,” Liam said.

  “I love you, too, Liam,” I said breathlessly.

  I groaned with Logan pulled back and Liam pushed me to my knees. Liam pulled his cock out and bounced it against my lips, much to the pleasure of all the other men. They groaned as Logan held my arms behind my back and Liam slowly slid his cock into the back of my throat.

  “Shit, you’re so warm,” Liam said.

  He slid his cock out and they switched positions. Liam got behind me and held my hands, keeping them pinned as Logan stood in front of me. His twitching cock was leaking, and I was anxious to get my lips around it. I could see the other guys stroking their cocks and the dollops of their precum that waited for my tongue.

  I slurped Logan down as he moaned, his head lobbing back to expose his neck. I wanted to sink my teeth into it. I watched his vein throb as I moaned around his thick dick, the vibrations pulling more precum from him before he slid from my throat and moved.

  One by one, they all shoved their cocks into my mouth. I listened to all of them groan and watched as they shook at my warmth. Liam peppered my back with kisses, seeing my muscles twitch with exhaustion as I gasped around their cocks. I barely had time to breathe as they continued to share my lips, walking around me like a conveyor belt as I swallowed each of their individual tastes down my throat.

  Around and around they went, stuffing my mouth full until tears poured down my face. Never in my life had I felt so used and so beautiful at the same time. Liam began stroking my hair while he coated my neck with kisses.

  “Such a good girl for all of us,” he said, smiling. “I think it’s time you took a little rest.”

  Tony pulled his dick from my lips with a pop before Liam scooped me up into his arms. He settled me back on the couch, and I sank into the soft cushions. Then he took my knees and spread them. Tony and Terry each sat beside me, holding one of my legs as my pussy slowly opened for the crowd of men. Their eyes were all watching my glistening folds open for them, like a blooming flower that thrived in the moonlight.

  Liam licked his lips before he knelt in front of me, and the long stripe he licked up my slit was enough to drive me through the ceiling.

  “Holy shit,” I said, groaning.

  “Just relax, love,” Terry whispered in my ear.

  “It only gets better from here, darling,” Tony said before he nipped at my ear.

  Liam made long, languid strokes. I heard him swallowing my juices as my head pushed back into the cushions. I wanted to ride his face. I wanted to take him to the floor and feel my thighs clench around his cheeks. But the Wolf brothers held me in place, my legs spread lewdly for the men I loved while they all continued to stroke their thick, massive cocks.

  Cocks I’d just swallowed down moments before.

  “Now don’t be greedy, brother,” Logan said as he dipped down. “Let us all have a taste.”

  Liam moved out of the way and sat down, his cock protruding in the air as Logan knelt between my legs. He smiled kindly up at me, his eyes never leaving mine as his tongue found my clit. It was peeking out from underneath its fleshy hood, begging to be touched, and I jumped at the sensation. He flicked it and circled it, gaining great pleasure as the men in the room began to moan.

  I already felt my orgasm building as my legs tensed against the Wolf brothers’ hands.

  “That’s right, love,” Terry said. “Come for

  “Show him how much you love him, darling,” Tony said. “Let us all see your beauty when you come.”

  My back arched and my legs trembled as Logan smiled into my pussy. His tongue continued to dance lightly, jostling the tip of my swollen clit before he dipped down to slurp me up. The sound of him swallowing my fluids was enough to drive me wild, and before I knew it, Kevin was down there shoving his tongue deep against my pussy walls.

  “Yes. Oh, fuck. Just like that. Mmm, that’s so good.”

  “Let us hear you,” Terry whispered in my ear. “Let us all hear you.”

  Their voices fluttered over my body as Kyle shoved his brother out of the way. I felt his long, dexterous fingers slide inside me, taunting the opening of my cervix. I bucked back, wondering when the fuck his fingers were going to stop, but the Wolf brothers held me down as Kyle’s free hand slowly migrated to just below my belly button.

  “The wonderful thing about studying the female body for my profession is that I know just what buttons to push,” Kyle said.

  My eyes widened as his tongue dipped onto my clit, but then he did something I didn’t expect. He pressed down on an area just below my belly button, bringing a spot down to his fingers that he slowly began to tickle. My jaw unhinged in shock. Every single hair stood up on my body as Tony leaned over and drew my nipple between his lips. I wanted to cry out. I wanted to shout their names. I wanted to scream and wail with the fire coursing through my veins.

  But all I could do was shake with my second orgasm as my back pulled taut like an instrument’s bow.

  “You’re deliciously beautiful when you come, love. Do you know that?” Terry asked.

  Kyle’s tongue gave me one last flick as my body crashed back onto the couch. The sloshing sound as he pulled his fingers from my pussy caused me to moan, and Tony released my nipple long enough for me to see Kyle lick my juices off his fingers.

  Holy shit that was hot.

  Kevin knelt between my legs and cleaned up the mess Kyle left behind. His tongue danced along the dollops of fat that sat on my exposed thighs before his tongue ran down the crack of my ass. He gathered all my tainted juices on his tongue, then swallowed them all at once before pressing a small kiss to my clit. I jumped, the sensitivity overwhelming as he smiled up at me.

  Then it was Cole who took the reins.

  His tongue slicked me back up, sliding in and out of my pussy folds as he paid no attention to anything else. His kisses were soft and his licks were delicate. He wasn’t trying to make me come; he was merely reveling in how I felt against his tongue. I sighed, completely content, smiling lazily as I sank back into the couch. The Wolf brothers massaged my legs, making sure I wasn’t cramping in the position I was in, but then I felt Cole move off to the side.

  When I looked up, I saw Cameron’s devious stare looking back at me.

  “You think you’ve got one more good orgasm in there for me, beautiful?” he asked.

  I moaned at his words as I tried to wiggle away.

  “You think you’ve got one more gush of those precious fluids to coat my cheeks with?” Cameron asked.

  “Oh, I like him, darling,” Tony said in my ear.

  “What do you say? Could you squeeze out another one for him, love?” Terry asked. “He’s been oh so patient.”

  Tears of anticipation rose in my eyes as Cameron dipped one of his fingers into my pussy. I felt my slick juices coating him, my walls already fluttering as he chuckled darkly. His finger slid out effortlessly and trailed down my ass crack, but my eyes widened when I felt him press it against my tight, puckered asshole.

  “Take a deep breath,” Cameron said.

  He slowly pressed in as I groaned. My body tried to back away, but my ass gobbled him down without a second thought. My body was on fire, sore and tender from the beating it had already taken. My asshole clenched down on him as he slid another finger in, then teased his other hand at the entrance of my pussy.

  “When you come for me, you will say my name,” Cameron said.

  I was panting so hard I couldn’t even answer.

  “Okay?” Cameron asked.

  “I’d answer him if I were you,” Tony said.

  “He looks pretty serious,” Terry said.

  “Okay. Okay, okay, okay,” I said breathlessly.

  All at once, his fingers sank into my pussy as his tongue pressed on my clit. I called out into the room, my body writhing as his fingers worked their magic. The thickness of his tongue raked across my clit, slowly moving it from side to side as my body darted and jolted. I could hear the Wolf brothers panting, trying their hardest to keep me still while Cameron finger-fucked the life out of me.

  Stars were bursting in my vision as my back arched off the couch yet again.

  “Cameron! Cameron! Yes! Holy shit! Oh good fuck!”

  “That’s it,” he murmured into my pussy. “Coat my face.”

  “I’m coming! I’m coming! I’m com—!”

  I came so hard, I sprayed his face with my juices. The men cheered, clapping their hands while their cocks leaked thick streams of cum onto the floor. I gushed all over Cameron’s hands while his tongue and fingers rode me through my orgasm, and the moment I collapsed onto the couch, the Wolf brothers released my legs.

  I couldn’t think. I couldn’t think and I couldn’t speak. All I could do was allow Tony to pick up my body and situate me on my knees. Then I felt Terry’s cock line up with my entrance.

  “I do believe it’s our turn, love,” Terry said.

  “So just relax and let us do all the work, darling,” Tony said.

  Then I felt them press into my pussy and my ass at the same time.

  Chapter 38

  Tony and Terry held me up as their cocks sank deep inside me. I gasped for air, allowing my body to be used and fucked while their strong arms kept me upright. I peppered Terry’s neck with kisses as I wound my hand back into Tony’s hair. Tony’s teeth sank into the meat of my shoulder, his cock flying in and out of my ass as Terry reached down to part my pussy folds.

  “Oh, no. Terry, I-I-I can’t. I just—it’s so—”

  “It’s all right, love. I’ll go slowly. But I want you to come on my hand. Can you do that for me, beautiful?” Terry asked.

  His voice was intoxicating and I couldn’t help but give in to his demands. My knees scooted apart as their cocks continued to fill me to the brim, and then I felt it. Terry’s fingertips found my swollen clit, and I jumped, pressing my ass back down onto Tony’s cock as he groaned into my skin.

  “Your ass is perfect, darling. It squeezes me in all the right places,” Tony said.

  My body darted and jolted as Terry’s fingertips worked my clit. The Wolf brothers picked up their pace, sloshing in and out of my body as I fell limp in their arms. They showered me with kisses and kept calling me beautiful and exquisite, and I simply relaxed into their bodies as my orgasm barreled over my body.

  “Terry. Terry. Oh, yes. Holy fuck. I love your hands. I love your hands. I love your hands.”

  “You come so beautifully, love, but we can’t hog all of you,” Terry said.

  They pulled their cocks from my body and I fell off to the side, but before I could hit the carpeted floor, Cole’s strong, athletic arms caught me.

  “Is your mouth all right?” he asked.

  Without another word, he laid me down and I scrambled onto my hands and knees. I wiggled my ass in the air, taunting them to see who could get to me first. A set of hands descended on my ass as Cole slowly slid his cock into the back of my throat, and the moment a pair of lips met my skin, I knew exactly who it was.

  Kevin was behind me, and he was situating his cock at my dripping, swollen pussy entrance.

  “Shit, you feel so good,” Kevin groaned as he pushed into me. My throat closed around Cole, trapping him at the back of my throat as his hands flew to my hair.

  “Holy fuck, Lexi. That throat of yours,” Cole said. “It’ll be the death of me.”

�Won’t it, though?” Terry said, smirking. “It’s just too perfect.”

  Kevin fucked me from behind, pushing Cole’s cock deeper down my throat. I felt Kevin’s dick growing against my pussy walls while Cole’s cock throbbed inside my mouth. My arms were shaking, threatening to give way as Kevin pounded into my pussy.

  “Here, I’ve got an idea,” Cole said.

  He reached down and picked me up, my lips leaving his cock with a pop. Kevin’s arms wound around my body, holding me close to him as his cock slid from my pussy. I felt Kevin reach down and line his cock up with my ass while Cole lined himself up with my swollen, sensitive entrance, and then they both pushed in as my head turned to the side.

  I let out a loud groan, my jaw unhinging as they filled me to the brim.

  But before I could close my lips, Tony scrambled off the couch and stuffed his raging cock down my throat.

  He wrapped his hand in my hair, holding my head in place while Kevin and Cole fucked me in my holes. Tony’s cock slid down my throat, and tears poured down my face as I tried to sync my breathing and my swallowing. I could see the other men stroking their cocks, praising my body while they cheered the men on.

  Then I felt something that made my entire body relax.

  Kevin’s fingertips began massaging my sides.

  “Such a beautiful woman,” he whispered into my ear. “So good to all of us.”

  His words boiled me over as all my holes began to tremble. I swallowed Tony’s dick down, my throat closing down on him as his legs trembled. My legs grew taut and my hands dug into any body part I could find as Kevin’s sweet words threw me over the edge. They all sank themselves deep into me as Kevin’s voice fluttered around in my ear, calling me perfection and telling me he would never leave my side.

  I collapsed into Cole, the motion ripping my lips from Tony’s cock while pulling my ass away from Kevin’s raging dick.

  Cole picked me up as I saw Liam lay down on the ground. Liam held his cock firmly in his hand, pointing it upward as Cole slowly sank me down onto it. I cried out, my entire body sore and throbbing from the beating it was taking.


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