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AN OUTLAW MONSTER (A Back Down Devil MC Romance Novel)

Page 7

by London Casey

  “What? Isn’t she beautiful?”

  Trent looked at me. He didn’t reply.

  “Sit down,” Trev said. “Want some coffee?”

  “Yeah,” I said.

  Trent poured me coffee and then finished it up just how I liked it. It made me blush. I couldn’t remember the last time someone made me coffee. And he made it perfect. That meant he was watching me, right?

  I sipped the coffee and stared at Trev.

  “You’ve been honest so far,” Trev said. “But now the club has reached out to us. They must have tucked their tails and hidden but now they’re pissed.”

  “Okay,” I said.

  “I want to know about any conversations that had to do with guns,” Trev said.

  “I told Trent everything. They said you owed them guns.”

  “I’m going to show you some pictures, okay?”


  “Does this guy look familiar?”

  I stared at the picture of a guy in a tweed flat cap. He wasn’t looking at the camera, telling me he didn’t know his picture had been taken.

  “No,” I said.

  “Are you sure?” Trev asked.


  “Anyone ever come to the clubhouse with an Irish accent?”

  “Not that I could remember,” I said. “I wasn’t in the clubhouse long.” I glanced at Trent. “I never meant to end up inside there. When the outside work stopped, I helped at the bar for some cash tips, you know?”

  “And your outside job was what?”

  “Please say sucking dick,” Cash chimed in. “I have a pocket full of money, beautiful.”

  “I’m going to pour hot coffee down your throat to get you to shut up,” Trent said.

  His nostrils flared.

  I fought back the urge to grin. It was so sexy and almost cute that Trent got worked up when Cash said things about me or to me.

  “My outside job was to attend different events for the club, okay?” I said. “There were a handful of us. Dress up skimpy and flirt. Serve drinks. Go to the card games. Sometimes a fight here and there. Just stuff like that. I was a waitress and Gunner asked me if I liked my job. I was trying to save up to get out of this state and I got stuck here. I never hurt anyone that didn’t deserve it. I never killed anyone. Things got violent and I was in a corner when they said I had to kill Duke.”

  The emotion instantly crept up on me. It made my stomach sick to think that I had come so close to actually killing another human.

  I blinked back tears and took a deep breath.

  “That’s enough,” Trent said. “Keep going, Prez.”

  “Okay,” Trev said.

  He showed me another picture. It was a really rough looking guy. Really scary eyes. Eyes I had seen before.

  I nodded. “Yes.”

  “Son of a bitch,” Trent said.

  “You’re sure?” Trev asked.

  “Positive. He was there all the time.”

  “All the time?” Cash asked. His face dropped. “What does that mean?”

  “He and Rocco would talk all the time. Go into the meeting room. They’d laugh, have a beer, I don’t know.”

  “You served this guy drinks?” Trev asked.


  “He paid?”

  “Not him.”

  “Who paid?” Trent asked. He walked to the table and touched my shoulder. “It’s okay, darling, you’re doing great.”

  “That man took money from Rocco. Lots of it. He drank for free and took money. Then he’d leave. The last time he was there, after he was gone, Rocco and Gunner had a shot together. They were really happy. Excited.”

  Trev looked at Trent.

  That’s when Trent crouched down. “Darling, this is really helpful to us. But you need to do something else.”


  “We need you to call Daxton and act like you’re captive and hurt. We need to lure them closer and attack. We need to use you to do that.”

  I stared down at my coffee. The last week had been so peaceful. Now it was going to be nothing but hell.

  “We’re at war,” Trev said. “There’s no other way to put it. Things were said and promised that were lies. Now we have to fix it. You owe this to us, Harlee. To this club and to Duke.”

  He took out a cellphone and slid it across the table.

  “Make the call,” Trev said.

  I reached for the phone. The second I lifted it, Trev stood up. He flipped the table over and took out his gun. Trent grabbed my wrists with one strong hand and took the phone out of my other hand.

  “Sorry, darling,” he whispered.

  Trev pointed the gun at me. “Now let’s make that call…”


  “Where the fuck are you, bitch?” Daxton growled into the phone.

  I was shaking as the gun touched my forehead.

  “They have a gun to me,” I said. “I’m held in a chair, Daxton.”

  “What?” he asked. “What the fuck…”

  “Back Down Devil,” I said. “They got me. They took me. Okay? Everything went bad at that game. I tried… but they were there.”

  “Holy shit!” Daxton yelled.

  Trent held the phone to my ear.

  I heard Daxton running and calling for Rocco.

  A door opened, shut, and then there was another thud.

  “Put it on speaker,” Trev whispered to Trent.

  He did.

  “Harlee,” Rocco’s voice said. “Give me your location.”

  “A room,” I said. “I’m in a chair. There’s two of them. They have a gun to my head.”

  “Who the fuck is there?” Rocco yelled.

  “Fuck yourself,” Trev said. “You want to take out our men? We’ll cut you from the ground up.”

  “Trev?” Rocco asked. “You think stealing some bar whore is going to rattle me?”

  “Let her the fuck go,” Daxton said. “She’s my bitch.”

  “Not anymore,” Trent said. “I’ve been tearing up that tight slit all week long, brother. What are you packing over there? A pencil in your pants?”

  “I’ll fucking kill them all,” Daxton yelled. “I swear on my life…”

  There was more noise and a struggle.

  It sounded like someone was dragging Daxton out of the room.

  Trev nodded.

  He then jammed the gun to my forehead.

  “OW!” I yelled. “Shit.”

  “Whoa, whoa,” Rocco said. “What’s the play here?”

  “The play?” Trev said. “You’ve been doing a lot of talking over there, Rocco. Right in front of this bitch. She’s said quite a bit. I know about your little target chart in the room. You want to come for us? Come right into town and face me man to fucking man.”

  “I’ll do that when you have my guns ready,” Rocco said. “That’s where this ends.”

  “Then it’s already over because there are no fucking guns.”

  “I paid for guns!” Rocco yelled.

  “Not according to this bitch,” Trev said. “She said you and Ripper never met before. That you never exchanged money or goods. You’re a fucking liar.”

  “I’ll gut that cunt right now,” Rocco said. “She’s fucking with you. Don’t listen to her. She fucking served us drinks!”

  “Then I guess we don’t need her anymore,” Trev said.

  He moved the gun from me and put a bullet into the corner of a wall.

  I opened my mouth to scream and Trent covered my mouth.

  “There,” Trev said. “Anything else you want to add to this?”

  “Like I give a damn about a whore,” Rocco said. “You’re going to burn, Trev. You and the entire group of goons over there. I’ve spoken with the O’Nuall family personally. They know of the bad deals in your MC. You’re getting it on all sides now…”

  Trev ended the call.

  He then threw the phone to the ground and stomped on it.

  “Fuck!” he screamed.

; “That’s what we wanted, Prez,” Trent said. “Daxton is freaking out and Rocco just gave us something to run with.”

  All I could do was just sit there, in complete shock of everything that had happened.

  Trent crouched down and reached for my face. He forced me to look at him.

  The craziest thing happened right then.

  I wanted to fucking kiss him more than I ever wanted to kiss another man in my life.



  I had Harlee propped up on my dresser. In my mind when I looked down I’d see my thick cock sliding in and out of her slit. I’d feel just how tight she really was and find out how someone had been really taking care of her.

  Reality was a far cry away.

  I grabbed the edge of the dresser and looked her eye to eye. “Don’t try anything.”

  “I won’t,” she said.

  “I’ll have prospects watching the apartment. Two inside at the door and two more outside. This is risky. I don’t like it. But coming to the clubhouse could be worse. We’re hoping they attack.”

  She grabbed my arm. “You’re not afraid?”

  “No. Why would I be?”

  “What if they shoot at you?”

  “They better hit me then,” I said. “If not, I’ll blow their fucking heads off. That’s how I operate. You’re job is to stay here.” I reached for my back pocket and took out a key. “Take this.”

  “What’s it for?” Harlee asked.

  “There’s a black car out back. Project of mine from a long time ago. I’m not a fan of anything that has more than two wheels, but I figure if shit hits the fan, you should have an escape.”

  “I could just take off when you leave,” she said.

  “You’re right,” I said. “Maybe I’m giving you a chance to go. Or maybe I just trust you enough to wait.”

  There were a few seconds of silence between us.

  Harlee took the key. “Thanks.”

  I didn’t respond.

  She reached out and touched my cheek. Her soft fingers running across the scruff on my face. It was like I was the sandpaper and she was the wood. I would destroy her if I had her. Or maybe I’d make her into something better. Strip her down…

  I pulled away when I saw Harlee lick her lips.

  We were not going to charge down that fucking path.

  I didn’t just kiss. If she tempted, she’d be on the bed, butt ass naked, screaming my name.

  I had plans for the day.

  Charging to the door, I got the hell out of the bedroom and out of the apartment.

  Outside, Trev, Jasper, Cash, and Kye were waiting.

  We had a ride to take.

  And quite honestly… I had a fifty-fifty shot of coming back alive.


  There were three black vans. In between each were two black cars. We were in a clearing in the woods. Probably some massive piece of land owned by a dummy corporation said to be using it for lumber or maybe preserving nature. Some kind of bullshit excuse. What it was was a meeting spot for the O’Nuall family. We were possibly standing on a massive graveyard with plenty of bones under our feet. Ghosts that couldn’t speak and the reaper lingering, licking his chops, ready for another feast.

  What choice did we have?

  We had to make contact with the O’Nuall family and make sure Night Soul wasn’t causing any further issues.

  Frontline, I stood in front of my President and VP.

  A door on each of the black cars opened and out came Garvan and Bryant.

  Garvan was short, portly, short hair. He had dimples in his cheeks but his eyes were anything but kind. He was vicious, a man who probably had over a hundred murders on his hands and would have a hundred more before his time came. His partner in crime, Bryant, tugged at his suit jacket as he walked along his car. He was taller, skinny, lighter skin with a fiery red hair color that made him look too cliche for his own good.

  Bryant gave me the courtesy of showing me his gun.

  I did the same.

  The situation was tense, touchy, and if these two wanted to take us out, there was nothing that could be done to stop it. We’d be dead and if the rest of the MC tried to fight back, it would end up in a war that would cross state lines and move across the world.

  There was silence.

  I stepped back as Jasper and Trev stepped forward.

  “Glad we could finally meet up,” Trev said. “It’s a pleasure.”

  “Aye,” Garvan said. “Cut the bullshit. You’ve got a problem.”

  “We’re taking care of a lot of problems,” Jasper said. “New President means changes.”

  “Ripper is dead,” Bryant said. “You gave up all those guns to us.”

  “They were yours,” Trev said. “I’m not here to rattle anyone. I’m not here to dig up old bones. I’m not here to start a new fight. Ripper made a few heavy promises to another crew.”

  “Aye,” Garvan said. “They’ve been in contact. They want their guns. They said they paid. That’s troubling to me. I was never paid.”

  “I’m sorry about that,” Jasper said. “I’ll take the heat on that, okay? I was VP while Ripper ran wild. I should have done more.”

  Garvan looked at Bryant and nodded.

  A second later Bryant took a gun out.


  I jumped in front of Jasper. “No, asshole. You’re going to have to kill me.”

  “I don’t have a problem with that,” Bryant said. “I’ll shoot your fucking head off, boy.”

  I stepped toward the powerful Irish mobster and puffed out my chest. “Make it count.”

  “Why don’t we try talking,” Trev said.

  “You’re VP is weak,” Garvan said. “We have that other crew calling out to us. I don’t do fucking house calls, gentlemen. I deal in my version of fair trade. I’m not in customer service. Do you understand?”

  “We understand,” Trev said. “We are handling all situations. I wanted to meet with you personally to tell you that. I’ll make sure the situation with Rocco and Gunner ends soon. As for our situation, all I can offer is knowledge that Ripper is dead. I’m in charge. I don’t fuck around.”

  Bryant kept his gun on me and put a hand to Trev’s shoulder. “We know that, Trevor. We know that.”

  I saw Trev’s lip curl. He hated being called Trevor as much as I hated being called Trenton.

  “So we’re going to find out what everyone is made of,” Garvan said. “First off, your monster here is going to prove his worth.”

  “What the fuck does that mean?” I asked.

  Garvan whistled and the backdoors to one of the vans opened.

  A man jumped down to the ground.

  He quickly ripped off his suit jacket and button down shirt. He was layered with tattoos from shoulders to wrists. He took off his gun harnesses and walked right toward me.

  “Take him down,” Garvan said. “Then we’ll talk business.”

  “Bullshit,” Trev said. “This is how…”

  “It’s fine, Prez,” I said. “I could use a good fight.”

  I had so much pent up energy inside me, this was a good thing. I tried to ignore what this meant though. Chances were, if I went down, Bryant would put a bullet in my skull and then send Jasper and Trev packing.

  This was a power move.

  I was the muscle to strengthen the power.

  I had to be the monster to steal the power.


  My leather cut and shirt were on the ground. I circled up with Danny. That was the guy’s name. He had it tattooed across his wide chest, the letters slightly blocked by his tight, sleeveless undershirt.

  We had our fists up and this asshole started to dance around me. Kicking his feet and moving his shoulders, trying to get me to do something stupid. I knew patience. They were beaten into me a long time ago and I carried patience on my back.

  From the corner of my eye I saw Trev, Jasper, Garvan, and Bryant standing together. They were starting to ta
lk, which was a good thing. These crazy people liked to conduct business with a fight going on. Shit, this was their version of going to a strip club and cutting loose a little.

  Danny threw the first punch, which was all I needed him to do.

  He clipped my jaw and I set my feet to keep from falling. I threw a right to his gut and it was like punching a wall. I got Danny to crunch down enough so I could sweep at his leg. That could cause him to stumble a little and I went in for the kill. Three solid punches to the face took him back to the van he climbed out of.

  Danny lunged forward at me, shoulder down. He slammed into me, lifting me up, and rammed me into the side of the van. Hot pain shot through my back. I started to come down on his back with elbows as he repeated the move three times on me. He broke away from me and moved fast. A trained fighter, probably in the ring and on the streets, he kept himself tight and swung hard and fast. My ribs suddenly felt like they were being shattered one by one. Before I could attempt to defend myself there, fists were at my jaw, cheeks, and eyes. I felt like I was being jumped by two guys.

  My head rocked left to right and Danny finally grabbed my hair and threw me to the side. I stumbled and fell to one knee but I wasn’t done yet. That was his biggest mistake. He took me for granted. I looked back at him and watched as he laughed at me. He had some blood on his teeth and licked it off.

  “Finish it off!” Garvan called out. “Come on, boy!”

  Danny strutted toward me, his right hand cocked back.

  I waited until the last second to make my move.

  Danny never got a chance to try and hit me with his knockout punch. I stood, turned, and slammed my own right to his nose, busting him open. He grabbed for his face and I grabbed him, walking him to the van. A handful of hair later and I started to smash his face off the van. Even though he tried to protect his face it didn’t matter. The force of my strength was too much.

  Slowly, Danny started to drop to his knees.

  There was a goddamn dent in the back door of the van. That’s how hard I had been slamming him into it.

  I gave him one more good smack to the head and Danny toppled to his side.

  I looked back and asked, “Is that enough?”

  “Aye,” Bryant said. “Tough, are you?”


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