by Carlos Dash
Usually, an owner’s box is occupied by not just the owner himself, but also the owner’s family. Children. Grandchildren. Nieces and nephews. Maybe even some close friends.
But I’m all alone. No one in here but me.
The story of my life.
I never used to mind this kind of solitude before. But now I know I can’t go on like this. I can’t live without having Emily in my life.
I close the door behind me and take a seat in one of the empty chairs. It’s very comfortable. I sigh and close my eyes. I keep them closed for the next twenty minutes.
I haven’t fallen asleep. It’s not even a trance. I’m just closing my eyes and trying to block out all thoughts and feelings. A state of darkness. A surefire way to clear one’s mind.
As the crowd gets louder and louder, I know it’s getting closer to kickoff time. I open my eyes and run a hand through my hair. The television is off. I have no interest in seeing the live broadcast. No doubt the announcers will mention me as being the new owner at some point. That will lead to cut shots of me in this owner’s box.
Maybe it would be better to know when to expect those shots, but I prefer to be kept in the dark about it. One of the few situations where ignorance is bliss.
The crowd has created a dull roar now. Even the soundproof glass of the owner’s box can’t shield me away from all of it. The fans are excited. And I think they have every right to be.
First, the coin-toss. We win, but the coach chooses to differ. That’s the usual strategy. Better to start off the second half with the ball. Put all the pressure on the opposing team to open up the game with a bang.
The ball is kicked off. It’s a touchback. That means the other team will start off at their own twenty-five yard line. As my defense comes out to meet their offense, I briefly glance away from the action. I’m looking at the empty area around me. Vacant chairs. No sign of life in any direction. I wish Emily was up here with me. But she’s down there with her father. He invited her to stand on the sidelines with him after asking me if it was okay. I wanted to reply by saying that hell no it wasn’t okay. But I let it go. I nodded and let him have his way.
It’s not like we could have sex in here or anything, but just having her company would be enough for me. Just to be able to hear her. And see her. And enjoy how I feel when I’m around her.
Chapter 33
Oh, screw it.
Television it is.
I get up and walk over to the large screen TV. I turn it on and wait for the high-definition picture. No need to flip through the channels. These things are rigged up so that the only channel you can watch is the one that’s showing the game telecast.
The moment I see the grass of the field, I step back and appreciate the picture quality. Crisp. I can literally see into the eyes of the opposing team’s quarterback as they cut to him.
Be afraid, buddy. Be very afraid. My defense is coming to get you.
Wishful thinking? Let’s see.
The center snaps the ball right into the QB’s hands. He drops back and… he’s sacked. The commentator announces that it’s a seven yard loss.
The crows goes nuts. The noise from within the TV, combined with the slightly muted noise from the fans below me, puts a huge grin on my face.
Hell yeah! This is the perfect start. Keep it up, guys.
The other team’s drive amounts to nothing. They have no choice but to punt. Unfortunately, our returner can’t do much with it. He picks up just a four yard gain. Great coverage by our opponents.
But now it’s our turn on offense.
The camera cuts to Coach Reed. Offensive is the side of the ball where he made his name. He’s a former offensive coordinator. That’s why they’re showing him now. He looks calm and composed, with traces of excitement dancing around his eyes.
But then I see someone that takes my breath away. She’s standing a few feet behind her father. Emily. Her arms are crossed in front of her chest. Her demeanor is relaxed. There are professional athletes all around her, but she doesn’t seem to care. I can see that a few of the players are openly checking her out. She either doesn’t notice, or she’s ignoring them on purpose.
Either way, the thought of any of them making a move on her makes my blood boil. The sight of her face brings me back. Her eyes. Her lips. Her hair. Everything about this amazing girl who I’ve only really known for a short while.
I want her. I need her.
Reality hits me like a ton of bricks. I know what I have to do. I know what has to be done. And it has to be done right now.
Not perfect timing. Not even close.
But I no longer care about the timing of my confession. All that matters is the act itself.
I get up and begin to walk around. My legs have fallen asleep, but I get the blood flowing again. I’m not quite sure how to explain what has come over me. It’s not a trance-like state. Nothing like what happened when I first saw her in that bar the night we met. No, this is very different. Here, I’m perfectly aware of what I’m doing. And of what I’m feeling.
Emily has become the most important thing in my life.
Not quite sure how that happened. But it no longer matters.
The endgame is near. It’s time for me to be a man and tell Emily how I feel.
No second-guessing this time around. I’m really going to do it. I’m going to go down there and tell her what’s in my heart. I don’t care who hears it. Not even if it’s her father.
Chapter 34
My stride is filled with purpose. I’m down below now, on the sidelines with the team. Some fans start to clap as they see me. I don’t smile back at them. I don’t do anything but walk forward with purpose.
There’s a cluster of players in front of me. I squeeze through them. Some of them call out and greet me. They’re happy to see me there. I just nod. No time for words. And besides, I’m saving any words I do have within me for what’s coming next.
Cameras. So many damn cameras all over the place. Regardless of Emily’s response, this is going to be a talked about news story. ESPN in particular will show it in either their top 10 best moments list, or their top 10 worst moments list. It all depends on how things play out.
The journalists here are another story. Those that see what’s going on will no doubt record it on their phones. And those who miss the action will be kicking themselves later. After all, how often does one see something like this take place. And during a football game, no less.
And of course the fans. Who can predict what they’ll have to say about this. The first regular season game, and this is what the new owner is getting up to. Some will probably say it’s a publicity stunt. I can’t blame them for thinking that, but they’re so wrong. I’ve never been an attention whore. Quite the opposite, actually. But here we are. This is going to make me the center of attention.
I’m finally at the front of the sidelines. I see Coach Reed. He’s got his head completely in the game, as any good head coach should. I look around his immediate vicinity to see where Emily is.
Ah. There we go.
She’s standing there. Straight posture. Hands now at her sides. She’s taking in the game, but I wonder if she’s actually paying attention. Football isn’t exactly something she’s very passionate about.
But so what. Plenty of men who love the game are with women who don’t give a rat’s ass about it. That’s okay. Having different interests is what keeps a relationship fresh. I would never want to be with someone who’s just like me.
I come to a stop right behind Emily. I don’t call out her name. Instead, I lightly tap her shoulder. She whirls around. There’s a game going on right in front of her. She wasn’t expecting to be touched.
She’s looking at me. Our eyes meet. I can never get enough of those brown orbs of hers. I want to be able to stare into them for the rest of my life.
“Hey,” Emily says. Her tone makes it clear that she has no idea what’s going on. How could she? How could she know what I’m about
to do. “Something wrong? You look very… unsettled.”
I could engage her in small talk first. I could even ask her if I could speak to her in private.
Both of those options would be more logical than what I’m actually going to do.
Subtlety and patience be damned.
It’s now or never.
I reach out and place my arm behind her back. I gently push her closer towards me. She doesn’t have the time to express disbelief. A split second later, my lips are pressed against hers.
I can hear gasps from all around us. Not just from journalists and cameramen, but from the other players, as well. These guys are supposed to be the epitome of manliness. Modern day gladiators. That’s not a sound they make very often. What they’re seeing is obviously shocking them.
“What the fuck.” I recognize the voice. Coach Reed.
There’s no going back now. He’s seeing us kiss. No explanation or excuse in the world will cause him to dismiss this.
Chapter 35
I hope Coach Reed doesn’t attack me. If he does, I’ll be forced to defend myself, and that won’t go well for Emily’s father. He won’t be able to do any damage to me, but I could seriously hurt him if I put my mind to it.
I don’t want to do that. He’s a good man. I’ve hurt him enough just by touching his daughter in this manner.
Emily and I finally break apart. She didn’t resist the kiss. And now she’s just staring at me. No outrage. No fake cries where she acts as if she can’t understand why I kissed her. All pretenses have been dropped.
She’s just looking at me. Just looking. There’s so much I want to say to her, but it will have to wait. I have to deal with her father first.
“Jonathan… Coach Reed.” Sudden formality. Not usually my style, but this situation calls for it. “I suppose you saw that just now.”
The Coach doesn’t respond. He just keeps glowering at me. His mind is probably going a mile a minute trying to figure out what he just saw. His boss, a man who is in his thirties, kissing Emily. His Emily. His only child. The apple of his eye.
And it’s all happening in public. In front of the entire stadium. Not to mention the millions watching Thursday Night Football at home.
I can only imagine the poor guy’s humiliation.
“Well, let me explain,” I continue. I look him right in the eyes. My tone is firm. I won’t let the situation become too big for me. “Your daughter and I have been seeing each other for the past two days.” I leave out the part about the one-night stand. That’s not the sort of thing you ever mention to a girl’s father. Especially not when you want the father to see how much you love his daughter. “And after these past two days, I’ve come to realize that I’m in love with her.”
He just blinks. Like the words don’t make any sense. I dare to look at Emily. Her mouth is slightly open. She’s struggling to process this information as well. The players on the field have just stopped what they’re doing. They can sense that something important is happening. The referees aren’t bothering to do anything about it. They’re just staring right along with everyone else.
I never thought I would fall in love with someone.
And I sure as hell never thought I would admit to that love in front of so many people.
Yet here we are. Life. You just never know where it’s going to take you.
I block everything else out. I put my hands into the pockets of my trousers. I’m wearing one of my best suits. I know that won’t make any difference as to how Coach Reed will react, but with so many eyes on me, I’m glad I look my best.
“Is this a joke?” Those are the first words Coach Reed says in response to the situation.
Not what I was hoping for, but not entirely unexpected either.
“Not a joke, Coach. I’ve never been more serious about anything in my life. I’m in love with your daughter. I know it seems sudden, but trust me, I know. I really didn’t expect this sort of thing to happen to me, but it did. And here we are. I’m aware that this is the worst possible time for me to bring this up, but I had to. I just had to. I felt like I was about to burst. I had to tell you.” I turn towards Emily and meet her gaze again. “And I had to tell you, Emily.” Here it comes. I hope my words don’t fail me. “I love you, Emily. I’ve never felt this way about anyone before. My heart belongs to you completely. I’m obviously not a perfect guy. I’ve got plenty of hangups and issues. But with your help, I can be the best version of myself. I love you, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”
There it is. No way to take it back. She heard it. As did everyone else.
If I get rejected now, it will be the most devastating experience of my life.
But I won’t. I can tell. She wants me. Maybe she isn’t as passionate about me as I am about her, but we’ll get there in the end. I’ll prove to her that the age difference and all that other stuff doesn’t matter.
“You love me? Really?” Emily’s face doesn’t give much away. But I can detect the hints of a smile around her lips.
“With all my heart.” I can feel all the stares being directed our way. “And I’m sorry about doing this here. You’re probably embarrassed. Forgive me for that. But, hopefully I’ll have a lifetime to make it up to you.”
There’s no mistaking it now. She’s smiling. “Okay then.”
Okay then? “That’s all you’re going to say? Seriously?” I’m smiling too, barely suppressing the urge to laugh.
Emily shrugs. “Well, I was going to kiss you,” she gives her father a sideways glance. “But my father definitely wouldn’t want that. Not out here.”
“You got that right,” Coach Reed says. He’s baffled by what’s going on, but he doesn’t look even close to losing his temper. Could it be that he’s actually taking it all in stride? “So you two are going to be a couple now?”
I didn’t expect that question.
I look at Emily. She’s beaming.
“Yes we are,” I say in response. “I hope that’s okay with you?”
Coach Reed pauses for a second. “I guess she could do a lot worse.”
What the…
“Uh, thanks. I guess.”
“Just don’t break her heart. Otherwise I’ll have to kick your ass.” He means it. I’m not going to tell him that he couldn’t even if he wanted to. No need to press that button. He glances behind him and sees that the players on the field have stopped moving. “Move your asses. There’s suppose to be a football game here tonight.”
It’s like magic. Even the players on the opposite team snap back to their senses and return to what they were doing.
So much for the experts who said he was too nice and mild mannered to be an NFL head coach.
“We’re not done talking about this,” he says to me, his gaze stern. “But I have a game to coach.” He turns to his daughter. The look on his face softens. “You guys go up to the owner’s box. I’m sure you have a lot to talk about.” He shakes his head. “Wait till your mother hears about this.”
Emily rushes forward to hug her father. Once they break that embrace apart, she walks towards me.
And I can’t remember a better sight in my life.
She looks so happy. It’s almost like she’s glowing. She takes my hand into hers.
Another very public display of affection… and I don’t mind it one bit.
We walk out of there like we’re the only two people in the world. The hell with all the stares and attention. So what if the sports media will be talking about this for weeks.
Who cares. I have Emily now. And she has me. That owner’s box we’re going to, that’s ours now. Not just mine. Everything that was once mine is now also hers.
You can have all the success in the world, but if you don’t have anyone to share it with, it doesn’t really matter.
I see that now.
It took me a long time to understand the facts of life, but better late than never.
I wonder if somewhere up there
, my mother is watching this moment and smiling.
I hope so. I really do.