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Come Get Me

Page 19

by Michael Hunter

  He was sure she would do anything for him and that actually kinda scared him. He was unnerved by how forward she was being. The innuendos were flying and they were all hitting home. But they weren’t having the effect she wanted. What would it take to make her understand he wasn’t interested? He repressed the urge to shudder as he tried to find a suitable answer. He’d been feeling uncomfortable since he first pulled into the lot and her offers were only making it worse. He couldn’t understand what had gotten into her. While he still couldn’t remember what she’d been like in high school he was sure it wasn’t this. He only wanted to find Jill. Now it seemed he would have to take Maria along with him on a ride to God knew where in order to do that.

  Finally realizing she wasn’t going to take no for an answer he threw his hands up in disgust and turned to the car. Maria clapped her hands happily in triumph and trotted to the other side. He was about to open his door and get in when he huff from the other side got his attention. Maria was looking at him expectantly. It took him a second to figure out what she wanted. When it did finally dawn on him he almost called the whole thing off. Keeping in mind he had to find Jill he stalked to the other side and opened the door for her. She smiled happily as she slid in and said thank you. He told her she was welcome by slamming the door in her face. He was quickly getting sick of her.

  Before walking back to his side of the car, he looked around again hoping God would smile down on him and show him where Jill was so he wouldn’t have to go anywhere with Maria but God must not have been watching. He saw nothing. Resigned to his fate he went back to his side and got in. As he slid the key into the ignition he was startled to feel Maria’s arm snake around his. Looking at her in almost undisguised horror he saw that she’d also taken it upon herself to slide as close to him as she could get.

  “See,” she said when she saw that he’d noticed her moves, “we do get to have our date after all.” Jim was sure she would feel his skin crawling as it tried to get away from her touch. Evidently not since she tightened her grip and smiled even wider than before.

  “Look this isn’t a date,” he said as he shook her off as politely as he could. “You’re just taking me to where ever you sent Jill. That’s it! Nothing more! There is no date! There is no you doing anything for me! There is nothing! Get it through that thick skull of yours! There is nothing between us! There never will be! Period! Understand?”

  Everything came out in a rush and a little bit harsher than he’d planned but he felt much better afterwards. The instant he’d started yelling she’d recoiled as if he’d struck her and scooted back to the other side of the car. After that she’d just stared at him until he’d finished. He hadn’t wanted to be so nasty about the whole thing but she needed to get it out of her head that he would ever go out with her. If this was what it took then so be it. She would just have to finally act like an adult and deal with it.

  “Are you ready to go now?” he demanded still a little mad. He almost expected her to tell him to go to Hell and get out but instead she just shook her head up and down and looked straight ahead ignoring him. When they finally pulled away from the restaurant Jim figured they’d wasted about twenty minutes. That was twenty minutes he could’ve been using to find Jill. With the sun gone and the temperature dropping every minute might count.

  He glanced at Maria from the corner of his eye and found that she was apparently pouting. She huddled as close to the passenger door as she could, sitting still and ignoring everything around her. She almost looked like some warped type of doll.

  Oh well, he thought as he focused back on the road, as long as she takes me to Jill I don’t care if she doesn’t talk to me for the rest of our lives. He’d had enough of her antics for a lifetime. The only things that matter now were finding Jill and getting the home. Screw Maria and screw the Goatman as far as he was concerned.


  Maria gave no directions so Jim decided to drive whichever way he wanted. He was following Main Street leading in the direction of Tommy’s house and then the country beyond that. Even though he was doing the speed limit the edge of town was fast approaching and she was just sitting there pouting. He wished she would stop acting like a child and give him directions like she said she would. He had no idea where to go. The only thing he knew about Tommy’s death was that it had happened off in the woods somewhere. Looking out the windows he figured that could be anywhere. The town was surrounded by an intermingling of open fields and woods. If she didn’t get on the ball soon he would have no choice but to stop and force her to tell him something. He didn’t know how he would do that but he would figure something out if he had too.

  The last vestige of civilization came and went and still she said nothing. What he could see of the town was slowly getting smaller and smaller in his rear view mirror and he was about to slam on the brakes and demand to know where they were going when Maria finally said something.

  “Turn right,” she whimpered.

  Jim stopped and looked to his right. There was no road there. He was about to tell her so when he noticed something. There was a small path that led out into a field. Beyond that he couldn’t see. The darkness wouldn’t let him.

  “That’s not a road ya know,” he yelled.

  “Well, that’s where your precious Jill went so if you want to find her then that’s where you have to turn,” she yelled right back.

  Cursing under his breath he turned and drove into the weeds at the edge of the road as directed. After driving for so long on a smooth surface he was unprepared for what the field held for him. Ruts and bumps and holes seemed to jump under his tire with a frequency that was unbelievable. Most of the time when you looked at grass swaying in the wind it looked so smooth and gentle that you thought you might be able to lie down and take a nice relaxing nap in it. You never thought about what might be underneath that calm exterior. Jim’s poor car was now finding out. The two of them were being thrown around from one side of the car to the other. The only thing that kept Jim where he was supposed to be was his vice like grip on the steering wheel. He felt Maria slam into his side a few times and could’ve swore he felt her coping a feel but he was too busy trying to avoid what few holes and hills he could. He didn’t really want to have to pay for a new suspension on the rental car but, Jill was out here somewhere so he didn’t have much of a choice.

  They drove slowly down the road bouncing up and down whenever they hit an especially big hole until Maria yelled for him take another right. The road they turned onto wasn’t much better than the other but it seemed to have a few less holes than the previous one so Jim counted himself lucky. After being on the new road only a few minutes she had him take another turn and then another. The second one he almost missed because it was so overgrown with weeds. This type of twisting and turning continued for the better part of a half hour before she quietly told him to stop. He strained his eyes trying to penetrate the darkness surrounding the car. From what little he could make out, there was nothing there.

  “Where are we?” he asked suspiciously.

  “Just give me a minute,” she snapped.

  “What? Are we lost? I thought you said you told Jill how to get here,” he demanded.

  “We aren’t lost I just need to get my bearings,” she said angrily. “I’m sure your precious Jill is safe and sound. Now would you shut up and let me think?”

  Just when Jim was resigning himself to being lost in the middle of God knew where she told him start driving again. Almost immediately after that she had him take a left. As he spun the wheel trying to avoid a tree that loomed out the darkness he thought he saw the headlights pick out the form of a person standing not twenty feet away.

  “Who was that?” he asked as he hit the brakes.

  “Who was what?” Maria answered.

  “That,” he said pointing. “I saw someone standing a little ways that way.”

  “I didn’t see anyone,” Maria said spookily. “Maybe there’s some sort of monster out there or so
mething. Who knows, maybe it already got Jill and now it’s coming for us.”

  Her words brought images of the Goatman flooding into his head. This was crazy. He was out in the middle of nowhere, with one of the weirdest people he’d ever met, looking for a girl he hoped liked him and oh, by the way, the Goatman was after him and his only remaining living friend. Pete wasn’t the only one that needed to have his head examined.

  “Maybe there wasn’t anything after all,” he stammered.

  “Course there wasn’t, sweetie. You’re just excited. That’s all. You know, I could take your mind off all that stuff.” He glanced over and saw her unbuttoning her top. She’d already gotten it down far enough that he could see a little bit of some dark colored lace from her bra in the light from the instrument panel.

  “How much longer?” he asked as he quickly looked back in front of them. Whatever answer she might have said, he didn’t hear. Just out of reach of the headlights he saw a big shadow move across the road.

  “There it was again!” he yelled.

  “There’s nothing out there,” she huffed. “If you’d just look over here long enough you wouldn’t even care what was out there.” Before he could catch himself he looked. The buttons on Maria’s top were undone and her bra was in plain view. The lace he’d seen ended up being just about all it was made of. He knew he should look away but he couldn’t. He was a man after all. His eyes seemed to strain to see what was hidden underneath the lace. He was sure if it was lighter he’d be able to see everything. He was just reaching for the interior light when something struck the car. Startled by the impact Jim snapped back to reality and looked around.

  “It was probably just some animal or something,” Maria said trying to swing his attention back to her. “Don’t worry about it. I’ve got something much better for you to look at.” “Maria I’m out here to find Jill, not to watch you act like the whore you are,” he said as he fought to keep control of the car and himself. He refused to give her the pleasure of making him look at her. He regretted doing it the first time but he hadn’t been able to help himself. It was just a natural male reaction, he told himself. “Put you damn clothes back on and tell me where to go and no, hell is not an option.”

  “You know you want me Jimmy,” she purred. “I saw you looking. You liked it, didn’t you? If you’d just look again you might see some more things you like.” He could feel her inching closer but he’d had about enough.

  “Look you stupid bitch,” he yelled as he slammed the brakes, “I’m not going to do anything with you. I thought I got it through that thick skull back at the restaurant but I guess not.” He’d held himself in check long enough. It was time to vent a little on the target of his anger. “You’re here to help me find Jill. End of story. After that you can go back and live in your little fantasy world. Right now tell where the hell I need to go. Other than that keep your damn mouth shut.”

  Before when he’d yelled at her she’d looked almost ashamed of herself. Now she just returned his stare almost like she was challenging him to do something more. He was sorely tempted too but instead just held her look. He refused to be the first to look away. After a few more seconds the contest of wills seemed to be over. Maria looked away and started buttoning herself back up.

  “It’s right up here,” she grunted. “Keep going up over this hill in front of us. It’s on the other side.” She was back to her pouting routine. Jim started forward again thanking god this ride was almost over.

  “It’s about time,” he said anxiously trying to fill the silence in the car.

  They topped the thing Maria called a hill and started down. At first Jim saw nothing but after a few seconds of searching the area spread out in front of them he did see a faint light a little bit further down the road. Bouncing and thumping their way down the hill they slowly got closer and closer until they were almost there. It was a good thing too. He didn’t know how much more of this his poor rental could take. The return trip might be it. All they needed to do was stop long enough to get Jill and then hightail it back to town.

  Thinking about driving back he found he was actually happy Maria was there. She was the only one that knew how to get back to town. Jill might know, but then again maybe not. She’d come out here during the day when it was easier to see land marks and other things she might’ve used to navigate. It was pitch black now. There was nothing to see but what the headlight could pick out. That wasn’t enough to find their way back. Even though they’d just drove out here he was totally lost which meant Maria was their only hope.

  Concentrating on navigating his way down the small hill he was only able to catch quick glimpses of their destination. The house if that was what you wanted to call it stood lost and alone surrounded on almost all sides with trees. The forest was slowly taking back its own. During one of his glimpses he noticed something that sent chill down his spine. From what must have been the front door drifted an eerie glow. He wasn’t even sure he actually saw it but the closer he got the more he was sure it was there. The glow became the center of his world as the car seemed to bounce from one side of the road to the other. It kept getting closer and that was all that mattered.

  They finally came to a stop no more than thirty feet from what passed for the entrance. The glow was still coming from the door but now it had a slight flickering quality to it. For some reason this made it seem spookier than when it had just been an undefined glow. As the dust settled down around the car and Jill bounced from the passenger side Jim took a moment to study the place he’d worked so hard to reach. When Jim actually parked outside it he saw that he had been partially wrong.

  It wasn’t what he expected. He thought they were coming to some place far off in the woods somewhere not an actual house. What stood before him would’ve almost been livable if not for the fact that half of its upper floor seemed to have been burnt away at some point. The house was fronted by three frames where windows must’ve once been. Above these was an overhang that brought to mind cool summers sitting in the shade but was now nothing more than dirt and decay. Above that, as he saw when he first arrived, was what was left of a second floor. The part that was still standing had one blackened window looking out into the night. He looked over at the burnt part but saw something move out of the corner of his eye. Something had moved in the window. He saw nothing there a second ago, but as soon as he’d turned his head he’d seen something. The creepy crawly sensation of being watched settled over him again. He strained his eyes trying to pierce the darkness but after a few moments gave up. It was just too dark for him to see anything. Shaking his head he noticed Maria standing on the front porch waiting for him.

  He couldn’t figure out why she’d sent Jill here. His mother said Tommy was killed in the woods not in a house. Maybe was here just before he died or something and that was why Jill was here. He could see Jill’s car parked off to the side of the house but there was no sign of Jill. If it’d been him he would’ve rushed outside to see who’d arrived. He’d at least want to know whether it was friend or foe. But there was nobody except for Maria.

  Well, no Jill but at least now he was sure she’d made it out here. He’d been worried at some points that maybe she hadn’t come and the whole thing would be a wasted trip. What made it worse was the place was so hard to find. He’d grown up here and thought he knew the location of all the old houses still standing around town but this one was a new one for him. If he hadn’t known it was here then nobody else did either. All the more reason to get Jill and get the hell out of here, he thought as he hurried towards where Maria was waiting.

  “Isn’t it spooky out here?” she said greeting him as he approached. “I just love it. Sometimes I think I can do anything out here.” She sounded a lot happier than she had a few minutes ago and what was all this about doing anything out here. Had she been here before? He was glad she’d gotten over the scolding he’d given her earlier but she was sounding kind of strange. She sounded bubbly, excited even. Not exactly what you
would expect when coming to the place someone was murdered. Then again it was Maria. She wasn’t exactly a normal type of person.

  “Yeah,” he said instead of what he was thinking “let’s just find Jill and get out of here.” He didn’t know if he liked the happy Maria or the skulking one instead. Either way he wanted to be gone.

  “But Jim, this place is perfect,” She purred sweetly in answer. “We can do whatever we want and nobody will ever know.”


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