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Everybody Wanted Room 623

Page 21

by Cecil Murphey

  One of the things Shirley and I decided when we were dating was that I would continue opening doors for her all through our married life. I also said, “If I forget, I expect you to remind me.” I’m still opening doors for Shirley because it’s my way of saying I care about her and want to do little things for her.

  True lovers constantly find ways to show they appreciate each other and to affirm the relationship they have.

  Devotions for Dieters

  Losing weight is a struggle. We may feel all alone in our quest to shed those pounds. Devotions for Dieters reminds us that support is never far away and that Jesus cherishes each of us no matter what the number on the scale.


  Week 1, Day 1

  “I never eat breakfast,” Alice said, as though that proved a badge of commendation. She prided herself on avoiding breakfast and eating nothing until lunch. She advised the rest of us to cut down to two meals a day or, even better, just one. I might have listened more seriously, but Alice weighs nearly 300 pounds.

  Her theory sounded all right: don’t get the appetite going in the morning and you will keep it under control all day. It sounds good, but it doesn’t work.

  Devotions for Runners

  In the years since the author began running, he has discovered that his commitment to the sport as well as such setbacks as “hitting the wall” all share correlations with his own Christ-centered life. And in Devotions for Runners he wants to share those revelations with you.


  Week 1, Day 1

  Dr. Morgan entered the room carrying a manila folder under his arm. He laid the folder on the table and read the paper clipped to the top. He glanced up at me and smiled. “Basically, you’re in pretty good shape.” Then he paused.


  “Your blood pressure’s on the high side of the normal range,” he said. “Not an immediate concern—”

  “But could be a problem in the future?”

  He nodded. “For right now we’ll watch it and see what happens.”

  As I left the doctor’s office and drove home, I thought of the prognosis. Both my parents, as well as my brothers and sisters, already fight with high blood pressure. I probably ought to do something about it, I said to myself.

  A few days later in my devotional time I came across the Apostle Paul’s words in 1 Corinthians. Those words, along with reading I had been doing on high blood pressure and physical fitness, convinced me that I not only needed to do something—I would.

  Revitalize Your Prayer Life: An Inspired Living Series Companion

  In Revitalize Your Prayer Life, veteran author Cecil Murphey invites you on a quest to discover the nature, character, and attributes of God and offers thought-provoking lessons and insights that will draw you nearer to Him. With honesty and transparency, Murphey allows you an insider’s view of his struggles with prayer and shows how he discovered the invigorating joy of praying anywhere, anytime.


  When I was in grade school, our class visited the planetarium. In a darkened room, we stared upward at the ceiling. Tiny sparks of light twinkled and the objects slowly rotated. “This is the heavens,” the guide’s voice said. “These are stars and planets millions and millions of miles away.”

  He went on to explain about light years and the immense vastness of space. I don’t know how much I understood, but I did grasp that planet Earth was a tiny place compared to the universe. And if the earth itself was tiny, what did that say about me?

  It was an awesome moment. I distinctly remember thinking, I’m not even as big as a mosquito, which was the smallest living creature I could think of. I’m sure I didn’t know the word “awe,” but that’s the feeling that crept over me.

  When we try to comprehend the immensity of our world, our galaxy, or even the universe, and realize that God brought all of it into existence with a mere “Let there be ...,” it fills us with awe.

  Yet the Bible assures us that, in the midst of all that vastness God sees each of us individually. What an awesome God. And that God loves me.

  About the Author

  New York Times best-selling author Cecil (Cec) Murphey has written or co-written more than 135 books, including the best sellers 90 Minutes in Heaven (with Don Piper) and Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story (with Dr. Ben Carson). His books have sold in the millions and have brought hope and encouragement to countless people around the world.

  Visit his website at and follow him on Twitter at

  Copyright Information

  This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author‘s imagination or are used fictitiously.

  Copyright © 2012 by Cecil Murphey. All rights reserved.

  Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984 Biblica. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.

  eISBN: 978-1-942356-03-5




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