by Cates, A. K
Eve gripped the sink and stared into the mirror. Get a grip. She’d never felt more invigorated, more deceitful and more alive than in this moment. If she dwelt on it too long she’d chicken out. She wasn’t afraid of Roman or his touch, she wanted him badly and she wanted it to be him, she was afraid of what it would mean. Would her betrayal lessen it? She didn’t want to think like that. For all she knew when the time came nothing dire would be asked of her and she could keep seeing Roman without him ever knowing.
Stop! This wasn’t what she was about. Be professional, Eve.
She turned the faucet and splashed some water in the sink and brushed her teeth. As she spat into the sink a voice caught her from behind.
“What’s taking you so long?” Roman leaned against the frame of the door. He’d discarded his top and stood in jeans revealing his hard muscled torso.
Eve’s mouth dropped like a girl in a candy shop. Oh my. She couldn’t think. What had she come in here to do?
Roman stepped closer and put a hand against her waist, igniting a flash all the way down to her thighs. “What is it Eve?” he murmured placing his second hand on the sink, his hips pressing firmly against her.
“I, er, it’s er”-
“Eve,” he took her palm and held it to his mouth pressing his lips to the inside of her wrist. “I want your first time to be with someone who cares and despite everything, despite our differences, I do care.” His hand tipped her chin upwards until she was looking into his clear black eyes. She saw herself reflected in them and a glimmer of light. “It doesn’t have to be today, we can wait,” he whispered.
Eve nodded. “It does. I want it to be.”
His head cocked to the side. “You’re nervous.”
“You’re like the big bad wolf and I”-Eve put her hand against the sink and let the hand he possessed grip his shoulder tilting him forward. His hips pressed against hers first before his lips landed on her mouth, one deep languid kiss as she inhaled him like a lifeline. He cupped her face firmly and she put her other hand against the sink keeping her upright.
“What if I am your worst nightmare?” he stepped back momentarily, his gaze trapping her and she saw the temporary distance between them so suddenly.
Regardless, she wanted it, she wanted this. “Roman, what big eyes you have,” Eve whispered, her lips quivering for him.
“All the better to see you my dear,” his hands pressed down on her thighs, lifting her up onto the sink and parting her legs until he was between her.
“What big ears you have,” Eve breathed.
“All the better to hear you,” Roman kissed her again, this time there was an urgency in his lips, his touch. “You will be mine,” he whispered melting the last of her resistance away. His hands clutched her to him, she rose, against his hips and he carried her into the bedroom. He stood her right above the bed, hovering there. “Do you trust me?” he whispered, his stare molten in the sparse light.
“Yes,” then he flopped her down onto the bed.
She laughed out as he embedded his neck into her blouse, unbuttoning as his kisses travelled down her stomach. His head lingered at the base of her belly button. He skimmed a finger along it.
“It tickles,” she shuddered and let out a cry as his fingers caressed again.
His hand lowered to her Sex, the top of her panties.
“Are you sure?” her head shot up as he stilled. Please, don’t stop. Not now, not ever. “How much do you want it?”
“Please,” her hips curved up to his touch willing his hand on. “Please.”
“I’m going to fuck you,” those words shot spasms through her body.
His fingers moved below her panties.
Eve exhaled as he entered her, a rush of blood firing below.
“Oh my god,” her back arched beyond belief. It was so much better than the first time.
He chuckled. “You’re wet. I mean, really wet.”
“Rome, do it please,” she begged. She couldn’t take the waiting anymore. Her body thrummed and burned for him. She heard him take off his jeans.
He stood at the side of the bed, in black boxers.
He folded them down and his erection sprung free.
Her eyes widened, her mouth forming an O. Oh, my god. Yes. Please. “Roman, what a big penis you have,” Eve squealed as he was inches apart from her.
“All the better to fuck you,” he leapt.
Eve screamed.
The kiss came hard and fast and clothes disappeared and all too soon.
“I want you Eve,” he purred in her ear. He moved on top of her, pulling her legs around him. His hands clutching her breast kneading it under his fingers, pinching her nipple. His erection was up against her stomach pressing there; her Sex aching to close the distance. Please. He took his erection in one hand and guided it into her.
Oooo, Eve gripped his back, she felt herself stretch swallowing him into her and she cried out. Oh my god. Was this what she’d been missing all along? A sharp pain hit her followed by a fantastical sensation.
“Eve,” he breathed. He pulled out, her heart jumped.
He pushed back in, she released another moan.
He pulled. Pushed. Pulled. Pushed. Oh, yes! The movement rocked her hips, her legs locking around his waist urging him on. Each thrust going deeper inside.
“Are you alright?” he whispered in her ear. Eve nodded. “Open your legs.”
She did and he pushed into her fuller than before.
She cried out. Again. And again. And again. His hips moved on top of her, her chest rose to meet his lips as he bit the supple flesh of her nipples. Her fingers clawed, needing him, feeling his body, his legs, his backside, so much muscle.
His panting came hard and fast as he sped up. The rhythm kept her wanting more, building up and his hands gripped back her hands up above her head. She was trapped beneath him and she wanted every part of this.
“Come for me Eve. Make it loud.” One hand gripped her breast pinching her while the other pressed down her hands; forcing more of himself inside her.
The pace was picking up.
Eve could feel herself on the edge.
“Eve. Eve. Eve.” The way he said her name, oh the way…she went sailing over the precipice. She moaned and spasmed beneath him, relaxing moments later.
He came seconds later, slowing on top of her a panting, sweating mass.
Oh. My. God.
Roman rolled onto his side.
“I was not expecting that,” he panted.
“Liar,” Eve touched her core, sweat trickled from the arch of her back.
Roman leaned on his side, one elbow against the side of his head. He was glistening in sweat and naked. She took him in. Her blouse was undone, her panties somewhere discarded or ripped, she couldn’t remember. She couldn’t bring herself to care.
His hand went down to his penis and he took off the condom-oh my god, she hadn’t even considered protection! Stupid, stupid.
Her breathing came hard and fast, her body sizzling like it had been on the spit.
“I didn’t expect you to come so fast, nor me. Next time, I’ll make it last longer. I swear.” He got up and walked to the bathroom. He came back with a tissue box. His erection was on its way down, oh boy was it bouncing!
“What?” he smiled.
“You’re naked.”
“So are you.” Eve rolled over to her front revealing her bum and protecting her Sex.
“You’re tempting me again.” She still had after tingles as he handed her the box of tissues. “There should be blood.”
Eve stared down at a stain on the white sheet. There was. That was the pinching pain she’d felt somewhere along the line of him entering her and yet it had been so natural.
“I’m so sorry,” she grabbed the box and began wiping, her cheeks burning with the colour.
“No, they’re for you,” he said. “I’ll have the sheets washed. It’s fine.”
It was not fine, her
face said as much. She was mortified.
“I forgot there would be blood,” she whispered.
“I got carried away. I should have put a towel down. It’s my fault.”
Eve gaped. Did he say it was his fault? Was she hearing him right? That wasn’t the Roman Pierce she knew.
He lay down on the bed, it was a large king size. He moved her hips to the other side, free of the stain and lay next to her.
Eve couldn’t help but smile. “Is this the part where we have pillow talk?”
“Tell me what you fantasize about,” he said. Eve buried her head in the crook of his arm. “After what we just did, you’re actually blushing?”
“I don’t have any fantasies,” she rolled into him until his body pressed against her back, his erection at her buttocks. It was no longer on its way down.
“You have fantasized, haven’t you?”
“I don’t know,” she shied away; he tugged her back against him.
“Tell me,” his finger caressed along the curve of her body, coaxing her on.
“I guess I always saw myself on a beach, or in the ocean. I know it’s not much of a fantasy. I’m new to this.”
His voice came close to her ear. “It will be done.”
Eve checked her phone and found three missed calls from Trigger. She should call back. Three was a number of calls that bordered onto emergency or frantic at the very least. She should call back. She’d meant to-
Then Roman came up behind her. “We agreed no phones for the next hour,” he kissed the nape of her neck.
“Well, it was mostly towards you. I was only”-Eve didn’t know how to finish that sentence, she could no longer think as his kisses trailed down to the hollow of her throat extending her neck back. His fingers caressed down the front of her top prickling in its wake as he scooped her breast up in one hand.
“You’re a perfect fit for me Eve,” he said as his hand held fast over her breast.
“Good thing you don’t have tiny hands.”
Later that day Eve checked her phone again and found another missed call from Trigger. She didn’t want to call him. Not today. Not for a while. It was probably only a routine check in to see how things were going.
She didn’t need him interfering for once, she knew what she was doing, knew the consequences and yet she let herself fall for them all the same.
“Eve,” Roman called her from the lounge.
The footage was clear as day.
The man smiled as he watched the two embrace on the lounge and go up to the target’s room. It didn’t take a genius to know what it meant, what had transpired the night before. Oh, how she’d come crawling to him in a state. Finally, after so long of planning and waiting he had a pawn who’d become a queen in a matter of weeks.
She was perfect. She was almost a pro, he could mould her.
He rewound the footage and watched it again, the angle showing an almost complete layout of the living room with the front door. He’d placed the camera well, imbedded in a corner of the high ceiling. Thank god for high ceilings, it made the view so much more panoramic like in a cinema, he should be eating popcorn.
The moment had finally come, he was nearing the end.
Oh, Eve Allure, what a silly little girl with such an exploitable past and so many secrets.
Soon enough he would use her to make his final move, soon enough he would destroy them both. …Eve…Oh, sweet innocent Eve.
In time he would corrupt her and make her his.
He dialled the only number programmed into the burn phone. She picked up on the first ring, whipped.
“Carra, darling, she’s asking for you.”
“Where are we going?”
She swallowed back her fear. Her sight was gone hidden behind a silk tie secured over her face, tied behind her ears. Her fingers touched the fabric.
Roman swatted her hand away.
The rest of her senses came alive at his touch, her sharp intake of breath.
His hand was the only bare part of his skin, soft warmth caressing her cheek, drawing her breath. His musk overcame her like a drug making her dizzy.
Oh, please, she needed him to fuck her again. His chest was pressed to her back, his shirt against her dress. There were too many layers of clothing between them.
“Eve, if you look it’s not a surprise,” his voice was hoarse, coaxing, teasing her.
“News flash, nobody likes surprises.” She let her fingers trail behind her going all the way up to his hair like fluffy down.
“You don’t mean it.”
“What do you know?”
“I don’t care, you will love them.” His hand trailed under her silk dress sending shivers coursing over her skin, travelling down to the nape to her belly, down below the button. She stilled and heated beneath his touch.
“You’re driving me crazy.”
“I like that affect on you.” He swatted her hand away, “you will behave or I’ll never take you anywhere.”
“What makes you think I want to leave the hotel?”
He chuckled in her ear sending ripples of his hot air on her neck. “You’re incorrigible.” Her hands travelled again. “Eve, I did not get dressed to have you undress me so quickly again.”
“Practise. I thought that was exactly why you got dressed and in this?”
The dress had arrived at lunchtime from the hotel service. It was a cream silk number which instantly made her feel more sensual and naked in daylight than if she’d been at the beach. “I shouldn’t have accepted it.”
“I like to win.”
“Are you going to win today?”
“Certainly,” he took her hand, “you’re making us late.”
“Now take a high step,” Roman stood before her both of her hands in his.
She lifted her leg and put it down tentatively. She was instantly unbalanced as her first leg bobbed up and down. It took a moment.
“And the other,” she held onto him tight as she lifted her other leg. It came down and the unbalance had her shifting her body into his. They were obviously on water, in a boat, that much was clear. She’d heard the water lap nearby as she got out of the car with his help. Her eyes were still covered with the silk tie.
“Can I take it off now?”
“No, I like you this dependant on me,” he spoke in her ear. Her heart bounced with the buoyancy of her state. They were bobbing up and down, her Sex bobbing up and down.
He exhaled. “You can take it off.”
Eve pushed up the tie and her mouth fell.
She’d guessed right.
They’d left the comfort of firm land behind.
The yacht glistened in the sunlight, a thousand mirrors sparkling all around, from the black glitter bug ocean to the sails.
“Roman,” she breathed, Eve sat back on one of the decks as she watched him go to work. “It’s, there are no words.”
“It’s only you and me, so I’ll need you to act as first mate.”
Eve turned bright red, “Roman, I can’t. I don’t know how to”-
“It’s alright,” he slung back a rope and tied one into a knot. She watched him work away until he stood before her. “I’ll show you.” He handed her a pair of sunglasses.
“I’m not much for water sports.”
“This is different.”
“I get seasick.”
“Eve,” the way he said her name. “Indulge me.”
“I thought I was,” she leaned back on the deck, her heart buoying up and down with the gentle waves beneath them. They weren’t strong, only she’d grown sensitive to any gentle rocking beneath her. It felt so precarious floating without control.
“What’s it called?”
“She,” he corrected. “Is called Cleopatra. My father named her.”
“And is his name Julius?”
> “Yes, now help me with those ropes.”
Eve settled back on the deck in the basking sun as Rome took the reins. He stood strong against the wind in white trousers and a blue open shirt, his chest muscles flicking into view. He was so strong, so powerful at the helm.
The yacht was a huge wooden thing, stained mahogany dark with brass inlaid and blue and white sails, with Cleopatra in gold and black scrawled on the side.
“Eve, come here,” he called to her. Eve clutched the side of the deck as the yacht took another wave. She shook her head. “Eve.”
“I’m not dressed right.” She hobbled over to him anyway.
“Take the helm,” he said.
“No.” she stood inches apart from him, he took her in one arm and planted her firmly between him and the wheel.
“I said, take the helm,” he breathed in her ear, his tone resolute. Her hands pressed to the helm. “Do you feel it? Hold tight.” His fingers held her taut on the helm and slowly he released them. Until it was only her. “See, that’s all you. Now hold it firm.” He stepped off and adjusted one of the ropes attached to a white sail.
Her heart dropped out of her stomach and was probably somewhere at the bottom of the ocean. Oh jeez. The current was strong, challenging her grip. She held fast hoping Roman would return and dismiss her again.
He came back around her holding her at the waist. “It’s just you and me in the middle of the ocean.”
“Should I be worried?”
“You should,” he looked back, the wicked gleam in his eyes.
“Are you ready?”
Roman Pierce took off his shirt.
“For what?” Eve stopped breathing, the sunlight radiated off him as if he were a sun god. It tore off him in sparks of white mixed in with glittering waves dancing back and forth blinding her.
The yacht was in the shallow waters off a desolate beach surrounded by greenery on either side hugging them into a miniature bay. The water was pristine blue and green and the sand on the beach winked at them a sunshine yellow hinting white. White sand. Aqua blue. It was a dream come true.