by Cates, A. K
And Roman Pierce began taking off his trousers!
“Are you coming or what?” he left his trousers dangling on with his zipper undone and stepped to where Eve was, in her observation space.
He took her hand lifting her into the sunshine. The yacht rocked sending her clutching to him for dear life. She was pressed firmly against his chest; he was warm as sunshine and hard and rippled like waves. She didn’t want to let go. Her mouth was to his nipple. A moan escaped her. She swallowed it down.
He lifted her chin to him. “It’s your turn, don’t be shy. I want to see all of you.”
Before she could process or even protest his fingers found the waist of her dress and lifted the material up, she raised her arms until the material left her in only her bra and panties matching in soft white lace.
Eve clutched her hands to her chest. “Someone might see.”
“We’re miles away from any other boats and this is a private beach. It’s only you and me. This is what you wanted isn’t it?” he pushed her chin up again.
Her breath caught.
“You mean”-
Without losing eye contact his hands gently went to her hands pulling away at them until they were at her sides.
“Let me look at you,” he breathed.
Her cheeks turned crimson as he pulled back and surveyed her flesh. She was bare alabaster, hardly ever having time for sunlight. Her lips were pinked and swollen from his kisses, her eyes downward as she gazed up at him through her lashes.
There was deathly quiet, as Eve bit into the rejection.
“You’re perfect.” His voice was hoarse almost lost in the breeze, her heart fluttered nonetheless. Slowly she looked up. “Don’t be ashamed Eve Allure.” Roman leaned in pressing his lips to hers in a delicate and tender touch. “In order to fulfil your fantasy I will be asking you to relinquish your bra and panties,” he held out his hand expectantly.
“Eve, where is your sense of adventure?”
“It jumped over board.”
He let out a laugh sending shivers all across her skin.
“Well I guess we’d better go after it,” his hands braced down his trousers until he was just in his boxers. He took her hand and steered her to the edge of the yacht. “I’ll see you on the other side.” He braced one leg over the side and then the other.
Eve was drawn to follow, oh little lamb. The current blew up her legs as she went over the side, her grip on him and her other hand clutching to the wire railing. She had a moment to awe at his toned darkened rippled body in white hip hugging boxers.
“We match,” she couldn’t help say it, her pulse skipping a beat. Why did it affect her so?
“On three,” he said. “One.”
Eve screamed on their way down and the water hit them in a torrent of warmth and sunshine saltiness. They were underwater in seconds, splashing out breaking to the surface. She found herself straddling him and soon they were kissing in the rays in salty lips and wet touches.
Eve swam towards the beach and basked out onto the sand. It was incredibly. She’d never been so daring in all her life, so absolutely carefree. She was a mermaid washed up on the shore legs dipped in golden waves and the glorious rays on her skin-
Rome rose up like Titan from the waters his hair whipping across his face, the rays glinting off his body and his white wet transparent boxers. Oh boy, was he excited. Eve rose up on her elbows, her nipples hardening beneath the lace, the warmth of the light tickling her Sex as if it knew exactly what she wanted.
And she wanted.
He lay down on top of her stealing her light encasing her in his warmth. Their lips pressed, urged and opened. Her legs opened letting him in and she wanted the lace gone from her skin replaced with him. She tugged back his boxers, sliding her fingers down his middle, springing free his erection as it pounced onto her stomach.
She gasped.
His fingers deftly worked at her bra, unclipping and releasing her breasts for him. His hand slipped between the margin in her lace down to her Sex. She moaned and tilted her head back. His hand went down to his leg and for the first time she saw a strap around his ankle. He flicked open a knife startling her.
“Trust,” he whispered.
She nodded and the knife slid down one leg of her panties and the other. She yelped as the material let free and she was naked beneath him on a beach with wet warm sand beneath her body. He took a condom from the strap in his leg and opened the casing and put it on himself. Then his erection slipped into her widening her berth. She moaned and gasped. Her fingers pressed to him.
“Relax, no one will see.” He slipped in further and the motions began rubbing in and out of her.
“I want you on top.” With one swift movement he’d levelled her by rolling back and she was on top of him, his hands guiding her up and down. Eve was scared. Exposed. Naked. The rays bouncing on her back, shadow dancing on her front. “I want to see you,” he pressed between her breasts thrusting her up and into the light. The sensation went straight to her Sex. “Do you feel that?”
She clutched her stomach. “You’re deeper.”
Her blood was hot in her veins and her thighs stretched her up and down until his hands no longer guided her.
The movements became swift and slow, hard and soft, sensations building in the pit of her stomach getting deeper and deeper like a hunger.
“Let it happen.”
Eve didn’t know what was happening, except that as her hips pulsed and wanted more, something built within her. His hands pushed against her stomach, teasing the ache inside, then grabbing her breast hard and fast, she cried out feeling herself soon release.
Oh my god.
Her neck flung back, her hair splashing in the wind and she lifted up and up until she was on the tip and came sailing down with a rush of pure ecstasy, panting, vibrating.
“My turn,” he flipped her over and he was on top of her gyrating against her hips, pulsing harder with every movement. He groaned finally as she moaned one last time feeling another wave hit her. They fell there into submission, his elbows resting on either side of her, encasing her still inside her.
His fingers brushed her lips. “Was that what you were after?”
The call changed everything. It came as the sun set.
Eve had been wrapped in a blanket as Roman worked at the ropes. They were in the harbour once more. She’d been exhausted into a relaxed state, hypnotised as Roman did most of the work with ropes and sails and steering. She’d closed her eyes for a moment, drifting off her head lulling against the soft waves.
The ring of his phone woke her up. She watched him answer. His face went from soft and young to hard and unrelenting in seconds.
He said nothing as he placed the phone back in his pocket.
He looked at her. Really looked at her, as if he could see right through her with those big brown mournful eyes and she knew it was all over.
Roman was rigid on the drive back.
Eve squirmed in her seat. There was something about those guarded eyes, those passing looks he gave her. He had to know the truth of why she was here, nothing could convince her of anything else.
Yet, there was a slither of hope ingrained in her.
She wanted to ask what it was, wanted to know though couldn’t bring herself to do it. There was a line between them she couldn’t cross. They were not permanent and her existence in his life would be like a raindrop washed away by the ocean. The invisible line between them had never been more tactile, perhaps he’d already crossed it or perhaps he was merely giving her what she wanted by pretending this was real. Isn’t this what she wanted, the pretence, the belief it was real?
It never would be.
Roman’s gaze was steel grey, his hands white knuckled over the steering wheel. His jaw squarely set and it began to rain against the Audi.
After a while of h
oping it was extinguished, his gaze didn’t stray to her again.
She was in trouble. There were no many secrets she’d held on to, any one of them could have brought on this stony silence of his, any one, including the worst of all, she’d tricked him. She’d been standing on thin ice this whole time, hadn’t she? And finally she’d slipped through and she’d go under.
The Audi slowed outside the hotel. It was the first time Eve considered it an oddity that anyone lived in a hotel permanently. A hotel wasn’t a home, it was a façade.
Roman had secrets too.
He took her hand as she exited the car.
A hand. A feint flicker of a touch. It breathed in new life, new hope.
He walked her to the private elevator and swiped in his card.
Inside he turned on her. “Eve,” he pressed her against the wall, the steel hard against her back. Those penetrating eyes were dark opaque clouds. “I did what you requested of me.”
Eve didn’t understand. Both his hands pressed against the steel on either side of her boxing her in.
His heat radiated through his slacks. His gaze burned dangerously.
Even if something was wrong she couldn’t help the magnetism her lips quivered for. Her head tilted up calling for it. He was going to say something; it was on the tip of his tongue.
His mouth raced against hers banging her head against the steel, the thud shocking her spine. His hands were hard, unrelenting grabbing her thighs with claw like motions thrusting her up and trussing her to his hips. It happened so suddenly, so fast.
The mass thrust between her legs peaked against her paining to break free from his pants. The air left her in a whoosh. His lips urged hers pulling the life out of her, such desperation as he yearned and scratched beneath her as if he couldn’t get enough.
She moaned hard and shuddered as she came without meaning to. How could she? He wasn’t even inside her yet.
He yanked back, the air between them like an ocean apart. “Did you just come?”
Eve nodded and a tear slid down her cheek. “I’m sorry.”
“Why?” he gripped her face with the same desperation a moment before.
“Don’t you ever be sorry,” his forehead pressed against hers hard and forceful. His hand was against the back of her neck. His breathing came hard and raging, a bull and a red flag.
“You’re angry,” she whimpered.
He drew back. “No. Yes. No. I”-he shuffled back, adjusted his pants and put his hands in his pockets facing the elevator as it slowed down to a halt. “Eve,” the way he said her name as if they would never see each other again. “I’ve held up my end of the deal. There’s someone here to see you.”
The cold wet wisps escaped her face in a torrent. She couldn’t process what was happening even as it happened.
The elevator pinged open and the world fell completely out of balance. Eve almost fell out into the foyer, her eyes glued to the person standing before her. She couldn’t believe what she was seeing.
It wasn’t possible.
“Eve,” Carra stepped forward. The corners of her mouth curved up. She’s here, she’s really here.
For a few heartbeats Eve could only stare, open mouthed, unaware of time, of the space, of Roman behind her.
“You’re here,” she finally said. Like an eternity had occurred between them and they were both the same.
The girl’s eyes glistened in the feint light. She was so different and yet so much like the girl Eve had known in her childhood. She was taller strung out and yet had the same eager eyes she’d had as a teenager.
“Well don’t just stand there,” Carra said. She stepped forward wetness brimming in the corners, her arms opening before them.
They embraced in an awkward hug, a repositioning of sorts, a new found awareness for personal space. It was odd as Eve touched the girl she had known from so long ago when hugging had been normal yet she hadn’t touched anyone so intimately as family in years. Years. So long without human contact, real human contact, how she’d longed for it.
Roman unlocked the front door and they walked in.
Eve trailed behind as Carra awed about the room. She turned back to Eve, her mouth opening, closing. Carra’s mouth slid up in an awkward smile. There was a glimmer of change to her appearance, a confidence and fear altogether held in place.
Roman placed a hand on Eve’s shoulder starling her. “I’ll leave you two alone for a while.” He didn’t look at her. Eve wished he would. Please look. She wanted him to stay, how could she say it out loud? She didn’t know how to act from here.
She hadn’t considered the possibility that having Carra here would happen so soon and so fast. Carra. She hadn’t thought this far ahead. Carra. Her long lost best friend who might be able to help her against the blackmailers, at least where the photos were concerned.
Roman closed the front door a moment later, a dull thud echoing up her spine.
Eve stared at the door a while before she remembered the girl in the room with her.
Carra was really here.
“So how are you?” Carra said, her fingers trailing over sculptures and furniture strewn about. She stood tall in a beige leather jacket and trailing blonde tendrils, her lips were nude and her make-up subtle, there was beauty there, refinement, enviable strength. Carra had always led the way.
They sat on the lounge. Eve smiled a forced smile, her hand holding onto Carra’s for dear life but nothing pulsed between them, the feelings were foreign and had so longer ago been shut off.
“Where have you been all this time?” Eve said forcing herself to be blunt. A tear trailed down her cheek. “I thought something had happened to you.”
“It did,” Carra turned away and took her hand back unto herself. “So this is where you live?” there was a hint of indifference in her voice as she said it.
“No. The man who found you lives here,” it was hard to keep her voice steady. “I wanted to know what had happened to you,” she locked in on Carra again hoping she would answer her question this time.
Carra’s head fell. “I ran away after my parents died. It was very hard for me. I was hurting and I wanted to get away.”
“I was young. It’s how teenagers deal with things I guess.” Eve noted the way she gave a standard answer deflecting from herself and the responsibility of her decision.
“And?” she whispered.
“Things were bad for a bit. I learned to fight for myself and make a name for myself.”
“Carra what happened?” Eve took her hand again.
Carra smiled a dead man’s smile. “I live in Brooklyn. I work as a waitress and I’m going to night classes at the local college. You don’t have to worry about me. I’m sorry I didn’t contact you. I tried a year later, by then they said you’d been taken to your grandmother’s and I didn’t know where to look for you.”
“Oh,” her chest deflated. It was a lot to take in, after years of thinking the worst, living in denial. All this time Carra was living something close to a normal life and working in the same city. All this time…
It couldn’t be true, it couldn’t. The photos. Carra wasn’t telling the whole truth, how could she be? How had the photos come about? How had they…?
Eve took in a sharp breath, focusing herself, willing herself to say it out loud.
The photos. I have to know.
“Eve, how did you find me?” Carra blinked. “The man who left, how did he”-
“I asked him for a favour.”
“Evee,” she took her hand. Her lips tugged at the side in the Carra way Eve remembered. “I”-
“What is it?”
Carra’s brow crunched. “Evee, be careful who you trust.”
“What do you mean?” her gaze watered, her pulse picked up. Did Carra know of the trouble she was in?
“Eve, I don’t know
how you found me, I’ve stayed hidden for a reason. Nobody can know I was here, do you understand?” the urgency in her voice caught Eve off guard.
“Carra, calm down,” Eve place a hand on her. She’d never imagined herself to be the stronger one. Carra was forlorn in the grim light.
“I don’t understand. Who’s after you?”
“It doesn’t matter, Eve you’re in danger,” Carra’s attention skittered round to the empty apartment.
“Roman’s fine. He’s protecting me.”
“Then someone else is out to get you. They know about your past. You only told me once but I feel you’re on the verge of something.”
“Carra you’re not making sense.”
“You’re in danger.”
“I know.”
“You do?” Carra narrowed her eyes.
“I don’t understand how you could know that Carra.”
“Trust me Eve. I’m trying to protect you.”
“Tell me what you know.”
Carra turned away. “I can’t. But if you tell me what you know, maybe I can help.”
Eve looked around, they were alone. Roman had promised to give them privacy. She trusted he would. Eve looked into the eyes of the girl who once was the mirror image of her. They’d been like sisters, looked like sisters, if not twins at some point in their lives.
“I can’t tell you everything,” Eve began.
She would tell her as much as she could.
Roman leant against the front door.
He’d been there long enough; he couldn’t stand the wait any longer. He couldn’t take it, he had to get away and give Eve the privacy she needed. Only then might she come back to him.
So he went down into the lobby of the hotel and next door where the bar was. It was almost empty tonight, how he liked it. He ordered his usual and began the wait. He nursed the glass of scotch and would for the next half hour counting the minutes until custom dictated it was ok to return to the apartment.
So much had changed recently, he couldn’t keep up. He’d never given someone privacy in his own home, for Eve he was willing to make an exception, there was something dark and haunted about her that she clung to and he was desperate to find out what it was.