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Billionaire: Menage: Swinger: Let's Swing (MMF Bisexual Romance) (New Adult Contemporary Short Stories)

Page 8

by Piquette Fontaine

  “That doesn't mean we can't find solace in each other,” she said, and leaned her head in ever more closely. Her hair fell forward and she could feel Danny's hot, short breaths. Their eyes met and his strong arms reached around her curves, gripping her hips tightly and pulling her leg across his. They adjusted to each other as their bodies melted and merged, their lips met in a fiery, blazing kiss and their tongues danced with each other. She felt his scratchy stubble prick at her soft, supple skin, and it made her tingle. His hands squeezed her and with one big move he pulled her over so that she was straddling him. In between her thighs she felt his hardness and he kissed her with so much passion that it bordered on anger, and in her heart she knew that all of these kisses were meant for Matt. But that didn't mean she enjoyed them any less.

  Her hair fell all around his face and enveloped him in her scent. His hands reached around her ass and pulled her into him, while his kisses moved down her neck, past her collarbone, and then in the valley of her breasts. His breaths were hot and heavy and she found herself succumbing to the lust that was building between the two of them. Her top was ripped over her head and she was like a doll. She leaned back as he ravished her body, peppering her with hot, steamy kisses, and she felt like she was going to burst into fire at any moment. Danny grunted and panted as the animal lust overcame them. It was just the two of them this time, no Matt, but it was no less intense. Amanda ran her hands through the bed of thick hair that sprouted from Danny's chest, and she deftly undid the buttons of his shirt, pinging them open. Her palms rested flat against his taut body and she could feel the blood burn under the layer of flesh. She leaned in again and kissed him as she fiddled with his shorts and pushed them down. He wriggled out of them and with his own hands he pulled her panties down, and his hands reached in between her thighs to the sweet burning wetness. He was all hard and she was soft and they wanted each other so badly. His fingers dug into her and she pressed her body into him, gasping and moaning, ready to give herself to him in any way he wanted.

  “Oh Danny, fuck me Danny,” she moaned. He only growled in response but her took her body and turned her around so that her hair fell in his face. He twisted his head out of the way and bit on her neck like a vampire, kissing it frantically as he moved her body so that his erection slid through the lips of her pussy. While she was facing away from him, his hands roamed all around her body. He groped at her breasts and pinched her hard nipples as he fucked her. She heard his groans of pleasure reverberate in her ears and the trembling noises made her heart flutter. Amanda made a vain effort to catch his lips but she couldn't twist her head back far enough, so all she could do was let her eyes hang open and gaze at him with a pleading expression. Her body rocked as he slammed her with his cock, and sweat poured out of every pore as the heat threatened to split her body in two.

  Amanda gave herself to the overwhelming pleasure even though she knew deep in her heart that it wasn't meant for her, it was all for Matt, and this was just a way for Danny to burn through his frustrations. But it was therapeutic for Amanda as well as she was in sore need of a way to release her desires and to remind herself of the great pleasures of life. A wide smile was displayed on her face as she enjoyed the hard fucking, knowing that she could feed off the intense pleasure. Danny's body tensed and his thrusts became harder and harder, and she knew that the sweet delight was but moments away when there was a knock at the door.

  “Oh fuck,” Danny said.

  “Just ignore it, keep going,” Amanda panted, trying to maintain the orgasmic high. Their bodies were slick with sweat and their breaths were heavy. Danny tried to get going again but again there was a knock at the door and it ruined the mood completely.

  “You'd better go see who it is,” Danny said as he gulped in deep breaths. Amanda rolled her eyes as she extricated herself from Danny and pulled her clothes back on. But her skin was flushed and she glowed with the energy of sex, so she knew that there was going to be no use hiding the fact from whoever was at the door. When there was a third knock she cursed and yelled that she was coming, but she didn't not expect to see who was at the door. She flung it open and was greeted by a disheveled man whose hair was unkempt and whose beard was long. He also had a distinct smell about him as well, and Amanda had to try her hardest not to gag in front of him. Initially she was ready to dismiss him as some kind of vagrant, but when she took a closer look at him and looked in his eyes she had to believe the impossible. There was no mistaking the evidence standing in front of her and there was no denying the eyes into which she was staring. They were the eyes of the only man she had ever loved. They were Ricky's.

  Chapter 5

  He smiled at her.

  “Hey Amanda,” he said softly. Amanda blinked at him and exhaled deeply. She didn't know whether to hug him, kiss him, or punch him. Instead she shook her head and walked back to the front room, where Danny was no longer naked. She left the door open for Ricky to follow.

  “Who was it?” Danny asked. Amanda shook her head again and held up a hand, then walked straight to the liquor cabinet where she poured herself a drink, downed it, and then immediately poured another. Ricky shuffled into the front room and scanned it with his eyes, giving it a look of disbelief, as though he couldn't comprehend that he was actually back in that place. Then his eyes fell on Danny, and he saw the state which they were both in.

  “Oh,” he said.

  Danny raised his eyebrows.

  “'Hey Amanda'? That's what you come back with after all this time?! 'HEY AMANDA'?! Are you fucking kidding me?! You leave me to travel the world and then you just turn up on my doorway randomly and say hey Amanda. What the fuck is wrong with you?!” she yelled, then downed her second and poured herself a third, collapsing on the sofa.

  “You must be Rick. I'm Danny. I'm a...friend of Amanda's,” he said, and held out his hand. Ricky took it and, after a moment, shook it. After shaking it Danny looked at his hand for it felt greasy and sticky. He grimaced and wiped it on his shirt, then turned to Amanda.

  “Do you want me to stay?” he asked. She had her head in her hands, and waved him away. “Okay then, you know where I am if you need me,” he said, and promptly left.

  Ricky meandered around the room, examining all the objects that he had not seen for a long time. He took each one in turn, turned it around in his fingers, and then mumbled something to himself. Amanda watched him do this, and as every second ticked by she was driven more insane.

  “Will you sit down?!” she eventually ended up yelling. Ricky turned to her and then perched himself on the edge of the sofa, at the opposite end to Amanda.

  “What the hell are you doing here? You're supposed to be halfway around the world,” Amanda said, her voice laced with astonishment. Ricky licked his lips and flicked his eyes towards her before they returned to stare at the floor in front of him.

  “It's a long story,” he said. His voice was soft and raw, cracking as though he hadn't used it in a very long time.

  “It damn well better be!” she cried, “You can't just come back here and waltz in like nothing happened. You left me Ricky. I didn't think I was ever going to see you again. You owe me an explanation and it had better be a good one. You're just lucky I didn't slam the door in your face. Christ. What the hell is up with you?” she asked, shaking her head again.

  “I would love to tell you everything I just don't know if I can. I tried to explain it to you before I left. I had this longing, this need to explore the world. You knew that it was my dream since I was very young and I had to do it otherwise I could never have been happy. I went away not knowing what adventures would find me but I knew that whatever was out there, I had to see it. Something was there waiting for me.”

  “And did you find it”

  “I'm getting to that. Leaving you was the hardest thing I ever had to do and when I left the country I was ready to come straight back and try and fix all the damage that I had done, but I knew that I would only have a nagging, gnawing feeling in the p
it of my stomach. I wasn't meant to stay in one place, you knew that. Anyway, I saw so many things on my travels and met so many people. Too many things happened and if we stayed up for a hundred nights I wouldn't be able to tell you all of them, but wherever I went I always thought of you and always wished that you were a part of it. Sometimes I would stare up at the stars and imagine that you were here, looking up at the same ones, and that in some way we were still connected. I told everyone about you, about how I had left you to pursue my dream.”

  “And what did they say? That you were a fucking idiot?”

  “Most of them, yes,” he said, laughing softly. “But I already knew that. I thought that over time I would be okay with it and I would come to terms with the fact that I had chosen seeing the world over you, that eventually I would move on and you would become another memory. A very precious one, but a memory nonetheless. But one day I was sitting on a mountaintop by myself, looking down at the valley below. There was nobody else around me and the only sounds I could hear were those of animals and nature. I heard the wind whip through the trees, the bushes rustle as animals scurried along, eking out a life in the harsh wilderness, and then out of nowhere the rain started. It lasted barely five minutes but it was torrential and soaked me to my bones. I was drenched and the ground around me was muddy and soft, but as I looked up at the sky there was the most beautiful rainbow curving across the sky. The sun was brilliant and it was a transcendent moment. I felt like I had left my body, and that I was connected with the past and the future, that all of humanity was there in front of me...and I was alone. I was filled with this tremendous emptiness and all I could think of in this wonderful, spiritual moment, was that there was no-one to share it with me. And the truth is that I didn't want anyone to share that moment, I only wanted you. So I got up, dusted myself off, and crawled all the way back here because I had to see your face and I know that I missed my chance and it's too late, and you'll probably just send me away, but the same feeling, the same pull that lured me away from you ended up bringing me back.”

  He cupped his hands together and bowed his head. He then inhaled deeply and rose.

  “I said my piece now. I'm sorry that it took me going halfway around the world to come to this understanding but that's just the way it was supposed to be. Thank you for listening and I hope that now you've seen me again you hate me a little less.”

  He was about to leave when Amanda called out to him.

  “Wait,” she said, and he paused, “go and clean yourself up. You smell like shit,” she said. Danny laughed, and went to shower.

  While he was cleaning himself Amanda didn't know what to think. The man she had hated for so long, the man she had pined over, had just told her the most beautiful thing anyone had ever said, and annoyingly she hadn't yet forgotten him completely so she wasn't ready to let him leave just yet. Was there a chance for redemption? She didn't know, but she didn't want to let him leave again, not after everything that had happened. She walked over to the window and looked out at the world, thinking that it was cruel for bringing Ricky back to her when she was in the middle of a situation that was already complicated. But what he told her was truly touching, although she couldn't believe that he had gone all that way only to find out that he really wanted to be with her. She had another drink while she waited for him to get ready, not knowing what she was going to say to him when he emerged. Part of her still wanted to throw him out and tell him never to come back, and try to inflict upon him just a portion of the pain that she had felt because of him, but in her heart she was not a cruel person and didn't have it in her.

  When he finally came out of the shower she was stunned. Gone was the long beard and the hair was tied back into a ponytail. The years of traveling had been kind to him. Evidently he had been living on a sparse diet and it had been kind to him. The body that had once been chubby was now wiry and lean with muscle definition that rivaled Danny's. He looked older too, but in a way that made him look more seasoned and wiser, as though he had lived a lifetime since he had left her. Gone was the smell too, and now that he had showered he smelled like the Ricky of old. The Ricky that she used to remember. The Ricky that she loved. A world of memories came flooding back as he gave her a tight hug, and when she turned away she was filled with conflicting emotions.

  “I know this is a shock, but how are you feeling?” he asked.

  “I'm just having trouble coming up with the idea that you had to go so far just to realize that you wanted to be here. Wouldn't it have been easier had you just known that from the start?”

  “Of course it would have been easier. But sometimes we have to push ourselves to the limit to find the obvious truth. I'm not the same man that you once knew. Back then I was immature and I hadn't lived at all. Now, some of the things I've seen...Amanda...I feel like I've been reborn and I know what it is to be alive. I know what it is to love. It's like I'm a blind man and I finally see the light. He took her hands and gazed into her eyes, and for a moment she felt herself falling into them, but then she pulled away.

  “No, you don't get to do that, you don't get to come here now and tell me all these sweet words and just act like you can make everything okay again because it's not as easy as that. You have no idea of the hell that I've been through since you left and I've only just been able to start enjoying life again.”

  “Amanda, please just let us talk and you'll see how much I've changed. I'm back now. Things can be like they were before. We can be together just like we always wanted to be and you can have everything you want. I want to be with you again, I want to be the man that you always knew I could be.”

  Amanda looked at him and felt the pull of nostalgia. Oh how she wanted to fling her arms around him and kiss him again just like they had done so many times before but her heart had been scarred and it wasn't so easy for her to just leave those memories behind. She had to force herself to resist him because he had caused too much pain and too much hurt, and now with Danny and Matt she had discovered a new lease of life which would provide her with a better way of living, after so long of being locked in a virtual coma she felt like she had finally broken through and was returning to a state where she could enjoy life and enjoy the opportunities that presented themselves.

  “You really think that's it all so easy? What do you think, that I've been sitting here pining for you all this time? You might have changed but so have I! I'm not the same woman you knew and it's all because of you. You want to know what I've been doing? I've been fucking two the same time! Yeah, I'm that type of person now, and I don't want to go back to the way things were. I'm not the same woman, you're not the same man, maybe we should just leave our memories to the past where they belong and admit that we're not good for each other. Whatever dreams we had were just dreams, and it's time to wake up.”

  Ricky looked at her and then, to Amanda's surprise, took her into his arms and planted a firm kiss on her. She felt his hands wrap around her body and his tongue slide down her throat, and she was bent over by the force of his passion. She found herself kissing him back. Her own fingers clawed at his back, succumbing to the sweet familiarity of his embrace. He tasted just the same as he always did and she enjoyed the heat and pressure of his lips. It brought back so many sensations and she cursed inwardly for she knew that she was betraying her convictions, but her desires were unable to be denied. Her body was screaming out loudly for him and she could do nothing but listen.

  “I've thought about this for so long. About you. I do not care about what pleasures you have indulged in for I too have explored every aspect of my sexuality, but for the past while I have been celibate for I knew that I would make my way back to you. I have saved myself for you Amanda, it's all been building up inside of me, all for you.”

  The revelation surprised her and turned her on. Her gaze drifted down his body to his crotch and she thought about the hot explosion of cum that awaited her, and she soon became hungry for it, wanting to take him to her bed and reunite w
ith him in their own temple of lust. At that point the door burst open. Danny had returned, this time with Matt in tow.

  Chapter 6

  Ricky's head twisted around as he saw the two men enter. Amanda raised her hand to her forehead.

  “I'm telling you that I can't live like this anymore! I want to be with you dammit, is that so bad? You can tell me all you like that you're enlightened and that you're just accepting yourself but it's all bullshit. You know that what we have is great and I don't know why you keep wanting to hook up with other people because nothing else compares with what the two of us have together, but if you want to fuck her again then fine, we'll do that, but we can't keep doing it. At some point you're just going to have to face the fact that you love me,” Danny yelled, glaring at Matt.

  “Excuse me?” Amanda said.

  “Will you tell him that he's out of his mind?” Matt said.

  “What the hell is going on here?” Ricky asked, his eyes darting between the two men, finally resting on Amanda. Amanda breathed in heavily and then explained the situation, which sounded ridiculous when she said it out loud. Danny stood with his arms folded.


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