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Billionaire: Menage: Swinger: Let's Swing (MMF Bisexual Romance) (New Adult Contemporary Short Stories)

Page 20

by Piquette Fontaine

  “I’m fine,” he answered, “but my little girl is out here somewhere and I can’t protect her. I can’t save her from kidnappers. I can’t save her from this storm. It’s just like I couldn’t save her mother from the flu that claimed her life.”

  Sam sat down next to Jake, “You can’t save your daughter from life, is what you mean. Things happen and some people die. The only way to make sure that doesn’t happen, is to never live. You don’t want that for your daughter, do you?

  Carl walked out to the two, “She’s right Jake. If Delilah hadn’t been kidnapped, I bet you she would have either run away eventually or become so withdrawn in your protection that she might as well have disappeared altogether.”

  Jake couldn’t believe what he was hearing. These two trackers were trying to give him parenting advice? The only thing worse was the fact that they made sense. He was smothering his only child with over protection. That explained to a degree her infatuation with Matt Jacobs.

  “Okay, you too have made some good points, but I’m still worried about my daughter. Is that okay?”

  Sam stood up slapped him on the shoulder, “It sure is, but right now there ain’t nothin’ we can do about that. This storm is getting stronger, and we are stuck in this here cave,” she looked around and saw that there was plenty of flat space to lie down on. “What I suggest now is we get some shut eye so we are ready to go as soon as the sun comes up.”

  Carl nodded, “I agree, and I don’t know about you two, but I’m gonna git out of these wet clothes.” As he took off his shirt, Sam gave him a wolf whistle, and Jake laughed.

  “Carl, that sounds like an idea,” Sam said, and started doing the same thing, “Jake, no reason to catch pneumonia because you’re shy. I promise I’ve seen it all before.”

  Jake looked at Sam as she took off her shirt and then shed her pants. Despite still wearing an undershirt and a pair of small bloomers, it was still more womanly flesh than he’d seen in years. Jake took in Sam’s strong, bare legs, the tiny bit of stomach revealed below her undershirt, and the tops of her breasts that refused to be tamed.

  Sam enjoyed Jake’s hungry stare, but decided she needed to get him moving. She approached Jake and guided him to his feet by placing two fingers under his chin. When he was standing, Sam went to work on his shirt.

  “Now Jake, don’t get all flustered. All I’m doin’ is helping you undress. You need to shed these clothes so you don’t get sick. Then, when you are down to your unmentionables, we are all going to get between the blankets Carl is laying out, so we can share body heat.” As she finished, Sam undid the buttons on Jake’s pants, and they fell to his feet. He’d become almost hypnotized by Sam’s voice, so he didn’t realize she had taken all his clothes off except for his underwear. Sam knelt at his feet and helped take off his boots, and then spread out his pants and shirt so they could dry. As she stood back up, Sam made sure to brush her thinly covered breasts along Jake’s legs, groin, and stomach. She was happy to see that her touch created a reaction in Jake, and quite a big one.

  Carl coughed to get their attention, and said, “All right, I’m a little cold so let’s do this.” He spread out on the right end of the blankets, while Sam walked over to get in the middle. She patted the space to her left, and Jake reluctantly walked over and dropped down, turning away from Sam so she couldn‘t see how hard she had made him. Carl pulled the blanket up and covered them all. Seconds later, Sam curled up behind Jake, making sure he could feel her breasts against his back. He jumped at the contact, partly because it was Sam, but mostly because her undershirt was wet and cold.

  “I’m sorry Jake, was that cold on your back? Here, I’ll take off the shirt,” Sam said as she wrestled the shirt off. “Oh, that feels better, but now my underpants feel wet. I’m taking these off as well. You guys should as well.”

  Jake couldn’t believe what was happening. Sam and Carl were getting naked and wanted him to do the same. There was no way that was going to happen.

  “C’mon Jake, take ‘em off. Don’t be shy. Here, I’ll help.” Sam then started moving her hands down Jake’s strong back and gripped one side of his underpants and pulled down. She met resistance, so Sam pressed into Jake’s back, her nipples so hard they almost scratched his back, “Help me Jake, and I’ll help you. I promise you’ll like it.”

  Jake fought with what he considered his baser self, and lost. He raised his hips and Sam stripped him bare. Once again, Sam spooned Jake, placing her on his upper chest. Carl moved in behind Sam and placed his left hand on her left breast.

  “Now isn’t this warm and cozy?” Sam asked. Carl moaned in the affirmative and Jake gave a noncommittal grunt. Sam moved her left hand up and down Jake’s chest, playing with the hair. She could feel his breathing quicken, so decided to jump ahead a few steps.

  “Jake, I don’t want to alarm you, but I think there is a snake between me and Carl. Carl can you feel that thing? Is it going to bite?”

  Carl chuckled, “Sam, that ain’t no snake, and you should know by now it doesn’t bite. It spits, but it doesn’t bite.”

  “Oh Carl, are you sure that’s your cock? I don’t remember it being that big! I do like the way it is poking me in the butt, though I prefer to have it poking somewhere else. Jake can you help me with that?”

  Jake said over his shoulder, “What do you mean? Help you with what?”

  Sam walked her fingers down Jake’s chest once again, and kept going over his flat stomach and lower abdomen. As she ventured into his public hair, she said, “Carl’s cock is poking me in the butt, and I want to know if you will poke me in the front,” she grabbed the head of his dick, “with this.”

  Jake gasped at Sam’s grip, and couldn’t move as she slid her hand down the shaft. As her hand moved, Sam became impressed with the length. Jake’s cock wasn’t as thick or long as Carl’s dick, but Sam was sure it could get the job done.

  “Turn over Jake, let me get a better grip on that thing,” Sam said. Amazingly, Jake did, so Sam changed her grip and began to slide her hand up and down. Jake stayed stock still, as if he were afraid to move. He even had his eyes closed. “Jake, open your eyes. Look at me!” Sam ordered, and Jake complied.

  “Oh God, your breasts are amazing!” Jake said, instantly reaching out for them. He stopped himself, but Sam reached for his hand and placed it on her left breast.

  “What, these old things? I’ve had them since I was 12, and they got me way too much attention. That’s one reason why I became a rough and tumble woman. I needed to defend my own honor every day. Now I only have to keep Carl happy, and he defends my honor for me.”

  Carl chose that moment to raise Sam’s left leg and press his dick between her thighs. As he angled up to her pussy, he said, “Jake, I think you need to give something to Sam to suck on. If you don’t she’ll talk all night.”

  Jake asked, “What do you mean…” but then Sam squeezed his cock again, and he figured it out. “Are you sure you want that?”

  Sam looked into Jake’s eyes, “I want it more than you could ever imagine!” She threw the blanket off all three naked bodies and got on her knees between Jake’s legs. Carl moved behind Sam, and used his right middle finger to make sure she was ready. Her cunt was wetter than the ground outside the cave, so Carl plunged his cock half way in. Sam let the momentum push her down on Jake’s cock. She released as much of her saliva as she could, coating the shaft as she moved back up. As Carl pistoned in and out of Sam, she sucked Jake’s cock harder and harder. Jake couldn’t believe this was all happening. This wild woman was swallowing his dick while getting fucked from behind. The sensation was intense and amazing. He wasn’t sure how long he would be able to last.

  Sam let out a muffled moan and took Jake out of her mouth, “Dammit Carl, you’re going to make me explode!” Sam then looked into Jake’s eyes, “Don’t fight it, Jake. Just let it happen. I want your cum in my mouth. I know it’s been a long time, so go ahead and blow.” She then went back to trying to suck Jake’s l
ungs out through his cock. Jake decided to listen to Sam, and he relaxed. He fully enjoyed the sensations she was giving him, and decided to return some of the favor. Jake reached underneath Sam and palmed her massive tits. He gave them a gentle squeeze and received a moan in response. Encouraged, he played with Sam’s nipples, circling them with his fingers and then pulling on them, lightly at first. When Sam increased the suction on Jake’s cock in response, he pulled a little harder. This got him an even stronger response, as Sam concentrated on sucking on just the head of Jake’s cock, while stroking the shaft faster and faster. The combination pushed Jake over the edge.

  “I’m cumming!!!!” Jake yelled, and he blasted his juice down Sam’s throat and into her stomach. Sam kept sucking and stroking, while Carl kept slamming into her from behind. Less than a minute later, Carl reached his peak and climaxed into Sam, which triggered her orgasm. She released Jake’s cock, and rested her head on his stomach. When Carl pulled out of her pussy, Sam crawled up Jake’s body and collapsed fully on top of him. Carl stretched out next to them, and pulled up the blanket. Soon, Sam and Carl were snoring, leaving Jake the only one still awake. He never thought he would feel this kind of passion again, as he stroked Sam’s back and ass. His cock was partially deflated, but with Sam plastered to his body, he was sure it would stay near hard all night. Jake fell asleep promising himself it wouldn’t be another decade before he had sex again.

  When Sam woke up in the morning, she was still very horny, and she knew exactly who to blame for that. Jake’s cock had returned to hardness as he slept, and the head was pushing at her entrance. She liked the feeling, so she opened her legs wider and then slid down his pole. Jake felt so good inside her that Sam decided to try something she couldn’t do with Carl because of his size and girth. With Jake’s cock still buried to the hilt, Sam sat up and straddled him. She started moving back and forth, letting her clitoris grind against Jake’s pelvis. She increased speed and the sensation tripled, causing her to grunt loudly. The noise first awakened Carl, who looked on in lust. Then Jake became conscious, slowly realizing he was getting his first real fuck since his wife died. He once again swore to himself never to go without this feeling again.

  “’Bout time you two woke up,” Sam said as she panted from the exertion of fucking Jake, “how about a little help?”

  Jake wasn’t exactly sure what she wanted him to do, so he let instinct take over. He grabbed Sam’s hips and used his strength to move her back and forth faster. Carl stood up and stood in front of Sam, placing his cock into her mouth. She instantly began sucking for all she was worth.

  With all of this motion and sensation, none of the three heard someone approaching from outside. Delilah and Matt had heard the noise from inside the cave as they rode by on their way back to town. They had spent a miserable night huddled under a wet blanket once the rain had stopped. Now their curiosity outweighed their desire for a warm meal and sleep in a warm bed. When Matt glanced in the cave, the sight of three people fucking and sucking shocked him. It didn’t register that Delilah’s dad was one of them. Delilah was intrigued by the formation of the threesome, and wondered how it would feel to ride Matt like that.

  Still oblivious to the pair watching, Carl, grunted, “Here I go!” He pulled back at the last minute, so Sam wouldn’t choke. She swallowed his spunk and then released his cock from her mouth. As Carl moved away from the couple, he kept his back to the cave entrance, so he didn’t see Matt and Delilah. His absence did reveal to them the identity of the man on the ground, and Matt had to quickly cover Delilah’s mouth to keep her from yelling out. What little sound did escape was covered up by Sam and Jake yelling as they reached orgasm together.

  Sam rested her weight on Jake and turned her head towards the cave entrance, and caught the two spies, “Let me guess, you are Delilah and Matt?”

  Jake’s head snapped to the right and saw the shocked look on his daughter’s face, “Delilah, thank God you are ok! We were looking for you, and then the storm, and then…” He stopped, trying to figure out an explanation, but he couldn’t.

  Matt spoke up, “I found her stranded in a house on the range. Seems the outlaws got spooked by the weather, and left her there to die.”

  Delilah couldn’t take her eyes away from the woman who was lying naked on her father, but she continued their tale, “Matt got to me just in time. He pulled me out of the house right before a monster tornado destroyed it.”

  Sam got off Jake at this point and walked over to the young couple. Neither of them could take their eyes off her naked body. “I’m glad you two are safe and sound. Why don’t you start making your way home, and we will catch up?”

  Matt tried to say something, but Sam’s nipples had him hypnotized. Delilah was slightly immune to their effect, so she shook her boyfriend and then turned him around so he could walk away.

  Sam walked back into the cave and started putting on her clothes. Jake and Carl did the same, none of them saying a word. Fifteen minutes later they were on their horses, riding to catch up with the young couple.

  Carl finally broke the silence, “Do you believe their story, Jake?”

  “Not for a second,” Jake said, “but I’m glad they are okay.”

  They rode in silence a little longer, then Sam said, “Jake, I know they found us, instead of us finding Delilah, but we’re still getting paid, right?”

  Jake turned to Sam and Carl, “Only if we get one more go around when we get back to the ranch.”

  Sam smiled, “Deal!”


  Caribbean Menage

  Chapter One

  “I can't handle this kind of pressure!” Milla thought to herself. She sat in the middle of her living room, head between her knees and doing her best to remember what her medical school training had taught her about handling panic attacks. Unfortunately, her panic seemed to be superseding her training at the moment.

  “Great, years of studying, tens of thousands of dollars in tuition, and I'm going to hyperventilate to death,” she thought to herself wryly. But, her own dark humor seemed to snap her out of her panicked stupor.

  “Right, deep breaths, OK,” and she began to count, inhaling slowly and then exhaling.

  She was two Mississippi's through her second exhale when a knock sounded at the door. She wasn't certain her legs would hold her upright at the moment, so she called out loudly to the visitor instead. “Come on in. It's open.”

  Ethan walked through the door and couldn't believe the sight before him. Milla wasn't the kind of woman to break easily—he'd seen her run a code entirely on her own without flinching—so he couldn't fathom what could have possibly taken place to make her fall to pieces.

  “I just can't do it, Ethan. I'm just not ready.” She looked up at him with an endearing look that pulled at his heartstrings.

  “Can't do what?” he queried softly.

  “My passport just arrived today, I haven't packed a thing, and I'm just not convinced that Mr. Wilson next door is capable of taking care of Bob for so long,” she blurted out.

  Of course. Life and death situations were nothing for Milla to handle, but a week of rest and relaxation in the Caribbean, now there was a reason to panic. He tried to keep a straight face, but Milla's concern for “Bob,” the stray cat she'd taken in last year was just too much. She was worried that the veterinary technician two doors down couldn't handle feeding her cat during the week she was away.

  Trying to stifle a grin, Ethan responded gently. “I'm sure it's all going to be just fine, Milla. Your passport is in, we'll get your luggage packed, and I'm sure Bob will be just fine with Mr. Wilson.” Ethan almost made it through his soothing speech, but at the very same moment, Bob sauntered across the living room to the front door, as if to weigh in on the matter, and Ethan burst out laughing.

  Fortunately, Milla was a good sport, and she was beginning to see how she may have overreacted. She joined in Ethan's laughter and stood carefully, making sure her knees wouldn't buckle. Ethan off
ered his hand and helped her to her feet, and Milla threw her arms around him briefly in gratitude.

  “OK. You may have a point,” she conceded, and turned to grab the mail that had arrived today with the last piece of identification she'd need for their trip. “Nothing like cutting it close, though,” she added to justify her previous panic.

  Ethan stood motionless for a moment, still able to feel where every inch of her body had touched his skin. “Damn! It would be so much easier being friends with this woman if she were five-foot, two inches tall and an equal distance wide!” he thought harshly.

  But Milla's chatter helped to distract him, as she rambled on about the research she'd done last night; all the best places to visit in St. Lucia, the top rated restaurants and the services available at the hotel.

  “ wanna help me pack?” she queried, staring up at him with big, green eyes and a slight pout that accentuated her plush lips. She knew it worked every time—she just had no idea that it wasn't his upper head that she affected so much with that look.

  “Sure, OK. But I'm not helping you decide between Jimmy Choos and Christian Louboutins,” he told her dryly, disgusted with himself that he knew the names of the iconic shoe designers. “Far too much time with Milla as a best friend,” he noted mentally.

  Ethan had no idea that what he was agreeing to was actually hours of torment. And, by the time she was finished, he had really begun to wonder if he could be called a masochist for this.

  “You can't possibly fit your entire wardrobe into that suitcase,” Ethan teased as Milla stood on top of her suitcase, attempting to use her weight to compress the contents of her luggage.

  “There is absolutely no way I'm re-packing this thing again, so it's either going to cooperate or find itself a new owner!” Milla replied, bouncing lightly while staring sternly at her friend, as if he had some part in overfilling the suitcase.


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