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Billionaire: Menage: Swinger: Let's Swing (MMF Bisexual Romance) (New Adult Contemporary Short Stories)

Page 37

by Piquette Fontaine

  So yeah... Sex between Mark and I... Pretty fucking banging, if I do say so myself...

  Things went on like this for several months, and I at last thought, after so many years, that I'd found someone who had a hope in hell of allowing me to forget about my stupid, hopeless crush on my own stepbrother. As long I was wrapped up in my beloved Mark's arms, and being fucked out of my lights on a regular basis, I couldn't help but be more than content with the direction my life was presently taking.

  But then, one summer day after the completion of my freshman year, something happened, and I knew from the get-go that it would forever change the course of my strange, inexplicable love life...

  Chapter 3

  It had been a few weeks since Mark and I had went our separate ways for summer break, and I have to be honest, I was missing his penis pretty damn badly at this point in time. We'd been on one another fucking constantly back in the sanctity of one another's dorm rooms, so a separation of this length was proving rather unbearable. Not to mention, I was back in the regular presence of my taboo love interest Kyle, and having some trouble retaining my focus on right and wrong while in sight of his strobing, muscular body.

  And so, I'd sweetly asked Mark if he might not like to come down and pay me a little conjugal visit for a few days- a plan which he agreed to quite gladly, of course, and I eagerly awaited his impending arrival.

  I was working on the day that he was to show up at my house. I'd taken the next several days off from my job, a shitty little summer gig at a fast food restaurant that I simply took so as to avoid going broke by next semester. I got a text from him about an hour before my shift was to end informing me that he'd arrived, and I practically jumped and fucking squealed for joy, before remembering that I was supposed to be in a professional environment, and that such fun-loathing bastards as my superiors might frown upon such a frivolous display of human emotion. I cleared my throat as though somehow the outburst had been accidental, and stowed my phone away for the time being, eagerly anticipating the end of my shift and my long-awaited carnal reunion with my well-endowed boy toy. I planned on jumping the poor bastard the instant I stepped through the front door, spiriting him straight away into my bedroom, and bouncing up and down on top of his long, hard cock until the fucking cows came home.

  When I arrived home and opened the front door, however, my eyes went immediately wide, fixed as they were on the sight of someone else having beat me to the punch- motherfucking Kyle...

  It felt like the lining of my goddamn stomach had suddenly fallen out, and as though the floor beneath me had dissolved into some hot, scalding liquid. I spiraled through incomprehension, blinking stupidly at the sight which lay before me, my ears ringing, and my heart beating against my chest with the relentless fury of a drum.

  Kyle and Mark, wrapped up in one another's arms, their lips locked together, and their thick, sweaty bodies entwined on the living room love seat, appropriately named, I now saw clearly... Their tongues swatted and gouged into one another's open mouths, and when they suddenly turned to take note of my arrival, several long strands of saliva corded from their lips, glistening in the soft light of the room, and slowly dissipating away.

  I stood there in a stupor, my lower lip quivering, my brain struggling to even comprehend the sight which lay before me. Mark stood briskly up, separating from Kyle as quickly as possible, but seeming utterly stupefied as to how he might explain himself. My eyes fell irrevocably to his crotch, and fixed on the intense, throbbing erection that blazed through the denim of his jeans, put there by Kyle, and seeming so perverse in that moment that I wanted to fucking die.

  I stormed out of the room, thundering down the hallway without even thinking, and slamming the door shut behind me.

  I collapsed onto my bed, smothering my face in my pillow, and letting my hair flow up around me like water as I sobbed a dry sob of misery. I was absolutely flabbergasted, fed up beyond belief that the one thing that had saved me from my crush on my stepbrother was now preparing to have sex with him, as though anything I valued in this life could be turned around on me so easily.

  It felt like hours as I lay their hopelessly, drowning in despair, not even beginning to consider alternative explanations for what I saw so clearly displayed before my eyes there on the sofa. I mean, fuck... I didn't even fucking know either of them to be gay, or bisexual, or whatever the hell they were... How the fuck could they have wound up swapping spit, preparing to fuck one another in less than an hour of one another's presence?

  Then suddenly, to make matters more insufferable than they already were, I heard my bedroom door creaking slowly open, and knew intuitively that it was Mark coming in to comfort me, or make up some bullshit excuse for what I'd seen that I absolutely did not feel like listening to right now.

  He put his hand on my shoulder, and I recoiled instinctively, flinching at his very touch, feeling absolutely fucking disgusted by him.

  “Hey... Can we talk?”

  “Piss off,” I snapped, and threw one of my pillows at him.

  “Look, I know what it looked like, but... But can I please explain?”

  I scoffed at him, but I didn't say anything to contradict him this time, secretly, I think, hoping that there might have been some completely logical explanation to all of this that I'd somehow failed to consider. I still didn't look at him though, and when he took my stony silence as a sign of consent, he continued.

  “Your brother... Er... Stepbrother and I, were talking before you got here. He was... Saying what a wonderful girl you are, and that he thought you were something really special. I agreed with him, but then he surprised me a little bit. He went on to say that living with you for so long had been hard, because it was tough not to let his feelings show for such a wonderful girl... And he thought... Hoped... Let himself believe that you felt the same, but wouldn't let yourself give into your desires... And, God help me, I... I kind of sympathized with him... We kept talking, and we kind of started having this... Idea... A sort of... Surprise for you... We, uh... We wanted to... Um... Well, when you saw us there on the sofa... Kissing... We were sort of, I guess you could say... Practicing... For... Um... Well, a...”

  “A threesome...”

  I gasped, and turned to face the door, where Kyle's silhouette was now casting an intense black shadow across the floor of the bedroom. He closed the door behind him, and I could tell he was smiling just a little bit devilishly- a fact which got me so wet between the legs all of a sudden that I no longer had any moisture to spare for tears...

  “Oh... Oh God...” I whimpered, my head spinning like a fucking top, as I mentally noted the fact that both men were now sporting tremendous erections through their clothes.

  Mark hadn't turned upon Kyle's entry, but was still gazing intently at me, and when I could open my eyes again to return his glance, he put a hand to my face, gently stroking my cheek.

  “Do you think you might... Like something like that?”

  “I- I- I- I-” I stammered, sounding like a broken record at this point, as the puzzle pieces finished up their settling in my brain. I cleared my throat as though to rid myself of the snag in my thoughts. “I... Yes... I think I might enjoy something like that very much...”

  Mark simply smiled at me, and brushed a strand of hair from my eyes. “We thought you might...” he whispered, and leaned in, planting his lips onto my largely unresponsive mouth. Our gums squelched and popped and dissolved as they met, although for Mark's part, I'm certain that kissing so idle a set of lips was like making out with a fucking statue. He was undeterred, though, and continued to nibble on my lower lip, stretching out the flesh, and gouging his tongue into my throat with such fervor that I might have fucking choked on it.

  By the time he pulled away I was feeling pretty damn lightheaded, stars flashing and snapping before my eyes as though I'd just been watching fireworks, and was still seeing their impressions as they lit up the blackness of the night sky. I blinked several times to shake it off, and sudd
enly felt the springs of the bed giving way beneath me on the other side. The heat of my stepbrother's body glowed into me like the radiance of a fire, and I could feel sweat beginning to bead on the back of my neck in thick rivulets. I felt his hand on my ass, and allowed him to flip me over to face him, our bodies mere inches apart, our lips scarcely separated now, and our searing breath flowing like that of a dragon into one another's open mouths.

  I felt my body shaking, and my pussy tingling like mad as the two of us stared into one another's eyes for a long, endless moment, getting intoxicated on one another's gaze to a point that seemed irrevocable. This, we both knew, was the culmination of something that had been looming for years now, and was at long, long last, coming to a head. I felt my skin burn as he placed a hand softly on my face, and something seemed to catch in my throat as he leaned in toward me, and my eyelids fluttered softly shut.

  And suddenly, the fireworks that had lit up against the back of my eyelids were now crackling on the nerve endings of my lips, as though I'd just licked the end of a fucking battery, and every last one of my hairs was now standing on end.

  Our first kiss, though far from our last, and it felt as though it lasted several lifetimes in and of itself. My nostrils flared as he consumed me, his taste even sweeter than I'd ever dared to imagine, the flavor of his saliva like the most splendid of nectars as it flowed into my open mouth. I could have lived several lifetimes on the glory of the sensations crackling through me and might have gone on forever in that manner had I not needed to pull away, gasping, at what I could read clearly as the escalation of our situation.

  Behind me, I could feel a penis prodding me in the backside, as Mark's sizable cock squirmed and wriggled through the denim of his jeans, and requested clearance to enter what largely amounted to forbidden territory. It wasn't this, however, that led to my pulling away, but rather, the feeling of a second pair of lips on my flesh, planted firmly on the back of my neck, and causing the minute, almost invisible hairs back there to stand positively on end. I swooned a bit inside, my stomach doing somersaults, as I savored the immaculate nature of being sandwiched between two absolute studs of men- one my boyfriend, and one the beefcake of a stepbrother for whom I had lusted for what felt like an eternity at this point. Their cocks ground against my body mercilessly, and their lips melted so exquisitely into my flesh that it was like the three of us were becoming a single, delectable alloy.

  At some point, I allowed myself to be flipped over onto my back, squeezed in between the two men, and passed back, forth, back, forth between the two of them. They took turns ravishing me with kisses, rapidly causing me to grow dizzy, as I struggled to recall whose lips were, precisely, on whose...

  Mark would devour me for a while, plying me with love and nibbling on my lips as though they were the first thing he'd consumed in weeks. Then he would slide away, though not altogether leaving my body, but perhaps kissing my chin or my neck or my cleavage, as Kyle then took over, devouring me where Mark had left off, so that soon I was comparing the kisses of the two, trying to determine whose efforts pleased me the most. Kyle's love, of course, had been more severely, more eagerly anticipated, but all in all I have to say it was quite the toss up between the two lusty lovers.

  And then, much to my pleasure, both men would kiss me on the lips at once, each sharing a half of my mouth, which would inevitably lead to them kissing one another- an act which was charged with sheer eroticism now that I could truly appreciate the context, and wasn't filled with feelings of jealousy and betrayal as I had been in the living room. I watched them with sheer awe, their tongues jousting into one another's mouths, the two of them making out as though they'd secretly harbored desires to kiss other men for so many years that they were on the brink of exploding by the time they actually got down to business. I wondered, vaguely, how much of this eagerness was genuine, and how much of it was simply performance undertaken for the admonishment of my pussy. Frankly, Scarlet, I didn't give a damn, because whichever it was, I was turned on like hell, and each kiss they exchanged made me further and further anticipate the triadic union of our loins.

  After some time of this, I slithered my body out from the bottom of the pile, allowing my boy toys to play with one another in peace, as I wriggled my way down below their belts, and began to do a little exploration of my own...

  I unzipped each of their flies, eagerly feeling the hot bulges in their groins as I did so, and licking my lips all the while. They seemed to like this, as they had to momentarily pull away from each other's lips to moan aloud with pleasure, and I took this as sure as sign as any that I should proceed with my activities.

  I reached into both men's pants simultaneously, exploring the warm, dank caverns of their boxer shorts, and feeling the sensory differences between the two sets of genitals. Mark I knew to sport a thick, tangled bush of pubic hair, which I had to reach through in his boxers to get to the hard, thick blade of his penis, and which I found to contrast heavily with what Kyle had going going on down there, feeling his junk, as I was, for the very first time. I rather liked the clean-shaven swath of his pubes, waxed and utterly devoid of hair, and concealed, I realized with a shock, not under a loose pair of boxer shorts, but beneath a tight, sweat-soaked man thong.

  My manual examination complete, I decided to proceed to a visual comparison, whipping each of their penises out into the open, and staring at the immense, stiff shafts with lust in my eyes. Both of the cocks were long, hard, and coursed with blue veins from tip to base, but I was mildly surprised to find that Kyle had at least a good couple of inches on my boyfriend, in terms of both length and girth.

  I smiled, but decided that I loved each man's penis equally, and began to stroke them both at once. The skin of their shafts flowed through my nimble fingertips like warm, luscious silk, melting, dissolving, distorting in my grip, causing my palms to burn, and tingle with sensation. Up above I heard their breath become labored, and I knew that they were enjoying what I was doing to them down below.

  I continued to pump, stretching the skin of their respective cocks from shaft to base, shaft to base, shaft to base, gradually picking up speed, and savoring the throbbing of their members as jizz began to percolate from their engorged purple tips. It seeped down along the bulbous heads, flowing between my pumping fingers, and getting them stickier than hell in the process, so that my masturbatory efforts began to produce a steady, tantalizing squelching noise.

  I decided that it was time to round third base...

  I swallowed hard, working up my resolve at the prospect of inhaling two of these gargantuan sausages in one sitting. Then, with every ounce of mettle I possessed, I opened my mouth wide, and swallowed my stepbrother's penis whole. My lips melted around his fat, overstuffed tip, and slid down, down, down along his shaft, until at long, long last they pressed down against his base, and the tip of his erection jabbed against the back of my throat.

  Almost instantly I choked on him, tears streaming from the corners of my eyes, and a mixture of bile welling up from the back of my throat as I struggled to contain his immensity. Slowly, very slowly, I slid my lips back up, up, up along his shaft, crawling up to his engorged purple tip, and building up an immense suction. I held myself in place for a moment, until at last I felt him trembling, and slowly, once again, I pushed my way back down, down, down. Gradually, I worked my way up into a steady, rhythmic bob, swallowing, regurgitating, holding, and swallowing once more, again and again and again, GLUG, GLUG, GLUG, GLUG, GLUG...

  And God damn me if my stepbrother's cock wasn't every ounce as delectable as I had for so long imagined it to be...

  I continued in this manner for some time, sucking his dick like an old pro, and continuing to masturbate my boyfriend in the meantime, stroking him into a frenzy, and playing with his scrotum all the while. Then, I switched off, swallowing Mark's cock, and masturbating Kyle instead, his penis now slick with all sorts of lubricating gunk from my throat, so that my wrist glided along his immense shaft with far grea
ter ease, and considerably less friction. Back and forth and back and forth I kept swapping between the two of them, the minute differences in their genitals gradually becoming plainer and plainer to see as I progressed, amplifying my enjoyment of the act as it unfolded.

  After some time of this, I happened to look up, and see that Mark and Kyle had unlocked lips- perhaps that they had done so some time before now- and were staring down at me intently, sneering almost, indicating that things were about to get far, far, far more intense.

  I shivered, and my pussy felt as though it was suddenly crackling with electricity...

  The next thing I knew, the boy toys were peeling me out of my clothes, article by article by article, the fabric dissolving from my form like liquid, and exposing my taut, sweaty, trembling body in the process. I was down to my bra and panties at this point, and I savored the touch of their fingers as they curled into lace, slid under straps, and cascaded across my burning flesh, making me want to die from the pleasure of it, and wonder how the hell I had gone on for so many years without ever having experienced such sublime pleasures.

  At last, I was completely naked, down to nothing but the skin I was born in, and the men's hands slid across the slick, perspiring form of my body, making me quiver with lust, and getting my cunt so aggravated that I simply couldn't stand it any longer. They, too, peeled out of their sweat-soaked clothes, much to my unquenchable pleasure, and I gawked unabashedly at their almost grotesquely perfect bodies. The broad swaths of their pectoral muscles, the tantalizing rungs of their six-pack abdominals, the intensely cut V-lines of their Adonis muscles, their chiseled, tight asses, and of course their two rock hard penises, both throbbing with erotic fury, and ready to tear me the fuck to shreds.


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