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Billionaire: Menage: Swinger: Let's Swing (MMF Bisexual Romance) (New Adult Contemporary Short Stories)

Page 41

by Piquette Fontaine

  “Nicely done, Mr. Thorn,” Tabitha panted, “and now it is on to the last step. Please sit back down in your chair.” As Thorn did as he was told, Tabitha turned to Jerry, “This lesson is for you. Every time you think of leaving me alone at night or skipping out on what you should be doing, I want this image to play in your head.” She then turned towards Thorn and deftly sat on his lap. She then rose up, grabbed his cock, and positioned it at the opening of her quim. As she slowly lowered herself onto him, they both let out a satisfying moan. Jerry watched in stunned silence as his wife took another cock inside her. He looked down at his own member, and was surprised to find it still hard. Thorn moved Tabitha up and down his shaft, his pace steadily climbing.

  “Yes! Yes! Thorn! That’s it! Keep going!” Tabitha yelled. Then another orgasm hit, and her head slumped down on his shoulder, even though Thorn kept pounding into her. Tabitha’s orgasm made her body spasm uncontrollably. When the shakes finally stopped, Tabitha pulled herself off Thorn. She almost laughed at the pitiful look on Thorn’s face.

  “No, don’t worry, I’m not going to leave you high and dry, I just want to face my husband while we do this,” Tabitha said, “Jerry get a chair and sit in it over here.”

  Jerry did as he was told, and Tabitha bent at her waist, leaning on the arms of the chair, “Okay, Thorn, back in the saddle!”

  Thorn hopped up and lunged back into Tabitha. At first, the force of his thrusts pushed Tabitha’s head into Jerry’s chest. Then Tabitha placed her mouth on Jerry’s cock, and let Thorn’s thrusts push her down her husband’s shaft. The unexpected team work gave them all pleasure and after just a few minutes, Thorn came, sending his seed deep into Tabitha. The eruption triggered a smaller orgasm in Tabitha, which in turn set off Jerry’s cock. Thorn backed out of Tabitha and collapsed into his chair, and Tabitha sat in Jerry’s lap, exhausted by the confrontation with Thorn and the sexual act they’d just performed. For ten minutes, no one said a word, each person lost in the bliss they had created together.

  Thorn finally broke the silence, “Tabitha, I have to know. How did you know you’d win?”

  Tabitha stood up and walked to Thorn, “I didn’t, which is why I packed this,” she then reached up to the massive bun of hair on the top of her head and pulled out a pin. As her hair fell, Tabitha reached up and grabbed the small pistol at the center of the bun.

  Thorn looked furious for a moment, sensing that she had meant to kill him, but then he broke out in laughter, “Perhaps I can still offer you a job, as the head of my security team.”

  Tabitha said, “No, I am a farmer’s wife and my husband needs me at home, right?”

  Jerry jumped out of his chair and started gathering up her clothes and said, “Yeth dear.”

  “Well in that case,” Thorn said, taking Tabitha’s hand and kissing it, “thank you for a lovely afternoon, and I hope to see you in The Silver Spur’s restaurant very soon. As for the poker room, you are both banned for life.”

  “Thank you,” Tabitha said, looking at Jerry, “That’s all I want.”


  Bare In The Woods


  “No Mom, I don’t need you to come round,” Natalie said on the phone. She glanced around her small apartment and groaned inwardly at the mess that lay around. If her mother did come then Natalie would be scolded as though she were a child, and that was something she wasn’t going to let happen. She exhaled deeply as her mother implored her on the other end of the line.

  “I just don’t like thinking about you sitting in that place all alone after what’s happened.”

  “It’s not a big deal, honestly, I’m fine! It’s just one of those things that happen. I can’t help it now, and it’s not like I’m just sitting here moping all the time. Besides, I’ve got Cindy, so please, don’t worry about me, I’m fine, really.”

  Her mother sighed. “I just hate thinking of you in that big city so far away, and there’s nothing I can do.”

  “Mom, I really appreciate that you called, honestly, I love you, okay? And I know where you are if I need you, but you don’t have to worry about me so much. Tell me how things are with you.”

  “Well, you know what it’s like. I’ve just been plodding along really. Your father has actually started coming to Church with me though, which I was surprised about. I think since Mitch moved away, you remember Mitch don’t you?”

  “How could I forget?”

  “Yes, well, after he moved down to Florida I think your father has been at a loose end and he doesn’t really know what to do with his Sundays anymore. You should come up and visit soon, I think he’d really appreciate it.”

  “I’ll try to come up in a few weeks, but you know what work is like at the moment. I’m so busy I barely have time to think. It’s probably a good thing at the moment,” she said with a grim chuckle. She spoke with her mother a little longer and enjoyed hearing her prattle on about the small town gossip. It was a world away from where Natalie was living. All her life she had dreamed of getting out of the small town and once she left for college she had never looked back. Now she was working in a publishing house and her life seemed perfect, at least it had until the events of that weekend. After that she could have used a dose of the small town comfort, because the big city felt awfully lonely and unforgiving, for wherever she looked she saw a stranger.

  When she put the phone down, she leaned back against the comfort of her sofa and closed her eyes, inhaling deeply and trying to forget about the cool loneliness of the apartment that threatened to swallow her up. Speaking to her mom made her feel better, but also a little worse as it reminded her of home and how innocent life had once seemed. Her life had been sharply divided into two periods. She used to be a humble girl, studious and good, who went to church with her mother and fishing trips with her father. That had lasted until she had gone to college. Heck, before that she hadn’t even kissed a boy, but that all changed when she tasted freedom and found herself. A whole new world was opened up to her and she knew that she never wanted to return to the idyllic homespun life she had enjoyed previously. The world was filled with opportunities, and in the city she had been surrounded by like minded people who wanted the same things.

  But that had changed recently. When she had left college and started work her pool of friends had diminished significantly, and she was so tired from work that she barely had the energy to go out. Cindy was her best friend, and the two of them had lasted through college, but most of her life had been spent with Mark, a guy she had met in the final year of college. The moment they met she knew that he was special, and they had hit it off instantly. They flirted for a little bit until he asked her to the winter dance, and it was the high school romance that she had never had at high school. They were inseparable for a long time, and when they had embarked on their adult lives they had done so in a partnership. Natalie had a good job at a publishing house while Mark was working as a sous chef in a local restaurant. They had reached the stage where they were planning for a future together. He had begun the process of moving his stuff into her place, because they basically lived together anyway, and Natalie had begun fantasizing about what dress she would wear at her wedding, but that had all changed in the last few weeks.

  He’d been getting distant for a long time but Natalie had just put it down to the stresses and pressures of work. Everyone went through those types of phases, she had thought to herself, and it would pass in time. But it only got worse. When she tried to initiate sex she was often rebuffed, and even when it did happen it was missing the flame of love that had been present every time before. It felt as though the pyre of passion that burned so fiercely between them had been dulled, and she wasn’t sure why. At first she tried to ignore it and let the problem work itself it, and there was also an element of fear playing a role because she didn’t want to rock the boat too much, but eventually it became untenable and she found herself having one of those conversation that everyone dreaded. The wounds were still raw, and oft
en when she had a quiet moment her mind replayed the incident as though it were happening in that exact moment.

  “I can’t talk about this right now,” he had said, motioning to leave, but she wouldn’t let him. She moved in front of him and challenged him to stay.

  “You’ve made me ask this question. You know I wouldn’t do this if things hadn’t gotten to the point where we have a serious problem, so you’re going to sit down with me right now and we’re going to sort this out, because it’s stressing me out. I haven’t been able to sleep properly, I haven’t been able to concentrate at work, and now you just want to brush me off? It doesn’t work like that. There’s something wrong here and I deserve to know what’s going on.”

  She remembered the look that came over his face. In that moment he transformed from the man she loved into someone else entirely. It was as though everything she knew had been cast in a new light. He turned away from her and cast his hooded eyes down, away from her glance, ashamed of something. He ran his hands through his thick hair and sank down on the couch. Natalie had been seized by fear, and a million horrible thoughts raced through her mind. She stood by the counter, paralyzed, and gripped the edge of the counter so tightly her knuckles went white. There were some things that you end up taking for granted, and she and Mark had been together for so long that the trust between them was one such thing.

  “I’m not sure how to begin,” he said, and her heart sank even further.

  “Maybe you should just say whatever’s been on your mind these past few weeks.”

  “It’s not that easy. I’ve just…I’ve been feeling really lonely recently.”

  “I don’t understand,” Natalie said, puzzled, “You’ve got me here all the time. I’m always here for you, you know that.”

  “But I didn’t think I could come to you with this.”

  “Tell me what it is. I’m your girlfriend, we’re planning on living together, and you can’t do that if you can’t be completely honest with me.”

  Mark took a deep breath, but his head remained hung down. His shoulders were hunched, and he looked every inch the defeated man.

  “I couldn’t tell you about this.”

  “You have to tell me now, otherwise we have nothing. If you can’t talk to me about your feelings then obviously our relationship means nothing to you.”

  “How could you say that?” he said, his eyes flashing towards her, “It means everything to me. You mean everything to me! That’s why this is so hard,” and then his voice softened again and he resumed his morose pose, before taking a deep breath.

  “There are some things that have happened recently and I haven’t known how to tell you. Work’s been…difficult. The owners have been talking about making changes and I was one of those changes. I didn’t want to tell you because I didn’t want you to worry about me, and I thought that I could sort things out quickly. I had savings and that’s what I’ve been using to pay my rent the last couple of months, but I thought I could get another job and I’ve been applying for loads, but it hasn’t worked out that way and the longer it’s gone on the worse it’s gotten because right now I can’t even afford to take you out to dinner, and I hate that because I need to be able to take care of you.”

  “Mark, how could you not tell me?!” she yelled, a mixture of emotions running through her heart. She was angry and frustrated, but also concerned and worried. She didn’t know whether to hit him or hug him, and she ended up doing neither, merely remaining standing looking at him, the man she had pinned her hopes and dreams to, looking utterly dejected.

  “I know, but it seemed like a good idea at the time. I thought if I just got a new job then you’d never have to know. I know work stresses you out and I didn’t want you to have to think that you’d have to support me. It might be old-fashioned but I’ve always thought that the man needs to be the breadwinner and I felt so ashamed to think that I couldn’t provide for you.”

  “That’s a load of crap Mark. I’ve got a good job, I’m independent, I’m not with you so you can provide for me or protect me. We’re partners. We’re supposed to trust each other and help each other when we need to, not keep secrets.”

  “I messed up, okay, I admit that, but the longer it went on, the longer I didn’t tell you, the harder it got. You have no idea how difficult it was to lay next to you in bed. All those interviews messed me up badly. I felt so low, and I couldn’t even tell you about it.”

  “I just wanted to help you.”

  “I know…”

  “So did you ever find a job?”

  “Not yet. And it made me think about things. It’s been tearing my soul apart, clawing at me, and I thought it would stop over time but it hasn’t. I don’t want to mooch off you and I know we’ve been talking about moving in together but I’m not sure I can be with you if I don’t have a job. I don’t feel myself, I don’t feel like I can be the man you deserve.”

  “Well you shouldn’t really have a say in that. I get to choose who I love. I want to help you. I want to work through this together. You can stay here for as long as you want.”

  “I can’t, because nothing’s going to change.”

  “You’ll get a job eventually.”

  “I don’t want to be relying on your charity.”

  “It’s not charity for God’s sake, I’m your girlfriend, and I’m helping the person I love. Where are you going to stay if you can’t afford to pay your rent?”

  “That’s the other thing I wanted to talk to you about,” he said, and took another deep breath. By this point Natalie’s nerves were frayed and she felt herself trembling. “I’ve been doubting myself longer than this. Losing my job was just a symptom I think. I’m not sure if I want to be a chef anymore. I haven’t been able to get a job, and I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to get one in the same line of work, and I don’t really know if I even want to.”

  “What will you do instead?”

  “That’s just it, I don’t know. I feel like I don’t know anything, like I have to start all over again,” he said, his words choking in his throat. He started shuddering and then crystal tears rolled down his cheeks. Natalie still loved him and she hated to see him in so much pain, and despite her anger she felt compelled to comfort him so she sat beside him and went to wrap her arms around him, but he pulled himself away, as if the slightest touch brought him actual physical pain. When he recoiled she knew that there was a deep-seated pain in his soul, one which wouldn’t be easily dealt with, and she didn’t feel she had the tools necessary to help him through it. Perhaps if he’d have come to her when he was first dealing with these things it might have been different, but he had left it too long and his soul had started to rot away. He’d started into oblivion by himself, and without anyone to pull him back he had been sucked into it, and could see nothing but the dark despair surrounding him.

  “So what are you going to do now?” she asked. He wiped a tear away, and when he spoke his voice was cracked and trembling.

  “I’m going to go home for a little while. I don’t know for how long, and just try and get my equilibrium back.” There was a silence between them, and the air was pregnant with tension. Natalie wasn’t sure what to say. She didn’t want to say anything, because she knew that anything she said wouldn’t be able to salvage the situation. Instead, she tried to remind him what he had to live for. She leaned into him and wrapped her arms around him, drowning him in her sweet feminine scent. At first he tried to resist and shrug her off, but she clung onto him and made soothing tones, and kissed him on the cheek. Natalie tilted his face so that she could pluck a kiss from his lips, but it was a weak kiss, and his soft lips were unresponsive. That was the moment when she knew that there was no hope. The flame that burned in his heart had been extinguished, and she wasn’t sure how to re-light that fire.

  She got up and wiped away a tear herself, and turned her back to him.

  “Do you expect me to wait for you?”

  “I don’t know how long I’ll be, or
if I’d ever come back.”

  Another silence lingered between them. Natalie turned around, her eyes blazing with the anger of a hurt lover.

  “If you walk out of here you know you can’t just walk back into my life once you’ve sorted yourself out. If you leave now I’m not sure we can ever go back to the way things were. You’re not just saying goodbye to this city you’re saying goodbye to me as well. Are you really prepared to do that?”

  “I feel like it’s the only thing I can do. I’m sorry Natalie. I’m just…I’m not the man that can be with you…or anyone right now. I have to sort my life out.”

  The words were crushing, and losing him felt like she was losing a part of herself. He moved his things out and they shared a tearful goodbye, but things had changed irrevocably between them, and the man she said goodbye to was not the man she had fallen in love with. It almost felt like the Mark she knew had died, such was the drastic change in his personality. The nature of their breakup made it difficult for her to trust anything, and in the wake of it she found herself plagued with doubt about everything in her life, because she really felt that she knew Mark and could count on him to be there for her, but when it came down to it he wasn’t, and this crumbling foundation made everything else in her life seem fragile.

  Hence why her mother was so worried about her. Natalie went through life in a daze. She worked, but her eyes were glassy and when she spoke to people her voice was dull and monotonous. Cindy tried her best to get her out of her funk, but it was only now that Natalie was getting back to feeling like her old self. She pulled herself off the sofa and started tidying her apartment. There was mess everywhere, but once she finished she felt better about things, although while she was tidying she found a t-shirt of Mark’s and it reminded her of everything she had lost.

  She slumped down in the sofa again and waited for Cindy to come over. Her best friend was the only one that she was letting witness her misery, and who she had told the whole story too. Anyone else only knew that she and Mark had broken up and that he had moved home, for she didn’t want people meddling in her business. But Natalie was teetering on the brink of a crisis, because she was starting to feel like the city wasn’t home anymore, and that she had put her energy into something that had been a complete waste of time.


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