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Billionaire: Menage: Swinger: Let's Swing (MMF Bisexual Romance) (New Adult Contemporary Short Stories)

Page 59

by Piquette Fontaine

  Casey stuck out her hand to Jeff. “Deal? No one gets weird?”

  Jeff took her hand and shook it once. His hand felt strong and warm and slightly rough, and Casey was not thinking about what he could do to her with those hands, or how they would feel on her ass. She wasn’t. She really wasn’t.

  “Deal,” he said softly. Casey nodded and turned to Max.

  “And you?” she asked warily. “Do we have a deal?”

  Max cocked his head, and then reached for her hand. His grip was firm and secure. His eyes traveled up and down her body so briefly she wasn’t sure if it had really happened when she thought about it a few minutes later.

  “Deal,” Max said, his face still containing hints of that genuine, heart stopping smile.

  Casey nodded. “Good. Then we might actually survive this thing.”

  The three roommates fell silent as the roar of the undead below swelled in the cold golden afternoon.

  “Yeah,” said Max. “Maybe.”

  After that, the trio set into a somewhat comfortable routine. Casey stopped wearing a bra, and then she stopped wearing pants, until finally she got down to a baggy t-shirt and her raggedy, braided, red hair. Max wore his jeans, but quit with wearing his t-shirt, and Jeff moved to wearing sweatpants. The warm, stale smell of human sweat and breath filled the air in the attic. The three roommates ate two meals a day of cold beans; they watched the zombies, green and flaking and noisier by the minute, accumulate in the street; they played cards; and when it got too late and they were tired of Go Fish, they got drunk and jerked off in their own respective corners.

  And if any of them only pretended to be drunk, or acted like they weren’t getting off on the sight of their roommates pleasuring themselves, well, they kept quiet about it.

  Then everything began to fall apart.

  It had been three weeks since they’d locked themselves in the attic. The three roommates had grown so used to the deep moaning sound of the undead throwing themselves at the house that they’d stopped really hearing anything. It had become an almost comforting background noise to their daily lives.

  Until one night, they heard a sickening crack and felt the house shudder.

  Casey looked up from her can of hickory smoked beans. “What was that?” she asked, even as she knew, with a sinking feeling in her stomach, that it wasn’t the normal sounds of rotting flesh rubbing against the doorframe. The three of them paused, spoons of beans half raised to their mouths, to feel the house rock back and forth. A strange weight was accumulating in the living room, and suddenly the groaning sounds were louder, sharper, closer than they had ever been before.

  “Oh, fuck,” Max whispered.

  “Max?” she said, her heart now in her throat. “Max, what was that?”

  But Max wasn’t listening. He set down his can of beans and leapt to his feet. “We need to barricade the entrance better,” he said briskly, looking around seemingly for more heavy objects to pile on top of the trap door.

  “There’s a trunk over there,” said Jeff. He rose and moved to the corner by the window. “That should do the trick for now.”

  “They’re inside, aren’t they,” Casey said woodenly. She closed her eyes. How could she have thought they were going to just spend the rest of their lives in this tiny attic, safe and sound, fed and happy? They hadn’t been building a life together. They’d been buying time. That was all. Just buying time until they became moaning, mindless corpses, too.

  “Case, come on.”

  Casey opened her eyes. Jeff beckoned to her from where he and Max were attempting to haul a heavy old trunk and toss it onto the wooden planks nailed over the trap door. Jeff lifted his end and grunted, his taught biceps straining with the weight. “Whose trunk is this, anyway?” he panted.

  “Mine,” Casey answered. “It has all my winter crap in it.” She had a flash of his hand moving up and down his pink length, of that same hand dipping down between her legs and thrusting up… She shook her head and focused on the sound of the zombies, which was growing even louder. They were moving up the stairs, she realized. They were moving slowly, but they were coming. And by the look of their numbers from the attic window, there was no shortage of undead corpses who wanted nothing more than to feast on her flesh and her brain matter.

  “I think I’m going to be sick,” Casey said faintly, rubbing her stomach and trying to breathe.

  Max and Jeff dragged the trunk to the trap door and slammed it down. Max put his hands on his knees and gasped, watching her. Jeff came over to her and crouched down, rubbing his hand on her back. Without thinking, she arched into his touch like a cat.

  “Just breathe, Case,” he said softly, making circles along the braided knots of her spine. “We’re gonna make it, okay? I promise. Just breathe.”

  Casey’s heart was pounding too hard. She felt like she might be having a stroke or something. Her arms felt dead, and her palms were sweating an unreasonable amount. Her eyes were wide and roving around the room without really seeing any of the objects in it. Then the first fist landed on the other side of the trap door leading to the attic. Casey jumped. Another fist. And another. Only a flimsy, plank-wood floor now separated the zombies and the three of them.

  “Oh God,” she gasped. “I can’t breathe. We’re going to die. I can’t breathe. Oh God.”

  Max walked over and knelt on her other side, his face close enough to hers that they could brush the tips of their noses together. His dark brown eyes held her gaze steadily.

  “Red,” he said gently. “Come on. We’re okay.”

  But Casey was shaking her head wildly, barely feeling Jeff’s hand on her back trying to soothe her. “We’re not,” she croaked. Another fist hit the trap door, and she jumped. “We’re going to die up here. Don’t you get it, Max? We’re going to fucking die, there’s nowhere else to go, none of us know how to defeat an army of zombies, so what the hell are we even going to…”

  Before Casey could finish her breathy, high-pitched stream of consciousness, Max tipped his head forward and kissed her.

  And suddenly, everything was silent. She could no longer hear the zombies beating at the barrier between them, nor the sound of blood thumping too quickly in her ears, nor her desperate gasps for air. There were only Max’s lips, rough and chapped and warm, moving against her own; and their teeth scraping together; and their tongues sliding slowly in a dance that felt new and familiar, all at the same time. Dimly she could feel Jeff still rubbing her back, and now his other hand held her knee and squeezed it before traveling up her thigh. She felt his lips on the nape of her neck, and she sighed into Max’s mouth. There wasn’t time to consider how strange this was, that three roommates who’d hated each other only weeks, perhaps even moments ago, were now touching each other in ways they’d never allowed themselves to before. Or maybe that was the point: there wasn’t time anymore for that. They really were all going to die very soon, and each of the three of them knew it. Somehow, they’d all silently agreed: if death was waiting at their doorstep, they weren’t going to go out of this world without fulfilling the fantasy they’d each been harboring.

  Casey lifted her arm and cupped the back of Jeff’s head as his mouth traveled around her neck to where her jaw bone met her ear, his teeth nibbling and sucking at her freckled skin. She moaned and felt Max grin into her lips. Then she felt a thumb brush her left nipple, and instantly she could feel it harden. Thank God she’d given up on wearing a bra a week ago. Max’s hand massaged her breast, tweaking her nipple when it began to soften, his fingers finding places on her chest that had never been so lovingly handled. Just as he pinched her again, Jeff’s hand cupped her mound between her legs and began rocking his palm against her. Casey bucked up into his touch and gasped. Max and Jeff paused and traded a grin, then moved so that Max was behind her and Jeff was between her outstretched legs.

  Max’s breath was hot in her ear as he suckled at her earlobe, his hands traveling over her breasts and down to the hem of her t-shirt. He
lifted it up as she obediently raised her hands and tugged the material over her head. She felt his tongue tracing the pattern of freckles on her now bare shoulder, his hands circling and pressing against her breasts, and when she arched into him she could feel his forming erection pressing into the knots of her spine. Now Jeff leaned in to kiss her, and his kiss was deliciously different: all rough and tug and bite and suck and gnashing teeth, his hand still cupping her and delighting in the wet patch beginning to form on her underwear. She grabbed a fistful of his gleaming golden hair, her other hand reaching back to palm at Max’s trapped cock. Max hissed and thrust himself against her. Jeff, meanwhile, sucked on her bottom lip and hooked his rough thumbs underneath the waistband of her underwear, tugging until the flimsy fabric was down past her ankles and onto the floor. Jeff pulled away, a line of spittle strung between them, and he looked so gloriously red and wrecked that Casey leaned up to kiss him again. But Jeff kept his head out of her reach and grinned deviously. He trailed his mouth down over her collarbone to her breasts, where his tongue teasingly circled her pink areolas and his teeth came down just enough to make her buck her hips up. Max, seeing an opportunity, massaged down her ribs and her stomach to the front of her body, his fingers curling in her red pubic hair and brushing the tip of her clitoris ever so lightly. Casey gasped audibly and let her head tip back onto Max’s shoulder.

  “You like this, Red?” she heard Max murmur in her ear.

  “God, yes,” she said, her voice strained, her breasts and hips rising and falling rhythmically as they tried to come into contact with the boys’ hands and mouth. These assholes were teasing her, mercilessly, and she felt a smirk form on her own mouth as she realized they were playing with her. So many zombie fists slammed against the trap door and made the trunk shudder, but Casey was beyond noticing petty things like impending doom.

  “You jerks,” she panted, “would you just fucking touch me already!”

  “Always so demanding, Red,” said Max’s warm voice into her hair as he nuzzled the side of her head. His thumb brushed her clit again, and now Casey could feel the juices of her arousal pooling in her folds and dripping onto the floor.

  “You don’t always get what you want,” said Jeff, smiling, her nipple in his mouth and then against his cheek as he pressed his face against her heaving breasts. Casey almost came just looking into his green eyes, and she let her head fall back again onto the muscled shoulder behind her. She had no control here, she knew. Her bossiness would get her nowhere.

  “Please,” she whimpered.

  Max began rubbing himself against her back, his hardened cock now more than evident. She wiggled against him, and found herself rewarded with a hitch in his breath.

  “I suppose I can reward you for that,” Max whispered, and pressed down on her throbbing, pounding clit. The effect was instantaneous: Casey cried out and thoughtlessly wrapped her bare thighs around Jeff’s torso, gyrating against the force of Max’s fingers. His pinkie finger dipped in and out of the corners of her labial folds, and Casey gripped Jeff tighter. In response, Jeff brought one rough hand to cup her ass – God, finally, how long had she dreamed of that sensation – and teased her tight, puckered anus with his index finger. Then he and Max shared a look, and in one motion, they entered both of her openings with their fingers.

  “Shit!” Casey yelped, and bucked upwards. They pulled out and thrust in again, and she was so wet she was making a sloppy mess of the floor below her, and she was going to be embarrassed about that, she really was, just as soon as these two idiots stopped driving her crazy with their hands… “Oh!” she cried as their fingers brushed the same wall inside her from different sides. “Oh fuck yes, oh God, where did you learn that, do it again! Please!”

  But Max and Jeff were pulling away, setting her down gently on the floor. Casey looked around wildly. Was it something she’d said? What had she done wrong? Had they heard a floorboard snap or something? Were the zombies about to eat them alive, and not in a fun way?

  Then she realized they were taking off their pants. As their cocks sprang free, Casey forgot everything but a single, desperate need to have them both inside her at once. She felt her knees quaking with desire, and she immediately brought a hand to her cunt. It was so hot and slick and ready for them. Her hand scrabbled for the loose bottle of lotion and squeezed some into her palm. She reached a hand behind herself, feeling them watch her with lust and fire in their eyes, and inserted one slick finger into her ass, then two, stretching herself out for them. Jeff’s green eyes burned hers.

  “Jesus Christ, Case,” he said hoarsely, beginning to yank cruelly on his cock.

  Max’s brown eyes were slits of need. He fondled his shaft. “Just like that, Red,” he hissed. “Just. Like. That.”

  Finally Casey felt the walls of her ass begin to relax. She looked up at them, a small smile on her lips, undead hands thumping on the floors below them.

  “Please,” she said, her voice breaking in the middle. “Please get inside me.”

  The two boys descended upon her, lifting her up by her armpits and positioning themselves. Max fit behind her and Jeff stood in front, drawing one of her legs up in his arms, his cock held firmly in front of him. She felt the head of Max’s cock brush the seam of her ass, his lips next to her ear.

  “I want to hear you beg for it, Red,” he said huskily.

  “Oh God please, Max,” she whimpered, her hips already rocking, aching for contact. “Please fuck me in the ass, please, I need you to, I want you inside me.”

  She could feel him smile against the skin of her shoulder blade, and the sensation of his physical smile made her gasp. He fit his cock in her seam against her anal opening and waited. Now Jeff leaned forward.

  “My turn,” he smirked, nipping at her nose.

  “Please please Jeff, fuck me, my cunt is ready for you, my cunt wants you, fuck me until I scream,” she begged. In return, Jeff fit the tip of his cock against her entrance, burying it in the red puff of hair just inside the rim of her hole. Then they both froze. Casey squirmed impatiently, her leg suspended in the crook of Jeff’s arm, her own hands grasping one of Jeff’s biceps and one of Max’s thighs. What were they waiting for, these bastards? Finally she screamed in frustration.

  “Oh for fuck’s sake, you ridiculous bunch of teases, if you don’t fuck me I will…”

  The two boys thrust into her in the same moment. Casey ceased speaking or thinking about anything at all, her mouth open in a wordless yell, her hands gripping sweating, hard flesh. They pulled out and simultaneously thrust in again, and this time she felt the bend of Jeff’s long, stiff member hit the same spot on her wall as Max’s thick, veined erection did from the other side. The three of them yelled in unison, and now it was a wild, sloppy mess of thrusting and pushing and pulling and fucking and smacking, in and out, in and out, faster and faster, hands grasping desperately at breasts, biting blindly, kissing every spare space of skin, and Casey was so full of cocks, so full of men, she was so full she could burst, her hips swiveling and bucking up and down, mouths crashing onto hers, and suddenly Jeff was screaming and then Max was screaming and as they spilled inside her, her walls contracted and Casey was seeing stars and screaming, too, her body thrashing with pleasure again…and again…and again…

  The three of them crashed to the floor. They lay on top of one another, panting and running their hands senselessly over each other. Zombies pounded at the floor, but the trunk was holding somehow. Naked and spent, all the three of them could do was laugh and laugh and laugh, until the sun went down on another day spent alive. Tomorrow, they would figure out how to survive one more day. If today were any indication, they could find ways to entertain themselves until then.

  The End

  Menage With My Vampire Boss


  Millie walked into the office building, trying to control the sweat that was dripping out of her pores. The summer had been the hottest for a while and the scorching temperatures were off the charts, but
the building of Demeter Inc. was cast in shadow, and she was glad for the coolness. However, when she entered she noticed that the glass was blocking out the sunlight, so the entire building seemed like it was cast in a gloomy winter. It was an odd feeling to come from radiant sunshine to this black, shadowy space, but she put on her best face and strode up to the reception desk.

  It was the early afternoon but there weren’t many people around, which Millie found surprising for such an important business. When she had applied for the job it had largely been on a whim for she was young and inexperienced; barely out of college. Armed with nothing but her degree and a few summers working with her father’s company, she’d been sent out into the real world under-prepared and vulnerable. So far it had been eating her alive and she’d sent out so many resumes with no reply that she thought she had been cursed. So when she had received an invitation to interview her heart leapt, but what followed was a period of intense nerves, for it felt like if she failed to get this opportunity she would fail at life, and the investment that had been made into her education would have been a complete waste of time. Still, she tried to put that out of her mind as she had been getting ready for the interview that morning. She’d worn a professional outfit; the skirt went down to her knees, the purple shirt was open slightly at the collar to reveal a crucifix necklace, and the blazer clung around her curves. She wore her brown hair in a long ponytail that reached down to her lower back, and had applied just a dab of make-up to accentuate her heart-shaped face. The secretary pointed her to an elevator and told her to go to the office on floor five where Millie would be given further instructions. It all seemed so mysterious and intriguing, and Millie’s heart began to race as the interview grew nearer.


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