Tasting Pleasure

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Tasting Pleasure Page 3

by Anarie Brady

  “Leave them.”

  “But I can’t drive home half dressed,” she said.

  “Don’t you have another blouse?”

  Alicia frowned for a moment. “Yes, of course. But what about the knickers?”

  “Didn’t you understand my earlier request? I don’t like them. You will not wear them in my presence ever again.” He smiled at her confusion. “Besides, I have not dismissed you. What makes you think you’re driving home?”

  “I just thought that since you had—well—finished, that…” she stumbled.

  “Did you ask if I had finished?”

  “No,” she said hesitantly.

  “Then what makes you think that I have?”

  “Well, when I have been with other men—” she began.

  “Stop right there,” he said as he grasped her by the arm, giving it a mild shake. “I am not other men, nor do I want to hear of other men unless I ask you directly. When you are with me, you are with me. Do you understand?”

  Alicia looked at him with a mixture of fear and confusion. She definitely knew she wanted to be with this man and she wanted to please him. No other man had ever affected her the way Maverick did. With his hand on her arm, probably strongly enough to leave a bruise, she thought she should be terrified. Instead, the quiet surge of fear added to her attraction.

  “Actually, no, I don’t think I do,” she said truthfully.

  Maverick released her arm and gently touched her cheek.

  “An honest answer,” he said. “That’s perfect. You must always be honest with me. I have a document to prepare. While I am in the other room, retrieve your blouse. When I give you the document, you will leave, read the paper at your convenience, sign it if you choose to and return to me next Friday. It would please me greatly if you signed, but even if you choose not to, I will still expect to see you Friday. I would hate to lose your services as my chef.”

  Alicia lifted her head and met his mouth in a quick kiss, nodding her acceptance of these conditions.

  * * * *

  At six-thirty p.m. the next Friday, Alicia sat on the sofa in Mr. Devonshire’s den, awaiting his arrival. At the moment, he sat at the dining room table enjoying the dinner she had prepared for him—a tomato-basil soup, spinach salad, apple and sage stuffed pork chops, mashed potatoes and a crème brûlée for dessert. She wore only the short red skirt, black top and black heels, which had been delivered to her flat the day before. In her hand was the signed document.

  Alicia tried not to fidget as she reread the paper for what must have been the one hundredth time.

  I, Alicia Morrison, hereafter referred to as ‘companion’, do agree to the following conditions. I understand that I am free to end this agreement at any time, but with the condition that once ended, this agreement will not be renewed. I also understand that this contract has no legal validity, but rather represents a personal commitment between myself and Mr. Maverick Devonshire.

  1. Mr. Devonshire will maintain sole proprietorship over the companion’s body until such time as he deems otherwise. He has the right and responsibility to use said body for his personal pleasure, even if that pleasure involves other people or persons of his choosing. The companion understands and accepts the fact that Mr. Devonshire has every right to additional companions of his choosing. The companion will never behave in a jealous manner toward any of Mr. Devonshire’s other companions or guests. To do so will incur a serious consequence. The companion has the right to her own social life but that life should not interfere with Mr. Devonshire’s commands. If a conflict should occur, the companion agrees to inform Mr. Devonshire immediately and a mutually agreed upon compromise shall be discussed.

  2. The companion agrees to make her body available to Mr. Devonshire upon his command. Failure to do so will result in consequences of his choosing.

  3. If, at any time, the companion cannot withstand a consequence, the companion will state the word ‘enough’. If this word is employed, the consequence and the session will immediately end, but this agreement will remain in effect.

  4. The companion will address Mr. Devonshire as ‘Mr. Devonshire’, ‘Sir’ or by some other respectful title. The companion will never address Mr. Devonshire in the familiar while acting as companion. To do so will result in a consequence of his choosing.

  5. The companion will perform any task, exclusive of previously agreed upon hard limits, Mr. Devonshire requests to the best of her ability immediately and without complaint.

  6. The companion will welcome any corrections Mr. Devonshire chooses to offer.

  7. The companion will learn to anticipate Mr. Devonshire’s needs.

  8. The companion will never question Mr. Devonshire’s motives or commands. However, if the companion needs clarification, she will respectfully ask for further instruction. The companion will always be honest. Lying is deemed a very serious misdeed and will result in an immediate and severe consequence.

  9. The companion will always place Mr. Devonshire’s needs, preferences and commands before her own.

  10. The companion will conduct herself in a submissive, subservient manner at all times while in Mr. Devonshire’s presence or in the presence of anyone he chooses to give her to. Should Mr. Devonshire choose to use this companion as a gift, the companion will view the recipient in the same light as she does Mr. Devonshire, thereby agreeing to follow all of the above mentioned rules.

  Mr. Devonshire further agrees to the following.

  1. Mr. Devonshire shall always be respectful of the companion’s needs, desires and wishes.

  2. Mr. Devonshire shall always treat the companion as an intelligent and highly valued person.

  3. Mr. Devonshire shall never require the companion to do anything which will interfere with her career.

  4. Mr. Devonshire will never isolate the companion from either her friends or family.

  5. Mr. Devonshire shall enforce all agreed upon rules

  6. Mr. Devonshire shall listen to any concerns, complaints or observations regarding this contract or any other topic which the companion wishes to address. An open line of communication is not only encouraged, but required.

  Not for the first time, Alicia wondered at the wisdom of having signed this agreement. She knew perfectly well that such a document was not legally binding, but somehow it felt as if it were. She wasn’t sure what surprised her the most—actually signing this paper or the relief and excitement coursing through her every time she looked at it.

  She smiled, remembering that her favorite movies had always portrayed strong men and their loving, submissive women. When she was young, she loved watching the reruns of the 1950s sitcoms where the stay-at-home wife catered to her husband’s needs. As a new wife, she had tried to meet Jeffrey’s needs, but had felt like a total failure when she couldn’t make him happy. Once she had even purchased a book written by a submissive wife, secretly wanting a man to both love and dominate her too.

  Well, Alicia, she silently told herself, now’s your chance to explore the life you’ve always wondered about. Don’t chicken out now.

  Finally, Maverick walked into the den. She had waited for over an hour. She looked up at him, noting that not once did he so much as glance at her signature on the document. He simply stared directly into her eyes. Alicia rose to her feet and placed the signed paper into his outstretched hand.

  “Even though it is stated here, I want you to understand that this commitment is, indeed, completely separate from your employment as a chef. Do not jeopardize your career. Any commitments you have to your business will supersede my commands. All you need do is inform me of the conflict and I will excuse you from companionship services,” Maverick stated.

  “Thank you for that,” Alicia said. She had worried about that very thing but was willing to adjust her schedule to meet Maverick’s desires. His consideration and appreciation for her professional requirements warmed her heart. Jeffrey had scoffed at her dreams of owning her own business.

lly, if you would ever like any business advice, you are, of course, free to go to whomever you would like. But know that I have run a successful business for over twenty years. In addition to our private companionship, you should feel free to speak with me on a professional level. Truly, I would be honored to help you with your career.” Maverick smiled, adding true sincerity to his words.

  “Again, thank you, I might very well take you up on that offer. I sometimes have difficulty understanding the finances of my business,” Alicia said.

  “As you are quite new to the world of BDSM, I would like for you to read over the following list and mark any which you feel are a hard limit. Those items, we shall not engage in unless you give me permission to do so. You should also mark any items you consider soft limits.”

  “Soft limits, Sir?” she asked.

  “Yes. Something that you are quite hesitant about but would be willing to consider.”

  “I see.”

  Alicia quickly studied the list he handed her.

  “Scat and urine play would definitely be hard limits,” she stated with a shudder.

  Mr. Devonshire laughed and replied, “Good. That is something that holds no interest for me either.”

  “Fantasy rape is also a hard limit, Sir.”

  “May I ask why?”

  Alicia raised her eyes to meet his and saw only compassion.

  “Because I had a friend in high school raped by her boyfriend. Rape has nothing to do with sexual pleasure in my mind, Sir, but rather represents pain, humiliation and abuse.”

  “I’m so sorry for your friend, Alicia. Again, I agree completely.”

  “Suspension would be a soft limit, I think. I’m not afraid of being bound, but I would be nervous of being totally suspended.”


  “Aside from those, Sir, I would be willing to try anything else on this list knowing that if I used my safe word you would stop,” she decided.

  “Very well. Now,” Maverick began, his eyes becoming a bit darker, “let’s see just how serious you are about your companionship duties.”

  Alicia jumped a bit when, without preamble, Maverick reached beneath her skirt and grabbed her naked arse.

  “Good. You’ve left the knickers at home.” He nodded in approval.

  “I thought you might—” Alicia began.

  She jumped as Maverick’s hand smacked her arse.

  “Oh!” she squealed.

  “That was not a question, my dear. No answer was required. That was also just a bit of a love tap—a gentle indication of a more substantial consequence,” Maverick explained.

  Alicia opened her mouth to respond but then thought better of it. Instead, she simply nodded. If that was a gentle love tap, she would certainly be more conscious of possible consequences to her actions. Despite the slight stinging of her arse, Alicia was amazed to notice the quickening of her heart and the softening of her pussy. Only her father had ever spanked her—and that had been when she was ten and prone to back-talking. That one spanking had cured her of sassing, but she had never imagined that a spanking could elicit excitement. Her eyes widened in wonder at this new sensation.

  “Good.” Maverick voiced his approval when she nodded rather than verbally responded. “Nonetheless, perhaps a demonstration of a consequence would be in order. That way, you will know what to expect. Following that, I believe a demonstration of a reward would also be in order. You would enjoy that, would you not?” Maverick whispered as he pulled Alicia’s head back to rest on his chest.

  “Yes,” Alicia whispered back.

  “Yes?” he sternly questioned.

  “Yes, Sir,” she corrected.

  Alicia felt a sense of loss as Maverick stepped away from her.

  “Follow me.”

  Alicia fell into step behind him, following him up to the second floor. As she climbed the stairs, she hesitated, entranced by the black and white photographs lining the walls. All the models were nude—both male and female. She was mesmerized by one particular photograph. As she continued to study it, she realized she was looking at a close-up view of a woman’s vagina—glossy with moisture, completely devoid of hair, slightly parted so the pussy opening appeared like a warm, welcoming tunnel. Suddenly she realized she had lagged behind Maverick and he was waiting for her at the top of the stairs. Shame rose to her face as she hurried to catch up with him.

  Maverick marched at a crisp pace down a short hallway and unlocked a door.

  “Come in,” he said with a slight bow as he held the door open for her.

  Once inside, Alicia’s eyes widened as she gazed about her. The room was large with a very high ceiling. It was wallpapered in a beautiful forest-green Victorian pattern. Heavy burgundy curtains hung over the narrow windows. Against one wall was a king-sized bed, beautifully made up with pillows, matching shams, bed skirt and quilts. In the center of the room stood a floor-to-ceiling pole—similar to a fireman’s pole. Attached to this were two sets of carabiners, one set close to the ground and the other about seven feet high. Briefly, Alicia wondered about their purpose, but her eyes quickly focused on the back wall.

  Here there could be no mistaking the purpose of the apparatus. Attached to the wall hung a circular device. Its mounting was in the middle of the circle, allowing for it to spin. A large wooden X was attached to the circle with bindings at each end. Alicia stood in shock—not only at the barbarity of the device but also at the assortment of whips, paddles and canes hanging from the wall.

  As she turned, she saw what appeared to be a work-out horse, a locked cabinet, a large bathtub and sink, a cozy dark wooden table flanked by two padded leather wing chairs, a thick, dark green area rug, a bookcase filled with volumes and a small fully stocked wet bar, all placed tastefully about the room. This room was an oasis, a perfect retreat imbued with beauty, serenity and passion.

  Finally, she met Maverick’s eyes. His look almost defied her to turn tail and run, but she set her jaw, cocked her head briefly and lowered her gaze, accepting whatever he planned for her. While her initial response to the room had indeed been pure terror and disbelief, she also could not deny the gathering wetness in her pussy or the flutter of excitement in her heart. She’d often imagined herself in the place of the heroines in books she read. Now, it seemed that Mr. Devonshire was giving her the chance to make her fantasies a reality and she refused to let her fear of the unknown stand in the way.

  “Excellent,” Maverick said. “Sometimes the shock of seeing the playroom so frightens a new companion that he or she nullifies the agreement. I was right about you, Alicia,” he said as he ran a hand down her arm. “You will make an exceptional companion—once you’ve been trained.”

  Alicia smiled. She wanted to please this man.

  “Come,” he said as he led her to the horse. “Remove your clothing—all of it except for the shoes.”

  Alicia did as directed, dropping the skirt and top onto the floor.

  “Greet me,” he said.

  Alicia looked at him in confusion.

  “Teach me, Sir?” she asked.

  “Excellent response. Kneel before me, unhook my belt, lower my trousers and boxers.”

  Alicia did as directed, her hands shaking.

  “You will take me into your mouth, suck until I’m hard. Wrap your hands around my balls and massage them while keeping suction and pressure on my cock. You will continue, never letting your mouth leave me until I direct you otherwise. We’ll try again. Greet me.”

  Alicia glanced up at him once then did as he directed. When his cock entered her mouth, she moaned with pleasure. Giving head was the one sexual activity Jeffrey truly enjoyed. She would go down on him and suck for thirty minutes before her jaw began to ache. Maverick, though, was much larger than Jeffrey had been, and Alicia began to gag slightly as he pushed her head against him, forcing himself deeper into her throat. She involuntarily pulled back, her mouth leaving his rod for a moment.

  “Now, now, remember the directions,” Maveri
ck scolded.

  Alicia contritely licked the length of his shaft—all seven inches—then plunged her mouth over the tip, savoring the taste of him. Despite her expertise, within a few minutes her knees began to ache and her jaw muscles began to clench. Maverick grabbed a handful of her hair, which she had left unbound, and pulled her away.

  “Good. You will perform this task—without mistake or hesitation—each time I instruct you to bestow a greeting.”

  Alicia nodded her understanding.

  “Undress me,” Maverick commanded as he released her hair.

  Alicia quickly completed this task, untying and removing one shoe at a time, then his socks, then slipping off his trousers and boxers. As she removed each article of clothing, she neatly folded it and laid it in a pile. Next, she stood, unbuttoned his shirt and slipped it from his shoulders. Unable to resist, Alicia ran her hand over Maverick’s chest, sighing in appreciation of the muscles beneath the dark, curling hair.

  Maverick grabbed her hands. “I told you to undress me—not to touch me. You are gathering quite a list of mistakes to atone for, my dear. It is time we begin. Go to the St. Andrew’s cross. Stand facing it. Raise your arms and spread your legs so I can bind you to it.”

  Alicia’s head snapped up to meet his eyes. Oh God! Could she do this? But even as she asked herself this question, her feet followed Maverick’s instructions. She began to tremble as Maverick closed the bindings around her wrists and ankles. Already tears gathered in her eyes, and fear overtook desire.

  “This device is named in honor of Andrew, patron saint of Scotland. Did you know that?” he asked.

  “Yes, Sir, I did,” she quietly answered.

  “And did you know how this cross was used?”

  “No, Sir, I don’t.”

  “Quite an interesting story, really. No one knows for sure if it is legend or fact. At this point, it doesn’t matter. By the time Andrew made it to Scotland and had pissed off enough people, he was quite elderly. His executioners did not want to deprive the people of the spectacle of a long death, so to prolong his agony, they turned the traditional cross on its side. The effect is the same, but the poor victim takes much longer to die,” he expounded as he tightened the straps around her wrists.


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