Tasting Pleasure

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Tasting Pleasure Page 4

by Anarie Brady

  “The Romans often used the St. Andrew’s cross to crucify unruly soldiers.” The ankle straps tightened.

  “Of course, they would hang for days without reprieve,” he continued as Alicia began to tremble.

  “You will certainly not be subjected to such barbaric treatment,” he assured her, gently kissing the back of her neck. “You will, however, learn of consequences. You will learn that I notice even very small mistakes—hesitations, stumbles, everything.” He stroked her hair as he spoke soothingly to her.

  Alicia could feel desire rising as Maverick uttered these frightening words in such a smooth, sultry voice.

  He gathered her hair in one hand and draped it over a shoulder. “I will not go easy on you just because this is your initiation. I will expect you to accept everything tonight. You have the right to say enough, but should you do so on this, your first night with me, I will know you are not serious about our relationship and I’ll release you. I need you to trust me and the only way for you to do that is to prove that I will push, but not cross your limits. After this night, however, you will be free to use your safe word without fear of nullifying our agreement.” He ran a hand down her back, cupping her arse. “Do you accept this?”

  “Yes,” she said.

  Maverick’s hand fell hard against her arse. Alicia jumped and cried out at the stinging slap.

  “Yes, what?”

  “Yes, Sir,” she answered.

  “Better. So you understand, I will tell you what is going to happen to you before I engage. In the future, this may or may not occur. First, know that I rarely use my hand to discipline when you are bound. Generally I prefer to place you over my knee whenever I hand spank you.”

  Alicia nodded, too frightened to speak. She couldn’t decide if knowing what was going to happen was better than just being surprised. Maverick’s deep voice held her hypnotized. Still, the more he explained, the more concerned and excited she became.

  “Tell me, Alicia. When you glanced about this room, what device you fear the most?” he asked.

  Alicia thought a moment. “The cane,” she answered. “Sir!” she quickly added.

  Maverick laughed quietly. “In that case, we shall begin with that.”

  Alicia stiffened as she heard him walk to the wall where the instruments hung. She tried to turn her head to see, but could not. She bit her lip, praying for endurance, as her entire body trembled with fear. Unexpectedly, she heard a swish and felt a stinging blow to her left cheek. She screamed and struggled against her bindings as the pain ripped through her. Before that scream had ended, another began as Maverick continued to cane her arse, leaving three red welts on each cheek. Alicia leaned her forehead against the wall and cried when the last stripe was added.

  “I like symmetry,” he whispered. “Whatever I deliver to one side, I will deliver to the other. Luckily, I am talented and experienced enough to administer your stripes with precision. You should be grateful.”

  “I am, Mr. Devonshire. Thank you,” Alicia heard herself saying. Despite the blinding pain, Alicia knew her pussy now dripped with wetness. She could not remember having ever been so excited. If Maverick wanted symmetry, so be it. If he wanted her arse to bleed, so be it. The thought of her body pleasing him consumed Alicia’s mind.

  I will endure. I will obey. I am strong, she silently repeated until the words became a mantra.

  “Now we’ll move on to leather. Your arse is marked with three lovely red lines on each cheek which will, over the course of the next few hours, develop a deliciously rich hue. They will be tender for several days, but should not cause you undue pain. If, however, you develop bruising, you will tell me. I have no desire to harm you, and each person’s skin reacts differently to the cane. I need to know if my hand has been too heavy so I can adjust for you. Do you understand?” he asked.

  “Yes, Mr. Devonshire, I understand.”

  “Still, I find that a lighter red complements the darker lines.” He ran his hand gently over the raised stripes.

  “I will administer an equal number of swats to each cheek of your posterior until I achieve the best color complement, no matter how many swats it takes. To do this, I will use a leather-covered oval paddle. Are you ready?”

  “Yes, Mr. Devonshire, I’m ready,” Alicia answered as she braced herself. She closed her eyes and tried to imagine what Maverick must be seeing—a narrow waist, round, taut cheeks now marked with bright red welts. Despite, or perhaps because of, the stinging pain, Alicia’s heart pumped with excitement.

  She jumped as the paddle landed repeatedly on her already hurting arse. She kept count in her head for a while but ceased all thinking after twenty swats first to one cheek, then the other. She dropped her head, softly crying, but accepting each stroke. Not once did she squirm to avoid a blow. As tightly as she was bound, she could move very little anyway, but she so wanted to prove herself to this man!

  I will obey. I am strong, she ordered herself.

  Finally the paddle stopped. Alicia, breathing heavily, could hardly believe the wetness between her thighs. She had never experienced this level of excitement.

  “Lovely. Your bottom will be hot and tender all evening and perhaps even into the morning hours. I don’t believe, though, that you will have any long lasting markings from the paddle this time, but if you do, you will inform me,” Maverick said as he unbound her from the circle and led her to the horse. Alicia, pushed beyond all rational thought, mutely followed her Master. When he pressed her across the horse and instructed her to grasp the legs, she did so instinctively.

  “Spread your legs a bit more,” Maverick directed.

  Bent over the horse, Alicia could see hers and Maverick’s legs. He stood just behind her, massaging her smarting arse. She closed her eyes in pleasure, soothed by his strong hands stroking her sensitive flesh. She jumped slightly as she felt something cold enter her anus.

  “Yes, I know your poor pussy is probably crying out for a bit of company by now, but it will be disappointed tonight. Tonight I am going to fuck only your arse since you did not mark that as either a soft or hard limit,” Maverick said as he worked in more of the lubricant.

  Alicia shook her head in protest, but said nothing. He was right. She had seen anal sex on the list and had not marked it. In truth, she had always wondered what it would feel like to be taken there.

  “By the time I finish, your arsehole as well as your arse will be sore and tender. You will feel the effects of this first training for days.” He reached beneath the horse and firmly tweaked her hardened nipples.

  “Still, you will want me again and again. You will beg me to use your body just for the pleasure of pleasing me. You will kneel before me, offering me your bum, your pussy, your breasts, your anus. You will offer me everything.” He pressed his penis against her anus. “You will do anything, accept anything, if only I will relieve the loneliness, the desperation living inside your poor, neglected pussy,” he whispered into her ear.

  Alicia closed her eyes and sighed, knowing he spoke the truth. She began to breathe faster as Maverick eased himself inside. She felt herself tighten, resisting this intrusion into her most private parts. Maverick rested a moment, allowing her body to adjust to his presence. Suddenly he plunged deep within her. Alicia cried out, grasping the legs of the horse tightly, willing herself to relax, to accept, to please Maverick—Mr. Devonshire, she corrected herself. Alicia’s body finally accepted him and her tears dripped on the floor. Rather than feeling pain, she felt nothing but a delicious fullness. The tears she shed were of joy. She had never been so proud of herself and she reveled in the touch of his hands on her hips, steadying her, pulling her into each thrust.

  He murmured gentle words, intoxicating phrases that soothed her, excited her, sent thrills through her entire being. She shivered with her need for him even as the exquisite pain pulsed through her body. Her breath quickened and she clung to the moment, wanting to experience everything he had to give her, everything she could give him
. His voice mesmerized her, sending her spiraling higher and higher until color again exploded inside her mind as her orgasm sent wave upon wave of pleasure through her body.

  Never had she experienced such sensations. Somewhere in the mists of the explosion she felt stirrings of more than just physical pleasure. She wanted, more than anything in the world, to please this man and she knew without a doubt that she would do whatever he required of her. Not only would she give him her body, she was willing to give him her heart. The realization that she was falling in love with Mr. Devonshire drew her back to the moment and she became vaguely aware of his ragged breathing and one final plunge deep into her arse. She closed her eyes, allowing herself to drift off again on the sea of delight he brought her.

  Slowly she became aware of Maverick again. His movements had stopped. He was no longer inside her but continued to stroke her back gently. The repetitive movement calmed her and he continued the stroking until her breathing returned to normal, but her heartbeat still raced. Love? How could she love this man already? Still, she knew that she did. She had heard of love at first sight and had scoffed at it. Her grandmother had often told her to mind her words, because someday she might have to eat them. Once again, her grandmother’s wisdom had proved itself.

  “That, dear Alicia, was your reward. When you please me, I will place my seed inside you, as I did tonight. If you disappoint me, I will spread it over your body. Stand up, now,” Maverick murmured into her ear.

  Alicia gratefully complied. Maverick cupped her face in his hands and gently kissed her.

  “Come,” he said, leading her to one of the cushioned chairs. “Sit and rest for a while. You’ve done well—very well actually. It’s been a long time since a companion performed so admirably on her initiation night. Remember all you’ve learned. When you’re ready, you may bathe if you wish, then dress yourself and leave.”

  “But, Mav—ah—Mr. Devonshire, I thought I would be staying,” she said, glancing at the large bed.

  Maverick laughed. “Not tonight. Some other time, yes, but I think you’ve experienced enough for this first time. I will call you tomorrow, perhaps. Perhaps I’ll wait a few days. Whenever I call, though,” he added sternly, “be sure to follow my instructions.”

  Alicia nodded, her arse still smarting from the recent lesson. It took all her willpower not to sigh, disappointed that her time with Mr. Devonshire was over.

  * * * *

  Later that night as she prepared for bed in her own flat, she glanced into a mirror, shocked by the dark red lines and the lingering pinkness of her arse. She tenderly ran a hand over her bottom, feeling the raised welts with her fingers. Despite the discomfort, she found that Maverick had been correct. Rather than dwelling on the residual pain, Alicia felt pride in knowing she had willingly endured Mr. Devonshire’s consequences and that the sight of her marked arse had pleased him. The remaining soreness reminded Alicia of her ability to accept what Mr. Devonshire required. Yawning broadly, Alicia realized just how exhausted she truly was. Snuggling beneath the covers, she smiled and drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter Four

  Mashed Cauliflower

  1 head cauliflower, trimmed

  1/2 cup cream

  1/4 cup butter (1 stick)



  1 clove garlic

  1/4 cup Parmesan Cheese

  Boil cauliflower and garlic in salted water until tender. Drain. Blend with all other ingredients until smooth.

  Over the next few months, Alicia adjusted to her new lifestyle. She made many mistakes and suffered through many consequences. If someone had told her six months ago that she would crave the feel of leather on her flesh, she would have scoffed. Now, however, she looked forward to her consequences. Mr. Devonshire wanted the best for her. She trusted him and his instruction. Apparently she had pleased him, because a few months into her contract Mr. Devonshire announced they would be going to a special auction.

  Having grown up in the Midwest, Alicia had attended a fair number of auctions, but never one like this. Mr. Devonshire had sent her a sheer length of cloth and instructions on how to wrap the material in a toga-like manner. After several tries, Alicia had finally managed the task. Standing before her mirror, she blushed at her reflection. The thin material barely hid her skin. Her pink nipples and curly strip of pubic hair were clearly visible. Surely Mr. Devonshire wouldn’t take her to an auction dressed only in this.

  “Alicia, you look stunning,” he said when he arrived at her door.

  Alicia’s eyes widened and her juices began to flow. She had never seen Mr. Devonshire in a tuxedo. The effect was quite devastating.

  “Lock your door and we’ll be on our way.”

  “Like this?” she squeaked. “I’m practically naked!”

  Mr. Devonshire’s eyes narrowed. “Yes, and if you don’t want to be totally naked, you will do as you’re told.”

  Alicia snapped her mouth shut and ducked her head as he escorted her to his car. To her consternation, he remained silent during the short trip, and she did not utter a word either. He parked in front of a small, elegant building. A discreet sign on the door read Diamonds: Private Club. Members and their guests only.

  She clutched his arm as he guided her into the building. Once inside, she covertly glanced around and saw both men and women dressed in elegant evening wear. Again she blushed, knowing they could all easily see her entire body. Suddenly, though, she realized that while a few people had looked in her direction, no one seemed particularly surprised at her attire. Placing a hand against the small of her back, Mr. Devonshire guided her into a small room where several other people, both male and female, wearing similar sheer togas, waited.

  “Welcome to the Diamonds, Alicia,” he said. “You will wait here with the other companions.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she responded, “but might I be so bold as to ask what I am waiting for?”

  “Good. This, as you may have guessed, is a private club for Dominants and their companions. Tonight we are holding an auction for charity. Each companion will stand on the block and we, the Doms, will bid for his or her services for a twenty-four hour period of time.”

  Alicia did not respond verbally but she began to tremble.

  “You will,” he continued, “not dishonor me. You will be a model companion when you are placed on the block, will you not?”

  “As you wish, Sir,” she answered.

  “Excellent.” He smiled. “But you should be aware that the one rule is that a Dom is not allowed to bid on his or her own companion. You will, I have no doubt, show the same respect to whomever wins you that you show to me. It is, after all, part of your contract, is it not?”

  Fear crept along her spine. How could she possibly submit to a complete stranger? Still, she found herself nodding her acceptance.

  “Don’t worry, my sweet,” Mr. Devonshire assured her as he dropped a kiss on her head. “I would never allow anyone but someone I trust to win your services. Remember, you have control of the safe word and I assure you, it will be honored.”

  She put on a brave smile and kissed him goodbye. She then patiently waited in line with the other companions. No one spoke. Glancing around the room, she met the gaze of one young man who apparently noticed her confusion. He smiled encouragingly. He also pointed to a sign above the door.

  Once in this room, no companion will speak unless spoken to. If a need arises, a companion may knock on the door and speak to the guard. A good companion always pleases his or her Master. To do otherwise will incur a public consequence.

  Alicia’s eyes widened as she read the sign but she found that, despite her fears, she was also quite excited by the prospect of being on an auction block. Her excitement increased as the line became shorter and shorter. She could hear through the door the auctioneer’s voice and the bang of a gavel.

  When her time came to step in front of the crowd, she wasn’t sure what to expect. The auctioneer, a short, heavyset man, assisted her a
s she stepped onto the wooden block.

  “Item number seven on tonight’s agenda—Alicia, newly trained companion to Mr. Maverick Devonshire.”

  This brought a few oohs and aahs from the audience.

  “As you can see,” he continued, “not only is she quite beautiful, but look at all this lovely hair.” He turned her around and lifted her braid.

  “I want to see it unbound,” a voice from the crowd shouted.

  “Certainly,” the auctioneer agreed.

  Within moments, her hair was freely flowing about her shoulders, the curling ends touching her lower back.

  The bids continued to rise. Alicia was amazed at the amount. Apparently though, the auctioneer was not quite satisfied. He slowly began to turn her around and unwrap her toga until she stood naked and shivering on the bare wooden block. She desperately wanted to cover herself with her hands but resolved to stand tall. She would not be less than the perfect companion Maverick had trained. More appreciative comments came from the audience and the bidding continued.

  Despite the bright lights, she could see Mr. Devonshire standing at a distance. His arms were crossed, but he smiled encouragingly at her. Seeing this, Alicia felt a surge of confidence. She lifted her chin, carefully kept her eyes lowered and stood a bit straighter. She brought in the highest bid of the evening.

  Once her auction ended, she walked back into the waiting room where her temporary Master waited. To her relief, Mr. Devonshire was also there.

  “Alicia, let me introduce Spiro to you. He has been a friend of mine for years. I couldn’t be happier that he has won your services,” he stated. “You will, I have no doubt, make me proud. Go with him now. I will come to pick you up tomorrow evening.”

  Alicia was terrified. Neither Maverick nor Spiro allowed her to put on clothing. Spiro simply slipped a cape around her shoulders and she walked barefoot to his car. Worse than being naked though were her uncertainties. How would she know how to please him? What if she didn’t, would both he and Mr. Devonshire be disappointed in her? If she didn’t perform well, would Mr. Devonshire want to end her contract? She began to breathe heavily, tears pushing against the backs of her eyes. She trembled during the quick drive to the hotel where Spiro had booked a suite.


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