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Fear in Her Eyes (Fire & Vice Book 5)

Page 3

by Nikita Slater


  What. The. Fuck. Was. She. Doing?

  She picked up a long, thick vibrating toy from beside her bed and began pressing buttons. He could tell from the light coming in her window that it was pink and, aside from the obvious penis attachment, it also had a smaller part curving out from it. She held it up in front of her face, as though she could see it. She stuck her tongue out and licked the damn thing from stem to tip. His heart stuttered in his chest, a response he thought combat training had desensitized him to years ago.

  Then she slowly ran the thing down her body, vibrating it first against one puffy nipple and then against the other. Apparently the attention to her nipples was exactly right because she started moaning and spreading her legs at the knees. She lowered the vibrator down her curved belly while her other hand continued plucking at her sensitive nipples. Her moans of pleasure filled the air.

  He knew the moment the vibrator found her clit because she let out a tiny scream and bounced against the bed as the shock went through her. She bit her lip and forced herself to take the jolt against the most sensitive part of her. Sweat broke out on his forehead and he had to shake his head to keep his concentration. He needed to take note. His girl liked a little bit of pain, which was going to help her deal with him a whole lot better.

  “Oh god!” she moaned out loud when she began pressing the length of the vibrator into her pussy. It went about halfway in and then met with resistance. She panted and wiggled her hips against the mattress.

  He gripped the doorknob of her bedroom door and squeezed with every ounce of longing he felt to stop himself from leaping onto the bed, tearing the vibrating toy out of her slim fingers and slamming himself into her instead. He wanted to fuck Addison more than he’d wanted anything, ever. Including his freedom from the North Korean work camp.

  When she reached down her body, he released the doorknob from his lethal grip and stepped closer to the bed so he could see what she was doing. She used the fingers of one hand to pull her labia apart while her other hand worked the toy deeper into her vagina. Her laboured pants filled the air as she braced her feet against the mattress and pressed her hips up, fucking the toy.

  Carefully, with as much stealth as he was capable of, Daniel placed his knee on the end of her bed and leaned over. He was pleased to see that she managed to get the entire thing in, because he was nearly twice as big as her toy. He watched in awe and jealousy as she used her pink vibrator to pleasure herself. The part that curved from the front was pressed against her clit, vibrating that sensitive part of her, while the plastic penis massaged her from the inside.

  Clever toy, he thought. Unsure if he wanted to break it the moment he got his hands on it or use it to torture her. He could tell she was getting close to coming. Her hips came right off the bed and her moans became higher pitched and closer together.

  His lips twitched. She wouldn’t be a quiet lover.

  Unable to help himself, Daniel leaned over her until he was nearly on top of her. His muscles strained with the effort it took to balance so much on so little surface area, but he was an expert. He had once killed a man who had been reading quietly in his bed, completely alert to the world around him, yet hadn’t heard or seen Daniel coming. A blind woman in the throes of an orgasm didn’t stand a chance.

  Addison threw her head back into her pillows and screamed, thrusting her hips into the air so far they nearly touched his face. He battled the need to close the distance and take just one lick. She might not even notice, she was so far gone in her own pleasure. Instead he comforted himself by inhaling her scent deep into his lungs, memorizing her. Savouring her while she came.

  Then the moment passed and she collapsed into the mattress.

  He moved swiftly off the bed as her foot stretched out and landed in the spot where he had just been kneeling. He watched her for a few seconds more as she came down from the high of her orgasm before turning away and swiftly leaving her apartment. He knew if he stayed one moment longer he would join her in that bed. And he couldn’t bring himself to destroy her carefully ordered world.

  Not just yet.


  Addison stretched beneath the fluffy quilt and enjoyed the warmth of the sunshine streaming in through her window. She loved weekends for this exact purpose. Sleeping in as late as she possibly could and rising late in the day with her high East facing window. She smiled and rubbed her face against the softness of her impossibly high thread count sheets. It had taken her several years of hard work and many side jobs to earn enough money to afford the perks she appreciated in life. She made damn sure she enjoyed those luxuries now that she had them.

  She luxuriated in the sensation of her naked body against the sheets as she slid out of bed and the slight pull of muscles from her playtime the night before. With a sigh of satisfaction she, made her way down the hall toward the shower. While the water heated up, she poured herself a coffee from the freshly brewed pot and turned on her laptop to play the news. As she showered she thought about all of the things she could do with her Sunday. She didn't really have any pressing errands to run, except perhaps to restock a few perishable groceries.

  Maybe she would visit Zeke at Strings & Bows and see if he had anything new to show her. He made it his mission in life to find sheet music that could challenge the orchestra's First Chair. She always rose to the occasion for him. Yes, she thought, Zeke's shop was close to River Park, one of her favourite places for an afternoon stroll. Afterward, she could take the subway to the grocery store to pick up what she needed for the week. She would still have a few hours left to practice for work tomorrow. Maestro was a great friend to her, but he was also a slave driver when his instruments weren't on task. He wasn't afraid to knock the orchestra down to size when they weren't performing to his standards. Which was hardly ever.

  Having decided on her Sunday activities, Addison put on a long jersey skirt, white tank top and jean jacket. Long skirts and T-shirts with lightweight jackets or cardigans were staples of her wardrobe. They were easy for her to put on, comfortable and relatively safe from wardrobe malfunctions. She brushed her long, curly hair and shook the waves out, down her back, wondering for the hundredth time why she didn't just cut it all off. Why bother with a vanity she couldn't even see?

  Addison decided she'd also indulge in breakfast out, rather than eating her usual bowl of cereal and fruit, and made her way out of the apartment and into the hallway. She smiled and greeted one of her neighbours as she passed his door. He was reaching for his Sunday paper. He always managed to time it around the same time as she was leaving her place. She wondered if he had a little crush on her or if he was just curious. He was so quiet she couldn't really tell how old he was or what he looked like.

  Humming to herself, she took the requisite 34 steps to the elevator and pushed the button. It opened immediately and she stepped in. She really hoped Zeke had music for her today. She was in the mood for something new. Her body ached with a reminder of the night before. She felt restless. Perhaps it was time to take a new lover. It had been a while – more than a year – since her last one. The relationship hadn't ended well. Graham had been clingy and unwilling to give her the space she needed until she finally had to end it. His constant presence in her life hadn't been worth his lacklustre presence in her bedroom.

  Addison knew she was picky. She wondered who she would choose this time. It was always fun to choose a lover. She stayed well away from the orchestra. She had ears and the fallout of relationship disasters among musicians ended in bad music. She wasn't willing to destroy a man's career by screwing up his music. Literally. She snickered at her own bad pun.

  The elevator dinged and the door swished open. Addison opened her walking cane, stepped off the elevator and into a gunfight.

  She knew immediately something was wrong. Tension was thick in the air and a woman gasped out loud the moment Addison stepped out from the elevator. She could smell something coppery like blood, and dust was heavy in
the air of the lobby. She didn't know what was happening, but she did understand that standing out in the open like she was made her a target. Addison dropped her cane, fell to her knees and rolled onto her side just as someone opened fire with a gun. The shots echoed loudly to her sensitive ears dragging shrieks of fear from her. Addison covered her ears and whimpered.

  She frantically wondered what she should do. The shots made her ears ring and completely disoriented her. She had no idea which way to crawl. She could be crawling toward the men shooting at her or crawling toward safety, she had no idea. Instead, she lay frozen on the ground, fully expecting to die at any second.

  Without warning, a heavy weight slammed into her and she was pulled hard into the unyielding strength of a man’s body. A jolt of awareness went racing through her. Addison screamed, her hands coming out to push against a hard chest. Gunfire spat relentlessly, taking chunks out of the marble lobby. She felt the man jerk against her as bullets slammed all around them.

  “Motherfucker!” he snarled in her ear.

  She barely had a second to wonder if the guy holding on to her was hit when he pulled her roughly against him and lunged sideways. Addison’s frantic mind latched onto the fact that he wasn’t immediately killing her and held onto him tightly while he pulled her to what she hoped was safety.

  As if confirming her words, he spoke softly to her while releasing her onto the hard floor, “You’re safe.”

  She was about to speak, when he turned away from her and snapped at someone else, “Get your ass back here!”

  Addison frowned and felt a rush of air around her as another person, wearing a cloud of expensive perfume, came around the side of what she assumed was the reception desk and dropped down beside her. Addison jumped when she felt a hand on her arm, then forced herself to relax. She was pretty sure whoever was shooting would make their feelings known with bullets, not hesitant touches. Normally she didn’t mind being visually impaired, but she could positively say now that it sucked be blind during a gun fight.

  “Are you hurt?” a woman asked, grabbing her shoulder. Addison winced, realizing she must have bruised it when she hit the ground. “I’m not going to hurt you,” the woman continued, sounding concerned.

  Addison frowned and pushed herself up to a sitting position, hoping she wasn't going to get her head shot off. “Wha…what’s happening?” she asked shakily.

  “We’re being shot at,” the other woman said quickly, her hand still tight on Addison’s arm.

  Addison rolled her eyes. “I’m blind, not stupid. I figured that much out from the shooting sounds! Why are we being shot at in what’s supposed to be one of the most secure and safe buildings in the city? Tyson King lives here, for the love of god! This place should be a fortress.”

  The other woman paused for a moment, taking in Addison’s sarcasm and then said, “Of course, you’re right. I’m Claudia, Tyson’s… girlfriend. And the guy that grabbed you is Daniel Mercer, Tyson’s head of security. If anyone can keep us safe until help arrives it’s him.”

  Addison’s quick mind read between the lines. There was a good chance the reason they were being shot at was because Tyson King lived in the building. Being a high profile billionaire businessman made him the most likely target. Or said businessman’s undoubtedly beautiful girlfriend. Which meant Addison just got off the elevator at the wrong time. FML.

  After contemplating the absurd situation, she decided there was no use in being standoffish. After all, Claudia and Daniel had saved her life when they could have left her to die. Finally she said, “My name is Addison Sterling… Addie.”

  “Hi Addie,” Claudia said into her ear over the sound of gunfire. “It’s nice to meet you.”

  The absurdity of their polite meeting hit both women and they laughed together quietly crouched on the floor. Claudia clutched onto Addison for dear life while Daniel held their position. Addison could hear him breathing where he crouched next to them. Unlike the evening before when she’d felt nothing but empty, cold space where he stood, she now felt a raging inferno. He wanted the shooters dead and he was happy to be doing it. She felt the emotion as strongly as though it were raging within herself. Blood lust.

  Why was she suddenly so connected to him? She was usually aware of other people. But not like this. She didn’t even know the guy. Yet she felt every breath he took right now as if it were her own. She could almost see through his eyes when he turned his head to look toward the elevators when the stairway doors banged open, exposing them to a new threat. Claudia stiffened in fear, but Daniel remained relaxed. Addison did too. The person or people coming through the door must belong to him. She trusted him to get them safely through this situation.

  Daniel shouted at his guys, who apparently used the stairway for cover and drove the shooters away. In a matter of seconds, the entire ordeal was ended. The silence was so sudden Addison’s ears rang and she barely noticed when Claudia’s body was jerked away from her and the other woman was forced to stand up.

  Addison pushed herself up onto her knees and then got awkwardly to her feet, blinking rapidly to clear the tears forming from dust particles in the air. She had nothing to use for balance and the ringing in her ears made her completely unable to situate herself. Daniel Mercer was talking to someone. Addison shook her head and turned in the direction of his voice. It was deep and quiet, but deadly. Not to be taken lightly.

  “Is the penthouse still secure?” Mercer asked his men.

  “Yeah, I think so,” muttered someone close by. “We caught these bastards on their way up. They had equipment to break through the reinforced stairwell door, but didn’t get that far.”

  “Good. Take her upstairs,” he snapped. Addison felt movement and assumed Claudia was being shoved toward one of the other bodyguards. “King is on his way, he’ll want to see her safe. Stay with her until he arrives. Sweep the penthouse for good measure.”

  Turning slightly, Daniel said, “Stay for the police report. Give only the necessary information. They can talk to me if they have a problem. Have the rest of our guys sweep the building. I’ll be with Miss Sterling in her apartment, suite 1210.”

  Addison gasped. How did he know where she lived? She was beginning to feel very vulnerable in the midst of these people she didn’t know.

  “I’m not going anywhere with you,” Addison snapped crossly. She felt a hand reach out and give hers a quick squeeze and then it was gone. Claudia’s idea of reassurance?

  “I heard what you said to that other guy. You know where I live, which under any other circumstances would make me extremely uncomfortable. But since I just survived some kind of Wild West showdown, I’m just going to be grateful for my life and not question why you seem to know my name and apartment number. But I’ll thank you to leave me the hell alone. I don’t know you and I don’t trust you.”

  Having said that, Addison would’ve loved to make a dignified exit. She turned to do just that, but tripped over something and slammed into the ridiculously hard body of Daniel Mercer. His arms closed around her and he set her back on her feet impatiently.

  “You’re coming with me,” he growled, shifting his grip on her arm. She heard the ding of the leaving elevator.

  Addison gasped, when without warning he began pulling her behind him toward the elevators. He stopped to pick something up and then waited for a free elevator. She burned to shout at him, but she was disoriented, upset, grateful for her life and battling a potential panic attack, which she hadn’t suffered since childhood. She felt the whoosh of the arriving elevator and was about to step forward when he yanked her in behind him. She stumbled forward and impacted with his body once more.

  Impatiently she stepped back and snapped, “It’s rude to lead a blind person around like a cow or… or a dog!”

  He didn’t say anything for a minute. She felt his eyes on her and out of habit dropped her eyelids so he wouldn’t have to look into her unfocused, empty eyes. She was surprised to feel a surge of anger from him and would h
ave stepped back if he hadn’t been holding her firmly in place.

  “Is it also rude to save a blind woman’s life?” he drawled insolently.

  Addison felt her temper rise, and lifted her chin in response. What exactly was that supposed to mean? Did he expect something from her? Out loud she said, “I’m grateful to you for pulling me out of the way.”

  “Doesn’t seem like it.”

  Addison drew her breath in sharply and counted to three. “Thank you very much, Mr. Mercer, for saving my life.”

  He didn’t say anything. Instead, he took her arm once more in his too tight grip and stepped off the elevator with her when they arrived on her floor. She tugged impotently against his hold, but he ignored her. She was becoming angrier by the second. This man was completely barbaric! She was beginning to see exactly what Maestro meant.

  She gasped when he pulled her purse away from her and opened it. “Hey!” she snapped, when she heard the jingle of keys.

  He opened the door and, with a hard hand on her back, ushered her into her apartment, closed and locked the door behind them. Addison swiftly stepped back from him, away from his dominating presence. He followed her down the hall, dropping her purse carelessly on the floor.

  Addison wondered how she ever felt empty space surrounding him. He was anything but ‘empty’ to her now. Physically he was large, looming, hard and unmoving. Inside though, he was a seething mass of scorching emotion she couldn’t even begin to understand. He felt… hot, angry, restless, triumphant. Maybe it was the aftermath of the gunfight? She’d heard of people having feelings of unreleased aggression after extreme situations.

  Addison licked her suddenly dry lips and she felt a jolt run through him, as though he was stopping himself from grabbing her. She stumbled back another step. “Can I… can I get something for you? A glass of water?”

  He didn’t say anything, completely ignoring her question.


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