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Fear in Her Eyes (Fire & Vice Book 5)

Page 12

by Nikita Slater


  Claudia laughed, “Okay fine, he’s utterly terrifying. The first time I met him, my first thought was that I should never, ever run into him alone in a dark alley, despite how damn sexy he is.”

  “So… he’s hot?” Addison asked, genuinely curious.

  “How the fuck do I keep forgetting you can't see?”

  Addison shrugged. “Takes getting used to I guess.”

  Claudia laughed again. “Fuck, you’re hilarious Addie. I have to introduce you to my friend Anya, I think you two would be deadly together. All I’m going to say about Daniel is that in the time I’ve known him he’s never looked at a single other person, place or thing the way he looks at you. What little I’ve gotten out of Tyson is that Daniel wants you bad and he’s never wanted a woman this way before. In fact, Tyson was pretty sure Daniel was a machine before you came along. So my man is pretty happy about you.”

  “Reeaaallly…” Addison said, trying not to sound too pleased. She wasn’t entirely sure what she wanted out of her relationship with Daniel. Or if she even wanted a relationship with a man like Daniel.

  But it was hard to deny the leap her heart took at Claudia’s words.

  Claudia bounced on the seat beside her and grabbed her arm again. Addison had to control the urge not to flinch. It was an old urge that sometimes took her by surprise, especially when someone grabbed her arm in just the wrong way.

  “Okay, no more getting off subject, we need to deal with this stalker!”

  “We?” Addison asked, with an arched brow.

  “We!” said Claudia firmly. “I’m not letting you deal with this alone anymore. Psycho doesn't get to fuck with my new personal cello player.”

  Laughter bubbled up in Addison despite herself. “Just don’t expect me to follow you around all day playing to your moods. That thing gets heavy.”

  “Okay, how about this? You play for me on special occasions and I introduce you to a friend of a friend. She’s a private detective that might agree to take your case. I heard she’s tough as nails, determined as fuck to find the bad guy and has a soft spot for hard luck cases.”

  “But I’m well above the minimum income level as evidenced by this swanky condo I’m living in, and my new friend is dating a billionaire. I don’t see how she’ll believe I’m a hard luck case,” Addison pointed out sceptically.

  Addison could practically feel Claudia rolling her eyes as she pushed herself off the plush couch and onto her heeled feet. “You’re blind, woman! How much more hard luck does it get? Plus, we pay her bucketloads of money. She’s a PI, last I heard Private Detectives have to eat too.”


  “Who are the flowers from?” Daniel demanded.

  Addison jumped and whirled around. As always she hadn’t heard Daniel enter the apartment, let alone the kitchen. One minute she was alone rinsing vegetables, contemplating her screwed up relationship to an emotionally stunted possible stalker and the next moment he was standing there beside her.

  “Well hello, good to see you too,” she said, sarcasm leaking into her voice. “How was work, honey? And how are you doing this evening?”

  He reached out and took the vegetables from her hands, turned the water off and then pulled her into the circle of his arms. She shivered as she was reminded once again of his easy strength as the steel smoothness of his muscles brushed against the softness of her plush skin. He held her easily, but she was under no illusion that she would escape from his hold if he wanted her there.

  “Don’t be flip,” he said, brushing his hand across her lips in warning before placing his hand around the back of her neck. “Asked you a question. Who are the flowers from, Addison?”

  For all of two seconds she thought about not answering, just to annoy him. The perverse side of her wanted to see what he would do, but the side of her that was too scared to push him won. “Claudia Cantore brought them,” she said.

  He grunted.

  Then, without another word he reached down, took her hand and began pulling her toward the door. Addison made a sound of protest that was, of course, ignored. Daniel rarely listened to a word she said. Which was one of the things she was finding so frustrating about their non-relationship.

  “Please, Daniel, I was about to make my supper. I need to eat something!” she protested as he dragged her into the elevator. She felt the elevator ascend and assumed they must be going up to his place.

  “We’ll eat at my place,” he growled.

  “But I wanted to eat food…”

  She trailed off when he grabbed her by the neck and shoved her into the side of the elevator. She gasped, but his lips cut her off in a searing kiss that quickly told her exactly why they were going to his place. Her arguments for wanting to eat supper were quickly scattering under the onslaught of his skilled lips and tongue as they devoured her.

  His hips thrust into the cradle of her thighs and he squeezed her breast hard enough to draw a cry from her, which he swallowed in another devouring kiss. When the elevator stopped, he grabbed Addison by the arm and in a swooping movement picked her up and tossed her easily over his shoulder. Addison shrieked in surprise.

  A masculine chuckle followed them from the surveillance area, which made Daniel freeze in his tracks. Addison held her breath, feeling the deadly undercurrents.

  “Daniel,” she whispered.

  He turned and looked at whoever had dared to notice the boss and his woman. He stabbed a finger at the guy. “Fired,” he snarled, “pack your shit.”

  He ignored the spluttered protest and turned with Addison to proceed toward his apartment. Addison’s own libido had cooled significantly. She couldn’t believe he would just fire someone so carelessly. He opened the door to his apartment and strode in, dumping her on the bed after he kicked the door shut.

  Addison shot up in protest. “How could you do that, Daniel! How could you just fire someone for laughing? I mean, you were carrying me around like some kind of caveman. I’m sure it was amusing to the casual observer.”

  She heard his growl of frustration and the tread of his feet across the floor as he paced away from her. “My men know better than to have independent thought while on the job, unless its about the job.”

  “What?” Addison said, stunned. “You can’t be serious? That’s absurdly autocratic! They can’t even laugh or joke? And I thought the Maestro could be a jerk, you’re the worst boss ever!”

  Suddenly Daniel was on the bed with her, shoving her back into the enveloping bedding and covering her body with his, crushing her into the mattress. She gasped and brought her hands up against his hard chest. Her heart sped up as her fingers brushed against solid muscle.

  “I don’t want to hear about your Maestro,” he growled from over top of her. He wrapped his fingers around her throat and held her still while his lips explored her neck and shoulder. Addison shivered as familiar warmth spread through her. “My men have to be professional. Anything else could cost a life, including theirs. Mistakes aren’t an option in our line of work.”

  Addison moaned as his free hand yanked the neckline of her top and bra down and squeezed her breast roughly. She arched into his hands, pressing herself up into the heat of his body, silently begging for more. He alternated breasts, squeezing and pinching her nipples while she writhed underneath him.

  “My girl likes it like this,” he breathed in her ear, biting her shoulder through the fabric of her shirt. He reached down, yanked up her skirt and slid a thick finger into the folds of her warm, wet pussy.

  “God, yes!” Addison cried out.

  Daniel pulled his finger out of her and licked it before pulling right off of her and yanking her off the bed with him. Addison gave a yell of shock and protest at the sudden movement.

  Dizzy from his intense touches, she would have collapsed if he hadn’t been holding her so tightly. He stripped her quickly and easily of all of her clothes. She was too far gone in her own world of lust to protest the loss of her clothes. She shivered sli
ghtly when her bare feet touched the concrete floor, but he was quick to move her onto the carpeted area at the foot of the bed. The rug was new. As was the noticeable warmer temperature he kept his apartment at.

  Her protest came when he reached for her wrists and pulled them together and then up high over her head until she was almost up on her toes. He reached over her for something, his hard chest brushing against her back. He looped something around her wrists and then tightened it before dropping his hands. He let her struggle for a moment, testing the strength of her bonds.

  “Daniel!” she gasped. “What are you doing?”

  He had pushed her limits so far as dominating her in the bedroom, but he hadn’t tried tying her up before that first time with the belt of her bathrobe. Though she knew he would want to eventually, she didn’t think it would happen this quickly and somehow she thought maybe it would be a conversation between the two of them. She should have known better. Daniel rarely did anything that required actual conversation.

  “Trust me,” he said.

  “Absolutely not!” she responded immediately.

  He chuckled, the sound was eerily unused. “Tough,” he said. “Because you’re going to fucking love it, whether you want to or not.”

  “Daniel…” Addison breathed pleadingly, not sure what she was asking for.

  He ignored her anyway, yanking his T-shirt over his head and letting it drop on the floor behind him. She heard the whisper as it fell and shivered at the sound. Daniel picked something up from beside the bed, hefting it in his hand. He ran his fingers down her side drawing another shiver and a tickle from her. Gooseflesh followed his fingertips.

  “I don’t even have to blindfold you for my kinky shit,” he said softly, bending to lick her ear.

  “A blind joke from you,” she gasped breathlessly, “I’m impressed.”

  He lifted the thing in his other hand and ran it down the bare flesh of her upper arm, then the side of her breast and her ribcage. She held her breath as she felt the leather of a handle whisper across her flesh. He swung it forward and allowed the brush of supple leather tails across her stomach.

  “Oh god Daniel, I don't think…”

  He brought his other hand up and covered her mouth firmly, forcing her head to tilt back into his shoulder. He spoke into her ear. “You don't have to think, baby. Just stick out that ass for me.”

  She let out a moan of need combined with distress when he released her to step back. She clutched the bed post tightly with her fingers and wondered if she was insane to let this man do this to her. Then she realized she wasn’t exactly letting him do anything, Daniel was playing by his own rules and taking her along for the ride, whether she wanted to go or not.

  “Stick that ass out now Addison, or I’ll hit you ten times harder and ten times longer than you’re going to want,” he snapped, bringing her attention sharply back.

  “I’m not sure I want to get hit at all!” she snapped back, but braced herself against the bed post as best she could and stuck her ass out.

  She had about two seconds to wonder if it would feel like the other times he spanked her ass, before the leather tails hit her sending flares of heat vibrating through her flesh. She gasped and jumped. Nope, nothing like the other spankings! This was far more intense.

  “Stick that ass out now, Addison!” Daniel snarled at her. “Not going to say it again!”

  He looped his arm impatiently under her hips and yanked her backwards, forcing her hips into the cradle of his thighs. Her freshly marked butt met the place where jeans sat low on his hips and where his rock hard belly met his denim-clad erection. He paused for just a second, as though unable to tear himself away from the obsessive need to drive himself into her dripping heat so close to his dick.

  He stepped back from her. She could hear the whisper as he lifted the flogger and then brought it down against her ass. She braced herself against the bedpost and thrust herself back, taking the brunt of it and accepting the licking pain.

  He hit her several more times while she stood, taking each hit without pulling back. Gradually the heat began morphing into sizzling streaks of white hot pleasure. It blazed out from where the leather caressed her skin and made paths to all of her erogenous zones, licking at her pussy and nipples. Addison cried out in pain at each hit, but moaned in pleasure with each pause.

  She barely registered a longer pause until Daniel’s hand caressed her heated ass. She jumped and cried out at his touch against her hot, sensitive skin. “Good girl,” he murmured. “You take it so beautifully.”

  “Oh god, oh Daniel,” she moaned. He reached out and pulled her head back by the hair, kissing her neck in a devouring kiss.

  “So fucking beautiful, Addison,” he murmured against her.

  She realized when he spoke softly like that he barely knew he was saying anything at all. She held her breath. He still held her by the neck, murmuring almost indistinguishably. He reached down with his other hand, his fingers tracing a path down her back, across her fiery ass and down the seam until her reached her pussy.

  “Fucking dripping, Addison,” he growled against her throat, vibrating her skin with his lips and teeth.

  She moaned for him. Her moans turned to screams as he thrust his fingers roughly into her pussy from behind, pumping them in and out of her body with enough force to carry her up onto her toes. Pain and pleasure merged until she was begging him to stop while begging him to let her come at the same time. He refused to touch her clit for her and thrust a leg out so she couldn’t rub her body against the bedpost and finish herself.

  “You… you bastard!” she screamed hysterically, so close to the edge of orgasm she was shaking with need. Juice from her sweet pussy soaked the inside of her thighs.

  He rammed his fingers into her, relentlessly massaging her G-spot without allowing her the satisfaction of hurtling into orgasm. He backed off every time she got close until she cried and begged him to give it to her and promised him whatever he wanted if he would just take her over the edge.

  “Anything, Addison?”

  “Whatever you want!” she cried out, her body spasming and shaking, so close to orgasm that she was certain if she just thought hard enough about it she could force herself over the edge.

  “You’ll come up to my place and let me do whatever I want, no questions asked?” he asked, breathing heavily. He let go of her neck and crouched down in front of her body. She could feel his hot breath against her pussy.

  “Yes!” she yelled, knowing she would regret agreeing, but totally not caring about consequences at the moment.

  “You’ll trust me to take care of you, Addison?”

  “Oh god, oh god, yes! Please just.. please, please let me come!”

  “Okay, girl,” he said. “Come for me.”

  He thrust his fingers against her G-spot and massaged while leaning in and flicking his tongue against her painfully engorged clit. Addison came apart without further prompting. She threw her head back, hair streaming down her arched back, pussy thrust forward into Daniel’s waiting lips and screamed as she came harder than she’d ever done in her life, fluid flowing down her thighs and soaking his waiting fingers. She collapsed against her restraints.

  Daniel stood up and caught her around the waist, straightening her against the bedpost and turned her around so she was facing away from the bed. She thought he would release her now, lay her back on the cushiony bed and thrust into her wet, waiting pussy, but he didn’t. Instead he smacked her ass with a sharp slap and snapped, “Stand up straight.”

  Addison stiffened her spine in shock. She opened her mouth to tell him to go to hell but he grabbed her face, smacking his palm over her mouth. He leaned in close and said against her cheek, “Not done yet, baby. Don’t spoil things by fucking up now. Stick those tits out.”

  “Daniel, no!” she gasped, when he released her mouth and stepped back.

  “Ten times harder and ten times longer if you don't, Addison,” he snapped. “Do it now, no
more reminders.”

  She wanted to tell him to fuck off, but she knew Daniel well enough by now to understand he always meant what he said and while she enjoyed being flogged, as it turned out, she was certain she wasn’t going to enjoy it if he got serious about the beating. With a growl of annoyance about not being allowed to enjoy the soft afterglow of her super orgasm, Addison shoved her breasts out and turned her face to the side so he wouldn't accidentally hit her cheek or something.

  “Look at me,” he snapped, smacking the flogger in annoyance against what sounded like his jean-clad thigh.

  “But I can’t even see you,” she said in protest.

  The strike hit her across the left breast, catching her nipple full force before she even knew he had swung the flogger. She shrieked, her head swinging forward and her eyes snapping open in anger. Pain and heat flared through her breast. She longed to rub it away and strained against her bonds.

  “Told you before,” he growled, “I always want to see your eyes.”

  He hit her several more times, alternating sides, striking each breast in turn. This definitely hurt more than the beating her ass took. Her breasts, and especially her nipples, were far more sensitive. She bit her lip, but after a few more hits she was crying out. He didn’t leave enough time in between hits for the pleasure to really take hold.

  Until he finished. She stood gasping against the bedpost, braced for the next hit. When none came after several seconds she was then flooded with sensations of sizzling liquid heat as it flowed through her veins, out from her breasts through to the rest of her body. She writhed against the post, thrusting her breasts out and begging Daniel to help her release the pressure.

  He pinched her sensitive nipples, drawing a pained cry from her that quickly turned to a keening cry of pleasure. She dropped her head back against the post and gripped it tightly. “Oh god, Daniel, I think I can come just from that!”

  He reached down between them and she felt him unsnapping and unzipping his jeans. She brought her knee up and rubbed it against his muscular thigh through the denim. He reached down, grabbed her knee and yanked it up to his waist, forcing her back hard against the bedpost. He reached down and did the same with her other leg.


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