Mistaken Identity

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Mistaken Identity Page 5

by Shyla Colt

  “I know, right?” Her exaggerated words made him shake his head and grin.

  “They should bottle you up and sell you.”

  “You know I’m only nice to you to lure you in, and then I’m a task-master.”

  “Kinky. Ordering me around and telling me how to please you.”

  “You’d like that too much.”

  “I would.” He smirked. Images of Kansas in a black leather lingerie number had his dick swelling. “Don’t get me all riled up when I’m alone.”

  “What? You got something against Rosy Palm?”

  He cleared his throat. “No.”

  “You want me to talk you through it? I think you need to relax more. You had a tough day.” Her voice dropped lower. The husky whisper made him bite the inside of his cheek.

  “No games, Kansas.”

  “I don’t know how long Mya is away for…”

  “I am yours to command.”

  “There’s my Paranormal boy. What are you wearing right now?”

  “A pair of blue boxers.”

  “Sexy, I want you to take out that thick cock of yours, and stroke it, nice and slow.” His stomach quivered as he followed her directions.

  “Mmhmm, how does that feel, Jet?”

  “Fucking awesome.”

  “Good. Grip it nice and firm. Pretend my tongue is licking up your dick, swirling in the slit of your head, lapping up that cream I know is flowing.” Holy shit, she goes from normal to sex kitten in zero to sixty. A man could get used to this.


  “No, Kansas. Stroke it faster for me baby. That’s it. I can hear you. It makes me wet thinking about it. You’re so beautiful, Jett, I can see you clearly in my head. Your golden skin stretched over muscle and that long, hard, dick, twitching, and eager to fuck me.”

  Her crude words made him moan. The tension built at the base of his spine. Tendrils of pleasure raced through his body. His breath came in pants.

  “That’s it. Think of my hot mouth suctioning around you.”

  His heart pounded in his chest, and blood rushed in his ears.“Shit, Sas, I’m going to come.”

  “Do it for me, baby.”

  A few seconds later he did, a spurt of white liquid that shot up onto his chest, covering his hands. His legs trembled, and he released a giant sigh as lethargy instantly set in.

  “And boom goes the dynamite.”

  “It definitely did, Kansas. Hey, I don’t know your full name.”

  “You are such a weirdo.” The amusement present in her tone told him she didn’t mind. “It’s Kansas Karri Collins.”

  “That’s pretty … wait. Like ‘Carry on my Wayward Son’?”

  She sighed. “Yes.”

  “Okay, hands down coolest name ever.”

  “Only if you like classic rock.”

  “You’re in luck, because I do.”

  “I’m glad my name pleases you.”

  “You should be.”

  “Mmhmm. What about your name, Messy Marvin?”

  “Smart ass. Jett Beauregard Walker.”


  “Hey, it’s a family name!”

  “Oh I bet it is. No wonder you go by Jett B. Walker.”


  “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to laugh. It’s cute. My little Beauregard.”

  “Don’t you go spreading that around.”

  “I could think of plenty of other things to spread instead.”

  “Tease. I miss you, Kansas.”

  “I know, and I feel the same. It’s so weird.”

  “Not really. My dad said he knew with my mom. When he met her she was it. Freshman year of college, they met in their first class, and that was all she wrote.”

  “You really believe in that stuff?”

  “You don’t?”

  “I’m undecided.” Her whispered tone told him this went deeper than skepticism of a logical mind.

  “Guess I’ll have to convince you otherwise.”

  “It’ll be fun to watch you try.”

  “Yes, it will. I could talk to you all night, but right now I need to get back into the shower.”

  “Totally understand. Talk to you soon.”

  “In the next couple of days for sure.”

  “Good, sweet dreams.”

  “Night, Sas.” The cheesy smile that lined his lips as he hung up made him shake his head. I am totally smitten. Fuck.


  “So, are you going to tell me who lover boy is yet?” Mya asked.

  Loosened by the cocktails they’d enjoyed at dinner Kansas figured what the hell.

  “Yeah, we talked about it, and I got the green light. First, I need you to promise you won’t freak out on me.”

  “Why? Is he a she? I won’t judge you.” The solemn look on Mya’s face tickled her.

  “No, he’s a he.” Kansa paused. Once the cat was out of the back there’d be no putting it back.

  “Well.” Mya leaned forward in her bed.

  “It’s Jett Walker.”

  “Oh very funny, Kansas! Keep your secret.” Mya crossed her arm and pouted.

  “No, I’m serious. I thought he was a really good Cosplayer last night, but it turns out I was wrong.”

  “Oh my God!” Mya covered her mouth, stood from the bed and began to gesture wildly. “That’s why you asked Aiden that question.” She pointed to Kansas.

  “Guilty, and before you say I lied. You asked if it was Aiden, and it wasn’t, so, technically…”

  “You’re in a mighty grey area.”

  “I know. I’m sorry I kept it from you, My.”

  “Why tell me now?” Mya frowned.

  “I have my footing underneath me.”

  “How so?”

  “We talked, we’re dating … exclusively.”


  A shrill high pitched screech left Mya’s mouth. Kanas pulled on her ear lobes cringing at the nails-on-chalkboard sound.

  “Okay, now I’m deaf.”

  “I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” Mya pulled her into a hug. “I’m just so excited! Talk about kismet! You barely made it to the convention, and now you’ve met your Prince Charming. What’s he like? How did you meet? Was he good in the sack?”

  She gasped. “Mya Lynn Meyer!” Kansas swatted her arm.

  “What! The man is fine. You know I’m an Aiden girl, but those sex scenes Jett had were smoking hot.”

  “Can you not lust after my Beau while I’m still in the room?”

  “Umm, yes?” Mya wiped the pretend drool from her lips, and Kansas laughed.

  “See, you need me to lighten the mood. How in the world did you plan on keeping this to yourself?”

  “I didn’t expect anything to come up. I figured he was slumming.” Kansas mumbled the last part.

  “Why did he leave?” Mya moved to sit beside her.

  “You promise to keep this between us?”

  “Of course.” Mya flashed her a slit-eyed look that screamed, you had to ask.

  “His ex-fiancée is in the hospital.”

  “And? Does she not have any other family?”

  “Me-ow.” Kansas curled her hand into mock claws. “She’s suffering from a severe case of anorexia, and she’s not responding to anyone else. We’re talking life or death.”

  “Hmmph. I’d watch her if I was you.”

  “I think Jett has it handled.”

  “He said something?”

  “He mentioned co-dependency, and hanging on longer than he should’ve.”

  “It’s good he’s keeping the lines of communication open.”

  “I figured.” Amused, Kansas watched her friend’s expressive face.

  “You’re really calm about it … considering.”

  “That I never wanted this? If I start out with him jealous and paranoid it’ll never work. Millions of women around the world want him. Besides if they can’t make it work after ten years.” She shrugged. Her concerns had more to do with the demons in he
r head.

  “You know I’m not afraid to take a ride, pull off the earrings, and bust out the Vaseline. I’m just saying.” Mya gestured toward her face. “Don’t let the nice façade fool you. I’ll take someone out for messing with my sister.”

  “I feel the same, ride or die, chica.”

  “ Always.” Mya smiled. “So…” Her expectant gaze made Kansas roll her eyes.

  “He was a-fucking-mazing. I didn’t know I could feel so much, and it’s not just sexual. He stimulates my mind, makes me laugh. God! I hate it.” She scrunched up her face.

  “Only you would say that, Kansas.”

  “I like discovering the unknown and writing about it, not being placed smack dab in the Land of Oz.”

  “Well your name is Kansas.”

  “Shut it, hippie.” They giggled.

  “I’m really happy for you though, K. You, more than most, deserve this.”


  “Too make up for all the bad relationship karma you witnessed growing up.”

  “Hah. If only it ended in my youth.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Not your fault my mother is a selfish bitch who flits in and out of my father’s life, using and abusing as she holds on to her fading youth. I’m not sure why she married him or had me. She’s always been distant and uninvolved, unless you count her pestering and nit-picking.” Kansas scowled. Thinking about her mother made her blood boil.

  “I don’t understand why he keeps letting her do it.”

  “I can’t say it’s not a topic we discuss, ever. I moved out at eighteen because I was tired of seeing her face and watching her play ‘Mommy’ whenever she got a wild hair up her ass.” Kansas curled up her lip. “Dad can do so much better. I don’t know why he doesn’t just buck tradition and divorce her. I need to stop thinking about this before it kills my day.”

  “That’s easy enough. Since you’re dating Jett does that mean we can screw around with Aiden?” The glee that rose in Mya’s eyes reminded Kansas of a child on Christmas morning.

  “I think I’ve done enough to him.”

  “What do you mean?”

  She told her the story and watched as her eyes became the size of quarters.

  “You’re dating Jett Walker, and Aiden Archer saw you naked? Who are you, and what have you done with my mild-mannered, hard-working, predictable bestie?”

  “Okay, you totally just described me like a comic book hero.” Kansas laughed.

  “You do work for a newspaper and possess a freakishly high I.Q.”

  “Want to know if I was bitten by a radioactive creature?” she whispered.

  Mya snorted. “This town is too boring for anything like that to happen.”

  “I don’t know. Look at me. Maybe there’s a change on the wind.”

  “I wish you’d pass that luck on.” Mya sighed, her light dimming.

  “Come on.” Determined to cheer her up Kansas grabbed her hand and propelled her up.

  “What are we doing?” Mya asked.

  “Getting you ready to catch Aiden’s eyes. You’re crushing, and he owes me. Let’s see if the convention gods are smiling down on Somerville.”

  “He’s too pretty to be into me.”

  “Shut up, you’re gorgeous, and he’s just a man like any of the others ones who drool when you walk by. I know you’ve had some rocky relationships, but you will meet Mr. Right.”

  “Thank you.” Mya sniffed. “You always make me feel better.”

  “That’s my job. Now come on, let’s beautify you for tonight.”

  Chapter Four

  Jett stood outside the mid-sized house, a bouquet of flowers in his hand, and a duffle bag tossed over his shoulder. He’d caught the last flight in, rented a car, and here he was. Butterflies danced in his stomach. It’d been over a month since he had seen Kansas, though they talked just about every day. At this point he couldn’t imagine life without her, but she was skittish. Something I’ll be asking her about. It was an insurmountable obstacle between them he didn’t know how to move or work around. No matter what she always held a piece of herself back. He wanted to break through, embed himself in her heart so deep she’d never be able to walk away. What they were developing was grown man romance. The past ten years with Lis has been running empty on the fumes of childhood, puppy love.

  He knocked on the door, shifting his weight as he waited for a response. She said she was spending the night in. The door swung open, and Kansas stood in front of him, jaw dropped. His stomach shuddered. Her face was drawn and slimmer than he remembered. He drank her in with his eyes from head to toe. In the black tank top and black boxers covered in multi-colored hearts he could see she’d lost body mass all over. His heart hammered in his chest. She never mentioned being sick. Panic blossomed in his brain and spread like an epidemic. Not again. Not with Kansas. She never struck me as the type.

  “Oh my God! Jett!” She threw herself at him, and they hugged.

  “Hey, I thought I’d surprise you. I hope that’s okay.”

  “Of course, of course. Come in,” She stepped back, and he entered her home. The light-blue walls with a bold gray line running down the middle were calm but unique, like their owner. A gray love seat and couch set were placed in the middle of the dark wood floors, ten feet away. The comfortable looking cushions called to his travel weary body.

  “I knew you were leaving Eaton, but I had no clue you were headed this way.”

  “Yeah, hence the word surprise. Here.” He thrust the bouquet of wildflowers toward her.

  “Thank you.” She took the bright colored arrangement from him and lifted them to her nose. “I can’t believe you remembered my favorite flowers.”

  “I keep track of everything you tell me, Kansas. Are you feeling okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine.” Her eyes flitted around the room. “Why don’t you take a seat on the couch and let me put this away?”

  “Okay.” He removed his duffle bag, dropped it at the end of the couch and lowered his body down. A groan left his lips. It was even softer than he’d imagined. Resting the back of his head against the couch, he closed his eyes and breathed in the scent of fresh linens and sunshine, at least that’s what the candle on the table had been labeled. A cabinet opened and closed to his far right, and water started to run.

  “I thought you’d be filming for the show,” she said.

  “Not yet, got a few more weeks off.”

  “Aaah, you conveniently left that out.”

  “You’re too smart for your own good. I didn’t want you to expect this.”

  “You’re lucky I keep a clean house.”

  “I wouldn’t expect anything less from you. You’re too … structured.”

  “Hah, our meeting proves I’m not.”


  “You look exhausted.”

  “I am.”

  “So why not rest up?”

  “Because this was the only place I really wanted to be.” She went silent. “Kansas.”

  “I’m here.” Her voice held a note he didn’t recognize or like.

  He opened his eyes, sat up, and turned to glance through the doorframe that separated them. “Why do you always do that?”

  “Do what?” She wrinkled her brow, and set the round, glass vase on the counter.

  “Pull away before we can move forward.”

  “How far did you expect us to be this early on?”

  “Let’s cut the bull. You know exactly what I mean.”

  He pushed himself to his feet and walked into the kitchen. Leaning against the granite counter across from her, he waited for her to face him and respond. She looked up. Her eyes swam with pain and unshed tears.

  “Growing up I saw a lot of dysfunction. I started to believe that love was a thing to be feared.”


  “Because it can be used like a weapon and cut you deeper than any blade forged by a man’s hand. The scars linger, twist you, take away your ability to be indi
fferent and practice self preservation. I never wanted to get too deep with anyone. You challenge that. It’s been a hell of an adjustment.”

  “Why didn’t you say anything?”

  “‘Hi, I’m Kansas, and I’m an emotional wreck’ didn’t seem like the best introduction.” She gave a self-deprecating laugh. “My mother’s spent my entire life and probably before stringing my dad along, critiquing and tearing us down every chance she got, and he allows it because he’s weak and she’s got him wrapped around her finger. I figured if that was love I didn’t want anything to do with it.”

  “That’s not true love.” Jett scowled.

  “I know that logically, but there was always this nagging fear that the same flaw was predetermined by genetics.”

  “You would never let yourself be put in that position.” He stepped over and grasped her slender arms with his hands, careful to be gentle. “Kansas, you’re strong willed, and no one can make you do something unless you want to.”

  “You did.” Her lower lip trembled.

  “When? If I ever made you feel uncomfortable—”

  Her lips crashed into his, and he reacted. Hungry for her touch he gripped her hips lifted her up onto the counter. He tilted his head, deepening their tongue fuck as he drank down the taste of her. She was honeyed warmth, comfort, and sweet … like peppermint? They came up for air, and she rested her head on his shoulder.

  “You made me care, you son of a bitch, and now that I’ve released the Kraken there’s no turning back or out running on him.”

  “Did you just compare me to a giant squid?”

  “Technically it’s an octopus, and not you, my feelings.”

  “Hell, Sas, I’m just glad this thing isn’t one-sided. You’ve gotten under my skin, entered my bloodstream, and become an integral part of my life. I don’t feel right if I haven’t talked or at least texted you at some point throughout the day. It’s insane. I never knew I could feel like this.”

  “Yeah, that’s two of us,” she whispered.

  “Does this conversation mean I can call you my girlfriend? Scott’s been doing it for weeks now.”

  She chuckled. “Your little brother?”

  “Yes, he’s been dying to know more about you.”

  “What did you tell him?”

  “That you were a delicious dollop of chocolate I wanted to devour whole.”


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