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Mistaken Identity

Page 7

by Shyla Colt

  “I need to go to the pharmacy.”

  “For prenatal vitamins?”

  “Yes, but we need to go to the one a few towns over.”

  “Smart thinking. Loose lips sink ships. Do you want to direct me, or should I use the GPS on my phone?”

  “I’m not an invalid!”

  “I didn’t say you were, Kansas.” Mood swing. He’d seen his older sister pregnant enough times to know how pregnancy wrought havoc on a woman’s body. Besides, he was trying to win her over, not push her away. The tick in her jaw told him to tread cautiously.

  “Just turn left out of the parking lot. I’ll tell you when to turn again.”

  This is going to be a tense car ride.

  Thirty minutes later they were back at the house. Kansas took her first prenatal vitamin and crawled in to bed. The light snore told him she was down for the count so he took off his mask. His throat tightened, and his eyes welled with tears. A tiny life grew in her belly. With his adrenaline rush from earlier gone he was crashing, hard. What am I going to do if she doesn’t come around? The cell phone in his pocket seemed to burn a hole in his pocket. I need to talk to someone. Scott couldn’t hold water, and his big sister Sky would skin him alive for ending up in this predicament. Unable to sleep, he left the bedroom. He paced the length of the living room, turned and repeated like a washer stuck on spin cycle. Aiden! I’ve never appreciated my best friend and honorary brother, so much in my life.

  Digging into his pants pocket he pulled the phone free, walked through the house, out the back door, and placed the call.

  “Hey man, what’s going on?”

  “Thank God you picked up. I’m freaking the fuck out!”

  “Whoa. What happened! I thought Lis got out of the hospital?”

  “Yeah, she did. This isn’t about her. It’s Kansas.”

  “What happened?”

  “I knocked her up.”

  Rich laughter filled his ears. “Oh, t-that’s a good one Jett.” Aiden gasped for air.

  Jett’s upper lip curled up as he huffed. “I’m not kidding, dude.”

  “W-What! You didn’t use a condom?”

  “Yeah. They’re not one-hundred percent.”

  “I know, but … wow.”

  “You’re telling me.”

  “I hate to play devil’s advocate.” Aiden hesitated. “But … are you sure?”

  “I’m damn sure. And that better be the last time you ask. You understand?” Jett gritted his teeth. He’s just trying to look out for you. Don’t rip his head off for it.

  “Crystal clear … what are you going to do?”

  “If it was up to me we’d be headed down to the courthouse tomorrow.” He shook his head.

  “She doesn’t want to?” Aiden asked shocked.


  “Umm, that’s a first.”

  “Right? Leave it to my girl to be different. Her nut job mother mind-fucked her from an early age, and now she’s wary. I’m surprised I breached her walls long enough for us to get where we are.”

  “Actually, dude, I think breaching walls is what got you in this mess in the first place.”

  “What?” The words registered, and Jett snickered. “Screw you, dude.”

  “Uh no thanks, apparently you’re Mr. Super Sperm.”

  “How in the hell am I going to be someone’s father? I still make sixth grader jokes.”

  “It’s part of your charm. Seriously, you’re great with kids. Your niece and nephew love you.”

  “And I love them, but I’m also not worried about scarring them for life.”

  “You won’t. Your family is amazing, so it’s in your genes.”

  The surety in Aiden’s words calmed him. “Thank you. I got two weeks to get her to marry me.”

  “Good luck with that one.”

  “Hey! I’m a fricking catch!”

  “Oh yeah, a real peach. All kidding aside, if there’s anything I can do to help, you know I will.”

  “Not unless you can tell me how to Obi Wan her.”

  “Fresh out of the Force, but from what you told me it’s all about stability. I think once she see’s you’re in it for the long run things will start to change.”

  “How do I do that?”

  “By being there. Trust takes time. I mean, you guys weathered treatment with Lis, and there were all kinds of rumors, pictures, and accusations. That speaks a lot to her character.”

  “I hate this waiting crap.”

  “I know you do, Jett. Hang in there.”

  “I’ll do my best, and thanks for talking me down.”

  “Of course.”

  “I should get back inside. I don’t want her to wake up and find me gone.”

  “All right, keep me posted.”

  “Definitely. Later.”


  The conversation left him feeling a million times better than he had previously. He could do this.


  Kansas woke, horny and revved up. She rubbed her thighs together and gasped at the swirl of sensation that wound its way through her pussy. She trailed her hand down her neck, skimmed the perky nipples of her breast and moaned. They were sensitive to the touch and enlarged. Exploring the changes taking place in her body, she gave an experimental squeeze of her breast.

  “Oh!” Her hips shot off the bed. Her core grew slick, and her clit swelled. In need of immediate relief she moved her hand down to her lips and caressed a line down her sodden slit. For a heart beat she forgot to breathe. Vivid bursts of pleasure hit like a kaleidoscope of color. She brought her other hand down to part her lips, dipped her thumb inside her heated entrance and caressed her nub.


  She rocked her hips, coasted on the river of sexual tension building up inside her.

  “Mmhm.” Jett’s husky moan made her feel naughty. He lay just a few feet away, capable of waking up any moment. I should give him a reason to. A rush of power filled her as she spread her legs wider, and pumped a finger inside as she continued to rub.

  “Oh God, yes.” Her walls quivered. She planted her feet on the bed for more leverage, added a second finger, and thrust faster. With her eyes clenched shut she pretended it was Jett’s cock. Long, thick, and buried as deep as it would go.

  “Umm.” She whimpered. Her heart slammed against her ribcage, and she swore she was about to hyperventilate. A ball of energy formed inside her pussy, expanding with every lusty, stroke, she delivered.

  “Ah-Ah.” Her body vibrated.

  “Kansas, you okay?” The raspy, sleep-worn, voice cinched the deal. Her muscles clenched, clasped her fingers in a stranglehold.

  “Jett!” A waterway of feminine juices coated her fingers and thighs. Spent, she collapsed back on the bed, chest heaving.

  The bed dipped, and a shadow hovered above her. Sensing the burning flame of Jett’s gaze she opened her eyes.

  “Looks like you started the party without me, Sas.”

  “I-I couldn’t wait.”

  “So you warmed up that luscious pussy of yours for me? How thoughtful.” Sheets rustled. His tongue flickered out to caress her lips. “Spread your legs wide and hold onto the headboard.”

  “W-what?” The commanding tone was new, and sexy as fuck.

  “You had your fun. Now it’s my turn.” He delivered a nip to her neck, and she hissed. The darkness that concealed him from view heightened the experience.

  “Next time you decide to play you’d best wake me.” The voice was gravel, smoke, and all things that turned a good girl bad. Calloused fingers pinched her nipples.


  “You didn’t answer me, Sas.”

  “Y-yes. I’ll wake you next time.”

  “Good. The thought of watching you compose a symphony of pleasure with those artistic fingers of yours in your cunt makes my dick ache.” Large hands traced the curves of her body, paused at her hips, kneaded, and moved down to the tops of her thighs.

  “Jett.” She gasp
ed. His fingers were magical as they manipulated the wet flesh.

  “I can feel your heat from here.” The bed dipped.

  “Oh shit!” He sucked the skin on her inner thigh into his mouth, and let go with a loud pop.

  “I want to leave my mark on you, show anyone who bothers to look you’re mine.”

  “Jesus, Jett.”

  “I need you to understand you’re mine now, Sas. But it’s a two way street. I’m yours. I want you to mark me, too, with your nails, teeth, and mouth.” He moved a little closer to her core with each word he mentioned, only to stop just shy.


  “What’s the matter, Kansas?” He peered up at her and smirked.


  “Please what, darling? I want to hear you say it.”

  “Fuck me!”

  “Oh you dirty bird, that’s not what I expected you to say. But don’t worry. I’m very prepared.” He pulled away, and the bed rocked, then hollowed when he returned. She felt him at her entrance.

  “Can I come inside you, Kansas, feel you skin to skin?”

  “Yes.” Condoms were a moot point now, and they’d had the tested conversation months ago.

  He pushed in to the tip, and she felt him for the first time. Stretched to capacity she clutched the bed and arched her back.

  “You feel so good, liquid hot.” One thrust and he was buried deep inside her. “You were made for me, Kansas. This is my pussy now.”

  “T-then this is my dick.”

  “Yes, it is.” He retreated and refilled her. They smacked together in a fast paced tango of flesh. Her body shook.

  “Fuck. I’m going to fill you with my cum. Are you ready?”


  His guttural cry rent the air, and a hot splash of cum flooded her canal, and triggered a mind blowing flight over the edge. A few moments later he moved to pull out.

  “No!” She tightened her legs around his waist. “Not yet, please.”

  They lay together, hearts synched, and the future pushed off until the next day.

  “We should shower,” Jett said.

  “Would it disgust you if I said I didn’t want to rinse your seed away?”

  “Only if you find it repugnant that I want to fill you up with my swimmers all over again because you just said that.”

  “As much as I’d like to oblige, I’m tired.”

  “Here.” He rolled them over, careful to remain inside her. “That’s better.”

  “Mhmm.” Sleep beckoned as he rubbed her back.

  She drifted off to sleep haunted by dreams of a Walker family of three.

  Chapter Six

  Kansas watched Jett man the grill out back over the rim of her mug. He’s far too comfortable here. A week had passed, and no matter what she threw at him he stayed. Late night runs to the store, emotional overloads that weren’t as faked as she’d liked them to be, and lists of why they wouldn’t pan out in the long run. The fact that he let it roll off like water on a duck’s back frustrated and impressed the hell out of her. The whispers about the handsome stranger staying at the Collins girl’s house had begun. They were the catalyst for dinner tonight with her father. It was the last thing she wanted to do really, but turnabout was fair play. Jett wanted to take her home to meet his family, and he refused to do that until he’d met hers. After a week of trying to change his mind, she’d caved.

  Regardless of what happened between them, they were her child’s future family. Done over-thinking for the moment, she finished off her peppermint tea. The old-fashioned remedy worked wonders for her morning sickness. What a lie! More like all day sickness. Rinsing out her cup at the sink, she placed it in the dishwasher, washed her hands, and set the table. She wanted things to go well. Other than the occasional date for school dances she’d never brought anyone home. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach as she remembered their conversation.

  “What’s this I hear about you having a man living with you?”

  “Hi, Daddy. He’s not living with me. He’s visiting.”

  “So, it’s true.”


  “Why didn’t you tell me?” The hurt in his voice had been plain as day. She’d felt like scum on the bottom of someone’s shoe.

  “We met a while back when he was on assignment here, and he came back so we could figure things out. I didn’t want to tell you until we decided how we were going to move forward.”

  “And how is that?”


  “All this for dating? You make it sound like a complex business merger.”

  “It feels like it.”

  “Well that’s the first sign something’s not right.”

  “No, it’s just … complicated. You’ll understand when you meet him.”

  “Mhmm hmm. What time should I be over?”


  “Sounds good.”


  “Yes, Pumpkin?”

  “Be nice, please. If you scare off the first man I’ve presented you with I might be single forever.”

  “That’d be just fine.”

  She’d giggled. “Dad!”

  “I’m just teasing, Kansas. I’ll be on my best behavior. I’m looking forward to meeting this Jett fellow.”

  “Awesome. Now I have to get over here and deep clean my house.”

  Her father’s rich chuckle had rung out.

  “Bye, Kansas.”

  “Bye, Dad.”

  The light hearted conversation had done nothing to tame the bucket of jumbles nerves she become. Her father could be unpredictable. Laid back one minute, emotional and overbearing the next. Perhaps that was every father when he had a little girl who, as he put it, grew up when he wasn’t looking.

  The screen door swung open, and Jett stepped inside. “Meat’s on low. Can you keep an eye on it while I go get changed?”

  “Yes.” She set down the last plate and began straightening the silverware to keep herself busy.

  “Are you okay?”

  “No, I’m nervous as hell.”

  “There’s something you don’t see every day.” Jett smirked, and she rolled her eyes. “I thought you said your dad was a nice guy.”

  “Yeah, to me. I don’t know how he’ll react to the man whose been violating his daughter on a daily basis.”

  “Well when you put it that way, yikes.” Jett grimaced.

  “Now you’re getting it.”

  “Good thing we’re not telling him about the baby yet.”

  “Yeah. We may have to do that in a public place to avoid your death.”

  “Ha.” His amused expression fell. “Wait … you’re kidding right?”

  “Sure I am.”

  “I’m serious. He’s a dentist, so doesn’t that mean he’s got access to tools and shit?”

  “He’s not crazy, Jett, just overprotective.”

  “Hey. I know from personal experience it can be one and the same.”

  “Go get ready.” She shooed him with a wave of her hands.

  “Uh huh, I’ll do that, and maybe I can find a bulletproof vest while I’m at it. This is like a fricking episode of Paranormal Investigation.”

  She bit back a giggle as he rambled to himself on his way down the hall. His wicked sense of humor always cut through tension like a hot knife through butter, made it hard to try to keep him at a distance. It scared her how fast she was coming to depend on him. If she was going to do this Mommy thing on her own with shared custody she needed to put on her big girl panties and grow a thicker skin. Or you could consider having a go at it. Look at how well you two fit together. Would you throw that all away because of what happened between your parents? Then she wins, and hasn’t she taken enough? The realization hit her like a ton of bricks. Unsteady on her feet she reached for the edge of the table, and leaned forward, closing her eyes. Jesus Christ, how long am I going to keep letting this run my life?

  “Kansas! You okay?” Jett rushed down the hall and placed a ha
nd on the small of her back.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to scare you. I’m over here having epiphanies.”



  “And that’s a good thing?” Confusion filled his voice.

  “Yes, a very good thing. I guess it’s true when you’re about to become a parent all the other bullshit goes out the window because you have to be whole to be the kind of caregiver they deserve.”

  “Please tell me that means what I think it does.”

  A knock sounded on the door.

  “We’re finishing this later.”

  She gulped. The knock sounded again. I’ve never been so grateful for my father’s impatience. “I should get that. He’ll get louder.”

  Jett took a deep breath and composed himself. It was odd seeing the mask come down as he bottled his emotions. He rolled his neck. “I’m good to go.”

  At least one of is. “Come on.” Entwining their hands she straightened and led him to the door.

  “Should I be touching you right now?”

  Kansas chuckled. “You are such a big baby.”

  They reached the door, and she issued a gentle squeeze to his hand before she let it go, and opened the door.

  “Hey Da—” The words died in her throat. Beside her father stood Darla, tall, slim, black spiral curls perfectly sculpted, and make-up flawless.

  “Oh my God! Jett Walker! Reginald why didn’t you tell me this is who she was dating!”

  “Dad, what the fuck!” Her Mother was supposed to be in Aspen right now!

  “Don’t you have a nasty little mouth?” Darla’s glossy lip curved upward, and Kansas growled in the back of her throat.

  “Better than a nasty soul. I can pick and choose when I want to be foul-mouthed.”

  “Kansas, please.” Her father held up his hands, and Darla pushed passed her to enter the house. She remained in the door way, eyes narrowed.

  “She showed up as I was leaving, honey. I’m sorry.”

  Clenching her fists tight she bit back her retort. Now was not the time for her family unit to fall apart. She was southern enough to want to do in it private, not in front of a large-eyed boyfriend.


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