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Waterfall: A Novel

Page 12

by Lisa T. Bergren

  He advanced upon me, choosing his steps, watching me, my hands, my eyes, casually trying to figure out my next move. At that moment, what I needed most was to convince him that I should be given a weapon before we took to the road. So again, I swung around, ending with my sword en route to his heart, confident that with his strength and size, he could again stop it.

  He dodged and deflected my sword, but I quickly regained my footing and waved it before me, advancing steadily upon him as we crossed blades to one side and then the other. Out of breath, I stopped, and he let a slow smile spread across his face as he stared down at me, barely panting.

  “Surprised?” I asked.

  “You might say that.” But he used the moment to attack again, pushing me back. I almost stumbled and fell, barely blocking each blow he now dealt me.

  “All right, all right,” I said, lifting a hand, hunched over, breathing harder than before.

  He lowered his sword and grinned over at his companions, who teased him about defeating a woman. But then I saw the opportunity. I pulled back my sword and turned, bringing the flat of the weapon against his belly, like a bat to a ball.

  His breath left him in a whoosh as his men hooted with laughter and the servants twittered in hidden giggles. He bent over, trying to regain his breath, and as he did so, I lifted my skirts slightly, put a slippered foot against his shoulder, and shoved against him.

  Clearly caught unaware, he fell to the floor.

  The room fell silent, and I wondered if I had crossed another line, but I didn’t care. I moved toward him and set the tip of the sword on the stone beside his head. “Might I carry at least this sword, m’lord?”

  “Fine,” he said. He rolled to his side and then sat partially up, looking over to his brother. His face changed in that moment, to one of surprise, as he saw the color in Fortino’s face.

  “A healer as well as a warrior,” Fortino said, in naked admiration.

  “Indeed,” Marcello said, glancing up at me. “With eyes the color of the most fertile ground. You, m’lady, will give the troubadours of Siena something altogether new to sing of”

  I smiled and then offered a hand to help him up, but Luca and Pietro were there a half second before me, both staring at me in wonder.

  I turned toward Fortino, suddenly embarrassed with all the attention. The last thing I needed was anyone whispering-or for heaven’s sake, singing-of my actions. I needed to escape this place, this time, and get home before it was discovered I wasn’t who I said I was. You’ve gotta blend into the walls more, woman, I berated myself. Make ‘em forget about you so you can disappear, back through the sands of time to your own.

  “Are you quite well?” he asked me as I took the chair beside him and the others filtered out.

  “Quite,” I said, focusing on him again. He did look far better than he had just yesterday. “I beg you to continue on with your regimen, m’lord. Work up to solid foods as soon as you can, and when weak, return to the soup. You can add blankets and other comforts and examine if they interfere at all with your breathing. If they do, remove them again. Understood?”

  He nodded. “We never did get back to our reading of the poet,” he said, fiddling with a splinter in the arm of his wooden settee. He was so desperately lonely. How would I feel if Lia left me each day, with nothing but books to keep me company? At least we had Internet.

  “Mayhap our paths will cross again and we shall have the opportunity to read more together,” I offered.

  “That would be a delight,” he said, his eyes meeting mine. “Go with God, Lady Betarrini.”

  “Um, thanks,” I said. I turned and left the room, then walked down the corridor to my own. Go with God? Was this God’s path, this crazy adventure in a forgotten age? And if so, what did He want me to do?

  “Change the course of history? Right some wrong? What?” I muttered to the stone ceiling. No voice came to me from the sputtering torch like Moses’ burning bush. No angel appeared in the light streaming from my window. “Whatever it is, just let me know so I can get it done and get home, okay?”

  “M’lady?” asked a girl tentatively, and for the first time I realized I wasn’t alone in my room.

  “Oh! Giacinta! I didn’t see you there. I was just saying I need to gather my things and hopefully get a little closer to home.”

  She pointed to two satchels. “I packed your other gown, and your other things, as well as a fine, new gown that Lady Forelli, God rest her soul-” she paused to cross herself again- “never had the opportunity to wear. It had been intended for Lord Fortino’s nuptials.”

  “His nuptials? He was married?”

  “He was intended for Lady Vitti of Siena. But when he took so ill, the betrothal agreement was broken. Soon afterward, Lady Forelli died of the fever, and Lord Forelli never seemed to consider it again.”

  I paused, thinking over that. Poor man. So much lost. So much promise, hope, joy, gone within what? A year? “Thank you for your care, Giacinta,” I murmured.

  “Who will see to your hair, m’lady?”

  “I can only hope someone with hands as fast as yours,” I said with a smile. Maybe they have a hair dryer in Siena, I joked to myself. Trust me, I can manage this mop with some decent product and a roller brush. “Thank you.”

  “Go with God, m’lady,” she said with a bob of her head, and headed for the door.

  “Go with God,” I returned, wondering again at the words.

  In the courtyard, Marcello and his men were bent over in a circle. Marcello was drawing with a stick in the dust. A plan, I sensed; he was making a plan. I crept closer, hoping none of them would notice me.

  “The Paratores will not wish us to reach Siena. They’ll know we intend to return with reinforcements, which might aid us in conquering them.” He looked about at the men, eyes full of warning, and then he spotted me.

  I was clearly not welcome. There was none of the delight and wonder in his eyes that had been there when we had our swordplay in Fortino’s den. I turned and walked toward a servant holding a brown gelding with my stupid sidesaddle, feeling as if Marcello had slapped me across the face. Dumb boys’ club. Women’s lib is obviously a long way off.

  Lady Rossi emerged from the dining hall, on the arm of the senior Lord Forelli and followed by Lord Foraboschi and her ladiesin-waiting. The girls looked a bit wan at the prospect of riding out in the midst of such danger. I turned away so Lady Rossi wouldn’t see me rolling my eyes, and tried to feel compassion for her. She was a product of her environment, given few choices. What might I have been like, had I been born when she had been? Six hundred and seventy years made a world of difference to society.

  Enzo arrived and lifted a sheath to me. “Courtesy of Lord Fortino,” he said. He quickly strapped it to my saddle, and I slid the sword inside. “It’ll be covered by your skirts, m’lady,” he said, delight in his eyes. “They shall never suspect that you carry it.”

  “I hope not,” I said.

  Marcello was there then, behind him, watching us. I felt my heartbeat pick up. “Do not take undue comfort in that old sword,” he said lowly. “As I said, if a knight finds you are willing to use it, you might very well become more of a target.”

  I looked over his shoulder at Lady Rossi, who was staring at us, then back to him. “I’d rather die than be taken.”

  “You might very well have the opportunity to choose,” he muttered. He leaned down, and I caught his smell again-that lovely mix of pine and leather and wood. But he gripped my waist and lifted me up to the saddle. Without looking, he took my heels and slid them into the stirrups, side by side. “No bareback today, m’lady.”

  “I realize that,” I bit back, unable to control my irritation at his I Make the Rules Here attitude. Liking the way his hands felt on the backs of my ankles made me even more irritated.

  He paused and looked up at me. “I’ll have enough to deal with, guarding Lady Rossi. My men are charged with the prisoners as well as Lady Rossi’s ladies-in-waiting. Yo
u will ride beside Luca, right behind me. If you break formation or do anything to try my patience at all, I shall send you back here immediately and refuse to take you to Siena for a month. Understood?”

  I clenched my lips and glared at him. “Could you be any more clear?”

  He looked puzzled at my sarcasm.

  “I understand,” I finally said. He left me then, even as Luca rode up. With his sandy hair, green eyes, and quick smile, I knew this one would charm my little sister. She always went for the California surfer-dude types. Luca was about as close as Italy could offer.

  He glanced over at the rest of the girls still getting settled in their saddles. “If I may ask, m’lady, where’d you learn to wield a sword?”

  “My father,” I said.

  “Ahh,” he said, sorrow shadowing his eyes for a moment. “No sons, eh?”

  “My father would’ve taught me to wield a sword, and my sister to shoot her arrows, whether or not he had sons.” I nudged the gelding’s flank and moved away from him, toward the others.

  “Your sister is an archer?” he asked, by my side in seconds, unperturbed by my irritation.

  “She is quite accomplished,” I said. Took State, last year, in the juniors….

  “I must say, I like how they breed women in Normandy,” he said, cocking a brow. “I do hope we find her in Siena with your mother so we might be properly introduced.”

  “Yes, well, it depends on how much you agitate me in the meantime,” I tossed back at him.

  He nodded and smiled, then instantly sobered when Marcello caught his eye. The young lord was all business, his brown, intelligent eyes flicking over the retinue. I shivered a little at the sheer power of him. I’d never encountered it in a guy so close to my own age.

  He turned toward Lady Rossi and said lowly, “M’lady, I beg you to leave your ladies behind. They are far safer here than on the road between here and Siena.”

  “We have discussed it thoroughly, m’lord,” she said, her tone sweet but her words unbending. “It is unseemly for me to travel without them. They are willing to take the risk.”

  I glanced behind us, back to the women two rows behind me. They did not appear at all willing.

  Stupid, selfish girl, making them do something they don’t want to do. I looked back to Marcello and Lady Rossi. It was not my place to speak. Blend into the walls, Gabi. I reminded myself again. Make ‘em forget about you.

  “Take close care, son,” Lord Forelli said, reaching up to take his son’s hand. “We will be anxiously awaiting word from you.”

  “I will send a message as soon as we are in the city, and another as soon as I have any news.”

  My eyes shifted back to a mule that was tied behind the last two guards. Cages with pigeons rested on either side of the mount. Homing pigeons. I had wondered if they were to be lunch, but messenger pigeons made far more sense.

  “Mind the gates while we are gone, Father,” Marcello said.

  A priest came out of the Great Hall, swinging what looked like a tin lamp before him, its sweet smoke trailing in a line and then spreading along the ground. The others bowed their heads, as if in prayer, and the small man chanted in Latin, crossing the air before himself, over and over. He moved down the line, continuing his litany. When he caught my eye, I hurriedly shut mine, whispering my own prayer that he wouldn’t call me out as a heretic among them. But he moved on.

  His nasally prayer came to an end, and Marcello immediately set off. I glanced at Lady Rossi, who so easily kept her seat in the saddle, and shifted, hoping to find peace with my own span of cursed leather. Maybe my rear is that much bigger than hers, I thought. The things were probably meant for size fives, not my more… curvaceous figure.

  “All is well with you, m’lady?” Luca asked, beside me.

  “Well enough,” I muttered. I glanced at him, but his eyes were already tracing the forest, alert to any attackers huddling there. I looked down the line and saw that the other sixteen knights did the same. A shiver ran down my back. I was glad for the sword in the sheath beneath my skirts.

  Let ‘em come, I thought.

  But we moved on. As the hours passed and we saw no sign of any interlopers, we all relaxed a bit, enjoying the warming morning sun, the doves cooing in the dense scrub oaks. In front of me, Marcello and Lady Rossi talked, and I realized they had some semblance of an honest relationship. She smiled at something he said, and he smiled back. Maybe they were actually in love. Who was I to judge? I had no idea, really, how medieval love affairs were conducted. I thought back to the spark I’d felt the night before after I’d passed out. Had it all been my imagination, or was he a little into me? I glanced at them again. She was looking into his eyes, batting her lashes.

  I shook my head. It didn’t matter anyway. I was soon outta here.

  About an hour or more into our ride, everyone seemed to settle down. There was something about being halfway there that made us feel like we were going to be okay. A scout that Marcello had sent ahead returned, and Marcello brought our train to a halt. The man reported a clear road, no sign of the rogue bands of mercenaries nor the Paratores.

  Marcello shook his head and glanced back at Luca. “It makes no sense. The Paratores could not have missed that we are en route to Siena. They always have spies out, watching the road.”

  Luca returned his look, and then his green eyes widened. “Get down!”

  Marcello immediately ducked, as did I, instinct taking over. I could hear the singing whistle of arrows. I glanced to my left. Luca tugged me down from the saddle, using our two horses as shields. They are shooting at us, I thought distantly, as if I wasn’t in my own body. Ambush.

  The men had been covered with gray cloth, blending into the granite boulders above us. But the archers were only the first volley. They were now swarming down over the rocks, like an army of Gollums with uncanny agility. Marcello frowned at them and made a sound of frustration. He looked to Luca.

  “They purchased his loyalty,” he said, jutting his chin toward the scout, who scurried over to the boulders.

  I let out a humorless laugh. Some things never changed. For the right amount of money, one could always find a traitor.

  They were getting closer.

  Marcello looked back at me with alarm. “Can you keep your seat?”


  “Can you keep your seat, on your saddle?”

  “Well, yes, but-“

  “I need you to ride ahead with the women. Your only chance is to outride any that give you chase. I’ll send two men with you, but your best chance is to ride fast.”

  I nodded, not feeling it, but seeing no opportunity, really, to disagree.

  Luca tossed me back up to the saddle as Marcello did the same with Lady Rossi. They whipped our horses on the behind, and the animals lurched forward, nearly unseating me. I glanced back. Marcello and Luca were pressing through the knights and horses behind them, trying to get to the ladies, to free them, too. Our horses, sensing the urgency, were churning down the road, and from the side, I saw more men coming down the hill toward us, attempting to cut us off. “Ride hard!” I cried to Lady Rossi.

  But she was already pulling ahead, much more adept in her saddle than I. She looked back over her shoulder and screamed toward her ladies. “Make haste! Make haste!”

  I leaned down, trying to become one with my gelding and his gait and that crazy saddle, knowing speed was truly our only ally. We were more than halfway to Siena. If the forest was similar to what it was in a modern age, if it gave way to farmland outside the city gates, across rolling hills, we might reach safety sooner than I thought. Or at least someone to help us.

  The last of the men on foot missed us by a mere eight feet, roaring in dismay, but then turning to wave their arms, attempting to make the other approaching horses rear so they could capture the ladies behind us. Lady Rossi pulled up on her reins at the next bend of the road. No one came into sight. “We cannot leave them,” she sputtered, her horse prancing in
a nervous circle around mine.

  “We must get to safety! There were knights with your ladies. They will do their best to protect them.”

  Still, she hesitated.

  “We do none of them any good by becoming captured as well!”

  She chewed her lips and studied me, her wide, murky brown eyelashes fluttering prettily. The pounding of hoofbeats grew closer, then, behind us.

  “M’lady,” I urged.

  In response, she lifted her reins and pressed her horse into action, as did I. One benefit of the sidesaddle, I discovered-it was easier to see both before and behind. I glanced back to see who it was, behind us.

  One lady. One Forelli knight.

  Fantastic. Hardly reinforcements. I wished it had been Marcello and Luca. Then I might have been able to breathe. But at least it was better than none. Perhaps Marcello and Luca were fast approaching too.

  We turned around another bend in the road, and I sensed Lady Rossi pulling up before I saw them. Another group of men, six of them. Two on the road, hands on their hips, two on either side. Just waiting for us. Lady Rossi’s mare again circled mine. “Come with me,” she said lowly, then pushed into the woods.

  I groaned. She had disappeared through an impossibly small gap in the trees. Bending as low as I could, well aware that men were charging up the road, toward us, I followed her, as did the lady and knight behind us.

  One of my feet caught on a tree trunk, which bent it back painfully, but I kept my seat, my eyes searching the forest for a glimpse of my leader. I ducked under one branch after another, seeing the rump of her horse, the gold of the cloth beneath her saddle.

  But then, there she was, in a clearing before me, eyes wide in frustration and fear. We were in some ancient limestone canyon, blocked on three sides by twenty-foot cliffs. I looked back. The path in was filled by the lady and the knight, who looked around and groaned as soon as he saw our predicament. We could all hear the men crashing toward us.

  “Climb, ladies,” the lone knight said. “I’ll hold them at bay. It is your only hope.”


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