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Fae's Choice: A Reverse Harem Paranormal Romance (The Elemental Fae Book 1)

Page 9

by Logan Byrne

  “Did you only agree to this because of tradition?” Aidan asked.

  “No! It’s not that at all! I just meant, what if I didn’t choose just one of you?” I asked, twiddling my thumbs, as I finally said it out loud, Telerius no longer around to interrupt me.

  The guys look confused, more so than usual, as their eyes looked at one another and avoided me. “But Kira, you won’t be blessed with your elemental powers if you don’t spirit bond to one of us. Not only that, but without the elemental blessing, you’re unfit to lead our people,” Tyvin said.

  “I agree with Tyvin on this one. It doesn’t seem like much of an option to not get your blessing,” Aidan said.

  “I just think we should keep our options open. I might know of something, I don’t know,” I said. I knew there had to be a way, it had been suggested to me before, and I was going to figure it out before the end of my feats. The answer lay after this dragon, though, in Atlantis. That trip was going to be far more than diplomatic, that was for sure.

  “Did you choose who you want to be with you tonight?” Aidan asked.

  “Before that, I need to say something. Adam,” I said, turning and looking at him.

  Adam looked up at me, a bit confused, as I mustered my courage. “Yes?” he asked.

  “I’m sorry you saw me kiss Tyvin on the summit,” I said.

  “Well, it’s okay. I understand the heat of the moment,” he said.

  “It isn’t the first time I’ve kissed him, and I’ve also kissed Aidan. I haven’t kissed you, though,” I said.

  “Oh, well it’s fine,” he said, obviously trying to save face. I could sense the hurt and frustration in his eyes, as if I were rejecting him and now pushing it in his face. I wouldn’t do that, though.

  “The situations arose, and I wanted that moment with you, too, but it hasn’t happened yet. I want it to,” I said, standing up.

  I walked over to him as he sat in his chair, his body perking up as I approached. I sat on his left knee, facing him, before putting my hands on either side of his face and leaning in. Our lips touched. His were soft even though his body was hard. He put his hand on my waist, a few butterflies finding their way into my stomach, before his lips wrapped around my bottom one.

  I slowly pulled away, my eyes opening, as I looked into his eyes and smiled. “That was nice,” he said.

  “Well, a bit awkward,” Aidan said.

  “I’ve decided who I want in my bed tonight,” I said, leaving Adam’s knee and standing up tall.

  “We’ll respect your choice,” Tyvin said.

  “All of you,” I said.

  The room got quiet, the guys eyeing one another, as if I’d just announced I was a gorgon. They looked confused, puzzled, like they weren’t sure that was a real option.

  “What do you mean, all of us?” Adam asked.

  “I’ve thought about it, and I cannot make a decision by just giving you all a kiss. Once we slay this dragon we have one more feat to complete, and then my decision must be made. I want more,” I said.

  I was lying to them, sort of. I knew they were still coming around to the idea of all being with me at the same time, and I’d mentioned it, but I decided going head-first into it wouldn’t be the best idea. I had plans in Atlantis, plans I hoped would actually come to fruition, but it started with getting to know them on a more, let’s say, personal level.

  I had no intentions of choosing just one of them, I couldn’t, and in due time they’d find that out. I wanted all three of them.


  I unclasped my holster from my hip and let it fall to the ground. The guys looked at me, nervous, as one by one, I removed each piece of my armor and clothing. I felt free, with all three of them watching me, as I pulled my shirt over my head.

  I tossed it towards them, smiling, as I stood in my bra and pants, before kicking off my boots and squirming my toes on the cool wooden floor. I looked at the bed in the other room, separated from the living area by sliding wooden doors, and walked slowly towards it. I could tell they were looking me up and down even though I wasn’t watching them. I bit my lower lip, glancing over my shoulder and inviting them inside.

  I didn’t know what was about to happen. Maybe everything, maybe only a little, but I did know one thing: I wanted it to happen.

  I wanted them to kiss every inch of me. I wanted them to run their hands along my stomach and breasts. I wanted to feel the power lying dormant in their hands as they satisfied my every craving and desire. I was in charge, and I wanted to make sure they remembered it.

  They followed me into the bedroom. I turned around as they circled me, Aidan in front, Adam and Tyvin on my sides. I smiled, giggling a little, as they began to take off their shirts. Their bodies were so different, not even the tiniest bit the same.

  Tyvin was ripped, and his skin was smooth and devoid of any markings. His six-pack looked like it was suctioned onto him. My hand trickled down his abs before grabbing his waistband.

  I looked to my left at Adam, his body tanned from working in the open air, solid like a cut piece of granite. His arms were large, almost as thick as his hammer, and his chest pushed outwards. I rubbed my hand along his chest, feeling him flex slightly, as I fantasized about him picking me up with ease.

  I looked forward to see Aidan staring me up and down, his ripped physique different than the others’. He had scars, likely from sword fights, showcasing his courage and tenacity. I ran my hand over them, feeling the heat from within his core, before his hands grasped my belt buckle and made short work of it.

  Aidan unzipped my pants, quickly dropping them to the floor, as Tyvin and Adam cupped my ass, feeling my curves. Aidan reached behind me and my bra dropped, exposing my breasts, and I felt the soft wet flicker of tongues against my nipples.

  I moaned, my head tilting back, while Aidan kissed my neck, pushing me slowly until the back of my thighs hit the bed. They lowered me down, each of them kissing a different part of me, as my head fell against the mattress and my legs opened up.

  Tyvin came up, his lips greeting mine, and I ran my right hand through his hair and felt his tongue dance with mine. His hand grabbed my breast, twisting my nipple gently, and I squirmed a little out of surprise before looking down to see Aidan’s mouth around my inner thigh. He was nibbling me, gently, as Adam kissed up and down my stomach, his lips stopping right at my panty line.

  I couldn’t believe what was happening, how it was happening. I wanted all of them, right now, in every way imaginable.

  Aidan’s lips kept ascending and I could feel myself starting to soak through my panties. Tyvin pulled away from my lips, and I looked to my left and saw Adam smiling. I leaned up and kissed him, his tongue entering my mouth.

  “Mm,” I moaned, softly, before I felt someone’s hand start to run down my stomach without stopping. His fingers hit my waistband as if it were a stone wall just waiting to be broken. It quickly was, and my toes curled over the end of the mattress as his fingers just about reached my clit.

  Suddenly, I heard a scream and the door to our room burst open. We all jumped up. Aidan’s hands were instantly engulfed in flames as Tyvin and Adam moved in front of me. Naked and scared, I covered my breasts before scurrying back to the bed.

  “It’s that crazy front desk lady!” Adam yelled.

  Half of her face covered in fur, drool dripped from her fangs as the woman stood there laughing, finishing her transformation. Aidan shot a flame at her, taking caution not to light the entire room on fire, as Tyvin used his air to shoot himself forward, his foot planting firmly into her growing chest.

  She stumbled back and he grabbed his staff, swiping it upwards and shooting her back into the hallway. Tyvin grabbed my sword, tossing it over to me, and I stood there in my panties, no top, with the sword in my hand. It wasn’t the best gear I’d ever worn, but it would have to do.

  She ran back in, roaring, and swiped at Tyvin, whose years of martial arts training had given him the best reflexes of all of us. “Tyvin,
watch out!” Adam yelled.

  Tyvin ducked and Adam threw his hand out, sending his hammer flying through the room and slamming into the werewolf, knocking her over. His hammer flew back into his hand as I looked on in amazement.

  “You didn’t think I wouldn’t have smelted a lot of earth into my hammer, did you?” he asked, smiling.

  Aidan ran forward, grabbing his sword, before sliding on his knees and slicing the werewolf across the thigh. She yelped, falling to one knee, before I ran forward with my sword in hand.

  “In the name of Terrandale I banish you to the depths of Hell!” I yelled, and I thrust my sword into her chest. She gazed at me, suddenly still, her eyes softening as she struggled to breathe.

  I pulled out my sword, sending blood spurting onto the rug below, before she fell to the floor, shaking. Her fur began to disappear from her naked body and her human form quickly took shape. Within seconds she was back to normal as a pool of blood collected on the rug and floor below her. She was dead.

  I grabbed my shirt, putting it back on, as we all tried to make sense of what just happened. “I guess Clifford isn’t that crazy after all,” Tyvin said.

  “Who knew,” Adam replied.

  “We should get some rest. We have a long day ahead of us,” I said, wiping the blood off my blade and onto what parts of the rug weren’t stained.

  “Are you sure?” Aidan asked, alluding to what was just about to happen before we were interrupted.

  “I think that mood is gone,” I said, exhaling deeply.

  With my racing heart starting to calm down, I went into the bedroom and slid the doors closed behind me. I lay back on the bed, pulling the old covers over me as I tried to think about why I was alone in here right now.

  Why had that shaken me up so badly? We’d defeated mountain trolls, golems, and slain a manticore. Not only that, but we’d also held off the dragon earlier tonight, even if we didn’t get the chance to take it out then and there. I’d trained my entire life, and been a part of so many stressful situations and training exercises that were supposed to have prepared me for anything.

  Still, though, this shook me up harder than I thought it would’ve. Was it because of what was happening before? I had to admit, I was in a pretty good place, physically, mentally, and spiritually, and I knew we were about to reach a different level in our budding relationships.

  I felt shaken up, almost traumatized, but I knew I had to get over it after tonight. I still had a dragon to slay, and a stay in Atlantis that needed to go well, both politically and for my own reasons.

  After what happened tonight, sans werewolf, I knew I wanted all three of them. I wanted to feel their warmth every single night, and to have their individual spirits during the day. It might not be possible to make the perfect man, but I knew these were the perfect men for me. After all, they were handpicked for me.


  The sound of metal clashing filled the room as I tried to push back the power of his sword. He was strong, a formidable opponent, and I knew keeping my balance and holding my position was imperative to my success.

  “You aren’t pushing back enough,” Aidan said, as if this was easy for him.

  I was pushed to one knee as sweat began to run down from my hairline and around my cheek towards my chin. It dripped down, splashing against the wooden floor, as I breathed heavily. I looked around, trying to find something, anything, that I could use against him. This was only a spar, so I wasn’t looking to hurt him or throw something into his eyes like I would in a normal fight, but I still had to assert my power.

  “Come on, you can do it,” Tyvin said. “Look inwards.”

  Look inwards, I thought to myself. I mustered my strength before forcefully sliding out my leg and kicking his shin. Aidan’s force against my sword faltered as he tripped, losing his balance. I put my hand on his gut, tossing him over top of me, and he slammed onto his back.

  “Oof,” he muttered, wincing a little.

  I put my sword to his neck, smiling, before he looked up, laughing a little himself. “You bested me. Good work, I’m proud of you.”

  I pulled away my sword, sheathing it on my waist, before extending my hand and helping him up. “You took it easy on me, I know you had more in you. You’re far stronger physically than I am. You could’ve had me,” I said.

  “I don’t think it would look good if I maimed or seriously injured the woman I’m attempting to woo,” he said, with a laugh.

  “That might disqualify you,” Adam said, smiling.

  “What are our plans for today?” I asked.

  “The weather has taken a turn,” Tyvin said, looking out the window. “There’s a storm and we need to stay put until it clears.”

  “Oh come now, a little rain isn’t enough to stop us,” Aidan said, grabbing his sharpening stone and working on his sword.

  “I agree with Tyvin. Fighting that damned dragon will be hard enough, just look at how last night went. We were almost spit-roasted pigs,” Adam said.

  “While I admire your bravery, Aidan, I have to agree with Adam and Tyvin. I don’t want to risk our lives. The manticore was difficult, and quite the formidable foe, but this dragon, this beast, is on an entirely different level,” I said.

  “I know when I’ve been out-voted,” Aidan said, smiling, obviously not upset in the slightest. “We should come up with a plan of attack, though, and figure out how we’re going to go about this once the skies clear.”

  “I’m going to consult the spirits and meditate. If a path is enlightened, I will report on it,” Tyvin said, before getting up and walking into the bedroom.

  “I say we hit the dragon in his lair,” Adam said.

  “How do we find it?” I asked.

  “How do we find anything? We go looking. Clifford said it was out east somewhere. I say we go east until we find it,” Adam said.

  “What if we don’t find it?” Aidan asked.

  “If we wait here for it to come back, which it ultimately will, the battle will level part of this town. These people depend too much on their land to prosper if the dragon destroys it. I wouldn’t sleep well knowing we ruined that for them,” Adam said.

  I admired Adam’s heart. He was huge, a giant mound of muscle, yet he had an amazingly tender heart. He knew what it was like to be from a working family, and what it would mean to the townspeople if their homes and workplaces were demolished. These people deserved better than us treating their town like a battlefield.

  “Maybe we can go out today and talk to some of the people. I’m sure somebody knows something more. Clifford can’t be the only one,” I said.

  I peeked into the room, seeing Tyvin sitting on the floor with his legs crossed and his hands in his lap. As Adam and Aidan talked about their dragon-slaying strategy, I stood up and walked quietly towards Tyvin.

  “One good thing about meditation is it heightens my senses,” Tyvin said, smiling, his eyes still closed.

  “Can I join you?” I asked.

  “Of course,” he replied, extending his hand beside him. I sat down, mimicking him as I crossed my legs and closed my eyes.

  “What do I do, exactly?” I asked.

  “That depends on what you’re trying to achieve. In its core, meditation can be used for relaxation and to clear one’s mind. It doesn’t have to be spiritual at all. All you have to do is think of nothing, making sure to focus on your breathing,” he said.

  “Sounds easy enough,” I replied, taking in a deep breath.

  Clearing my mind of everything was a harder task than I’d thought it would be. It seemed so easy, to think about nothing and just relax, but it was harder than that. As I tried to think about nothing, thoughts flooded through my mind. I thought about the guys, my training, the werewolf last night, and even my father, who I hadn’t seen in quite some time.

  “I can sense some trepidation in your attempt,” Tyvin said.

  “It’s that bad, huh?” I asked. “Maybe I’m not cut out for air elemental things.”<
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  “Meditation and connecting yourself spiritually isn’t an air elemental thing. It’s a human thing,” he said.

  “I just think about everything when I close my eyes and try to think of nothing,” I said.

  “I understand your plight. I was like that when I first started my training with the monks. You’re a great warrior and princess, Kira, but not everything will come naturally to you. That doesn’t mean you can’t do it, though,” Tyvin said.

  “So then what do I do if thoughts flood in?” I asked.

  “Just try to wash them all away. Those thoughts will be there for you to think about any time of the day, but during your meditation you should focus on making them drift away. Push them aside knowing that you can think about them later,” Tyvin said.

  “Okay, I’ll try,” I said, as I collected myself again.

  I saw each of my problems and concerns laid out in front of me one after the other. I swiped them away in my mind, not getting rid of them completely, but saving them for later. They didn’t need to cloud my thoughts right now. They could be saved for later.

  As the problems of my life drifted away, I saw a light within myself. I felt free, for the first time in quite a while, as if I were one with the universe and didn’t need to worry about what ailments attempted to taint my existence.

  “I feel it,” I said, smiling.

  “The light?” Tyvin asked.

  “You see it, too?” I asked.

  “The light is always within you, so long as you don’t let the darkness cloud it,” he said.

  Just as quickly as the light came in, it grew clouded, like black ink spreading on a virgin piece of parchment. An image appeared in my mind. It was Terrandale, and it was under siege. Men were pillaging the streets, knocking over carts, breaking windows, and terrorizing our citizens. The attackers were looking for something, but I didn’t know what.

  “Kira!” Tyvin yelled, shaking me, as I was torn from my meditation and back into the room. My eyes shot wide open, seeing the guys standing around me, looking worried.

  “What happened?” Aidan asked.

  “I…I don’t know,” I said, wiping my forehead. “I saw something, our home, it was being attacked.”


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