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Husband Hunting 101

Page 15

by Rita Herron

"All ten dozen," she said, her rosy lips parting in a smile.

  She didn't comment on the messages he'd included, and he wondered what she was thinking, but he was too tongue-tied over how gorgeous she looked to say anything else.

  "Do you want to come in?" Jenna asked, gesturing at the foyer.

  He shook his head. "No, let's go. I have reservations for us at 7:00."

  She picked up a soft, black shawl and draped it over her shoulders. He placed his hand at the curve of her back as they walked to the car. His stomach was pitching, but he swallowed hard, determined to ignore its protests.

  Once they'd settled inside the car, he pushed the start button for the CD. He'd already chosen the jazz music they'd listened to on their first luncheon and as the soft music wafted around them, he relaxed.

  "Where are we going?" Jenna asked.

  Zack gave her a sideways glance and grinned. "It's a surprise."

  Jenna arched an eyebrow but said nothing. He inhaled a deep breath and slipped his hand over hers, his heartbeat pulsing wildly as her soft hand folded into his. He steered the car onto the expressway and headed toward the downtown area. Twenty minutes later he approached the exit near Georgia State University and inhaled, hoping his first surprise didn't overwhelm Jenna, and praying his heart would hold up without stopping when it came time for him to confess his feelings.

  But after messing up so badly, he'd decided to commence a full-fledged campaign to show her instead. He slowed, pulled into the right hand lane and waited, his own pulse skipping a beat at the sight of the big billboard flashing its message across the expressway for all of Atlanta to see.

  "Zachary West Loves Jenna Barrett."

  * * *

  Jenna squinted through the sea of lights dotting the Atlanta skyline and gasped when she read the message flashing in bright red and yellow lights on the billboard. Shock stole the air from her lungs and her hand clenched into his, her gaze flying to meet his smoky, serious one.

  He was watching her, his gaze riveted to her face. Still stunned, she glanced back at the billboard, wondering if she'd imagined the sign.

  But there it sat at the top of the exit, twinkling and blinking, drawing all sorts of attention as cars stopped on the side of the road, people gathering to point.

  Zack squeezed her hand and Jenna's heart thundered.

  "I wanted you to know how I feel about you," he said gruffly, his face turning a strange shade of red with a tiny hint of green mixed in. "In fact, I want the whole world to know."

  "You... I can't believe you did that," Jenna stammered. "You really—" Her words got lost as emotions overwhelmed her.

  He pressed a finger to her lips. "Shh. There's more."

  "More?" Jenna squeaked. "What do you mean more?"

  "Another surprise." Then Zack spun past the exit, veered off onto the next one, maneuvered through the one-way streets, and spun into the entrance of the French Quarter, a classy and expensive hotel and restaurant that was known all over Atlanta for its charm and cuisine.

  Jenna followed in a daze as Zack left the car with the valet and guided her through the ornate columned entrance. Within minutes they were seated at a romantic table in the corner by the window, the candlelight and soft piano music adding to the ambiance of the rose-patterned walls and classic French artwork. The meal was served with such attention to detail that they didn't need conversation. He held her hand and sipped wine as they savored the strains of jazz music wafting around them.

  When Jenna finished her entree, her heart was beating wildly and the message from the billboard echoed over and over in her mind.

  Zack loved her?

  He hadn't spoken the words, but he'd put them on a billboard. He'd actually advertised his feelings for everyone in Atlanta to see. Could he possibly be ready to commit to her? Or was Mark right; was he going to suggest they simply live together?

  Her misgivings scattered like leaves in the wind as Zack kissed her hand and caressed her with his eyes. He looked incredibly handsome in his dark suit and red tie, with his hair freshly washed and combed from his face and his skin glowing with the candlelight. She wanted to touch him, to ask him if he was wining and dining and romancing her for an affair—or if he could possibly love her enough to... marry her.

  Then Zack cradled her hand in his and suddenly dropped to his knee on the floor beside her. Jenna's eyes widened. "Zack, what are you doing?"

  "I don't want you to marry Blair," he said bluntly.

  "Excuse me?" Jenna frowned. "Why would you think I was marrying Blair? I just met him."

  "I'm sorry. That didn't come out right." Zack closed his eyes, inhaled and exhaled loudly, then opened his eyes and spoke again, "I'm going to do this right."

  Jenna bit down on her lip, a smile tilting her mouth. Zack looked adorable, nervous and flustered, and totally, unbelievably, sexy. People around them turned to stare and two older ladies giggled behind their napkins.

  "Jenna, I know I've been adamant that I didn't want a commitment," he paused. "And I did feel that way."

  She frowned, her fingers curling into his.

  "Until I met you. But I've changed." He cleared his throat. "Being with you, falling in love with you has made me realize that in spite of all my protests, I really want someone to love. That slogan I wrote for your store, 'It's What's Underneath That Counts,' it's true. Underneath all my protests, I really wanted you."

  Tears stung her eyes.

  "I was scared, but I... I don't ever want to lose you."

  "Oh, Zack." Jenna gently stroked his hair away from his face. "You don't have to be scared. I'll never let you down."

  His eyes locked on her, and her heart twisted at the longing in his expression.

  "I love you, Jenna," he said in a rush. "I want you to be my wife." He brought her hand to his mouth and kissed it.

  Jenna blinked back tears.

  Then he gulped a sip of water, grabbed her hand again, and squeezed her fingers in his so tightly she almost lost her breath.

  Somewhere in the background, Jenna heard laughter again, felt people staring, but she gazed at Zack with all the love she had inside, silently willing him to believe in her, in them.

  "Will you marry me?" He finally got the words out and she couldn't help the smile that spread across her face. Then he reached in his pocket, brought his hand out, then held it up, palm open.

  Jenna stared at his palm and suddenly burst into laughter. A pack of antacids lay in his hand.

  Zack's eyes widened at her reaction, then he looked down, and grunted in frustration.

  "Damn, I'm messing this up." Cursing again, he tossed the antacids on the table, reached in his pocket, and removed a small velvet ring box. His hands were shaking and perspiration trickled down the side of his face, but he opened the box.

  Jenna's heart pounded. A diamond ring with several emerald chips sparkling around it sat in the middle of the velvety box, twinkling in the dim light.

  "It's beautiful," Jenna whispered.

  "Jenna," he said softly, his voice husky, as if he suddenly realized everyone in the restaurant was staring at them. "You... you didn't answer me."

  She laughed and wrapped her arms around his neck, then pressed her lips against his ear. "Of course I'll marry you, Zack. I love you."

  He covered her mouth with a kiss and applause broke out behind them. When they finally drew apart, they were both panting.

  "But there's something we haven't talked about," she said, suddenly serious.

  "What? Did I forget to say something? I said I loved you, I said—"

  She pressed her finger to his lips. "Mark made a comment that started me thinking—it's about my hearing loss."

  Zack clenched his jaw. "Mark should keep his big mouth shut."

  Jenna bit her lip. "I have to know, Zack. Our children, they could inherit—"

  Zack shushed her, then squeezed her hands. "So how many kids are we talking, two, three, a half dozen?"

  "Two, maybe three," Jenna said soft
ly. "But, Zack?"

  "Oh, hell. You're marrying me, Jenna Barrett, so don't make excuses." He scooped her into his arms and headed toward the door, the crowd cheering. "Let's go start on those babies now."

  Jenna laughed and laid her head against Zack's broad chest, desire and happiness filling her as he carried her into the elevator and up to a luxurious suite. When they stepped inside, he eased her on the king-sized bed, then reached for the soft fabric of her dress and lifted it.

  Jenna's pulse clamored as his fingers roamed over her body. "I want you to listen to me." He touched her lace-covered breast. "With your heart, with your body, with your mind. I want you to know how much I love you, how much I'll love our children." He cupped her face in his hands and gently kissed her lips, then nibbled on her earlobe. "I will never, ever let you down, Jenna. Or any little people we have together."

  Then he stripped their clothes, and when he rose above her and entered her, she knew he'd claimed her forever.

  Hours later, when Jenna lay sated in his arms, all her doubts had faded.

  "You are going to drop that ridiculous husband hunting class now," Zack said, nuzzling her neck.

  Jenna laughed and trailed her fingers down his broad chest. "Of course. I don't need it anymore. I found the perfect man. The husband I've been hunting for all along."


  "You look beautiful, sweetheart." Jenna's father gazed at her tenderly.

  Her mother gave her a hug, then carefully straightened her wedding veil. "I'm so proud to be here today, honey. That young man of yours is quite handsome." She winked at Jenna's father and he faked a hurt look, then bent and kissed her.

  Jenna laughed, overjoyed that her family had gathered to witness this special day in her life, the day she and Zack committed themselves to each other.

  Her brother, Jeff, wrapped her in a bear hug, then pulled back, his gray eyes searching hers. "Are you sure he's the one, sis? You can still bail out, you know."

  "I couldn't be more positive," Jenna said, battling the tears in her eyes. Her sister-in-law, Amy, dabbed at her own eyes and pulled Jeff's arm, signifying it was time for them to take their seats. Her mother hugged her one last time, then followed Amy and Jeff into the chapel.

  Her family had met Zack's family the night before at the rehearsal and everything had gone fine. Well, except for the fact that Zack had been as pale as milk and she'd heard his knees knocking when he'd stood beside her. He'd been stuttering so badly she'd told the pastor to forgo making them repeat the vows; she'd used the excuse that she wanted to hear them the first time at her wedding. Zack had been so grateful he'd looked as if he was going to weep.

  But after meeting Zack's father's seventh wife and his mother who seemed to have a bitter streak and a Botox obsession, she understood his reservations about marriage. His father and his latest bride had disagreed over the choice of a wedding gift and had arrived already angry with one another. Before the rehearsal dinner had ended, they'd been shouting and threatening divorce.

  They'd only been married three weeks.

  She glanced at the clock, resisting the urge to ask Jeff if Zack had arrived. For a fleeting moment when she'd awakened this morning, she'd had butterflies in her stomach, had been terrified Zack might not show up. But she knew Mark would drag him here, even if Zack had to swallow antacids and hang his head out the window to keep from fainting during the ride. And if he did try to bail, she would kill him.

  No, she'd get him, drag his sexy behind to the justice of the peace, and marry him anyway. She didn't intend to go husband hunting again. Heloise had already told her she passed the class with flying colors.

  Casey raced in and dragged her into a hug. "I'm so excited for you, Jenna. I can't believe I was only gone a few days and you fell in love and got engaged."

  "Just like it didn't take you and Gabe long," Jenna said, and they both laughed. Actually they'd both had rocky starts, but if the glow on Casey's face was a sign, her friend was blissfully happy.

  And Jenna knew she would be, too.

  The "Wedding March" began to play, and Casey raced back to the chapel to sit with Gabe and her son Henry S.

  Jenna joined her father, her heart fluttering with happiness. "I believe that's our cue, Dad."

  He squeezed her arm, then she slipped her hand on his suited arm, took a deep breath, lifted the lacy hem of her wedding gown and started down the aisle. The room was filled with friends and family. Even Heloise from her husband hunting class was scanning the room for prospective husbands for her next set of students.

  She smiled at Angel, who was patting her pregnant stomach, and sitting beside her brother's wife. They were probably comparing morning sickness stories. Colleen had joined them, probably hoping to be next in line for their maternity clothes. Then she saw Mark, Zack's best man, standing at the end of the aisle, looking handsome in his dark suit with his curly brown hair combed neatly.

  But he was frowning, his face grim.

  And when she glanced to his right, where the groom was supposed to be standing, the space was empty.

  * * *

  God, the music was playing the wedding march. The church was packed. The flowers and candles in place. The preacher waiting. His friends and family seated. Jenna's family and friends watching expectantly.

  He should be standing out there beside Mark right now.

  Nausea rose to Zack's throat, and he leaned against the bathroom sink and took a deep breath.

  Could he do this? What if he let her down?

  His hands shook as he reached for the faucet and turned it on. Fighting dizziness, he splashed cold water on his face. He was sweating like a horse and his legs felt like jello.

  Determined to fight off the panic attack, he closed his eyes and forced images of Jenna into his mind. Jenna in that sexy lingerie shop the first time he'd met her. Jenna modeling the black bodystocking for him.

  Jenna marrying that pediatrician.

  Hissing his frustration, he summoned his courage.

  She would not marry another man. No, dammit. Jenna Barrett was his.

  Determination set in, and he straightened his tie, smoothed back his hair, and opened the door to the chapel. Still his legs felt weak, so he grabbed the backs of the choir pews for support as he staggered to the front of the church.

  The scent of fresh lilies assaulted him and he swallowed, battling another dizzy spell as the room began to spin. Then the soft strains of piano music broke into his consciousness, wafting through the candlelit space, and he realized the "Wedding March" was almost over. Damn. He was late for his own wedding.

  He caught his brother's glare and hurried to his place, clenching and unclenching his clammy hands by his sides, determined to watch his brother eat crow when the ceremony was over. Then he glanced up and saw Jenna walking down the aisle.

  Suddenly his nervousness vanished, and in its place, excitement burst in his chest along with a sense of calm. A sense of rightness.

  Jenna looked absolutely radiant. Her long white satin gown had been tapered to fit her perfect body, a heart shaped neckline dipped enticingly low teasing at her breasts, those off-the- shoulder straps emphasized her creamy skin, and a soft, sheer veil framed her face and hinted at the sexy woman beneath.

  His breath caught and locked in his chest, and his body stirred with primitive arousal.

  Once the ceremony was over, they would have the party. They would dance and he could hold her close, nuzzle her neck, and sneak some kisses. Then, finally, they could leave for their honeymoon. Six days and nights in Jamaica.

  Six blissful, heavenly days and nights where he would have Jenna to himself. He would tear that dress off of her and drive her wild with his wanting. He would love her in every imaginable way—morning, noon, and night.

  Suddenly he couldn't wait to get married.

  His gaze met hers, then she blessed him with her provocative smile, and his heartbeat sped to triple time.

  How could he have ever had any doubts about
the two of them? About this marriage?

  Jenna was perfect...

  She reached the end of the aisle, the preacher spoke, then her father handed her to him. The moment Jenna took his hand, Zack's throat clogged with emotions.

  He had found the woman he would love the rest of his life.

  The room grew hushed as they recited their vows.

  "Will you, Zack, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

  "I do." Zack repeated the rest of the vows in a throaty voice, his hand gripping Jenna's in a silent pledge of solidarity.

  Finally, it was time to kiss the bride. Zack slowly lifted the veil from Jenna's face. Tears glittered in her gorgeous green eyes as he captured her mouth with a soul-deep kiss that promised her all the passion in the world.

  Then a small humming sound erupted with the song, "Here Comes the Bride."

  Zack threw his head back and laughed. The day before he'd sent Jenna a wedding gift, the his-and-hers bridal underwear from her store.

  Jenna was obviously wearing hers.

  He remembered his slogan with a chuckle, "It's What's Underneath That Counts."

  His body hummed with arousal. He couldn't wait to show her what he was wearing beneath his tux. Something he'd custom ordered just for her.

  Then she kissed him again, and he forgot about everything but holding her in his arms, and loving her, and that she was finally his wife.

  And for once, he didn't even feel nauseated at the thought.

  The End

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  Page forward for an excerpt from Rita Herron's

  Here Comes The Bride

  Excerpt from

  Here Comes The Bride

  The Special Author's Cut Edition



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