Valan's Bondmate (Zarronian Warriors Book 1)

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Valan's Bondmate (Zarronian Warriors Book 1) Page 7

by Mardi Maxwell

  Valan grinned. "If I did, there wouldn’t be enough left of you for me to enjoy."

  A few seconds later he was in the chair and she was on his lap. She made herself comfortable then ran her fingers down his chest and grinned when the muscles rippled and tightened. She traced the ridges of his muscles, enjoying the feel of his bronze skin beneath her fingers. "I’ve been thinking about what you said. About hating me because of my sire." As he started to interrupt her, she covered his mouth with her slender fingers. "Please, let me finish."

  Valan nodded, his eyes narrowed, one black brow drawn down.

  "Will the people on Zarronia hate me?" Her fingers pressed harder against his lips when he started to answer. He licked her fingers and she jerked them away. Her skin felt hot where his tongue had left a trail of moisture.

  "If they find out who you are they will." His voice was casual as if it didn’t matter.

  "Oh." Unwanted tears gathered in her eyes. She’d hoped he would deny hating her, but not only did he hate her…all of his people would hate her. What kind of life was he taking her to? With the exception of Gorm, the people of her village liked her. She couldn't even begin to imagine what being surrounded by enemies would be like. "Are you going to tell them?"

  "No. Stop crying. I don't like it."

  "I can't help it. I don't want them to hate me."

  "You will not concern yourself with the feelings of others. Your only duty is to please me." When the tears didn't stop, he carried her to the bed and dropped her on it.

  "I will shower, and then you’ll massage my body."

  Aggravated by his assumption she would obey his high-handed command, Lia frowned and furiously blinked the tears from her eyes. The war had begun. This was the first battle and he'd handed her a weapon. She was very, very good at massage. It was one of the things she’d been trained to do. With a soft giggle, she sprawled back on the bed and waited for him to return. The barbarian didn't know it, but she was about to win their first battle.

  Valan returned to her, naked and aroused. Drops of water glistened on his skin and ran down his flat stomach then disappeared in the short groomed hair surrounding the base of his cock. Lia clumsily took the small green jar he carried, while staring at his erection. This was the first time she’d really seen him. She ran her eyes down his strong, heavily-muscled legs then back up to his cock. It rose and grew longer and a drop of moisture appeared at the slit on the head. Surprised, she raised her eyes to his, and blushed when she saw his arrogant grin. He scooted her over then laid down and rolled onto his stomach.

  "Remove your gown, Lia."

  Ignoring his command, she continued her survey of his body. Dressed he was a frightening sight but without his clothes he was absolutely beautiful. Muscles rippled beneath bronze flesh with every breath he took. His broad back tapered into a narrow waist, and then curved upward with the flare of his buttocks. His legs were long, the calves hard with muscles. Stretched out like this, his body reached from one end of the bed to the other. Several long scars slashed across the smoothness of his shoulder. The wound must have been severe to leave such visible marks, and she wondered what caused them. He shifted and settled into a deceptively relaxed position.

  "You heard my command. Obey me."

  With a sigh, she pulled the gown off and dropped it to the floor. She poured a few drops of oil into her palm and rubbed them together to warm it. He stiffened when she placed her hands on his shoulders then slid them down his back, massaging the oil into his muscles. She traced his spine with her fingers and he groaned.

  Working from his shoulders down, she kneaded his bronze flesh until she reached the base of his spine. He shifted, silently asking her to go lower. She ignored the request and forced him to wait for her touch. After several more minutes of massaging his shoulders and back she ran her slick hands over his hard buttocks. He jerked and moaned when she squeezed them and his breathing increased and become slightly ragged as his body grew hotter.

  She moved lower to his legs. Over the back of one thigh and down his calf to his foot where she pressed her thumbs into the instep. Slowly, she retraced her path to his buttocks, and then shifted to his other leg, careful to keep her fingers from slipping between his thighs. Waves of heat rose from his body and a blue glow shimmered in the air around him. He moved restlessly beneath her hands and she slid her fingers between his legs then upward. Before she reached the apex she slid them outward and over his hard butt cheeks again. She repeated the movement, each time sliding her hands a little higher, a little closer, to her goal.

  Touching him was having the same effect on her as it was on him. The blue glow moved to her as her breath became ragged and her heart rate increased. Heat spread through her from her breasts to her belly and centered between her legs. Unable to stop herself, she slid her fingers over the soft sacs between his legs and felt him shudder with pleasure.

  He rolled onto his back. "Straddle me."

  Eagerly, she complied with his demand. He pulled her higher on his chest and his erection bumped against her lower back. Her oil-slick hands glided over his chest and brown nipples. His face flushed with desire and the inside of her thighs felt scorched by the heat rising from his body.

  Valan grasped her neck and pulled her down until her lips were against his. He swept her lips with his tongue and invaded her mouth, tangling his tongue with hers. Lia moaned with pleasure and cradled his head in her arms while she kissed him.

  He suckled one of her breasts while his hand slid down her belly and between her legs. Parting the silky folds, he slid two fingers into her. She tightened around them while he stroked the sides of her hot channel. A moment later he grasped her waist and slid her down until the head of his cock pressed against her. Slowly he impaled her. She gasped and wiggled against him, urging him to bury himself.

  "Oh, yes, Valan. You feel so good inside me. So good."

  Valan grasped her hips then lifted her and lowered her onto him. She placed her hands on his chest then took over the movement as he curled his hands over her breasts and rubbed her nipples against the palms of his hands. A line of fire streaked from her breasts to her belly, and lower to her clit. She bucked against him, and he groaned so she’d do it again.

  He trapped her gaze with his as he thrust into her and grabbed her hips jerking her against him. "You're so hot, little one. You make me want to stay inside your cold fire forever."

  Lia flexed the muscles in her channel and his body shook with pleasure as he pumped into her. She dug her nails into his chest and screamed his name as an orgasm slammed into her and went on and on. He pressed her down onto him and yelled her name. His hot seed filled her and ignited another orgasm that blazed through her and gradually faded away. Collapsing onto his chest, she cradled his head in her arms, combing her fingers through his hair.

  Valan slid his hands down her back and buttocks, leaving a trail of fire that drew a shiver of arousal from her. Long callused fingers curled around the insides of her thighs and pulled them farther apart and slid to touch her pussy where his cock joined them together.

  "Go to sleep, Lia."

  She rested her head on his chest and admitted to herself she was in big trouble. She'd been taught the only thing between a warrior and a female was an exchange of services. A female gave a warrior pleasure or children and in return he protected her from the other warriors. There had been no talk of pleasure or desire. She’d intended to seduce him and take control but she’d ended up being the one seduced and now here she was—right where he wanted her.

  She yawned and slid one hand beneath his neck and the other around his shoulder. His arms tightened around her for a moment then loosened. She raised her head and studied him. Stubble formed a dark shadow on his face and framed his perfect mouth, not too wide and not too thin. The upper lip was sharply sculpted, the lower one fuller. Thick straight eyelashes made his eyes appear smoky. His nose would have been perfect if not for a little bump just below the bridge as if it had been brok
en and set improperly. He had a strong face and was astonishingly handsome. Like a sculpture she’d seen at a craftsman’s home in the village.



  "Are you going to let me go—I mean, you know." She wiggled hoping he'd realize he was still inside her.

  His hand lifted away and she thought he was going to release her. Instead he swatted her bottom, hard.

  She gasped, and wiggled again. "Ouch. That hurt."

  "There's more where that came from if you don't go to sleep." He kneaded her buttock before he slid his hand back between her legs.

  Yawning, she laid her head on his chest and let his heartbeat lull her to sleep.


  Lia saw very little of him during the next four cycles. Bored and restless, she carried out the duties he’d given her. She spent most of her time curled up in his chair reading. When her restless nature couldn't stand the inactivity any longer, she paced the confines of the room until she was dizzy with anger and resentment at her imprisonment. Then, seething with rage she’d sit and watch the door as she waited for his return while plotting his downfall.

  She spent one afternoon experimenting with the buttons of the food processor until she knew what each button represented. Another afternoon, she tried to pry the door to the corridor open. Nothing she tried worked and the frustration of failing increased her anger. Late in the evening, tired, she’d go to bed and give up waiting on him. Sometime during the night, Valan would return and make love to her. Afterwards she'd fall asleep on top of him with his hands between her legs. When she woke in the morning he'd be gone and she’d face another endless cycle.

  The morning of the fifth cycle, he swatted her bare bottom. "Wake up, Lia."

  She shoved his hand away and rolled to the other side of the bed. He grabbed her and pulled her across the sheets in his direction then leaned down and placed his lips against her ear. "Do you want me to join you?"

  Smiling, she started to say yes then remembered she was supposed to be fighting to be a child giver and shook her head no. She rolled from the bed and fled into the bathing chamber with the sound of his wicked laughter ringing in her ears. Afraid he would come after her, she stepped into the shower and washed as quickly as she could before wrapping a drying cloth around herself. She brushed the tangles from her hair and braided it. Valan entered and stood behind her with one of her gowns over his shoulder. She glanced at him then tied one of his leather laces around her hair and reached for the gown. He held it away from her and tugged on the drying cloth, letting it fall to the floor.

  "Arms up," he said.

  She raised her arms into the air and watched him in the mirror as he pulled the gown over her head and smoothed it down her body stopping to squeeze her waist. A second later he freed her braid from the back of the gown and tugged on it until she tipped her head back. He searched her eyes for a moment then planted a kiss on her lips before leading her to the door.

  "I'm taking you to see my starship. If you see any females from your planet you will not speak to them. Do you understand?" His voice carried a stern warning.

  "Why, Valan? I'm lonely and I miss my friends."

  He grasped her waist and lifted her until their eyes were level. "Rule number one—you don't question my orders. Rule number two—you do what you're told to do when you're told to do it. Now, do you understand?"

  "No, I'm a prisoner. It's my duty to plan an escape with the other prisoners."

  He pulled her closer until their noses touched. "You even try and you'll regret it. Now, you can obey me and see my ship or I can leave you here. Choose."

  "I'll obey but I want to lodge an official complaint about how you've treated me."

  "Fine, when we get to Zarronia you can go before the Council. And, while you're at it tell them how you begged me to fuck you last night and how many times you came."

  Lia blushed with embarrassment then anger. "That's because of the disease you gave me."

  "It's not a disease. It's a fucking plague and if your sire hadn't killed our women we wouldn't be having this conversation." He gave her a little shake. "Now, are you going to obey me?"

  Lia bit her lip, nodded, and bumped his nose. "Yes, but under duress."

  "Tell it to the Council."

  He opened the door and she followed him into the corridor, eager to be out of her prison at last. They walked through several corridors to another door. Lia chanced looking around and saw several women from her village being escorted by hard-faced warriors. The door slid open and Valan led her into a small chamber and a second later the room moved. She gasped and clutched his arm as her stomach flipped.

  He wrapped his arm around her waist. "Have you never been on an elevator before?"

  "I've been on one but it's been so long I didn't remember what it was like."

  "Don't you have them on Zhang?"

  "No. I was fifteen when we settled on Zhang. My mother told me the warriors insisted they and their women be transferred to the surface first. The scientists and engineers died when the ships exploded so we weren't able to build anything."

  "So that's how your people lost all of their technology?"

  "Yes. The Wrothians know only war and death. The scientists, engineers, doctors and builders were people they'd captured and forced to work for them. Most of the women were also captured from other planets." The elevator stopped and her stomach flipped again. The doors slid open and two huge warriors stepped in. They glanced at her then turned their backs and faced the doors. At the next stop Valan took her hand then brushed by the warriors and led her to another door.

  "This is the Med-Center."

  As soon as they entered an older man approached them.

  "Lia, this is Doctor Borg Veeson."

  "It's a pleasure to meet you, Lia," Doctor Veeson said. "If you'll follow me I'll give you a short tour of our facility."

  Lia smiled then followed him around the room as he explained the functions of the different machines. She didn't understand most of the things he told her and was afraid to ask questions. She glanced at Valan.

  "You may ask Borg anything, Lia," Valan said.

  She smiled then began asking questions and Doctor Veeson patiently answered. He was so kind she began to hope not all of the Zarronians would hate her.

  Doctor Veeson led her to a row of large machines. He pointed to one and smiled. "This is a med-op. When a warrior is hurt, or ill, he's placed on one of these." He patted the large clear surface of the bed-like structure. "The med-op scans his injuries, makes a diagnosis then guides us in making the necessary treatment or repairs. With it we can repair almost every kind of damage such as broken bones, cuts, ruptured organs, or diseased tissue."

  Lia touched the surface. "On Zhang people die from an infected cut and women die in childbirth." She smiled at Doctor Veeson. "The warriors on your planet must live forever."

  Doctor Veeson frowned and Valan grasped her hand then rushed her from the room and back onto the elevator. He stood stiff and silent with a fierce frown darkening his face and his silver eyes locked on her.

  "Valan? What did I…"

  "Be quiet."

  He released her hand and looked away from her as if he couldn't bear the sight. When the doors slid open he hurried out of the elevator and she ran to keep up with him.

  He stopped at another door. "This is the gymnasium."

  The doors slid open and they entered a huge chamber crowded with warriors. Several women from her village stood silently near one wall watching the warriors exercise. Lia smiled at them but they didn't return her smile and in fact looked away from her. Valan moved away and she hurried to catch up to him as he joined a large group of warriors. When they saw her they glared at her with hatred in their eyes. Their attitude puzzled her until she heard a warrior whisper her sire's name and another warrior repeated it. The venom in their voices frightened her. She moved closer to Valan and reached for his hand.

  He pushed her hand away then bent do
wn and placed his lips against her ear. "Look at them. They're enjoying your fear. They can see it on you. Smell it on you. Would you like me to leave you alone with them, Wrothian?"

  His words slashed into her drawing a moan of fear from her lips. Trembling, she swayed against him. "V-Valan."

  "Are you as great a coward as your father?"

  Hurt and angry, she forced herself to stand on her own and glanced at the warriors standing next to them. His words carried to them. They sneered at her and turned their backs with the exception of one warrior who approached Valan.

  "Commander, I challenge you."

  "I accept your challenge." He shrugged out of his vest, shoved it into her hands then ordered her to stay put. The warrior moved to the center of one of the mats and Valan followed him and turned to face his opponent who attacked without warning.

  At first, he and his opponent appeared to be evenly matched but then the ferocity of the battle increased and she realized Valan was holding back. Now, his movements came rapidly, one blow after another until his opponent spent more time avoiding his punches than landing his own.

  Distracted by the fight she didn't have time to react when someone grabbed her braid and yanked it pulling her head back as a callused hand covered her mouth. Several warriors stepped between her and Valan blocking her from his view.

  "Daughter of Selik ad-San, you will die a slow and painful death," a rough, hate-filled voice whispered in her ear.

  Another warrior grabbed her breasts and groped them. The hand over her mouth muffled her scream of outrage. A second later she was released. She wanted to turn and confront them but her body was paralyzed with fear. Several warriors brushed passed her and congratulated Valan as the match ended. She looked at the warrior who challenged Valan and saw the look of satisfaction on his face. Valan said something, then reached down and helped him up. The warrior said something back, then they laughed and looked at her. She lowered her eyes and saw his vest laying on the floor. She picked it up then folded it over her arm as she wondered if he knew what the warriors had done to her?


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