Valan's Bondmate (Zarronian Warriors Book 1)

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Valan's Bondmate (Zarronian Warriors Book 1) Page 8

by Mardi Maxwell

  "Were you scared, Lia?"

  Was he really asking if the warriors' attack scared her? She stared at him, saw the indifferent expression on his face and decided it was exactly what he was asking her. "Yes, Valan."

  "You'll have to get used to it. It's our way."

  His callous attitude amazed her and she wished she was a warrior and could fight back. "You're supposed to protect me from things like this!"

  "Can you honestly tell me that you've never experienced something like this before?"

  Lia thought about the way Gorm used to grab her and hurt her. "No, but that doesn't mean it's right." The warriors around them watched and listened to her and Valan, and she wanted nothing more than to be back in the safety of their quarters. "I'd like to go back to your quarters, now."

  "No. You're not going to run away because you're scared."

  Pale and shaken, she followed him to the transfer-room. Valan introduced her to Dag Bjornson and waited as the younger warrior explained how the control panel worked. He even demonstrated it for her when she smiled at him. She started to ask Valan if this was how he'd brought her to his starship when he grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the room.

  On the way to the bridge she saw more women being escorted by hard-faced warriors. Some of them clung to the warrior by their side and appeared to be happy while others looked as miserable as she felt.

  "This is the bridge," Valan said.

  As soon as they entered the command center the warriors on duty turned, saw her and frowned. A brown-haired warrior approached Valan and spoke to him. Unable to hear what was being said, she peeked to see if the warriors were still staring at her and was relieved to see they'd turned back to their duties.

  Panels of lights flicked on and off above the desks where the warriors worked and a huge screen took up the wall across from them. Stars filled it and just as she thought they would crash into one of them it would streak from view. At the right edge of the screen a large red planet glowed in the darkness, growing larger as they approached then disappearing as they flew past.

  Valan took her arm and escorted her to a man standing at a large round table in the middle of the room. "This is my navigator, Royce Garrikson. He's in charge of charting our course." The warrior gave Lia a thorough but indifferent inspection. Valan indicated the warrior standing next to him. "This is my officer in charge of security, Mikel Thornson." Lia smiled at him but received the same indifferent inspection. The next warrior Valan led her toward smiled at her. "This is Hugh Borgson, my science officer."

  Lia was so happy to see a friendly face, she gave him a radiant smile, and was promptly jerked away and swept out of the room. She had to run to keep up with his long strides.

  "Valan, why are you angry? Did I do something wrong?"

  "You will not smile at my warriors."

  "That would be rude."

  "Females do not smile at other warriors."

  "You didn't tell me that rule. If you'd tell me all the rules then I wouldn’t do things to upset you." She tugged on his hand. "Where are we going now?"

  "To the rooms set aside for your lessons about Zarronia. I want you to meet Educator Seligson before I take you back to our quarters."

  "Are you going to stay with me? In our quarters, I mean."

  "No. I'm needed on the bridge." He was frowning again.

  "Oh. I could meet the Educator another time if you’re in a hurry, Valan."

  "No. We'll get this over with now."

  The room they entered was crowded with warriors and their women. The women didn't speak to each other while their warriors remained near them, appearing to stand guard. Valan led her over to an older man.

  "Educator Seligson, this is Lia."

  Lia's smiled faded when Educator Seligson stepped back as if he feared being contaminated by her presence. "Hello, Educator."

  "You will address me as Educator Seligson at all times," he told her in a grating voice. "In my class you will learn Zarronian laws, customs, and history. The High Council has given me full authority. Any trouble you cause will be reported to your master."

  Irritated with his attitude towards her, Lia still tried to please him by showing an interest in the lessons he would teach her. "I'm looking forw…"

  Educator Seligson interrupted her. "Commander Eirikson, I'll do my best but I think it's a hopeless cause. Most of these females can't even read."

  "I’m sure you'll find a way around that, Educator. I'll see to it my female learns what is needed before we reach Zarronia." Another warrior and his woman joined them and Valan pulled Lia away.

  In the corridor, she told him, "He hates me."

  "He's one of our best Educators. He's abrupt with everyone. If you obey him, he'll treat you fairly."

  "I don't like him. Couldn't I have another Educator?"

  "No. I requested you be allowed in his class. You will obey me in this."

  A few feet away from them Lia saw Valan's friend, Cam, step into the corridor with Minda beside him. Valan called to him then led her over to them. Lia smiled at Minda then peeked at Valan. He seemed to be absorbed in his conversation with Cam so she quietly asked Minda how she was faring.

  "Fine. Are you okay?"

  "Yes, but, I've been wor…" She jumped when Valan's hand closed around the back of her neck and pulled her against his chest. His fingers tightened, warning her to be still. One glance around the corridor showed her misdeed hadn’t gone unnoticed by the other warriors. They watched her and Valan, waiting to see what his next move would be. He dismissed Cam then pulled her in the direction of his quarters. As soon as the doors opened he jerked her over the threshold and toward his desk before releasing her.


  A callused finger pressed against her lips, sealing them. "Quiet." Reaching out he pressed a button on his desk. "I don't want to be disturbed until further notice."

  His voice was calm and she sighed with relief until she saw the glowing silver color of his eyes. He rocked back in the chair and folded his hands over his flat stomach.

  "What did I tell you about talking to the other women?"

  Her lips trembled and she barely managed to answer him. "You said not to talk to them."

  "Did you obey me?"

  She shook her head.

  "Answer me."

  "No, Valan."

  He pointed to the floor next to his chair. "Come here."

  Scared, she glanced at the bathing chamber door, wondering if she could make it before he caught her.

  "If you run, you'll be very, very sorry. Now, come here."

  Trembling, she took a step closer to him.

  "You shamed me in front of my warriors. Remove your gown." When she hesitated, he ripped it from her then reached for the golden band on his left arm. He hesitated then grabbed her and flipped her over his lap. A second later he swatted her honey-gold buttocks. "You will never shame or disobey me in front of my warriors again."

  "Valan, stop! Oh, please."

  Instead he rubbed his hands over her satiny flesh then swatted her several more times before he cupped her rosy red bottom in his hands.

  Tor, so this is why warriors stopped spanking their mates. He rubbed her ass again then slid his hands over the back of her legs then up to her ass again.

  Lia wiggled in an attempt to get off his lap. His erection pressed into her hip. She froze and wiggled again as she heard him suck in a deep breath. A moment later he swatted her again then shoved her off his lap and stormed away.

  She stayed on the floor for a few nano-units then jumped up and ran into the bathing chamber and slammed and locked the door. A second later it crashed open and Valan stormed in backing her up until she was against the wall and his chest was only inches from her nose.

  "Never, ever, lock a door between us. Do you understand?"

  She nodded, then answered, "Yes, Valan."

  He grunted an acknowledgement then stalked out. She closed the broken door then rubbed her aching bottom and mumble
d every curse she knew, directing them at him. Tears of pain and rage ran down her cheeks and fell onto her breasts. They ached where the warriors had groped her as if their touch had somehow marked her. She touched them and then saw the golden bands on her arms sparkle in the mirror. She slapped her hands over the bands, cursing him again before she stepped into the shower determined to wash his scent from her body.

  Chapter Five

  The next cycle she refused to speak to him and gave him icy glares every time she caught him looking at her. He ignored her until it was time to go to bed. When he ordered her to join him, she gave him a haughty look and tried to slip into the bed with her gown on.

  "Don't even try it, Lia."

  She ignored his warning. Before she could lie down, the gown was ripped from her body and tossed into the air. Her back hit the mattress before the gown landed on the floor.

  Valan loomed over her in the dimness of the room. "How many more gowns do you have?"

  When she opened her mouth to curse him, he took possession of it.

  The next two nights followed a similar pattern, but the fifth night after they'd eaten she fixed herself a third glass of Zarronian wine. He'd tried to take it away from her but she grabbed it and chugged it down before she glared at him and slammed the glass down on the table. Valan sipped his ale and watched her. She'd laughed at his expression, and feeling slightly tipsy she danced for him. Half-way through the erotic, enticing dance, he'd tossed her over his shoulder and carried her to the bed. On the short trip, she'd managed to slide her hands beneath the waistband of his pants and give his tight buttocks a squeeze. His growl of warning drew more laughter from her as he dropped her to the bed and came down over her. Her last thought, before his mouth took hers was the beast wasn't so ferocious after all.

  The next morning she threw the scraps of cloth in the disposal unit, then stalked to the closet. Only four gowns remained. If he didn't stop ripping them off she wouldn't have anything to wear to the classes he insisted she attend. The thought of Educator Seligson and the way he and the other warriors treated her nearly had her in tears. She was already having trouble with Valan and now she'd have to deal with the Educator.

  She'd adjusted her battle plan but nothing she did worked. Before she could figure out what she was doing wrong the door slid open and Valan arrived to escort her to the first class. He didn't speak until they reached the classroom and even then he only reminded her he would come to escort her back to their quarters. Then, with an irritating pat on her bottom, he told her to behave and left.

  Her first cycle of class was a miserable experience. The old Educator disliked the other women and treated them contemptuously, but he truly hated her.

  If she sat quietly, he asked if she was bored. If she tried to show interest, and ask questions, he barked at her not to interrupt him. Even the other women, some she knew from her village, quickly caught on that anyone who befriended her would receive the same treatment. By the end of the first class none of the women would speak to her and several actually moved to seats further away.

  When Valan arrived to get her, Educator Seligson ordered her to wait in the corridor while he spoke to him. She nodded and obeyed him. A few minutes later Valan joined her and escorted her back to their quarters.

  She prepared their lunch and sat across from him but couldn't eat. Finally she put her fork down and folded her hands in her lap. "Are you going to tell me what he said to you?"

  "What do you think he said to me?"

  "I—he doesn't like me."

  "So it's his fault you're disrespectful and disinterested in his class?"

  She didn't know what to tell him. Apparently he wasn't interested in the truth. At least not from her. "I'll try harder to get along with him, Valan."

  He sighed, stood, and left their chambers without another word.

  Several cycles went by, all of them worse than the cycle before. Each cycle after class Seligson spoke to Valan and he spent the evenings brooding and refusing to talk to her. The harder she tried to get along with the old Educator the worse things got until on the eighth cycle she finally lost her patience with the old stinkgoat. When she asked him about the population of Zarronia, he went berserk and ranted and raved at her and called her horrible names. Finally, embarrassed and enraged, she threw her book at him and cursed him. He dismissed the class but demanded she stay and even ordered a warrior to block the door so she couldn't leave while they waited for Valan to arrive.

  Alone and scared, she waited for him. When he entered the room and walked over to stand behind her, she lowered her eyes to the table. His large hands fell onto her shoulders.

  "You requested my presence, Educator Seligson?"

  "Yes. I'm very sorry to disturb you, Commander, but something must be done about your female. As I have mentioned before she is disruptive and disrespectful." He gave Lia an icy glare. "This cycle, she threw a book and cursed me!"

  As the Educator spoke, Valan's hands slid from her shoulders to her arms and pulled her to her feet.

  "She will not return to disrupt your class again."

  Valan's voice was emotionless, and Lia shivered remembering the last time she'd heard it this way. She wanted to run but knew he'd find her.

  "Thank you, Commander." A small, malicious grin widened Seligson's lips when he looked at her.

  Valan grasped her arm and gave it a little tug. "Come, Lia."

  On shaky legs, she followed him back to their quarters. Once inside, he left her standing by the door, while he took his usual place behind the desk. "Come here."

  Trembling, knowing there was nothing she could say or do to make him spare her, she moved to stand next to him. Before he could reach for her, she pulled her gown over her head, and threw herself across his lap. Biting her lip, she waited for the punishment to begin, and jumped when his hand caressed her bottom.

  Valan turned her over then pulled her against him. "I didn't realize Seligson hated you so much, little cat."

  A sob of relief left her lips and she threw her arms around his shoulders and began mumbling against his neck. He lifted her and arranged her legs around his waist then stood and walked to the beverage processor. He prepared a glass of wine then carried her and the glass back to his desk.

  He eased her away from him, and held the glass to her lips. Sniffling and wiping away the tears on her face, she took a small sip. Valan drank from the glass, then offered it to her again. She took a sip and a drop clung to her lower lip. Before she could lick it away, he caught it on his tongue and placed it in her mouth. Gently, sip by sip, he made love to her.


  The next cycle, he introduced her to Educator Fergusson, who smiled cheerfully and welcomed her to his class. She glanced around expecting to see the other women turning away from her. Instead she saw Minda beckon and point to an empty chair next to her. A wave of relief flooded through her. Gratefully, she smiled at Valan, and received a gentle pat on the bottom and a quiet reminder to behave before he left. She hurried over to Minda and slid into the chair next to her.

  "Lia, I've been so worried about you. Did he hurt you? When I saw the look on his face, I was terrified for you. I asked Cam, but he told me it wasn't my business. That's his answer for most of my questions."

  Unwilling to admit the exact means of her punishment, Lia assured her he hadn’t hurt her. "He isn’t as fierce as he looks. What did Cam do to you?"

  "He started to use these wretched bands, but I told him if he did, he'd have to force me to his bed from now on. I guess it stopped him. So, he, uh, did something else." The blush on her cheeks told the story.

  "Has he ever used the bands, Minda?"

  Paling, the younger girl nodded. "Once. The first cycle but only for a few seconds. It wasn’t too bad really." Minda glanced around then asked, "Has Valan used them on you?"

  Lia nodded but before she could say anything further Educator Fergusson called for their attention.

  The lessons in his class were loud and fun.
He encouraged them to ask questions, often telling them more than they needed to know. Lia, always curious and eager to learn, soon caught up with her classmates.

  Educator Fergusson explained the Zarronians used technology to make their lives easier, but they didn't let it rule them. Anything considered excessive was discouraged.

  A statuesque blonde in the back row asked, "If you don't own females does it mean we can leave whenever we choose?"

  Thrown by the question, Educator Fergusson paused for a moment. "I understand the males of your planet own and mate with many females, and they also use their females as trade items. Is this correct?" Receiving several nods, he went on. "Living with a Zarronian will be completely different from what you're accustomed to. Zarronians bond with only one female."

  "What does it mean—bond?" Minda asked.

  "It means to choose and keep one female and, uh, be with only her."

  Their reactions surprised him. At first, they stared at him in disbelief, then, slowly, smiles appeared on their faces.

  "You mean Zarronians only share pleasure with one female? Ever?" another woman asked.

  "Well, no. A young warrior might share sex with many females but he can only bond with one female."

  "I still don't understand," Minda said.

  Educator Fergusson cleared his throat then shuffled some papers in his hands. "I think I'll have Doctor Veeson visit the class and explain this to you. In the meantime, let me tell you more about Zarronia. As you know, there are five provinces, what you would call strongholds. Kadia is the largest, and is also the location of our High Council. There are five members of the High Council. Four of them are Council Rulers. The fifth is referred to as the High Ruler, and he is the highest member of the Council. Lia, your mate's father, Eirik Dagson, is the High Ruler of Kadia."

  Lia smiled but it faded as she wondered if he'd hate her because of her sire. Valan has said his mother and sister died when he attacked Zarronia.

  Educator Fergusson continued. "The Council has total and absolute power, ruling over matters ranging from the most insignificant to decisions concerning war. They can also be removed from office by a vote of the warriors if they are derelict in their duties."


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