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Gearing Up

Page 6

by Daniel Schinhofen

  “Of course, Hero,” Becky said softly as she pulled a washcloth from the glovebox and used it to soak up the fluid in her seat before resummoning her clothing. “I’m only partially sated though.”

  “Oversexed temptress,” Alvin said as he kissed her ear again. “I’m not done with Jarvis yet, but damn if that wasn’t sexy as hell to watch.”

  “Glad I can please you,” Becky said breathlessly as he continued kissing her ear. “If you keep doing that—” she cut off with a disappointed moan as Alvin pulled away.

  “Okay, Jarvis, what do the runes cost? And what about the more mechanical things that can be added to the guns, like scopes?”

  “They are in the store sir, along with the rail systems needed to add such upgrades to a firearm,” Jarvis said. “The cost varies, but all base runes cost two thousand XP.”

  “Okay then. Once I see what the guns are going to cost, I’ll see what’s left to use for runes.”

  “I still want you,” Becky commented as she finally seemed to get herself in order. “But I’ll wait as best as I can.”

  Chuckling, he leaned back over to her and gently kissed her. “I’ll be sure to up the ante a little tonight, depending on what kind of XP we have left to work with.”

  Eyes widening, Becky nodded vigorously. “That sounds amazing.”

  “Let’s go inside,” Alvin said as he opened his door. “I’d normally say roll down the window to air the car out, but I like it the way it is right now.”

  Becky actually blushed slightly as she opened her door. “Asshole.”

  “Let’s go eat and try to act like people,” Alvin said as he got out and shut the door.

  “I’d rather act like your property,” Becky said, touching her neck.

  “Okay, you are to behave like a lady until we get to our room, that is an order. But I’ll let you do two things that contradict that order, so long as they don’t offend our hosts. So as long as they don’t object, you can be a brat twice.”

  Shivering, she leaned against him as he stopped next to her. “Oh, I like this new game we have.”

  “I do, too,” Alvin said softly as he gently nipped her ear. “Starting now.”

  With a shuddering breath, Becky nodded. “Are you going to tease me during the evening?”

  “Probably. After all, you like that, don’t you, Gothy?”

  “Yes, Hero. Yes I do.”

  Putting his arm around her waist, he began leading her toward the house. “Well, tonight you’re going to have quite a hard time of it. Until we enter our room, you are a lady, despite whatever I do to you. I hope you like some of the toys I have in mind to get later.”

  Becky’s mind went around and around wondering what he had in store for her. A slow smile spread across her lips as she let all the delicious ideas percolate in her mind.

  Chapter Seven

  Alvin and Becky sat off in a corner of the great room shortly before dinner. Alvin idly rubbed Becky’s bare upper back as they sat together on a loveseat. When no one was paying attention, he would tangle a hand in her hair and give it a tug.

  Becky quivered each time, and had to bite her lip to not make the sounds she really wanted to make. The one brief moment there wasn’t anyone else in the room, he slapped her sharply across the chest twice, catching both nipples. Becky’s eyes widened and she gasped, and she’d only just managed to regain her composure when Marie poked her head into the room.

  “Dinner will be soon,” Marie said, looking around. “Did someone come running through here?”

  “Not recently,” Alvin replied. “Do you need an extra set of hands in the kitchen?”

  “No, we’ve got it under control,” Marie said. “It’ll be another five minutes. If you want to ring the chime outside so they all know when to come in, that would help.”

  Becky shot to her feet. “I’ll take care of it.”

  Alvin grabbed her hand and pulled her back to the loveseat. “You should sit. I’ll go take care of the chime, Gothy,” Alvin said, giving Marie a smile. “I’ll take care of it.” Marie returned his smile and went back to the kitchen. Leaning in, he spoke softly to Becky, “I want you to occasionally brush your arms across your chest ‘accidently’ until dinner is served. If anyone comments, you are to stop and act like you don’t know what they’re talking about.”

  “Yes, Hero,” Becky shivered, her eyes locked on his. “You’re driving me crazy.”

  “You were already there,” Alvin grinned, claiming a quick kiss. “It's one of the reasons I love you. Be back soon.”

  When he got back to the great room, Becky was chatting with Karee. As he crossed the room toward them, Karee stood up, gave him a wide-eyed look, then bolted down the stairs. Alvin’s lips pursed in surprise and he slowed.

  “What was that all about?” Alvin asked as he reclaimed his seat next to Becky.

  “Oh, she was asking about my new marking, and why I had it,” Becky said innocently.

  “What did you tell her?”

  “That it shows that you own me, body, mind, and soul, and that was something I’ve always wanted,” Becky fluttered her lashes at him. “Did I do anything wrong?”

  “Ohhhh, you little vixen,” Alvin said as he admired her poise in acting innocent. “That is one, yes.”

  Becky giggled, “All I did was honestly answer her question, though. Why does that count as one of my two brattings? Shouldn’t I answer questions honestly?”

  “Would a lady be explaining BDSM to a teen?”

  “She’s only a couple of years younger than me,” Becky replied. “It’s more helping a contemporary than corrupting a youth.”

  Alvin couldn’t stop the snicker that bubbled up, “Really? Well, I say it's still one of two.”

  Bowing her head, her words were soft, “As you wish, Hero.”

  Shawn came up the stairs into the room. “Didn’t expect to see you sitting up here.”

  “We’re hungry, and ready for dinner,” Becky said with a small smile.

  “I heard the chime, so we can head in. The others…” he trailed off as everyone who had been in the yard started filing in. “Looks like it’s time for dinner.”

  Alvin put his hand on Becky’s thigh, keeping her in place as everyone went past them. The last ones in the door were Placido and Wynn, who were talking about irrigation and only barely noticing their surroundings. “We can easily do it, is all I’m saying. It would keep all the fields watered,” Placido said, then spotted Alvin and Becky still sitting in the great room. “Waiting on us?”

  “We’re just being a little lazy, we had a busy day,” Alvin said as he got to his feet and extended his hand to Becky.

  “Giant ants, Han was telling me, used up all the dynamite he took with you guys, and my special mixture,” Wynn chuckled. “Left a thirty-foot sinkhole and a dead queen.”

  “Hero was almost buried in that,” Becky said unhappily.

  “He made it out,” Wynn replied. “As long as everyone makes it home, it’s a victory.”

  “Let’s not keep the others waiting,” Placido said, motioning toward the dining room.

  The four of them were the last ones into the room. Wynn and Placido took their seats next to their wives at the biggest table, which left two open seats at the same table for Alvin and Becky. Once they were all seated, lids were pulled off the dishes on each table. Tonight, it was simple food—hot dogs and hamburgers.

  There were murmurs of surprise and even some disappointment. Marie spoke up loudly enough to be heard through the room, “This is what we already had planned before last night’s changes, and I won’t see perfectly good food wasted. If you don’t like it, then don’t eat. We’ll start using the new food tomorrow.”

  No one moved to leave, and the muttering died away. Shaking his head, Alvin helped himself to a couple of hot dogs and a burger. Waiting for the ketchup to come his way, he felt Becky’s thigh touch his. Glancing at her, he noticed that she’d moved her chair closer to him. He couldn’t help smirking a litt
le as he waited for her next move, but she didn’t do anything but hand him the ketchup after she had used it for her own food.

  “Thank you, Gothy.”

  “Anything for you, Hero.” She made sure he noticed the drop of ketchup on the tip of her finger, her lips barely hiding the edge of her grin. “Seems I was a little less than perfect with that.” Raising her finger up a little, she kept eye contact with him as she wiped her finger across the bun for the burger. “There, all better.”

  Tongue in cheek, Alvin shook his head. He’d been sure she was going to lick it off her finger, but she played him and hadn’t bratted. He slathered his own burger and dogs in ketchup and passed the bottle to Karee, on his right.

  “Thank you… Hero,” Karee said, clearly trying to match Becky’s tone.

  Eyebrow raising, he frowned at her. “No problem. But I’m only one person’s Hero.”

  “I’m pretty sure others will want you to be their Hero as well,” Becky said from his other side, dragging his attention back to her. “It’s only natural when you save them.” A smear of ketchup next to her lips caught Alvin’s attention. Seeing him watching, she used her thumb to wipe it off and put it onto the bun. “It’s human nature, after all. Women like a strong man who can protect them.”

  A terrible thought occurred to him as he caught a glimmer of amusement in Becky’s eyes. “Did your conversation earlier have more to it than just what you told me about?”

  Becky took another bite of her hamburger, grinning widely. Silently, she shrugged while laughter sparkled in her eyes. Taking a bite of his own, Alvin shook his head. He should have known when she hadn’t objected more vigorously to him calling it one of her two passes earlier.

  Alvin spent the first part of dinner waiting for Becky to make her move, and was completely surprised when it wasn’t her, but Karee, who put a hand on his upper thigh. Almost choking at the unexpected contact, Alvin slowly turned his head to the teen, only to find her talking with Han on her other side.

  Seeing his obvious distraction, Becky put her right hand over his left where it rested on the table. “Good food, isn’t it, Hero? Just don’t want to put it down, do you?” Becky said with false innocence as she used her other hand to take a bite of her burger.

  Taking a breath, Alvin gave her a small nod of understanding. “Simple, but good. But sometimes one needs to let the meal sit so you can savor it a bit more.” Setting his food down, Alvin was about to slip his right hand down to pull Karee’s hand off his thigh where it had been slowly inching higher.

  “Did you need more water?” Karee asked, turning to face him with a bright smile. Lifting the pitcher on the table, she refilled his cup. “Got to stay hydrated in the desert.”

  Feeling people’s eyes on him, Alvin gave her a tight smile and picked up the cup instead. “Of course.”

  Taking a swallow, he wasn’t surprised when the questing hand found the prize it had been seeking. He did use that moment to act like the water had gone down the wrong pipe, setting the cup down suddenly and swatting surreptitiously at her hand in his lap. The cup fell over, sending a flood of water across and off the table, drenching Karee.

  “Gah!” Karee screamed, pushing back from the table. Her left hand was noticeably reddened as she held her hands out in shock at the unexpected drenching.

  “Hero?” Becky asked with a hint of concern to her voice.

  Coughing loudly a few more times, Alvin caught the flat look Becky was giving him. “I’ll be fine… wrong pipe was all. Sorry about that.”

  “Are you okay, Karee?” Han asked, as Karee rubbed her hand and glared at Alvin.

  “Huh? Yeah, just hit my hand on the table when he spilled his water. I wasn’t expecting it.”

  Marie got up and bustled into the kitchen, returning with a rag to mop it up. “At least it was only water.”

  “Yeah, it could have been bad if it had been anything sticky,” Becky said in agreement as she patted Alvin’s back. “We’re lucky on that count.”

  “Things could have been much worse,” Alvin agreed as he let his coughing subside. “Thank you for the help, Gothy.”

  “Always, Hero,” Becky smiled, her eyes laughing as she leaned in to kiss his cheek. “I’m sure that surprise was the last for tonight…”

  Alvin felt the hairs on the back of his neck rise. “It had better be.”

  Giving him an overly sweet smile, Becky picked her burger back up. “One never knows.”

  Leaning toward her, he spoke very softly. “That’s two.”

  She only nodded a tiny bit as she ate her burger with a broad smile. Once Karee was back in her seat, she behaved for the rest of the meal, as did Becky.

  Shawn cleared his throat when he was finished eating. “Meeting in the great room in ten minutes.”

  Those who were also finished stacked their plates and followed Shawn to the main room. Becky finished before Alvin, but waited for him. Karee finished quickly and left the table, with Han following, insisting on checking her hand.

  Almost everyone else was done eating before Alvin, who was taking his time. Marie and Laurel began to pick up the plates. “Ladies, do you need help?” Alvin asked, standing up.

  “We have it,” Laurel said with a pleasant smile. “You should probably head to the meeting. We’ll be along once we get these in the kitchen.”

  Looking at Becky, who was still seated, Alvin grinned. “Why don’t you help them, Gothy? Then you can come join us at the meeting.”

  Looking up at him, her eyes sparkled with evil intent. “If that is what you wish me to do, Hero.”

  “Nonsense,” Marie said. “We have this, and you’ll both be needed there. Go on and let us older ladies take care of the dishes.”

  “You heard them, Hero,” Becky said, getting to her feet and taking his hand. “Shall we leave them to it, and go see what Shawn has to say?”

  “Have a pleasant night, Marie, Laurel,” Alvin said as he led Becky away.

  In the great room, it was standing room only, except for a single seat next to Karee, who waved at them. “Gothy… I saved it for you.”

  Alvin leaned in and spoke softly to Becky. “You still have something planned, don’t you?”

  Becky let go of his hand with a bright false smile. “Me? I’m going to sit with my new friend. You don’t mind, do you, Hero?” She asked the last part with a grin as she put him on the spot.

  “Of course not, but play nice,” Alvin said.

  “I always play nice,” Becky giggled as she swayed across the room, earning a lot of appreciative glances.

  “Okay,” Shawn said, breaking the moment, “we have something big to talk about. Today, we went out to strip the drake that killed our friends. We pulled the hide, scales, claws, and teeth from it. Since the skill needed to use those for crafting isn’t in the store—and won’t be for some time, from what I gather—we sold all of it to the store. That netted the Settlement a lot of XP, some of which went to the people who did the work. The rest is going to be used for the project that we’re here to discuss.”

  Several people demanded to know why they hadn’t been asked to go, while others tried asking a number of other questions. Shawn let them talk for a minute before whistling sharply to silence them. “Let me continue, and anyone who really wants to will have a chance to go out. First, you need to understand what it means to go on one of these trips.”

  Once everyone settled down again, Shawn continued, “Shortly after we got to the corpse and started using chainsaws to cut the hide off, we were attacked by giant ants. Each of them took between four and seven shots to kill. Han encountered them first, and his hand got shredded. Luckily, there was a medkit on hand to fix him up. Then, the soldiers started showing up. They were fast, strong, and fearless. Imagine an ant the size of a dog and with mandibles the size of your forearms coming at you.”

  Another round of talk started up at his description. Shawn let them go for a minute, then whistled again. “Okay, you get the idea. With any ant nest, t
here is a queen. I went into the nest with Alvin and Becky to see if we could do anything about her. She was over eight feet in length and sitting in a thirty-foot room, literally covered with her workers and using them as a living shield. It wound up taking explosives to blow up her and her chamber. For the three of us, that was good XP, but none of the others above ground got any.”

  More angry mutters started, from most of the same people who’d objected at not going on the trip. They cut off as Shawn brought his fingers up to his mouth again. “You have to be in a group to get XP from kills. To form a group, someone has to have the Leader Power, and everyone else has to have the Contracted Power. The Leader and the Contracted hash out whatever agreement they want, then the Contracted gets a tattoo showing them to be part of the team. It usually seems to be a simple wrist mark, or, if you go overboard, you apparently get a collar.”


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