Fallin' For a Thug 3

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Fallin' For a Thug 3 Page 13

by Lucinda John

  “Let’s not forgot we still have to get at the motherfucker who shot you. I’ve been trying to wrap my mind around who it could have been.”

  “That nigga Bryson shot me. He was in on the shit with BG. I’ve been sitting here putting two and two together. Bryson and BG are thick as thieves. BG ain’t bright enough to pull that shit off on his own. However, Bryson is and I bet that motherfucker got our fucking money right now.” Dre was laid back in the bed with his hands behind his head staring at the ceiling looking off into space. I could tell the shit Gunz had just laid on him had his mind going into overdrive. Then some shit popped in my head.

  “Did you say Bryson? That’s the same nigga that was fucking with Tosha.”

  “We should have killed that nigga instead of whooping his ass.” Gunz said as the veins in his head started to pulsate. Yeah that nigga fucking with Tosha had him all in his feelings.

  “When ya’ll whooped his ass?”

  “The day I came home and found out that bitch nigga had got my wife pregnant.”

  “Damn I’ve missed some shit since I been out of it huh?”

  “You don’t even know the half of it. At the same time I don’t think it’s safe for you to be here until we get shit under control. We already hollered at the Dr. and we’ve made arrangements for you to be transferred over to the house. Right now we have everybody at Gunz and Tosha new house because no one knows about it. This shit is just temporary until we can get at Johanna and of course Bryson. They both have to go immediately.

  “Don’t forget about the bitch Oneeka. She definitely has to pay for what the fuck she did. I can’t believe I had let that bitch stay in the damn guesthouse. Psycho ass bitch. Ain’t no telling where her ass at now. She’s probably somewhere plotting on Dawn. Oneeka went crazy when she found out that she was pregnant by me. I hate to do this but she gone have to come over to the house with us. I’m not trying to disrespect Lori but at the same time Dawn is pregnant with my seed and I can’t just leave her out here while that bitch is on the loose. I know I’m going to catch a lot of heat from the girls but I’m a man of my word. I told Dawn that I would be here for her during the pregnancy and I have to stick to it.” I understood where Dre was coming from but at the same time he was about to create so much drama and add tension to an already stressful situation. I just hoped he was ready because Tissa, Tosha, and Lori was about to get on some good bullshit with Dawn. I could look at her and tell that she was nothing but easy prey for those savage ass bitches and I mean no disrespect for saying that but it’s true. The last thing I needed was to try and keep them girls off of her. I was more focused on mending my business relationship with Thug and Stacks, and killing all these motherfuckers who felt the need to trespass against me and my family.

  Chapter 24- Dre

  When I was unconscious I could have sworn I heard Lori’s voice but when I came to and she wasn’t there I realized that shit was all a dream. Now Gunz and Khalil came and told me that she was back. I don’t even know how to feel about all of this shit. On one hand I wanted to see Lori and on the other hand I didn’t. Mainly because every time I look at her I see that niggas dick in her mouth and him fucking her. Also, how can I look at her in the face knowing that she was somewhere being abused and I did nothing to help her. Granted I had no idea that the bitch Oneeka had kidnapped her.

  That still doesn’t change the fact that I hated her guts and called her every whore in the book for abandoning us. Not to mention the fact that I have a baby on the way with another woman. I could only imagine how Lori must be feeling at the moment because Dawn had already told me that she met her when I had to be rushed up to surgery. I wanted to be mad for Dawn telling her but at the same time it wasn’t her fault. How was she to know that she was Ne-Ne’s mother?

  At any rate I know that I have to do right by both Lori and Dawn. That’s why I hit up both of them and told them that I needed to talk to them. I needed to lay all of my cards on the table and let them know what its going to be. I’m still real fucked up with these holes in my lungs and it was going to be a minute before I was able to do anything. The last thing I needed was for them to be at each other throats or acting like some ratchet ass bitches doing devious shit to one another over a nigga.

  All that shit ain’t even called for especially since they don’t know each other and I technically didn’t cheat on either of them with the other. I thought Lori’s ass left me and Dawn is not my woman she just happened to get pregnant with my seed. However, the fact remains the same that I am the father of both of their children. So, we’re going to have to get along for the sake of the kids. I’m sure Dawn won’t have an issue. Lori on the other hand is a different story.


  I sat on the edge of the hospital bed fully dressed waiting for Gunz and Khalil to come back and pick me up. Lori was sitting across the room in the chair staring a hole through me while Dawn was busy packing all of my things I needed to take home.

  “Sit down for a minute Dawn let me holla at ya’ll.”

  “Why does this conversation have to be with her in the room? We have so much to discuss and I’m not comfortable discussing our business in front of her. As a matter of fact isn’t it a little unorthodox to fuck your student’s father? I’m going to make sure to look into that.”

  “Actually Ronniesha wasn’t my student when I fucked him and got pregnant. Isn’t it against the law to abandon your child for months and then pop up out of the blue ready to be a parent again? By the way bitch I don’t have to look shit up.” Dawn jumped and walked towards Lori and she jumped as well. I was happy as hell Khalil and Gunz walked in and grabbed them before they got a chance to swing. I was in no condition to stop them from fighting.

  “Bitch you speaking on some shit you know nothing about. Please don’t get fucked up in this hospital and be your ass downstairs in the fucking morgue. The way I feel bitch I will body your fucking ass. As for you Dre stay the fuck away from me and my daughter. In case you forgot you are not the father. You a fuck nigga for trying to have a talk with me and a bitch you got pregnant. I hate your ass!” she said as she spit on me and rushed out of the room. I tried my best to go after her but she took off on my ass.

  “I’m fucking her up on sight and I mean that shit!” I yelled at the same time holding my chest because that shit hurt yelling after her ass.

  “Calm down babe before you bust your stitches.” Dawn rushed towards me but I pushed her ass away from me.

  “Back the fuck back. Why would you say anything to Lori in regards to Ronniesha? That was not your fucking place to even speak on that shit Dawn!”

  “And it was her place to speak on her daughter in regards to her being my student and fucking you. Your bitches will not disrespect me and neither will you. You might not be Ronniesha’s biological father but you’re the biological father to mines. I’m sick and tired of you trying to handle me like I’m some basic ass bitch Dre. I like you but at the same you got me fucked up if you think I’ll continue to let the bitches in your life come for me like they crazy. Don’t let the teacher title fool you I nut up just like the next bitch. You want to keep putting me in the friend zone but I’m the only bitch been here through it all. I can already see where this shit is headed so I’ll gracefully bow out right now. Maybe I’ll let you se our baby, maybe not. I doubt that you will care anyway. Especially since every time we fuck you call me Lori anyway.” Dawn grabbed her things and ran out of the room. I felt bad because I knew she had been doing nothing but being there for a nigga. That’s why I didn’t want to make anything official with her because I knew in my heart I still loved Lori. It didn’t matter that I thought she had left me for another nigga. Somewhere deep in side of me underneath all of the anger, I longed for Lori. I just never wanted Dawn to realize that.

  “Here it is, I thought me and this nigga Gunz was going through it with Tissa and Tosha. Nigga you got it bad like Usher. Let’s ride, my momma cooked all types of shit and got the house all ready for you

  “This some bullshit. Let’s get out of here. I need a blunt because I’m stressed the fuck out. Plus I miss my baby Ne-Ne.” Just saying her name hurt me to the core because Lori’s choice of words had my heart hurting. I’ve been everything to Ne-Ne from the moment I laid eyes on her and for Lori to say some disrespectful ass shit like that to me really hurt a nigga. I know she was mad and in a way she had every right to be. At the same time there is just certain shit you don’t say in the heat of the moment because you can’t take the shit back.


  I know that I should have been trying to find the bitch Oneeka and check on Dawn but right now Lori was my main concern. I was not done with her slick talking ass. I heard laughter coming from the kitchen and I made my way back there as fast as I could thinking she was back there but when I made it, Tissa and Tosha were cooking.

  “Where the fuck Lori at?”

  “Hey to you too Bro. She downstairs in the room to the right when you first go down the stairs.” Tissa said as she looked at me with a screwed up face. I rushed out of the kitchen making my way down the stairs bumping into Khalil on my way out.

  “Calm down Bro. You need to sit your ass down, you and Lori giving me a headache with this bullshit.”

  “Do I get in you and Tissa’s business?” Khalil just shook his head because he knows that I don’t and he be going real hard on Tissa.

  “Wait a minute what the hell is going on?” Tosha said but I kept walking.

  I’m not trying to hear shit from nobody. I walked inside the bedroom fully ready to go across Lori shit but I stopped in my tracks when I saw her sitting in the middle of the bed cutting her legs and arms with a razor blade. She was just sitting there like blood wasn’t pouring out.

  “What the fuck are you doing man?” I rushed over to her and knocked the damn razor blade out of her hand. She was just sitting there in a trance like I wasn’t even standing in front of her.

  “Oh my God Lori. You promised you wouldn’t do this shit anymore.” Tissa said from behind me and rushed over to Lori. At the same time their mother came in the room crying and hugged her.

  “This was exactly the shit I was worried about. I knew this shit was going to set her off. She hasn’t done this shit since she was a teenager.” Her mother was applying pressure to the wounds that were actually superficial.

  “I’m sorry Ma and Tissa. It’s just everything hit me at once and the only thing that made me feel better was to cut myself like I used to. Please don’t send me back to that hospital I promise I won’t do it again.

  “Why the fuck would you do that shit and you have Ne-Ne?” Tissa said. That made Lori cry harder and that made me feel worse. Despite everything she said to me back at the hospital at the moment she just needed to be comforted. As bad as I wanted to smack the shit out of her I knew that I couldn’t.

  “Let me talk to Lori ya’ll.” they both looked like they were hesitant to leave but eventually they did leave out of the room. I sat on the side of the bed and begin to rub my temples trying to calm down. This shit was just too much on a nigga right now.

  “I’m sorry about what I said back at the hospital. No matter how mad I was those words never should have left my mouth. You are her father and I know that you love her more than anything in this world. She’s a lucky little girl to have a man like you in her life. I know it has taken a lot out of you to raise someone else’s child but if I never told you before, thank you for loving her and taking care of her while I was gone. Every day that I was gone you and Ne-Ne were my reason to stay alive. There were days I thought that I wouldn’t make it or survive being raped, I----.”

  “Stop talking about it. I don’t even want to think about you being violated like that. It fucks with my head. All this time I thought you had left me for another nigga. I hated your guts and I wished nothing but bad on you. All along you were in a living hell. That fucks me up Lori. The bad part about it all is that I missed you every day, so much to the point where I didn’t even want to fuck with a bitch. Dawn getting pregnant was a mistake; it was never my intention to get her pregnant. Fact of the matter is she’s pregnant with my seed and I have to take care of my responsibilities. I know that hurts you and the last thing I want to do is hurt you because you mean the world to me. I understand if it’s too much on you. I’ll always be here for you and Ne-Ne. That’s my daughter and nothing will ever change that. I just need you to promise me that no matter what’s going on in life you will never cut yourself like that again. That shit ain’t normal and you’ve come too far to be sitting up in the fucking nut house. If you lose your fucking sanity you’re letting everybody that hurt or violated you win.” My chest was killing me so bad that I had to fall back in the bed and pull a pillow over it. Getting shot in my chest was no punk. I needed to hurry up and get in my oxygen before I passed the fuck out.

  “Are you okay Dre?” Lori sat up on her knees and leaned over me. I was able to get a good look at her for the first time since she had been back. She was still as beautiful as ever. She definitely didn’t look like what she had been through.

  “Not really but don’t get off the subject. Promise me that you won’t do that shit again.” I reached up and stroked the side of face. I damn near wanted to shed tears for everything that she had been through.

  “I promise I won’t do it again. I haven’t done that shit since I was younger when I used to get molested by my mother’s boyfriend. Oneeka kidnapping me, being raped and pimped out, coming home to you fighting for your life, and this bitch being pregnant by you was just too much on me and it triggered something inside of me that gave me the urge to cut myself. Do you love her?”

  “Stop crying man I can’t stand seeing you cry Lori. To answer your question, no I don’t love Dawn. I love you and that’s why I’m here. However, I have to be here for Dawn while she’s pregnant with my seed. I’m sorry this shit happened but I can’t turn my back on her right now. You have no reason to sit up and worry about any other woman having my heart because you already own it. I love the fuck out of you Lori and I’m glad to know that you didn’t just up and leave a nigga like that. I need you to bear with me right now Ma. I know I’ve been coming off all nonchalant and acting as if I don’t’ care about what happened to you but that’s not the case. I’m just trying to deal with all of the shit that’s going on right now. Not to mention trying to keep you safe because there is no telling what that bitch Oneeka is up to.”

  “I love you more than anything in this world Dre. There is nothing I want more than for us to be back the way we were before all of this shit happened. However, things have drastically changed between us. I feel like you won’t look at me the same after seeing that video. I feel so nasty and dirty. Every time I close my eyes I see Oneeka laughing and those men doing those god awful things to me. I literally take baths and showers for hours trying to scrub them off of me. I just need you to promise me that no matter what happens you won’t judge me or look at me different for being with those men. I’m so sorry Dre. I just couldn’t fight them off. The drugs were too powerful and I’ve been feigning for them. I’ve been too scared to tell anybody but since I got back I’ve been going to the hood copping dope.” At that moment I became a bitch nigga I let the tears flow I grabbed Lori and pulled her down on me. I was so angry and mad that it hurt my soul.

  “We’re going to get through this shit okay. You’re going to kick this shit cold turkey. I’m gone stay right here with you Lori. You have to do this for Ne-Ne.”

  “I know Dre. I want to kick this shit and get back to my life. Just please don’t give up on me.” Lori and I lay in bed and held each other for what seemed like hours. I was happy when she finally went to sleep. I could tell that she hadn’t slept that good in months. I got up and got Lori and put her in the bed with us. I didn’t give a fuck if we had to stay in that room for months. Lori wasn’t coming out until she had that monkey off her back. I had every intention on helping her every step of the way. At the same time I nee
ded to figure out a way to make this bitch Oneeka die a slow and painful ass death.

  Chapter 25- Oneeka

  From the moment Dre basically chose Dawn over me I was hell bent on fucking her life up. No bitch will ever be happy when it comes down to Dre especially if the bitch is pregnant with his child. My child is no longer here so in order for me to keep her memory alive I have to make sure no other bitch gets to have his baby. I know the shit sounds so far fetched and crazy. At the same time this is the way a crazy bitch like me operates. It’s like no matter what I do Dre continues to push me to the side like I’m some random ass bitch. We have history with one another. It’s like he doesn’t give a fuck about any of that. That shit makes me even angrier with him. Dre doesn’t understand I love him more than anything in this world and all I want is him. Lori or Dawn will never love him the way that I do. That’s why Dawn had to go.

  I actually thought I had gotten rid of the bitch Lori for good. That was until I was on my way inside of the hospital to see Dre after hearing about him being shot and not doing good. At first I thought my eyes were deceiving me but that was definitely the bitch Lori. I knew if that bitch was back home then Gunz was as well. All along I knew that the bitch Johanna had Gunz. Ya’ll think I’m crazy but that’s a sadistic ass bitch right there. I also knew that everybody now knew that I was the one that was behind her being kidnapped. The last thing I wanted was for Khalil or Gunz to get a hold of me. Dre wasn’t in any condition to get at me so I knew I still had a chance to get the fuck out of dodge. The vengeful part of me wouldn’t allow me to just leave town without doing some damage. I wouldn’t be the psycho bitch the streets call Oneeka if I didn’t.


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