Fallin' For a Thug 3

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Fallin' For a Thug 3 Page 15

by Lucinda John

  “Momma, Tosha is going to be so mad about the house.” Before I knew it I had turned around and slapped the shit out of Aniyah. She should get tired of me knocking the shit out of her. It’s like she tries to throw Tosha in my face every chance she gets. No matter what I do for her all she does is give Tosha the praise. That bitch was not the mother of my children, I didn’t give a fuck if she did take care of them when I left them on their doorstep. Aniyah was not going to keep calling that bitch momma and thinking the shit was going to fly with me. If I had to I would beat her ass until she got the fucking picture.

  As much as I loved my kids I hated them too. I hated their ass because they were the splitting image of their father and they loved him more than me. Gunz was everything to them and he could do no wrong in their eyes. I hated to admit it but he was a wonderful father. I just couldn’t understand why he acted so damn ugly to me. Granted I’ve done some sneaky underhanded shit but that was only after he said fuck me and gave the bitch Tosha the life he should have been giving me. I’m just so mad and hurt because he played me like a sucker back in China. He had me thinking he had forgiven me and that we were going to be together. He was fucking the shit out of me and selling me a dream at the same time. I have nobody to blame but myself; I slipped up and let that dick cloud my judgment now I’m paying for it. I looked in the rearview mirror and stared at my children for the longest. Amir was sleeping and Aniyah was sitting in the back sniffling and when I gave her that look she knew to shut the fuck up.

  I thought long and hard about my next move. I wasn’t thinking clearly when my dumb ass decided to have my whole security team killed. Not only did I do that I had to have all of the sex slaves I had killed and disposed of as well. I couldn’t have anything coming back to me. I knew that Gunz wouldn’t go to the police but I wasn’t so sure about Ling. That bitch was probably sitting in an interrogation room as we speak. The last thing I want to do is sit in a damn jail cell for the rest of my life.

  “Can I call daddy?” Aniyah asked through tears and it made me mad. Not because she didn’t understand but because Gunz didn’t understand the impact him leaving had on the kids. I know I bought all of this on myself and my kids have to suffer. I just wish that Gunz would have at least thought about them before he just brazenly left like that.

  “Your daddy doesn’t love you or Amir anymore. He only loves Tosha and her kids. Stop asking about that motherfucker. I don’t want to hit your ass again so I suggest you make that the last time you say anything about your father. Do you understand me little girl?”

  “Yes mommy.”

  After setting Khalil and Tissa’s house on fire I was exhausted. The smell of gasoline was all over me and I just wanted to shower and sleep. I knew that the kids were tired as well. We had basically been in the car for a couple of days trying to find out where the fuck Gunz and Khalil was at. I was staying at the Doubletree and as soon as we made it in we showered, ordered room service, ate, and we all laid down to go to sleep for the night. I didn’t realize how long I had been asleep until I woke up the next afternoon. The hotel room door was open and my kids were gone. I immediately began to panic and run through the hotel calling my kids name. I had no other choice but to call the police and report them missing. The entire time that I was being questioned by the police I was trying my best to figure out what could have happened to them. I knew there was no way that Gunz had them. If he would have taken them I would be dead.

  “We went over the hotel surveillance cameras and we need to know do you know who this man is?” the detective pushed a small computer towards me and I started watching it. There was an unknown man with a limp who simply walked out of the hotel carrying Amir and holding Aniyah’s hand. I immediately began to shake uncontrollably and cry. I had no idea who this man was.

  “No. I’ve never seen him before in my life.”

  “Do you have someone you can call? Maybe you should try and get in touch with the kids father.”

  I immediately put my head down on the table and began to cry my heart out. The last person I wanted to call was Gunz but at this point I really had no choice. I didn’t have his number so I knew that was going to be hard. However, Khalil always keeps a private line that was strictly for business and emergencies. I hesitantly took out my phone and dialed the number. It rang over and over with no answer. After a couple of minutes of me calling the phone was eventually shut off completely. After hours of sitting in the police station they decided to do a press conference and put the kids picture up along with the unknown man who had them. I already knew Gunz wanted me dead but he was probably going to murder me in front of the damn police when he finds out I let somebody kidnap the kids.

  A part of me wanted to run the hell out of that police station but I knew I couldn’t do that. I needed to face Gunz head on. Plus, I wasn’t going anywhere without my kids. I might not have that long to live on this Earth but before I went to hell I wanted to at least get my kids back and kill the motherfucker who took them. After the press conference I sat nervously trying to wrack my brain about who could have them. Not to mention I was constantly looking at the door because I knew at any moment Gunz and Khalil was going to come through it.

  My phone began to ring and I looked down and it was an unknown number. I nervously answered and I was surprised that it was Tosha telling me to come outside of the police station. I should have known Gunz or Khalil wasn’t coming anywhere near a damn police station. The detective had left a folder with photos from the surveillance cameras at the hotel. I quickly grabbed them up and left out of the police station unnoticed. I was scared shitless when I got outside and saw Gunz and Khalil waiting for me. They had tricked the shit out of me. I wanted to run my ass back inside the police station but I knew they were my only chance at getting my kids back. I could only hope that they wouldn’t kill me ass as soon as I got into the car.

  “Walk the fuck up. I know big bad Johanna ain’t scared.” Khalil said as he picked up the pace but I kept my head down too afraid to make eye contact with either of them. I could feel the anger radiating off of Gunz. I felt like pissing on myself because I was scared shitless. Gunz opened up the back passenger door and I slid inside and he did as well. Khalil jumped in the driver seat and he sped away from the police station fast as hell. I didn’t even see it coming but Gunz slapped the fuck out of me. I didn’t have a chance to react because he began to viciously beat me while we sat in the backseat. I couldn’t do shit but take the blows he was giving my ass.

  Chapter 28- Gunz

  I never in my life thought that I would be the type of nigga that would hit a woman. However, this was no woman in front of me. This was a bitch and she deserved each and every fucking slap and punch that I was giving to her ass. This bitch got me fucked up if she thought I wasn’t going to lay hands on her ass after all the bullshit she had put me and my family through. Not to mention we know this bitch didn’t just come here out of the blue. Her ass left China to chase me and in the process got my fucking kids kidnapped by God knows who.

  “Why the fuck did you burn our fucking homes down?” I tried to take her fucking head off just thinking about Tosha and Tissa getting calls from the ADT Company about the fucking fires. When Tosha made it out to the house it was nothing but rubble. It was the same thing over at Tissa and Khalil house.

  “I’m sorry Gunz. Just please don’t hit me again.”

  “Stupid ass bitch! How in the fuck did you let my kids out of your sight. Do you see what the fuck being spiteful will get your ass. You’re so fucking focused on me that you snoozed and let someone take my kids. I don’t even believe you bitch. How do I know this ain’t some type of game your psycho ass is playing!”

  “I’m not playing Gunzell. Someone really did kidnap them. I went to sleep at the hotel and when I woke up they were gone. I would never play with my kids life like that. Khalil I’m your sister. You’re just going to sit up there and not say shit about this.”

  “Don’t you ever in your life re
fer to me as your brother. You’re no fucking sister of mine. There was a point in time when I would lay down my life for you Johanna. I don’t know when you became such an evil and spiteful ass bitch but believe me when I tell you I have nothing for your ass. The only reason I’m even here is for Aniyah and Amir. During this process please don’t speak to me or look at me wrong. I might get the urge to blow your fucking head off. Talking about I’m your brother. Bitch please miss me with that shit. If you were my family you wouldn’t have been trying to bring so much harm to my family or yours for that matter.” I could tell that although Khalil was speaking with such hatred in his heart he also was hurt by Johanna’s behavior. One would never think at one point we were all so close. Had I known that fucking with her on a personal level would have fucked up our relationship on a business level I never would have fucked with her in the first place. I hate this bitch with everything inside of me one would never think that there was a time when I was madly in love with her. I threw up in my mouth a little each and every time I had to fuck her back in China. Johanna was nothing short of beautiful but she had an ugly ass soul and that made her hideous to me.

  “I get that you hate me just please don’t take it out on my kids. I have no idea about who kidnapped them. Here are the pictures from the hotel surveillance. I’ve never seen this man in my life.” Johanna cried as she handed me the pictures.

  “Muthafucka!!!” I said over and over as I hit and kicked the front passenger seat.

  “What the fuck Bro?”

  “Look at the picture.” I said at the same time we pulled up to our distribution warehouse. I was mad at myself when I saw this nigga Bryson walk right out of the fucking hotel with my kids. I should have killed his bitch ass the moment I found out he had fucked Tosha and got her pregnant.

  “I knew we should have murdered that bitch ass nigga.” Khalil said as he hit the steering wheel.

  “So my kids were kidnapped behind some shit that you did?”

  “Shut the fuck up and get out of the car Johanna!” I grabbed her by her shirt and snatched her ass out of the car practically dragging her into the warehouse. As soon as saw the cages hanging from the ceiling she started to fight and tussle with me but she was wasting her energy because she wasn’t going anywhere but inside of the cage next to Oneeka’s ass who was knocked out cold

  “No! Why are you bringing me here? I need to be with you when you get the kids. Please Gunz don’t do this! I need my kids to know that I was looking for them. I swear you will never see me again. Please Gunzell don’t do this please don’t put me inside of that thing. I promise I won’t try anything slick I just want to help you find my kids.”

  “Shut the fuck up! You’re not running shit here. You will never see my kids again. You can absolutely believe that shit bitch. You have never cared about them anyway. They’ve been nothing but a pawn in your evil ass game to hurt me and Tosha. It’s been all fun and games with your ass. Well newsflash bitch game over. You’re about to find out how the fuck it feels to be held against your will. I grabbed her by her hair and threw her inside of the cage. Making sure to suspend her in the air. I tuned her ass out as she cried and screamed. I could care less my only concern was getting my fucking kids from this nigga Bryson. First, I needed to get back to the crib and get as much info on this nigga that I could. Not once when I was beating the shit out of him did I think to end his ass. My only concern was the fact that he had sampled my pussy and that shit had me all jealous and in my feelings. Now I’m pissed all over again because this nigga got my kids and there’s no telling what he’s doing to them.


  When Khalil and I walked inside of the house Tosha, and Tissa were sitting in the living room. I walked over to where Tosha was and I threw the pictures at her causing them to hit her in the face but I didn’t give a fuck. I knew for a fact it wasn’t her fault that the nigga decided to kidnap my kids. However, I know that he is sprung on Tosha so this is more than just the nigga being mad he got his ass handed to him. This is purely about him thinking that he had a future with my wife. This is the same shit that K-Money, Dre and I have been going through with these crazy ass bitches Oneeka, Johanna, and that damn Belinda. These motherfuckers will never learn. At any rate this nigga has crossed the wrong fucking line and for that he will die.

  “Why in the fuck would you throw this in my face like that?”

  “Don’t ask me any fucking questions. Just look at the pictures and tell me if you see what I see.” I fell back in the recliner and flamed up a much needed blunt.

  “Oh my God! Bryson has the kids!” Tosha covered her mouth in shock and tears begin to fall down her face. I handed the blunt over to Khalil.

  “How in the fuck did he even know that those were your kids? That shit seems so crazy. He didn’t even know Gunz before that night when they first encountered one another.” Tissa said as she thumbed threw the photos.

  “Actually it’s not. He’s the one who was robbing us of our money and product with that nigga BG. He’s also the one that hit up Dre. Who’s to say he didn’t have a hidden agenda from the jump?” Khalil added as he hit the blunt and passed it over to Tissa.

  “Tosha was easy fucking prey and she felI for the nigga. Not to mention got pregnant with his seed and now the motherfucker has my seeds!”

  “Calm down GunzelI you don’t have to keep throwing that shit in my face. I got the fucking abortion!” Tosha tried to hurry up and walk away but I snatched her back by her hair.

  “Don’t tell me to calm down when your baby daddy got my kids. I advise you to sit your ass down and tell me everything you know about that motherfucker. As a matter of fact give me your phone right now.” I hated to do Tosha like that but I didn’t like how nonchalant she was being in regards to the fact that he had my kids. My phone begin to ring and I immediately answered it without even looking at the screen. I became sick to my stomach hearing my daughter crying for me. I put the phone on loud speaker so that everybody could hear what the nigga was saying.

  “Daddy the mean man says he wants Momma Tosha.”

  “Are you okay Aniyah? Where’s Amir?”

  “They’re both fine for now but I want Tosha in exchange for them. At 12pm you can have the both of them back. Don’t try no bullshit. I’ll hit you up in the morning with the location.

  “Nigga on everything I love near and dear there better not be a hair out of place on their heads. You got me and life real fucked up.”

  “You just have my baby Tosha there!”

  He hung up the phone before I could respond to his last statement. If I wasn’t livid before I was most definitely livid now. I wanted to spazz the fuck out on Tosha but I knew that I couldn’t take my anger out on her. She loved my kids like they were her own and I know in my heart she wouldn’t deliberately put them in harms way. This was about to be the longest night of my life waiting for this motherfucker to call me and tell me the location. I walked to our room and laid back across the bed. I just needed a couple of minutes alone to gather my thoughts and calm down.

  Chapter 29- Tosha

  I felt like shit at the moment. I was feeling real fucked up about bringing Bryson into my life. At the time everything felt so right with him. Deep down in side of me I didn’t get a bad vibe from him. I actually felt more than comfortable with him. Granted one thing did lead to another faster than I anticipated but at the same time I was a consenting adult so I won’t blame him for moving faster than we should have. I had just had a baby and I was lonely as fuck. Lord knows I never meant for any of this to happen. Everything is so confusing. He could have easily kidnapped my kids but he didn’t. So that leads me to believe that this was never about him wanting to use me as leverage against Gunz. BG didn’t even know Gunz like that. He didn’t start getting money with Dre and Khalil until after Gunz was presumed to be dead. How in the fuck he knew that Aniyah and Amir were Gunz’ children is beyond me. However, I have every intention on finding out but first I have to at least try and calm Gunz
down. I can’t handle him acting as if he’s disgusted with me. I’ve been trying my best not to cry about the entire situation but he’s been treating me really cold hearted. I would have rather him stayed away instead of coming back and things being so fucked up the way that they are. It seems like we’re not married or in love anymore and that shit hurts me to the core. I’m so mad at myself for fucking that nigga and getting pregnant by him. It’s caused a rift between Gunzell and I. He said that he forgave me but his actions showed me different. God willing I plan on doing everything in my power to fix this shit.

  Gunz was laying back on the bed with his hands planted behind his head. He was staring off into space and his nostrils were flared. He was pissed and he had every reason to be. For a couple of seconds I stood by the door unsure of what I wanted to say. Since I couldn’t muster up the courage to say something I walked over and got on my knees in front of him. I laid my head on his legs and closed my eyes. The feeling of his strong hand caressing my face and stroking my hair loosened me up giving me the courage to pour my heart out.


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