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Fallin' For a Thug 3

Page 16

by Lucinda John

  “I’m so sorry Gunz. I never meant for any of this to happen. I love you more than anything in this world. I’ve been trying my best to hold it all in but you’re really hurting me. I can’t live like this knowing that you hate me. I was never my intention to get pregnant by Bryson. Hell all the time that you had been gone I had never even looked at another man because I felt like I was cheating on you or disrespecting your memory. I promise you I’m going to do everything in my power to help get Aniyah and Amir back. Just please baby give me a chance to make things right between us.” I was now staring him in his eyes and begging him like the weak bitch I was when it came to him. This man was my better half, my everything, and my world. If I had to beg for his forgiveness then that’s what I would do. Although deep down inside my heart I knew for a fact I had done nothing wrong. The only thing I’m guilty of is being careless and fucking with the wrong nigga while trying to get over my husband who wasn’t really dead after all.

  “Let’s get some shit straight right now I don’t hate you but I am fucked up behind you getting pregnant by another man. The fact this same motherfucker wants my wife in order for me to get my kids back has me pissed the fuck off. I wanted to come home and have my happily ever after with you and my kids. I had every intention on killing the bitch Johanna and getting Aniyah and Amir permanently. Now I don’t know if any of those things will happen. So you’re going to have to excuse the way I’m acting towards you. It’s not that I don’t care about your feelings I’m just more focused on the fact that my kids have been kidnapped by your baby daddy.” Gunz stood up and walked away from me leaving me on the floor crying and feeling foolish as fuck. At the same time I knew I needed to do something when it came down to Bryson. Morning couldn’t wait I needed to get Aniyah and Amir back tonight. I grabbed my phone and called the number I had on Bryson. I called back to back without an answer. All of a sudden the phone rang and it was Bryson calling me back the only thing was it wasn’t him on the other line it was Sabrina, his wife. I quickly hung up and tracked the call to an address in the suburbs. I sat and bit my fingernails thinking of what to do next. The door opened and it was Tissa and Lori.

  “You gone sit in here and feel sorry for yourself or are we going to go and get these kids back.” Tissa said.

  “Of course I want to get the kids back but I don’t want to fuck it up and he hurts them.” My biggest fear was Bryson not being able to get the results he wanted from me and he harm them or even worse kills them.

  “Put your shit on and let’s go. Mama Rose got the kids. We have to go while Gunz, Dre, and Khalil gone to meet up with Thug and Stacks. Thug called and requested for them to meet immediately. At the same time we have a meeting as well and I don’t want to be late for that. I had to call in the big dawgs on this one.” I was looking at Tissa trying my best to see what the hell she was up to. Knowing her it was good bullshit that was either going to get us killed, put in jail, or get our asses whooped by our niggas. Either way I was down for the ride no matter the consequences. I couldn’t sit back and let my marriage fail or let something happen to kids who’re practically mine. I put on my gym shoes and grabbed my jacket following Tissa and Lori to the front door.

  “Please ya’ll be careful.” Mama Rose said as she rocked my daughter back and forth.

  “We will.” We all said in unison and we were headed out the door to do God knows what but I was ready.

  Chapter 30- Sabrina

  Something was definitely off and I could not put my finger on it. From the moment Bryson showed up on my doorstep damn near at deaths door from getting his ass whopped it had been me who had nursed him back to health. I never even asked him what happened I just welcomed him back into our home without question. I don’t know who had whooped his ass but they had whooped that ass good. Whoever it was got that nigga with a permanent limp. I was happy as fuck when that motherfucker showed up on my doorstep battered, bloody, and bruised. Just earlier this motherfucker was talking about how he didn’t want to be with me anymore and how he didn’t want our baby. I laughed at his ass for hours before I decided to actually nurse the bitch back to health. Sometimes you have to humble these rotten ass niggas. Bryson was just that, a rotten ass nigga without a care in the world. I never thought that I would end up hating the person I vowed to spend the rest of my life with. I just keep replaying how nonchalant he was when I was mourning the death of my brother. Bryson acted as if he didn’t care. Now this the same motherfucker who claimed to be my brother’s best friend. So for him to act cold hearted towards him in death made me hate the ground he walked on. I only let the bitch back into the house because I wanted to butter him up and see what I could come up with in regards to the last heist. I knew for a fact if they had got over on them niggas Dre and K-Money they had hit pay dirt. After all they fucked with two of the richest fucking plugs known to man, them niggas Thug and Stacks. So without a doubt this nigga Bryson had access to his cut and my brother’s cut. I wasn’t gone sit back and let my brother’s life be in vain by him trying to put Bryson’s sneaky ass on. This motherfucker was gone give me my brother’s cut. No let me rephrase that I wanted it all and I had no problem killing his ass in honor of my brother. Bryson was never a real friend to him and he was never a good husband to me.

  The last two days Bryson had been making himself scarce and that worked out in my favor. I was able to get inside of his office and tap into his files. That’s how I figured out how they were able to rob Dre and Khalil. This nigga Bryson was so smart he was stupid. Not only were the files on his unlocked desktop. This damn fool had the file labeled “Operation take Dre Money”. Now if that ain’t the stupidest shit in the world I don’t what is. I was able to retrieve the account and routing number. I immediately wrote the shit down along with other hidden bank accounts the nigga had been hiding from me. His phone began to ring over and over. At first I paid it no attention because I was trying to make sure it looked as if I had never even been in his office. After exiting his office I glanced down at the cellphone that he had left behind. It showed he had a missed call from the bitch Tosha and that shit made me livid. This was the bitch he wanted to leave me and our now dead child for. When he threw me through the glass table it caused me to have a miscarriage days later. He was laid up recovering from his ass getting whooped and I laid in my bedroom suffering a miscarriage. I never told him because I knew he didn’t give a fuck. I called the bitch back and she indeed answered but I quickly hung up. Fuck him and that bitch they can live happily ever after for all that I care. I decided to just pack my shit and take off making sure to get all of my important information. I had every intention on cleaning his fucking bank accounts out and never looking back. Once I was packed and ready to go I headed out of the house but not before I was hit over the head with something. I went down like a ton of bricks and I immediately blacked out.

  Chapter 31- Tissa

  I had sat and contemplated long and hard about what we needed to do. I hated sitting around feeling helpless but at the same time not being able to actually put in work. Khalil, Gunz, and, Dre know that Lori, Tosha, and I have no problem with doing what we have to do for our families. At the same time I can’t help but feel like these niggas doubted our capabilities of lying bitches down that trespassed against us. I knew we could do it but I needed a push from a higher power that would definitely be down to ride. The last thing I needed was someone to run and rat us out to our niggas. With the caliber of woman we were meeting up with I knew I didn’t have to worry about that because she basically does what the fuck she wants to do when it comes down to laying any bitch or nigga down. She’s the true definition of ride or die chick. She has all the ladies wanting to Boss up and ride for their nigga.

  “What’s up Boss Lady?” I said as I approached Tahari, which happens to be Thug’s wife.

  “Hey ladies. Long time no see. What’s good?” We all embraced one another and sat down at the twenty four hour diner we decided to meet up at.

  “We have a dil
emma and I need the Boss Ladies to ride with me on this one.”

  “Lay it on me but I need to keep it one hundred with you. I’ve retired and that’s by word of my husband Ka’Jaire. He wants me to be a stay at home mom, make sure the house is in order, and of course do back flips on his dick. You already know I do all of that and more. At the same time I need a little action in my life so I’m down for whatever. It’s been a minute since I let my trigger finger do the talking. Things have gotten so boring since Thug Inc. decided they are retired which meant we all had to retire. Barbie and Ta’Jay are pregnant again, Keesha lives back in Atlanta with Quaadir. Remy and Rose had basically disappeared since we found out that him and Thug are actually brothers. Khia is still hiding out from Dro. So, yes shit is crazy on my side of town but all of that will get addressed in Thug Paradise. Right now let’s get back to this Fallin For A Thug.” I sat across from her and I was so mesmerized by her beauty. I was a beautiful woman myself but I’m also the type of woman that gives credit where it’s due. Tahari was a beautiful woman and she was dressed to the nines. I love how she speaks so confidently about herself and sure of her position in Thug’s life as his wife. Most women aren’t as secure in their position. I can admit I’m very insecure and want the same bond with Khalil that she has with Thug. I could see why Thug talks about her with such adoration.

  “Thug don’t be playing huh? Reminds me of that damn Khalil.” I said as I took a sip of water.

  “Don’t forget about Gunz. I swear I think he’s worse.” Tosha added.

  “God bless all of ya’ll. That’s the one thing about Dre he don’t be on me like that but I do know he will go across my shit if I jump stupid.” We all laughed because Dre was mild mannered but would fuck her up with the quickness.

  “You don’t have to tell me. Ka’Jaire been known to get with my glamour and I’ve also been known to shoot him in the ass. So, we both tread lightly with one another. We both have a temper and can go from zero to one hundred real quick but these days we just loving on each other, raising our kids, and trying to stay the fuck out of the way of the law and our enemies.”

  “I’m glad you mentioned enemies we have some major shit going. Shit is so crazy on our side right now. I’m not sure you know but the nigga BG was working for Dre and Khalil but all along this motherfucker was stealing, which meant he was stealing from Thug and Stacks. Right when we found out that he was stealing he ended up getting killed and at the same time Dre got hit up. We know now he had an accomplice by the name of Bryson who just happened to be the same nigga who Tosha started fucking with and ended up pregnant. As you know we all thought Gunz was dead but we ended up finding out that Johanna who happens to be Khalil’s sister was holding him and Lori in China. Gunz and Lori managed to escape which made Johanna come here trying to get Gunz. In the midst of all that this bitch snoozed and the nigga Bryson has now kidnapped the kids that she has with Gunz. So, basically we’re trying to figure out how we can get these damn kids back without Khalil, Gunz, and Dre knowing what we’re up to. Each time they are ten steps ahead of us. We just need to show them that we can handle shit ourselves.”

  “I feel so fucking bad Tahari. I was fucking with this nigga and now he’s trying to get back at me by holding them hostage. He wants us to meet up in the morning but we don’t have that long. I have to get those damn kids back tonight.

  “I totally agree Tosha. There is no time to lose. Especially fucking with a nigga that is fatally attracted to a chick that has a whole husband. Trust and believe me I’ve been there but under different circumstances. So, first things first, where the fuck is the bitch Johanna?”

  “She’s being held at the warehouse along with Oneeka.” Lori said.

  “Wait a minute. Who in the hell is Oneeka?”

  “She used to fuck with Dre but she’s the reason I ended up in China and being sold into a slavery ring.”

  “I’m gone tell you right now where ya’ll fucked up at. Them bitches shouldn’t be breathing right now. See the men we love they make badass decisions on the hoes they choose in life. Whether the bitch was before your time or during your time together. See I learned you can never let a bitch make it. When they jump stupid once you nip that shit in the bud. Fuck what your nigga talking about. Now don’t get me wrong I’m not trying to be an influence on telling another woman how to handle her nigga. At the same time we as the woman and the backbone of the relationship have to take matters into our own hands. Know and understand that your nigga will be mad but in the end he’ll thank you. Never second-guess a scorned ass bitch that want your nigga. As you can see these hoes don’t stop until they ruin families. Now I can only give you advice because I have to let you ladies come into your own with this shit. Now where you should be is at that warehouse offing them hoes that trespassed against your family. I know you want to get the kids back but where in the hell do you think ya husbands are? Right now at this very moment Thug and Stacks are with them holding court in them streets. Trust and believe me they will walk in the door with them babies.”

  “How do you know Boss Lady?” I had to ask her because she was so calm as she spoke.

  “It’s simple. While I was earning Thug’s love I also paid attention to how he moved in these streets. Don’t ever be the type of wife that just sits up and capitalize off the glitz and glamour. You got to be able to be down for your nigga. Whether it’s a life or death situation or a life sentence he’s facing. I didn’t make it this far as Thug’s wife by sitting and looking pretty. Now let me get my ass back home before he makes it back. Get over there and handle ya business. Tissa I’m gone need you and Khalil to quit playing and jump the damn broom.”

  “Trust me after all of this is over I’m dragging his ass to the altar.” We all laughed and said our goodbyes. That was a much needed conversation that I’m sure we all walked away with a better sense of being and our positions in regards to dealing with men who live the street life. Tosha and I both have to face the reality we are no longer living that ‘Parole Officer’ and ‘Teacher’ life. Tahari just came through for us in a major way and dropped some much needed gems.


  An hour later we were sitting around the warehouse passing a blunt back and forth between us. Oneeka and Johanna were still in the cages looking like the filthy animals they were. We had stripped them naked and was turning the water hose on their asses to the point where we were trying to drown their asses.

  “I wish you shut the fuck up with all that crying Johanna. All that dirt you’ve done to people you should be the last bitch crying. You done came up here and burned our fucking houses to the ground. Were you crying when you kidnapped my husband and was holding him hostage?”

  “As a matter of fact I cried each and every time he took me to ecstasy with that dick.”

  “Oh bitch you want to get smart and cute.” Tosha grabbed the Taser off of the work bench and begin to Taser the shit out of Johanna. She started piss and shit all over herself.

  “Ahhhhhhhh!” Johanna yelled out in pain.

  “Shut the fuck up! Bitch your ass stank.” Tosha said with her nose turned up and she turned on the hose and begin to soak her ass with the water some more. I had to turn my nose up as well because that bitch was foul.

  “I’m getting tired of this if you bitches gone kill me just do it.” Oneeka said out of breathe as she shivered from being drenched with the cold water.

  “I’m happy that you said that because I’m sick of looking at your pitiful ass.” Lori got up and headed towards the back of the warehouse. When she came back she had Saddam and Osama with her. They were Dre’s big ass vicious blue nose pit bulls. They weren’t allowed in the house around the kids so he they had been standing guard at the warehouse. Lori gestured for us to open Johanna and Oneeka’s cages and I hauled ass trying to get them bitches open. I was ready to go home and make things right with Khalil.

  “Saddam! Osama! Eat!” Lori said as she quickly removed their leashes and they went full speed ahead and s
tarted ravaging them bitches. Their screams and cries echoed throughout the huge facility. It took the dogs less then five minutes to deliver deadly bites to their necks before they died. We all just stood looking at both of their mauled ass bodies. We would usually depend on Khalil and the rest of the crew to get rid of evidence like this but we decided to go ahead and dispose of the bitches ourselves. I’ve never been disgusted by such a sight in my life but at the same time it had to be done. We cleaned the dogs and tied them back up and headed back home. We needed to make it back to the house before Khalil, Gunz, and Dre did. I was exhausted it felt like I hadn’t had any sleep in twenty four hours. All I wanted to do was crawl in bed with Khalil and our kids. The look on Lori and Tosha’s face showed exhaustion as well. I could tell Tosha was still very much worried about the kids. One thing for sure and two for certain was I knew Gunz wasn’t coming home empty handed.

  Chapter 32- Khalil

  “Please let me go I don’t know where Bryson is!” It had been well over two hours and this bitch wasn’t telling us shit and I was getting tired of playing with her. Thug, Stacks, Gunz, Dre, and myself had been grilling the shit out of this bitch but her ass wasn’t biting. I was becoming impatient as fuck.


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