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Her Guardians

Page 8

by Piper Phoenix

  Gage pulled down my bra strap and agonizingly slowly pulled down the fabric. The second my nipple was exposed he sucked it into his mouth .

  “Oh, dear God,” I moaned. As both men moved their warm, wet mouths all over my body. I was in heaven .

  I grabbed Gage’s cock and pumped them both at the same time. The feeling of both of them in my hands had me writhing for more .

  “I’m going to fucking explode,” Gage said getting on his knees between my legs. He slipped my panties to the side and pulled my hips upward .

  Roman leaned back and watched me as he thumbed my nipple. He stared into my eyes as Gage teasingly dipped his cock inside of me and pulled it back out .

  They both smiled when I whimpered. Roman tugged at my nipple a little harder, and Gage pressed himself deeper, rolling his hips .

  “Want more?” he asked with a smirk .

  “Yes!” I cried out .

  Gage grinned as he stuffed himself completely inside of me. I cried out as every nerve ending twinged with pleasure .

  I closed my eyes but could feel both men’s eyes on me. Roman palming my breasts and then lightly flicking my nipple each time Gage rocked himself into me .

  “Oh God,” I moaned wanting to orgasm, but wanting it to go on a lot longer .

  “Oh, Eve, don’t hold back,” Gage said spreading my legs wider apart. “Hold her arms .”

  Roman grabbed my arms and pulled them over my head. He held them tightly with one hand so he could tease my nipples with the other. It felt as though I had absolutely no control, and it felt amazing .

  “Jesus Christ, you feel so incredible,” Gage said pulling himself out and diving his head between my legs. I cried out when he licked up my slit and twirled his tongue around my clit. “Fuck ”

  He leaned back and thrust harder, and harder. I wasn’t going to be able to hold back .

  “Oh my God.” I breathed. “I’m so close .”

  He pinched my folds together and released, quickly thumbing my clit. Roman pinched my nipples harder with each thrust .

  “I can’t… oh, oh my… God,” I said as my orgasm spilled out all around me. I couldn’t move my arms, and I could barely move my legs. All I could do was let it take over my body .

  “Oh yeah,” Gage said rolling his hips around before pressing himself deep inside me. I knew he’d found his own climax .

  Roman let go of my arms, and my body started to relax as Gage withdrew. I bit my lip still feeling the aftershocks of all their touches .

  When Roman pulled down his boxers, the fire inside me instantly reignited. I didn’t know how I’d be able to stand anymore, but I wanted to feel him inside me too .

  Roman sat down on the edge of the bed and curled his finger. “Come here .”

  I weakly crawled over, and he practically lifted me off of the bed and onto his lap. He wrapped his arms around my waist and lowered me down onto his hard cock .

  “Oh my God,” I cried out. The pleasure was immense… insane… unimaginable .

  He slowly guided my hips as he stared into my eyes. I swallowed down a hard lump that had formed in my throat. His gaze was so intense, I had to look away .

  Sitting in the chair behind us was Gage. He’d pulled on his jeans, but he was watching as his hands gripped the armrests .

  Roman kissed my neck, and I shivered. It felt great, but I wasn’t sure if I could even orgasm again so soon. I’d just exploded unlike ever before… I just didn’t know if I had it in me .

  Roman glided his fingertip over my lips and down my chin. He moved slowly down my neck. My body trembled with anticipation. I could feel my nipples aching for his touch long before his finger touched the top of my breast .

  He moved down the curve of my breast, and when he got to my nipple, his finger turned and circled it, just barely missing the erect, sensitive skin. My lips parted as I watched him do the same thing to my other breast .

  It was almost painful to want him to touch me so bad. I was tempted to beg him .

  “Roman.” I breathed .

  “Yes?” he said as he straightened his back, so his chest brushed against mine .

  I bit my lip when he finally tugged at my nipple. “Mmm .”

  We rocked together, and with each rhythmic bounce, I was somehow building closer to another orgasm. Gage chewed on his finger while he watched me writhe on Roman’s lap .

  The whole experience was incredibly sensual. If only it could have lasted forever .

  Roman started grinding his hips harder and pulling my hips down with more force. I could tell by his tense jaw that he was close .

  “Mmm,” he said as he pressed his forehead against my neck .

  He guided me faster, thumbing my clit as he moved me up and down his length. “Oh yeah,” I said throwing my head back. I was almost there. “Yes !”

  He stood up abruptly and carrying me stopping when my back touched the wall. Roman held me there as he hammered himself harder inside me .

  “Oh my God!” I practically screamed as I clung to him. My orgasm hit me so fast it zipped through my body like a bolt of lightning. It was intense. Powerful. I felt unstoppable. “Yes !”

  Roman groaned as he climaxed with me. Slowing his hips as we came down… down… down .

  “Fucking unbelieveable,” he said, breathing heavily. We pressed our foreheads together and smiled as we tried to catch our breath .

  Roman carried me over to the bed and covered me with the blankets. I was spent. They both kissed me before turning to leave the room .

  “I’ll be back,” Roman said, and that was the last thing I remembered before falling asleep .

  Chapter 15


  I flicked a black speck of dirt off of my new car. Erik stared as I leaned back and crossed my arms. I knew he was jealous, not that he’d ever admit it .

  It wasn’t like he couldn’t afford one of his own. He could probably buy a hundred of them, and it still wouldn’t make a dent, but he was different from when I’d first met him. Or at least he pretended to be .

  “I can go, mate,” I said leaning forward slightly. “It’s no trouble .”

  “No, it’s fine. I appreciate the offer,” Erik said switching his laptop bag to his other hand .

  “Aw, bummer, I bet she’d be happy to see me too .”

  Erik glared at me. “She’ll be happy to see me as well. Let’s not forget who was watching who in your backseat .”

  “Oh, ouch. Low blow. Jokes on you though, I loved watching her .”

  “Pfft you were watching me,” Erik said poking his finger into my shoulder .

  “Don’t flatter yourself. Need a ride?” I asked taking my keys out of my pocket and jingling them loudly .

  Erik shook his head. “Unnecessary .”

  Gage pulled up in an old rusted truck. I couldn’t help but chuckle when he rolled down the window .

  “What’s that now ?”

  “A Ford, brother. American made .”

  I grabbed my chest as Erik climbed into the old beater. “Now I really am hurt .”

  “Try not to be, he was headed across town. It’s not necessarily the better offer, it was the first offer,” Erik said before closing the door .

  “At least she’ll hear you coming,” I said patting the truck with my palm twice. “Shit, I shouldn’t do that. The old girl might fall apart .”

  “Nonsense. She’s solid. Remember Amer — ”

  “Yeah, yeah, American made .”

  Gage revved the engine, and the exhaust popped noisily. I covered my ears, and he drove off pretending not to notice .

  I was about to go back inside the temple, maybe get a few hours of sleep when my phone buzzed .

  “Aw shit,” I said staring at the screen. Lorne wanted me to meet up with Gage at the cemetery. She’d heard rumors of a necromancer in the area, and she hadn’t approved anything .

  My phone beeped again. I looked at her message telling me not to engage .

  “Am I suppos
ed to wish him well?” I mumbled .

  The phone beeped again. “Not funny .”

  I called up Gage. “You get the message from Lorne ?”

  “Yeah, want me to come back and pick you up ?”

  “Please, dear God, no. Meet me at that park over there .”

  “You bet,” he said and hung up .

  It didn’t take me long to get over to the park. I considered walking to the cemetery myself and taking matters into my own hands, but Lorne would have been pissed. She was about the last person in the world I wanted to piss off. After all, she’d saved my life .

  I never talked about it to anyone other than her. In fact, Lorne and I had only talked about it a handful of times after it happened .

  I remembered it like it was only yesterday ….

  She’d found me in a hospital. There were tubes and wires everywhere, several broken bones. I’d almost died, and at the time I kind of wished I would have .

  I wouldn’t have been able to pay for the hospital stay. But then she’d paid me a visit .

  It was almost time for her to leave. The nurse had just given me my meds to help me sleep and was about to leave the room .

  “Now, you go on and let him rest,” the woman said placing her hand on her hip but flashing Lorne a bright, friendly smile. “This boy needs to sleep so he can get himself out of that bed. Ain’t that right ?”

  I didn’t answer, but I had blinked my eyes which had apparently meant yet .

  “Told ya,” she said lightly placing her hand on Lorne’s shoulder. “See you tomorrow .”

  After the nurse left, Lorne got up and closed the door. She walked over to the bed and sat down .

  I hadn’t known Lorne, but she’d visited me almost every day since I’d been in the hospital. At first, I was worried she was someone I’d known and had lost my memory .

  “My name is Lorne .”

  I blinked .

  “I’m here because what happened to you is entirely my fault .”

  I blinked twice and tried to shake my head. I’d been attacked by a group of five young kids. It hadn’t had anything to do with her .

  “Just listen,” she’d said brushing my hair out of my eye. “Those boys,” she leaned closer, “were werewolves .”

  Dreaming. I was dreaming. It all made sense. This woman wasn’t here, she was just a figment of my imagination. Maybe the drugs it must have been because of all the drugs they had me on .

  “I tried to stop them, but I hadn’t gotten to them in time. They got you first. They thought you were one of mine .”

  She’d held my hand .

  “I feel terrible. Your bill will be paid for, and you will have nothing but the best care. When you leave this place, I want you to come visit me.” She’d told me her name and address .

  “I’ll forget,” I mumbled .

  “You won’t .”

  She stood over me and rubbed her hands together. They started to glow a brilliant shade of orange. She’d placed them on me while muttering something and I’d instantly felt better .

  “Remember to come see me.” That was the last thing she’d said before leaving the room .

  The next day I was fifty percent better. No one could figure out what had happened .

  Needless to say, it had been magic. The rest is history. She’d explain everything and then offered me a job .

  I’d been with her ever since. She’d taken care of me, and while I’d never be able to thank her enough, she still hadn’t forgiven herself for what had happened to me .

  I looked around and finally after a solid ten minutes heard Gage’s piece of shit coming down the road. He parked behind me, and we both got out at the same time .

  “Come on newbie,” I said gesturing for him to follow .

  We walked over to the cemetery side by side. I could feel the temperature drop once we got closer to the back. Gage met my eyes, and I was sure he’d noticed too .

  “Back there,” he said gesturing .

  I nodded. “She heard right .”

  I started to march over to the guy with the painted face, but Gage grabbed my arm to stop me. “Don’t engage .”

  “I feel like engaging .”

  “Lorne would not be pleased. Let’s report back and await further instruction .”

  I threw my fist into the air and groaned. “You’re such a wuss .”

  “No, I’m just not stupid. Let’s go. Would you rather hit this guy and piss off Lorne, or report back and stay on her good side ?”

  “I really, really want to hit the guy, but I don’t need to be on Lorne’s bad side .”

  “Come on, tough guy .”

  I followed him out of the graveyard watching him peck at his phone. He didn’t have to tell me, I already knew Lorne would send us away and send someone with some kind of supernatural power .

  “We’re supposed to hang out, make sure he doesn’t leave. Back up is on the way,” Gage reported turning around to stare at the necromancer .

  “If he tries to leave?” I asked .

  “We let him .”

  I sighed loudly. “Can we at least follow him ?”

  “What do you think ?”

  I groaned. Sometimes work was no fun .

  Chapter 16


  W hen I woke up, Roman and Gage were gone, and Erik was sitting on my couch. I guessed my team was going to be in it for the long haul. So long in fact, that they’d started taking shifts .

  “Good morning,” he said watching my every move closely. Shit. He knew what happened .

  “Morning,” I said stretching .”

  “How are you doing today ?”

  It seemed he wasn’t going to just come out and ask for details. Good .

  “Fine.” I was still tired which was crazy considering I’d slept more in the last twenty-four hours than usual .

  “Can I make you something to eat?” Erik asked already getting off of the couch .

  I held up my palm. “No need .”


  “It’s not… um, sure .”

  I sat down at the table and picked up my book. Reading about someone else would help take my mind off of my own life, and I really needed a break. My life had turned into a roller coaster .

  “Do you need to pull?” he asked as the coffee dripped into the pot .

  “I, uh….” How was I supposed to tell him ?

  He flashed me a half-smile. “I already know about them, I just didn’t know if it had been enough .”

  “Oh, yeah, I think I’m good.” I glanced at him. “I’m not even sure I have the energy to pull .”

  “Huh.” He narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms .

  I looked at him out of the corners of my eyes. “Why is that a ‘huh ?’”

  He shook his head. “Witches always have the energy for pulling. And even if they don’t they can just lay back and let the energy fill them .”

  “Oh,” I said momentarily considering laying back and letting Roman do whatever he wanted. I shook the idea from my mind. “It’s just been a crazy few days .”

  “I understand,” he said pointing to the cabinets. “Where are the mugs ?”

  “The one next to the sink .”

  He pulled out a tall mug and poured me a cup of coffee. The aroma was already perking me up .

  After I drank the first little sip and I drew in a deep breath. I started to feel a little like myself again .

  I’d finish my coffee and talk to my mom about the phone call. She’d take care of Marcus, or whoever was behind it and my life could return to normal .

  “Feel better?” Erik asked sitting down next to me and opening the paper he must have brought in .

  “I do,” I said smiling at him. It actually was kind of nice to have someone with me in the mornings .

  I hadn’t been alone my whole life, so I had been looking to living in my apartment, but waking up to Erik… well, a girl could really get used to that .

  I finished my c
offee and got up to take a shower and get dressed. Maybe Erik could drive me to Lorne’s. OK, maybe I was getting carried away .

  “Where you going?” Erik asked without looking up from the paper .


  “Need help?” he grinned .

  I paused and smiled before leaving the room .

  “I was serious,” he shouted after me .

  Chapter 17


  A s I walked out of the bathroom, the floor seemed to be vibrating. Erik had noticed too .

  “Do you feel that?” I asked, and before he could answer, the building started shaking so vigorously I could barely walk across the floor. I stopped in the door frame and could feel Erik right behind me .

  “What’s going on?” I asked .

  “Earthquake?” Erik said, but it sounded more like a question. He was obviously quite unsure .

  “What should we do?” I shouted as everything started to fall off the walls. It was getting worse .

  Erik pulled out his phone and pressed a button. “I don’t know. I think I have to get you out of here .”

  “Aren’t you supposed to stay inside during an earthquake ?”

  “I have no idea… this is my first. We don’t really have earthquakes around here .”

  “Uncle Marcus?” I shouted as my mug crashed to the floor and broke into several pieces .

  Erik nodded .

  “Try your magic,” Erik said, placing his hands over mine .

  I closed my eyes and tried to focus on stopping the shaking, but nothing happened. “I don’t understand. My energy is full. God, I’m a terrible witch .”

  “You’ll get it, but until you do, I have to keep you safe .”

  Erik wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me along as he tried to walk across the floor. When we got to the living room, the shaking increased .

  My furniture was moving around. The cabinets were popping open and then slamming closed over and over .

  The floorboards popped up, and Erik and I fell to the floor. He quickly got up and lifted me into his arms .


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