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Page 11

by J. M. Nevins

  Relieved, she grinned. “Yes. Deal.” She silently prayed the happy hour suggestion would never materialize. She shifted her attention to the stage. “Can I go play with Jim’s guitar to kill time? Everything’s hot right now, right?”

  Sean grinned. “You just can’t resist, can you? Actually, everything is hot and you can go up there and play around, but the tech is working on restringing Jimmy’s guitar. I know Sully’s Telecaster is ready. You can jam out on that if you so desire, Kitty. I will warn you, though, the sound is massive in here. Be prepared. Want some plugs?”

  She giggled. “Hell no! I want to hear that massive sound.” She ran toward the stage and then turned back to him. “Any requests?”

  He laughed. “Yes! Ozzy, “Bark at the Moon,” if you don’t mind, love.”

  She winked. “You got it, Mr. Tour Manager.”

  Donning dark sunglasses, Sully pulled up to the guard shack at East End Studios in his red Ferrari and waited patiently. The guard came out and gave him directions to the soundstage.

  Sully pulled up and parked. He noticed Kit’s black Mercedes-Benz a few cars over from his. She had already arrived and he felt his stomach start to do flips. As he approached, he stood in awe of the size of the building alone. He knew the new stage for the world tour he was headlining would greet him the moment he walked through the door. He glanced at his wristwatch. He was early.

  As he walked in he smiled wide, seeing Kit on the stage fully engrossed, playing “Bark at the Moon,” with his guitar. Once she passed the chorus, he watched as Sean approached the stage and told her something. She immediately stopped playing and switched to Black Sabbath’s “Paranoid.”

  Sully rushed the stage and stood next to Sean, both of them smiling ear to ear, happily watching her. She was in her zone, totally enjoying the moment, oblivious to her rapidly growing audience. Roadies stopped what they were doing. The guys up on the lighting trestles hanging the lights stopped to watch her.

  Jimmy walked up and laughed. He yelled out. “Kit, Crazy Train.” She looked up, smiled and switched to that song. Jimmy climbed up on stage and picked up Tony’s bass, playing along with her.

  Sean nudged Sully. He leaned over and yelled over the music. “You may as well jump in. Helps us figure out the levels. It’s the first day. Lots of tweaking will be needed. May as well get started.”

  Sully smiled wide. “What do you wanna hear? I don’t think I remember all the words to Crazy Train.”

  He shrugged his shoulders. “Surprise me. Don’t play it safe with a GT song. Got it?”

  Sully climbed up on the stage and watched as Kit launched into the guitar solo on the song. He smiled wide, happy she was nailing it and loving her full immersion into the music.

  She looked up, noticed him and stopped playing. “Oh, hey. Did you want to jump in?”

  Sully grinned. “I’m feeling very Jagger today. How about ‘Brown Sugar.’” He looked over. “Jim, can you play the bass on that?” He nodded.

  Kit smiled. “You got it, Sull.”

  She started the song and instantly all three of them found their groove together. Sean stood back watching them with a satisfied grin as he nodded his head in approval.

  When they had finished the song, they high-fived each other and laughed, feeling a level of comfort none of them had felt in a very long time. Jimmy playfully pushed Kit. “Girl, you are going to put me out of a job one of these days.” He smiled. “You are too damn good.”

  She giggled, took Sully’s guitar off and hugged Jimmy tightly. She gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. “Thank you, darlin’, but that will never happen. They don’t call you Gypsy Tango Jimmy for nothing.”

  She quickly turned to head to the wings and hand off the guitar to the tech when she bumped into Sully. She gasped and he laughed. Her face melted into a buccaneer grin and she started giggling. “Sorry, I almost took you out with your own axe.”

  He smiled. “Totally ok. I snuck up on you.”

  She nodded. “Gimme a minute.” She ran over to the side of the stage and handed off the guitar. She returned to Sully and grinned. When her eyes met his, she felt herself being drawn in like a magnet. That feeling was back again. The one she couldn’t seem to shake whenever she looked into his eyes. She swallowed hard and forced a smile. “Here early, huh? Isn’t this place bonkers? You have a lovely stage, sir. I’m sure it will serve you well for all one hundred-forty something dates.”

  His mouth dropped open. “Shit, we’re up to one-forty now?”

  She nodded and grinned. “You are.”

  He smiled and grabbed her hand, squeezing it. “Couldn’t have gotten here without you, babe.”

  She was about to open her mouth and respond when Sean called them to attention. Everyone had arrived by now and it was time for rehearsals to begin. Kit didn’t want to hold the process back and when she glanced at her wristwatch, she realized she had to leave anyway.

  Her original intention was to make a quick visit to see that everything was to standard. She got her impromptu meeting with Sean that she had planned on, but her foray into guitar playing had zapped her time and garnered her attention, putting her even farther behind in her schedule. She sighed and looked at Sully. “You need to be in that meeting. I have to go anyway.”

  He frowned. “You’re not staying for the first day of rehearsals?”

  She shook her head and smiled. “Nope. You guys got it. You’re pros now. I just wanted to come by, see the stage and talk with Sean briefly. Looks like things are in order.”

  He tilted his head to the side. “You’re not going to come to any of our rehearsals?”

  She chuckled. “I didn’t say that. I just have to leave this one. I have an appointment and I need to head out. I’ll be back.” Her face then became shrouded with concern. “Why? Is something wrong? Is there an issue with you or the band that I need to know about?”

  He cast his eyes down for a moment, feeling momentarily defeated. She had shifted into business and it saddened him. His mind reeled and wondered how to get personal time with her without being too obvious, but then remembered that Rachel was still in the equation and he hadn’t exactly dimmed their involvement.

  Rachel had made their connection known to everyone at Jimmy’s wedding. He wasn’t so sure about that now. His interest in her had waned considerably since the reception. He could still feel his heart yearning for Kit. He gulped and looked up at her. He forced a grin. “No, no. Everything’s fine.”

  She watched him carefully, not buying in. She nodded slowly. “Ok. Well, if that changes, call me. I’m in L.A. during rehearsals. I won’t be going back to New York for a while.”

  His eyes lit up. “You’re not? You’re staying here?” He couldn’t wipe the enthusiastic smile from his face.

  She chuckled. “Yes.” She took his hand in hers again. “Sully, we’re about to kick off the biggest tour of your life. Of course I’m going to be here during rehearsals. Someone has to kick your ass and get you ready for the road.” She giggled and winked.

  He laughed and pulled her into his arms. “You’re the best, Kit-Kat.” He pulled back and smiled wide. “Just like old times. I love it.”

  His steel blue eyes reflected a contentment Kit hadn’t seen since they were together in New York. She took a deep breath. She could feel herself being overcome with emotions from the memories that zoomed through her mind. She flashed back to all those times she busted Sully’s butt training him for a world tour that was so far in the future it was a pipe dream for them. Now, it was reality staring them in the face. She smiled and nodded. “Me too.” She squeezed his hand and let go. “I gotta go. Call me if you need me.”

  He nodded and waved to her, hoping he could concoct some reason to call her. He watched her as she said goodbye to the team and the band.

  Two weeks had passed quickly with tour rehearsals and promotions taking up most of the band’s time. Kit sat in her office with Sean going over final details for the tour that was due to start in tw
o weeks, one day after Gypsy Tango released their second album, ‘Dangerous Curves.’ She was happy to have Sean on board again as their lead tour manager. This was going to be their biggest tour to date, with a third of the shows already sold out.

  Sully had come to her the week before, sharing disturbing news that his older brother Danny had been shot in the line of duty and came very close to losing his life. Danny O’Sullivan was a detective with the Chicago Police Department. He was highly respected, but after the shooting incident didn’t have any desire to go back to the force. Sully had come to Kit pleading and asking her to find a position on the tour team for him. He was set to be Sean’s right hand man as well as the head of security.

  The incident had brought Kit and Sully closer together again. Another reminder of how Kit was still an unofficial member of the O’Sullivan family even though she and Sully weren’t together. Although Kit knew the road was always crazy and filled with unpredictability, she relished it. She had renewed hope that she and Sully would get along fantastically.

  Sean leaned forward in his seat. “So, Sully came to me asking for another favor.”

  Kit looked surprised. “In addition to adding Danny to our staff? By the way, I’m very excited to have him on the tour.”

  He nodded. “Oh yeah, I know he’ll be a great addition. It’s not that. Sully requested that I make sure to have a rider for you to share with the production manager.”

  She frowned and chuckled. “What? Are you serious? Sean, we both know I don’t need a rider. I’m not a member of the band, I’m just their manager and I won’t be on tour the entire time.”

  He grinned. “I know, Kit, but Sully is just looking out for you. He’s still…”

  Kit’s eyes widened. Before Sean could continue, she jumped up from her seat. “Hold that thought,” she yelled as she bolted out of the room. She ran into the bathroom and proceeded to get sick. She splashed her face with cold water afterward, stared at her reflection and closed her eyes for a moment.

  Upon returning to Los Angeles, she made an appointment to see her doctor. Her fears had been confirmed. She was pregnant. The band was due to go out on the road in five days and she wasn’t sure how she was going to pull it all off. She was five weeks along at this point and she hadn’t told Sully. She didn’t know how. She had a date that night with Simon and planned to tell him, figuring that would probably bring their relationship to a firm conclusion.

  She headed back to the office and grinned at Sean. “Ok, I think we’re good, right? I can stop by…”

  Maxine ran into Kit’s office interrupting her in midsentence. “Kit, I can’t do it anymore. I can’t. That girl is obnoxious and loud! She walks around the condo naked! Please tell me I can move in here until we go on the road. I just can’t do it.”

  Sean laughed, catching Maxine off guard. She looked at him and looked at Kit. “Oh, sorry. Are you guys having a meeting?

  Kit grinned. “Yes, we were. Now, what’s the problem?” She took her seat behind the desk.

  Maxine huffed and took a seat next to Sean. “Rachel. She’s taken over the condo. I can’t hang. I hope you don’t mind. I brought my stuff.”

  Kit chuckled. “Go ahead and start unpacking. I’ll be out tonight so you’ll have the house to yourself.”

  Maxine breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank you. Oh, and please tell me she’s not going on tour. I think I may kill her if that happens.”

  Sean laughed loudly and looked at her. “Officially, Maxine, she’s not going out with us initially, but Sull did ask for accommodations. So, she will be out there with us at some point.”

  Maxine rolled her eyes. “Ugh! Sully just needs to dump her. Stupid bimbo. So done!” She shook her head and stormed out of the office.

  Kit watched her leave and felt a pang of uneasiness hearing that Rachel would be joining them on the tour. She had hoped that wouldn’t be the case, but now the ugly truth was staring her in the face.

  She was grateful that Maxine would be joining them for the entire tour, though. She and Kit came up with a brilliant idea to have her tag along and take pictures of the band, documenting every part of their first world tour as headliners. They figured if the photos turned out well, they would make a book out of it and market it to fans.

  Sean stared at her. “Kit, is everything ok? You feeling alright?”

  She looked at him. “Yes, I’m fine. Why?”

  He eyed her suspiciously. “I dunno. You just seem… different. More subdued.”

  She forced a smile. “I guess I’m just more relaxed about this tour. We’ve got a good team in place.” It was a complete lie. She was subdued because she had a little one on the way to think about. She had to find a way to alter a lifestyle she had elected that wasn’t exactly conducive to babies. She shifted back into the conversation. “Speaking of our team, we’re good to add Spencer to the bill next month, correct?”

  He nodded. “Yes, he’s going to work under Jay, the new production manager that works for me. That will give him a better understanding of how everything operates. Once he learns the ropes, he’ll work for me or you if you so desire.”

  Kit grinned. “Excellent. Thank you. It’s only for the remainder of summer. He starts grad school in the fall.”

  Spencer, Kit’s younger brother, was due to graduate from the University of Pennsylvania. He had confided in Kit that he wanted to follow in her footsteps and had decided to turn down his acceptance to the prestigious Harvard School of Business in favor of an MBA program at UCLA.

  He would be attending the well renowned Anderson School of Business. She was happy for him and fully supported his career path. When he conveyed a desire to go on the road with Gypsy Tango, both she and Sully embraced it with enthusiasm.

  Sean nodded. “I’m sure he’ll be a great addition to our team. If he’s anything like his sister, he’ll be a great asset.” He smiled.

  She giggled. “Sean, you are too kind. Ok, I don’t want to take up all your time today. Anything else we need to discuss?”

  He shook his head. “We’re good, Kit. You coming by later?”

  She nodded. “I’m going to do my best to. If I come by it will be late. What time are you guys wrapping?”

  He got up and stretched. “We’re doing a late rehearsal tonight. We’re starting at five.”

  Kit slipped into the soundstage and felt completely self-conscious. She was dressed to the hilt in a beautiful black dress paired with black peau de soie heels. A crème pashmina wrap graced her shoulders and her hair was swept back in an elegant French twist. Small diamond drop earrings dangled delicately from her ears. She looked stunning.

  She tried to remain inconspicuous while the band rehearsed, but once Sully caught a glimpse of her, it was all over. The song and his focus went downhill. Sean had no idea Kit had arrived. His back was to her. He waved his arms in the air and yelled. “What just happened?”

  Sully spoke into the microphone. “Hey, Kit.” He couldn’t stop staring at her. She looked beautiful and he noticed that same glow again that made him like a moth to a flame. He wondered why she was so dressed up.

  She approached the stage and yelled out. “Hello. Now, get back to work. I’m just stopping by for a song or two before I head out to the symphony. Keep going. It was sounding great.” She smiled.

  The band started playing again and Kit found herself in a huddle speaking loudly over the band with Sean, Jay and other members of their team. They were in the midst of discussing the logistics of the opening show in Detroit, when Simon walked in dressed to match her in a black suit.

  He casually strolled toward the group of people, noticing Kit. He grinned. He walked up to her and gently put his arm around her, not wanting to interrupt her conversation.

  She looked at him and smiled. “Hey! Did you just get here?”

  He nodded and gave her a kiss on the cheek. “Just walked in.”

  Sean smiled. “Hey, Simon, great of you to stop by. We should grab a drink before I head out on the
road in a few days.”

  Simon nodded. “Absolutely.” He stroked Kit’s back and continued as he looked at her. “And if Kit can manage it in her busy schedule, she should join us.”

  She smiled. “I’d love to, gentlemen. We’ll have to make that happen.”

  Sully continued performing, but his heart wasn’t in it. He was going through the motions. He was completely distracted, watching Kit and the man standing next to her. He didn’t like how they looked so cozy and realized she was probably dating him. He felt defeated and wondered if this guy was the reason she had no intention of doing the whole tour with them. He forced himself to focus on the song and not on her.


  “You’re not gonna believe this when I tell you. Are you sitting down?”

  Kit frowned. She had never heard Alexa so excited before. She giggled and sat down behind her desk. “Sitting. What’s up?”

  “Kitty, I’m pregnant! We’re gonna have babies together! Isn’t that awesome?”

  She smiled wide. “Are you serious? How far along are you?”

  Alexa’s joy easily reflected in her tone. “Only like three weeks. Please don’t tell anyone. Wes and I are going to play this close to the vest until I pass the first trimester, then we’ll tell everyone, but I wanted to share this with you, specifically. You’re not alone, honey. We’re gonna do this together. I’ll be a few weeks behind you.”

  She giggled. “Oh my gosh, Lex. I am so excited for you and Wes! This is fantastic news! Wow, I think I may be a little more excited now. Our babies can grow up together and be besties like us.”

  “Exactly. So, what did Sull say when you told him? Did he take it ok?”

  Kit shifted in her seat. She still had not found a good time to tell him and they were heading out on the road the following day. She swallowed hard. “I… uh, haven’t exactly told him yet.”

  Alexa let out a long, annoyed sigh. “Are you kidding me? Kit, how far along are you at this point?”


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