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Finally Home Taming of a White Wolf

Page 13

by Jana Leigh

  Diavolo picked up his phone and made a call. “I need the blood sample I delivered to you weeks ago for analysis, I think there may be something else we are missing. These women should be weak and compliant and none of them are. They seem a bit more like Warriors, even the human seems too strong.”

  “I will have the results to you by the end of the week,” the voice said, and he snorted and hung up.

  He didn’t trust Roarke either so he dialed another number by heart. “Do you want to make some money?”

  “Who is this?” the man asked.

  “You know who this is, stop playing games, I asked you if you wanted to make some money, gods know you could use it,” Diavolo said with a sneer.

  “Awww, I thought you had stopped caring, where have you been?” the man asked curiously.

  “None of your business, I asked you a question, money or not. I don’t really care,” Diavolo snapped.

  “Fine, no need to get so snappy. Did you miss a meal or something, or maybe your latest victim didn’t struggle enough?” the man laughed.

  “I should have killed you when our mother gave birth to you. Get your ass to England and look for the man I am sending you a picture of. Kill him and bring me the girl, no detours and possibly you will be alive to celebrate your next birthday. Cross me on this, and I will kill you and piss on your carcass,” Diavolo yelled.

  “Now, now big brother, we wouldn’t want anyone to find out your dirty little secret,” the man said.

  Books by Jana Leigh

  Denver Pack Series

  Alpha's Mate

  Tey's White Wolf

  Devon: The Beta's Double Trouble

  Cloe: Two for the Bite of One

  Reggie: A Wolf's Changing Heart

  Blaine: A Wolf's Second Sight

  Lacy: Seeing Double

  Jordan's Misunderstanding

  Trinity: Heart of the Shifters

  Argus: Meeting the Challenge

  Trace: Following His Destiny

  Shea: The Last Hope

  Denver Pack Twelve 1/2

  Chosen Wars Series

  Cat’s Choice

  Dante’s Dream

  Finally Home

  Book Four – Coming Soon

  Other books include

  Dangerous Series

  Dangerous Trio

  Dangerous Two

  Dangerous Finale

  Dangerous: Working Against the Clock

  Dangerous: Off Limits

  Dangerous: All Bark No Bite

  Cassidy Family Series

  Playing With Zack

  Killing Jared

  Holiday Surprise

  Drekinn Series

  The Mating Call

  Healing Cherri

  Mob Moms’ Christmas

  Reaching Rissa

  Kiki’s story – coming soon

  New Series Coming 2013

  Taming of Team Ten

  Meridian Warriors Series by Jana Leigh and Zach Collins

  Xander and Des

  Shifter Justice by Jana Leigh and Bryce Evans

  Perfect Reflections

  I would love to hear from you!




  Excerpt from The Perfect Reflection

  Shifter Justice Book One

  By Jana Leigh and Bryce Evans


  These records had to be fucking wrong, there was no way that asshole was supposed to be the Prince of Wolves, as the “Redeemer,” he was supposed to have gotten everything. The wolf paced around the room, stupid Elders think they know everything. His mother, boo hoo, turns up pregnant from a visiting wolf, she cheated on her true mate. How was that even possible? His father had solved that though when she gave birth, and he scented the betrayal on the babies. He killed her, took him, and gave his snotty ass twin away to the cheating bastard. Too bad the bastard had no clue she had two children. It was the ultimate price, although the asshole had no idea he was about to pay the piper for his indiscretion.

  His whole life all he heard was how special he was. His father chose him to keep, to raise and groom him to become “The Redeemer.” Only he could plan this out to perfection, make his DNA donator pay for everything he had done. Ruined his father’s life, ruined his family, hell, ruined his life. Now, now he was going to pay, all of them would. His plan started so long ago it made him laugh; all of his little chess pieces were almost in place. His father taught him the game, and he had the patience to play it through.

  It had started out small, his father taking him hunting when he was barely able to walk. Taught him how to use a blade to kill a deer before he could shift into his wolf, his father said he needed to know how to kill with his hands. Being a wolf was not a tool he would use to extract his revenge, because in his wolf form they could track him, as a human he could mask himself.

  When “The Redeemer” figured out he loved the feel of blood running through his fingers, he learned all he could. Then he was given his purpose; his father gave him the task of helping all those unsuspecting bastards who were being cheated on.

  He could remember when he was five, his father took him and showed him what cheating bitches did. They spread their legs for anyone and laughed behind their mate’s back. His father showed him what must be done, silencing them and making sure they couldn’t destroy another family.

  He could hear him now, “If you are not true mates, your mate will cheat, she will leave you, search for her true mate. They are all whores of the wolf teaching, none of them understand that there is no true mating, because female wolves will never allow themselves to mate to just one wolf, it is not in their nature.” His father was doing a service to mankind by teaching him to kill, they would all thank him and bow to him, he was “The Redeemer,” and soon they would all know.


  She woke up shivering. What was wrong with her? She felt like she had been hit by a truck and finally opened one of her eyes. When she looked up, the light was too bright so she jerked them closed. Good God, she thought, try again, she knew that she was not in her home. Where the fuck was she?

  She turned her head and opened her hooded eyes. What the hell? It looked like a construction site. Her back and legs were so cold and she was shivering all over. She tried to get up, but her hands were tied to something. When she opened her sluggish eyes further, she was strapped to a steel table where her hands were tied to each end of the table.

  Missy looked down toward her legs and they were strapped to the table, too. Shit, she was naked and strapped to a cold steel table. Missy started to panic. All she could remember was being at the Coastal for drinks. Looking around the room, she tried to find anything that could help get her untied. There were tools everywhere, littering the floor and on the other table but too far for her to reach.

  Plastic was wrapped around the windows. Nothing looked familiar to her. There were papers that looked like plans lying on a table near the door. It appeared to be a new building under construction.

  Missy jerked her head to the right hearing footsteps. She looked at the door when she saw someone walking down the dark hallway. When he got further into the light, Missy couldn’t believe it. What was he doing here and why was she tied to a table?

  “Ah, I see you have finally woken up. It wouldn’t have been any fun if you had slept through it. Do you know who I am?”

  Missy’s eyes narrowed as he came up beside the table, putting his hand on her arm, rubbing up and down. She grimaced as she felt his touch; fuckin’ bastard was going to pay for touching her.

  Missy finally found her voice, “Look, we had some good times, but this is going too far. Let me loose now and I will leave.” His answer was moving his hands further down her chest, finding her breasts, and squeezing them hard.

  “I am going to give you freedom. You have cheated; when you came on to me, I could see it. Your mate woul
d not be happy to know you are with me right now, would he?” he said and laughed at her discomfort.

  “Hey stop, and let me up. NOW!” she yelled.

  He finally looked down at her and smiled. He walked over to the table and pulled duct tape out of a bag. Then he cut off a piece of the tape and walked back over to Missy. She was watching him closely and when he got closer, she knew he meant to put the tape over her mouth.

  “HELP…” Missy screamed.

  “I am going to help you, show you the error of your ways, so when you meet the devil you can fully accept what you have done wrong. And give him a message for me, will ya? I am sending someone special to him soon, he needs to be ready for his gift.” The Redeemer laughed, held up the knife, and looked down at her.

  Excerpt from Meridian Warriors: Xander & Des

  Meridian Warriors Book One

  By Jana Leigh & Zack Collins


  “We are losing the battle with the Hopis, they have powerful weapons, and I fear soon they will break through our defenses, no matter what we do,” the King said to Xander.

  “”Their numbers are too many, no matter how many Warriors I have; we will not defeat them. Sir, we should think of evacuation,” Xander said.

  Xander was the leader of the Warriors, he was the one the King went to for military strategies, and so far, in this battle they had done well. Partly because they were underwater and the Hopis didn’t know how to fight underwater, but fighting was not what they wanted—it was the water. And they had finally found a way to begin draining the planet.

  “Sir, our planet is being sucked dry from its resources. Our greatest protection from others was our water. We have lived hidden from everyone for millennia. The Hopis have developed a way to steal the water from our surface,” Xander explained. “There is a large ship on the farthest side of the planet, which they are using to exact the water. Every day it goes down further and further, soon we will not be able to hide.”

  They lived in a huge force field built around the ships their ancestors arrived to the planet in. It was amazing. They built homes, buildings, and businesses as they moved out of their ships. They grew food, learned to live underwater, and flourished in the new environment.

  The Meridians were an intelligent species, and their technology was advanced. They found in their travels that many of the other species were eager to buy and learn what the Meridians were more than happy to teach and sell.

  According to the scripts, they evolved over time to adapt to their surroundings. The Meridians were known for their shifting ability. When in the water their legs changed into one long tail with scales that allowed them to swim and hunt underwater.

  The Hopis were people from another planet only two light years from them, they were vermin. While traveling the universe, they found their planet, Meridian. Meridian was a small planet whose surface was entirely covered in water. At first, the Hopis didn’t bother the planet because it didn’t seem inhabited. The Hopis planet was inhibited and they thought they could just use the water resources for their own, coming back every few years and filling their tanks with water.

  When they discovered by accident through their defense field that there were inhabitants on the planet—the attacks began. They wanted the water for their own, along with the Meridian’s technology.

  For thirty years, Xander led the Warriors in protecting their home planet. However, the Hopis would not give up. Through many prisoner interrogations, they learned the Hopis home planet had dried up a century ago, sending its inhabitants into space to find water for their people. They thought they hit the payload with Meridian—only to find out that Xander and his people were there.

  They wanted the water, but when they found some of the technology the Meridian had, they wanted that too. The Hopis were brutal in their attack, Xander grimaced a little as he thought about the torture many of his men succumbed to. “Sir, what can we do?” Xander asked.

  Rolf, the Leader, and large Warrior himself, said, “We must gather the ships. One of our men discovered a planet in the early stages of development, if we land in their waters, we could stay hidden for many years. It is our only hope.”

  Xander led the evacuation, they tried to keep it a secret from the Hopis but of course, they found out. The day they all left their home planet, Xander thought they’d planned the escape to perfection. The only thing their leader didn’t consider was the Hopis in their greed to obtain everything—destroyed the planet while they were still too close. Xander and his men’s ship was the only one to escape the blast. The ship held fifty-two men, no women, and no children—they were stagnant. Left to survive on a strange planet without the benefit of companionship.

  They plotted the course for Earth and landed in the body of water, which is now called the Pacific Ocean. The planet was in its early stages of growth, so the men stayed underwater all the time in its early years. They discovered they were still able to shift into their Meridian form when they entered the water. Their legs disappeared and a long, large tail fin appeared with brilliant colors, showing their ranking in the Meridian City.

  Slowly over time, they discovered that most of the men were mates, and were just missing their female. Xander always figured it had to have been the rest of the race being destroyed that triggered their mating instincts with the only survivors. Xander and Des had been friends since childhood, and they never felt the pull until one day while they were swimming in the ocean.

  It was amazing to have a large area to swim in, their planet was much smaller than Earth, they could have swam their entire planet in two days, but Earth, hell it took more than a week, and that was if they swam steady the whole time.

  The group of men knew their limitations; they needed materials from the surface to help them live.

  They lived in the ship they escaped on for a long time. It took their brilliant Warrior technology man to slowly create a shield that expanded and formed into a large bubble-like barrier between them and the surrounding water. It was similar to their own planet; however, Earth’s water had a different compound—salt. Meridian had not had salt in their water, so it took a while for Cash’s mate, Rosul, to create a new barrier bubble. Now they had approximately a five-mile city built to accommodate them.

  Over the years they went to the surface and discovered they could shift above the water and search for materials. When finished, they could reenter the water and shift for the return to their underwater city. They also discovered the Warriors could only stay above on the land for about seven rises of the sun before they began to get sick. They needed to be in the water to survive now.

  A surprise source of help came when the men rose from the ocean one night only to find a ship of Pirates waiting for them. The battle lasted only briefly as the Warriors overcame the men from the ship. Then a bargain was struck, and had been in place ever since.

  The humans developed and evolved, although the Meridian had not wanted to interfere, they did feel that since they had come to Earth to survive, they owed the humans something. Xander and the others began letting some of the technology surface with them. A few well-placed ideas—in the right minds—had allowed the humans to develop as well.

  Xander also felt the need to protect the humans. They did not want what happened to their home planet to happen to Earth as well. They sent out a tracking beacon, and they could tell when another race moved too close. Some of them were harmless, although some were not. Therefore, they did what they had to do in order to protect the humans.

  Around a hundred years ago, the Hopis discovered Earth, and although they could not completely protect the humans from them, they did help deter them. The Warriors set out to kill any of the Hopis that came to Earth to scout; however, it wasn’t until fifty years ago they found out, through interrogation, the leader of the Hopis searched for them. For some reason the man had vowed to find and destroy the last of the Meridian, the Meridian Council all assumed it was because the Hopis didn’t want it to get out to
some of the other species what they had done.

  So far, they had been lucky, they avoided their detection every time, although Xander knew that someday they would not be so lucky, there were too many of them and the Hopis were sending more scouts. They had probably figured out the Warriors were here since many of their scouts never returned.

  Rosul made only one entrance to the city, and only a Meridian would be able to enter. Rosul embedded the entrance doorway to recognize their blood markers. Anything else trying to pass through the doorway would be trapped and if not allowed in, thrown back out into the ocean after a certain amount of time. Fish and other creatures sometimes wandered into their passageway, which saved them from going out to find food.

  The entrance was remarkably well hidden, as was their city. Over time, with the development of the planet, rock formations shifted and Cash used them to incorporate the city. On the far side of the city was a lake, Meridian made of course, but they kept it well stocked with fish now. However, to leave the city, they had to dive into the lake and pass through a rock tunnel. Their doorway worked both ways, except anything entering had to be accompanied by a Meridian. If not, it or they were killed.

  They developed a Meridian Council just as they had on their home planet. Xander was the leader, but the Council was also in charge. They made the laws of their underwater land and everyone obeyed them.


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