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Dragon Lost

Page 8

by Donna Grant

  Finally, Royden stopped. The light with them flew upwards like a rocket to shine like the other. If she’d thought the cavern they’d swum into was big, this one was three times its size. It looked as if there were raised sections almost like seats in a semicircle. As she turned, she found one lone perch sitting before the rest.

  “My seat,” Royden said in a solemn voice.

  He released her hand and walked to it. As a human, he had to put his hands on the stone and jump to stand on it. Then he turned and faced her. But he didn’t look at her. His gaze was on the seating area, and she knew he was thinking about the time when this had been his home.

  Chapter Ten

  He was home. Royden hadn’t intended to come here. It would dredge up memories, and he was better off without them. Then he’d told Annita of his past. The next thing he knew, he’d wanted to show her this.

  It was folly. He’d known that as he swam here. He could’ve turned back at any time, but he didn’t. He kept swimming. Now that he was here, he was glad that he’d come. Some of the Kings had been able to return to where they once ruled. Just as he expected, there was a slew of bad memories, but there were good ones, as well.

  “Shift,” Annita urged him.

  His gaze jerked to her. “What?”

  “Change into your true form.”

  Royden hesitated for just a moment before he did as she asked. The last time he had stood in this spot, he had been talking to his clan. So much fear and anxiety had filled the cavern that day that it still remained. Emotion clogged his throat as he fought the wave of fury and regret that washed over him.

  He felt something touch him and looked down to see Annita before him, her hand on his talon. Tears rolled down her face. Tears he couldn’t—and wouldn’t—shed. But she did it for him. She seemed to understand everything. He could barely fathom it, but there was no denying it.

  “I’m glad you brought me here,” she told him.

  Royden lifted his head and looked at the emptiness before him, where the great Beige dragons had once stood. In order to face each day, the Dragon Kings had learned how to close off memories of the past and do their best not to think about their family or clans. Otherwise, everything they had done to survive would’ve crumbled.

  But now, standing in his throne room, Royden’s chest was heavy, filled with an ache of loneliness and wretchedness that would never be assuaged until his clan returned to the realm. Given that possibility was slim only made things worse.

  It reminded him of how he’d felt when he took to his mountain on Dreagan. He had bellowed his fury at what had happened to their world. He’d scored the walls with his claws since he couldn’t attack the mortals. He’d burned half the mountain with dragon fire and busted more rock.

  The mountain shook time and again, but it never collapsed. It held steady. Eventually, his anger ran out. He sought out dragon sleep so he could forget everything. And he would’ve stayed that way had Con not woken those of them who hadn’t wanted to be disturbed. Now, here he was, back in his old domain with a mortal who had been prophesied to find him.

  He had no doubt in his mind that it was he that she had been meant to find. Royden still wasn’t sure what it meant, but he was going to find out. Right now, however, he would remember his family and clan. It wasn’t easy, though. He’d gone to such extremes not to think of the past.

  The image of his brother was fading. The memories were still there, but he couldn’t recall details of his brother as he used to. Time had done that. Some might call it easing his burden, but he felt as if he were losing the last thread to his family. He didn’t want to lose it. Because if he did, he wasn’t sure what he would have left.

  At least both of his parents hadn’t been alive to see what his reign as King of Beiges had come to. Not that he was to blame for everything that had happened. He realized that, but he still shouldered some of the blame. He, like the other Kings, had agreed to shelter the mortals when they arrived.

  They had come so close to wiping out the humans when Ulrik attacked them. Would it have been better for them had that happened? For a long time, that was up for debate. However, with the arrival of the Others and all they had done to the Kings, Royden could now answer that.

  His eyes lowered to Annita, who stood beside him, her hand still on him as she looked around the cavern. If they had annihilated the mortals, she wouldn’t be here. He wouldn’t have learned her smile, her sharp mind, or her kindness. He wouldn’t have beheld her stunning body or the way her eyes seemed to see straight through to his soul. He wouldn’t know her.

  And that would be a shame.

  Yet his family would be here. None of the dragons would’ve had to leave. Ulrik wouldn’t have been banished, the Fae would’ve been driven out, and they wouldn’t have the Others to contend with. V wouldn’t have had his memories altered, and none of them would’ve spent eons deep in dragon sleep as the centuries passed.

  Before he’d met Annita, Royden would’ve said that’s exactly what should’ve happened. Hell, if he had the ability, he would’ve gone back in time to change things.

  But what would the killing of the mortals have done to the Kings? How many of them would’ve actually remained Kings after the war? None of them would be alive today, of that Royden was certain. And none of the Kings who had found their mates among humans would be happy right now.

  The decisions of the past were no longer so cut and dried. Perhaps they had never been. But he was only seeing that now. There were a good many Kings who had found love and happiness with mortals, and even Fae. How could that be wrong?

  Yet, in order to have that, the Kings had had to lose everything. That’s what didn’t make sense to him. It might never, simply because he wasn’t meant to know such things. He could go around and around about this in his mind to try and figure out what they should have done. The simple truth, however, was that everything happened for a reason.

  He didn’t want to admit that, but there was no way to refute it. Everyone had a path. Some called it destiny, others Fate. The decisions a person made on that path affected everything after in a ripple effect. He could look back and say a certain decision was the wrong one, but if he looked down the line and saw the good—and possibly great—things that had occurred because of that wrong decision, was it then really wrong?

  Perhaps he’d come to this same conclusion long ago in dragon sleep, which allowed him to co-exist with the mortals so easily. Whatever the reason, Royden knew that he was supposed to meet Annita. Just as she was supposed to meet him. Fate or destiny, it didn’t matter. It was what it was.

  Now, as he looked out over the cavern, the weight of the past didn’t rest so heavily on him. He didn’t think about his brother or clan because not knowing if they survived or where they were would likely drive him insane. All he could do was hope that they were safe and happy. Because none of the dragons knew what had happened to the Kings, either.

  No matter what, this was Royden’s life now. And he was going to fight for it. Not just because some group was coming after the Kings, but because this was his home, and that of the mortals he and the other Kings had sworn to protect. That wasn’t going to stop now.

  Royden shifted to his mortal form. Annita’s head swiveled to him, and she gave him a gentle smile when he dropped down beside her. He linked their hands together and looked about the cavern. “I was the last to leave this place. I put the boulder over the entrance to make sure it would stay hidden.”

  “I would’ve done the same. I’m honored that you brought me here.”

  He smiled and glanced at her. “I didna mean it to be so depressing.”

  “This was your life. Of course you were going to be bombarded with emotions. How could you not?”

  Royden swallowed, shrugging. “I wasna thinking about that when I decided to bring you. I wanted to show you something that no other mortal had seen before.”

  She turned to face him, her eyes shining brightly. “It’s beautiful. And you, sta
nding on your throne, looking out over all of this is utterly magnificent.”

  “I wish you could’ve seen all the dragons.”

  “I do. In here,” she said, tapping her temple.

  He smoothed back a lock of hair from her face. “You are truly unique, do you know that?”

  “I’m nothing special.”

  “I disagree wholeheartedly. Everything about you from the first moment we met has been the exact opposite of what I thought. I may have remained in Crete to find out more about the prophecy, but you are the one who occupies my thoughts.”

  Her gaze briefly lowered. “Do I?”

  “Does that surprise you?”

  “It does. A man like you must have thousands of lovers.”

  He shook his head and moved closer to her. “There is no one who holds my heart.”

  “Because you won’t give it away?”

  “I thought that was the case, but I’ve recently discovered that it’s because I’ve no’ found the right someone to claim it.”

  Her brown eyes blinked up at him solemnly. “I know exactly what you mean.”

  “Then you know how good it feels to finally meet someone who might be able to do just that.”

  “I do,” she said and moved closer so their bodies brushed together.

  Royden gently skimmed the pads of his fingers down her face before he slid his hand around to the back of her neck. “I’ve dreamed of kissing your lips.”

  The pulse at her throat beat erratically as she gazed up at him. “And I’ve dreamed of you kissing me.”

  His head lowered, and their lips met. Heat infused him—a hunger for Annita unlike anything he’d ever experienced before. He yearned to spin her around and lay her back on the slab of rock so he could remove her clothes, but her kisses were so sensual, so inviting that he couldn’t stop.

  He deepened the kiss and wrapped his arms around her. She moaned and pressed her breasts against him, causing him to groan. His cock ached from needing to be inside her. Then Annita’s hands began roaming over his body. The feel of her palms against his flesh only fanned the flames of his desire.

  The tighter he held her, the deeper he kissed her, the more she responded. And the more he craved her.

  Suddenly, she pulled away from him, ending the kiss. He reluctantly released her. The look on her face was filled with desire as she reached up and pulled the tie to her bikini top. In the next breath, it was on the floor.

  Royden stared at her hardened nipples, his hands itching to cup the round globes. But his eyes were drawn to her fingers that hooked into the bottom of her bathing suit as she pushed it down over her hips and kicked it away.

  His gaze raked over her from her beautiful breasts, to the indent of her waist, to the flare of her hips, her long, lean legs, and then back up to her smooth sex, devoid of any hair.

  “Lass, you’re so gorgeous, I can barely find the words.”

  Annita smiled and walked to him, but she didn’t put her arms around him. Instead, she tugged down his swimming trunks.

  Chapter Eleven

  Never had she felt such desire before. Annita’s body hummed with it. She licked her lips, tasting Royden’s kiss as she did. She put her hands flat on his chest and caressed over his broad shoulders to his thick arms and back to his chest again. Her gaze briefly met his before she let her hands trail down his washboard stomach to his trim hips.

  His cock strained between them, hard and waiting. She wrapped her hand around him, feeling his warmth. He was like silk over steel, so hard and yet smooth. She knelt before him, letting her other hand trail down his chest.

  She raised her eyes and held his as she parted her lips and took him into her mouth. One of his hands tangled in her hair, holding her as his head dropped back, and his eyes closed. She drew him deep, using her hands, tongue, and lips up and down his shaft. His moans drove her onward, wanting to give him pleasure.

  He pulled back and tugged her to her feet. “If you keep doing that, you’ll finish me, and there’s so verra much I want to do to you before that.”

  “What are you waiting for?”

  His blue eyes darkened with desire before he kissed her. It was a kiss meant to show her how much he wanted her. It was a kiss that rocked her to her very bones. It was a kiss to curl her toes.

  It accomplished all of that and more.

  When he pulled away, she made a sound of protest. He chuckled and took her hand and led her from the room back into the tunnel. Her body throbbed with need. Thankfully, the light was with them once again. She tried to look at his back and the tattoo, but he kept her even with him.

  It was like she was walking in a dream. She was in a strange place, and yet it was Crete. She was on land, and yet below water. She was with a man, yet a Dragon King. Annita looked at him and smiled.

  She had no idea where he was taking her, and she didn’t care so long as he was touching and kissing her. Finally, he turned, and she found herself walking downward. In the next heartbeat, she felt the steam from a thermal hot spring. Royden stopped and looked at her before he stepped backwards into the water. Annita followed him, sighing at the sensation of the warmth surrounding her.

  “You were chilled,” he said as he pulled her against him.

  She shrugged. “I didn’t feel it.”

  “I wouldna want you getting cold.”

  “I don’t think that’s possible with you beside me.”

  He turned her so that her back was to his chest. Her feet didn’t touch the bottom, so she let him hold her. He then took her hands and stretched her arms out before bending them behind her. Her fingers brushed damp rock.

  “Hold on to them,” he whispered.

  She did as he instructed. His hands then traveled down her arms to her shoulders and then cupped her breasts. Annita sucked in a breath at the exquisite pleasure that rushed through her when he rolled her nipples between his fingers.

  Her eyes closed as the water lapped at her skin. Every nerve ending was ablaze with pleasure, with need that only one man, one dragon could quench—Royden.

  One of his hands traveled down her stomach. She parted her legs, eager for him to touch her. He parted the folds of her sex before twirling a fingertip around her aching clit. With pleasure coming from both her sex and breasts, Annita found herself hurtling toward climax. Was it something in the water that pushed her so quickly? Was it the cave? Was it Royden?

  She didn’t know or care. Her eyes closed as she leaned her head back against him. His breath fanned her shoulder. Both of them were breathing heavily. At her back, she could feel his arousal pressing against her. Each time she moaned, his cock twitched.

  “I’ve never seen anything so beautiful,” Royden whispered.

  She turned her face toward his. “I’m all yours.”

  “Doona tell a King that. Doona tell me that.”

  Annita opened her eyes to look at him. “But it’s the truth.”

  “It’s the pleasure talking.”

  At that moment, he gave her nipple a light pinch. She gasped at the pleasure as her sex throbbed. In response, he slipped a finger inside her. In and out, his digit moved in a slow, steady rhythm.

  “No,” she said when she found her voice. “It’s you.”

  Royden’s lips wrapped around her earlobe and suckled. His hand continued its assault on her sex while his thumb circled her swollen clit as he teased her nipple. She was bombarded on all sides by pleasure drawing her closer and closer to orgasm. Desire tightened low in her belly as she began the fascinating, thrilling spiral to ecstasy.

  She was on the precipice, ready to fall into the waiting arms of pleasure when Royden’s hands were suddenly gone. Dazed, she opened her eyes to discover he’d turned her so they were facing each other. If she thought she would finally have him inside her, she was mistaken.

  He put her hands on the stone once more just as before. Then he grabbed her hips and lifted them until she was floating on her back. Annita watched him, her heart rate kicking up a
notch when he spread her legs and settled between them. She moaned his name when he licked her sex, stopping at her clit.

  Just like that, she was right back into pleasure. She closed her eyes, dropping her head into the water. This time, she knew he would allow her to peak. She was already so close. It wouldn’t take much. Or so she thought.

  His tongue licked, laved at his leisure. As if he didn’t have anything else to do but feast upon her. Every time her body tightened as she got close to orgasm, he would change up what he was doing and make her go through it all again.

  No one had ever paid her so much attention before. No one had ever cared about what she felt. No one had wanted to give her so much pleasure before. And she knew in that instant that no one but Royden ever would. Her thoughts didn’t stay there long as her eyes flew open, her mouth parted in an O when he pushed two fingers inside her. He pumped them within her while he continued flicking his tongue over her clit.

  She tried to keep still, to keep her body relaxed when the orgasm built. But her body took over. Except this time, Royden didn’t stop. A white-hot light exploded behind her eyelids as she climaxed.

  * * * *

  Royden fought to keep control of himself at the feel of Annita’s body tightening around his fingers as she peaked. The sight of her flushed skin, her mouth parted in a silent scream made him want her even more.

  He wanted to give her several more orgasms before he filled her, but he couldn’t hold off anymore. With her body still convulsing, he pulled her against him and entered her. Her arms came around him instantly. They looked into each other’s eyes, and something happened. Royden couldn’t pinpoint what it was. It could’ve been the cosmos shifting or a star being born, but he knew that they might have entered this private world as two separate people, but they would be leaving as one.


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