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Star Legion

Page 9

by Tripp Ellis

Kira chose her words carefully and spoke in an almost inaudible voice.

  "There are several objects that Valdovar seeks that hold great power. If you hadn't noticed, he doesn't like to take any chances. Those who possess these objects can pose a threat to him.”

  "How do you know this?"

  “I’ve been around for a little while. I hear things." Kira’s eyes flicked to the guards again.

  "What else have you heard?"

  Kira eyed Nolan suspiciously. "What concern is it of yours?"

  She was hard to read. She’d been captured and enslaved like the rest of the warriors. Worked her way up through the ranks. She seemed loyal to Valdovar, but surely she had no love for him?

  Nolan shrugged. "Just curious I guess."

  "You know what they say about curiosity,” Kira said with a coy grin.

  "Where are you from, sir?"

  "Again, I don't see how that's any of your concern."

  Nolan look frustrated.

  "Let's not keep the Emperor waiting. Shall we?" Kira ushered Nolan along.

  One of the Royal guards pressed a button on the bulkhead and the hatch slid open. The two guards stepped aside and let Kira and Nolan enter.

  The compartment was befitting of royalty. It was elegantly decorated. At the end of a long chamber, Valdovar was seated upon the throne atop a riser. Commander Xule stood on one side of the throne, and a beautiful blonde haired young woman stood on the other. She wore a white gown and had flawless skin, high cheekbones and sparkling blue eyes. Nolan's eyes were instantly drawn to her. She was gorgeous, and radiated beauty. She was an odd sight standing next to the hideous Emperor.

  "Try not to stare," Kira said, dryly.

  Nolan's eyes quickly darted away from the woman and focused on Valdovar as the two approached the throne. They walked down an aisle made by rows of Soturi standing in formation.

  “Kneel when you reach the riser," Kira whispered out of the side of her mouth. She forced a smile, and beamed it at the Emperor. "Try to look excited," she muttered.

  All eyes were upon them.

  Commander Xule scowled at the two as they knelt before the throne.

  Nolan cupped the ring in his hands and extended it toward Valdovar.

  The Dark Lord rose from his throne and casually stepped forward. The hall was silent as he stepped down the riser and stood in front of Kira and Nolan. He took the ring from Nolan's outstretched hands. His eyes glimmered as he surveyed the precious ring. A slight grin curled on his demonic face, revealing his razor-like teeth. He slid the ring on his finger and beamed with joy as he marveled at it. "You may rise."

  Nolan and Kira stood eye to eye with the demon. Nolan tried his best to contain his hatred. With every fiber of his being he wanted to draw his sword and plunge it into the Dark Lord. Nolan was almost trembling with rage.

  "Well done," Valdovar said.

  "Thank you, my Lord."

  Valdovar reached out and put an approving hand on Nolan's shoulder. "I'm told you single-handedly defeated Su Vu Jwon?”

  “That's not exactly true, my Lord."

  Valdovar arched a curious eyebrow.

  "The victory belongs to the entire battalion. Without their efforts, this victory would not be possible. I was in the right place the right time, and fortune favored me."

  Valdovar seemed impressed with his modesty. "A good leader is confident, yet humble. He understands and respects his troops. He earns their admiration. I think you have the makings of a great leader."

  "Thank you, my Lord."

  Valdovar addressed the entire battalion. "If I had 100 men with the spirit of this private, the galaxy would be mine. Let this man's service and attitude be a lesson to you all."

  The battalion answered in unison. "Yes, my Lord!”

  Commander Xule was seething. He had wanted to claim this victory for his own.

  Nolan's eyes couldn't help but flick to the woman beside the throne again. Her mesmerizing gaze was fixed on Nolan. He realized he was staring and quickly looked away.

  Valdovar noticed. He leaned in close to Nolan's ear. He could feel the Emperor's hot breath on his skin. Nolan was sure he had angered the Emperor.

  "My daughter is a sight to behold, is she not?”

  Nolan wasn't quite sure how to answer. He felt like anything he said could be wrong. He was bewildered—how could such a sublime creature come from anything so hideous as Valdovar.

  "Yes, my Lord."

  Valdovar chuckled. He circled Nolan and Kira like a proud parent. "Captain Avar," he said in a commanding voice.

  Kira snapped her body stiff. "Yes, my Lord?"

  "Your unit continues to succeed where others have failed. Perhaps I should put you in charge of my forces.” Valdovar slid his diabolical gaze to Commander Xule. It was clear he was displeased with Xule’s underperformance as of late.

  The commander quivered. He forced an apologetic smile through gritted teeth.

  "I would be honored, my Lord,” Kira said. “But I will leave that up to your best judgment." She knew the mere statement was going to further stress her already tense relationship with Xule. He would find ways to make life miserable for Kira.

  The chamber was silent a moment.

  Valdovar climbed the riser. He spun around and stood before his throne and addressed the battalion. "What is a victory without a celebration? Let us rejoice!”

  The hall erupted with cheers.

  Once again, Valdovar’s daughter’s eyes fell upon Nolan. His eyes flicked to meet hers. She smiled and batted her eyelashes. Nolan quickly looked away. Flirting with the Emperor's daughter certainly wouldn't be a good idea.


  "Is that all you’ve got?" Kira slurred as she hovered over an empty shot glass.

  Nolan looked at her with bloodshot eyes. He had imbibed more alcohol in one sitting and he had ever done before.

  Soturi had been congratulating him all night, wanting to drink a shot with the hero. The massive hall was filled with the sound of revelry. Glasses clinked, and loud boisterous voices rumbled in the sea of chatter. The victory celebration was in full effect. And for Nolan, the ship was practically spinning. "I think I've had enough."

  "Nonsense," Kira said. "There is no such thing as enough.” She grabbed the bottle from atop the table and filled their shot glasses once again. She slammed the bottle back down, then raised her glass to toast. “To victory!"

  Nolan fumbled for his glass, then raised it in the air. "To victory,” he mumbled.

  Kira put the shot glass to her plush lips and tipped it back. The amber liquid flowed over her tongue. Even after several shots, the potent liquor still burned. She swallowed it down, then gasped, “Ahhh!”

  Nolan tossed the shot over his shoulder, then slammed the glass on the table, hoping Kira wouldn't notice.

  Caleb was passed out, head down on the table, drool running from his lips.

  "We may have won the battle," Nolan said, "but I think tomorrow, this liquor is going to kick my ass."

  "Live for the moment. Tomorrow is never guaranteed."

  The two gazed into each other's eyes for a moment—an inebriated, lustful spark flickering between them.

  "Don't even think about it," Kira said.

  "Think about what?"

  "The Emperor's daughter."

  "Why? Are you jealous?"

  Kira scoffed. "Please," she said, indignantly. "I'm just trying to save you from trouble."

  "She's not really my type. I mean, she's mildly attractive," he said, trying to underplay her beauty.

  Kira scoffed again, “Right. She's gorgeous. But she's as wicked as Valdovar under that stunning exterior. And, perhaps, equally as powerful.“

  "You’re definitely jealous."

  "I have nothing to be jealous about."

  "I just don't want to see you get hurt."

  "I can handle a broken heart,” Nolan said.

  "I'm talking about physically hurt, moron."

  "What do you mean by that?"

>   "Not that she would have anything to do with a grunt. But she's a fickle beast. She uses people and discards them. And by discard I mean they’re never seen or heard of again."

  "Is she really his daughter?" Nolan asked, still not able to equate her beauty as stemming from Valdovar.

  "Valdovar has many children. She's the only one he acknowledges."

  Kira paused for a moment. "You’re a grown man. You can make your own decisions. Pursue her, if that's what you desire."

  “Should I pursue everything I desire?" Nolan said with a flirtatious glint in his eye.

  "Life is short. If not now, when?"

  Again, Kira was hard to read. Her response was somewhat aloof. Not quite an invitation, but not quite a rebuke. Kira was a good-looking woman. No doubt about it.

  Tanc glared at the two of them. His angry scowl had been fixed on Nolan all night. The fact that he was getting close to Kira was like rubbing salt in the wound. There wasn't a man in Thrasher platoon that didn't hold a candle of hope for the stunning captain. And Tanc was no exception.

  He stormed in their direction, attempting to interrupt their chemistry. "Isn't it against policy for officers to fraternize with conscripts, sir?"

  Kira’s indignant eyes found the jealous NCO. "I'd watch your tone, Sergeant.”

  Tanc gritted his teeth.

  "I'd be careful. At the rate Private Jamison is going, you might have to salute him one day," Kira said.

  "Never happen. He's reckless and insubordinate."

  "Why don't you relax and have a drink, Sergeant?” Kira said. "We're all having a good time. You should try it. It’s fun.”

  "I don't think he's capable of having a good time,” Nolan said. He wanted to insult the oafish sergeant, but he thought better of it. Then, after a moment, he just couldn’t resist. “And with a face like that, who can blame him."

  Tanc gnashed his teeth and snarled. He grabbed Nolan, pulling him from his seat. The sergeant spun him around and attempted to throw the private to the deck.

  Nolan moved with blistering speed, despite his inebriated state. In a flash, Nolan slammed Tanc to the deck, drew his dagger, and had the point against the oaf’s neck. "I suggest you back off if you know what’s good for you.”

  "You’re going to pay for this." Tanc said in a menacing tone.

  A crowd instantly gathered around, and before the fight could proceed any further, Kira pulled Nolan from atop the sergeant.

  Tanc sprang to his feet.

  "Stand down, Sergeant Krom,” Kira commanded.

  Tanc reluctantly backed off.

  Kira addressed the crowd, “Alright, nothing to see here. As you were."

  A few of Tanc’s buddies pulled him away, disappearing into the crowd. But his hateful gaze remained on Nolan until he was obscured by other Soturi.

  "Well, it's not a party until somebody gets in a fight,” Kira said with a grin.

  "You're not going to report that, are you, sir?"

  Kira chuckled. "I think on a day like today, I can let that slide.”

  “Thank you, sir." The rush of adrenaline had momentarily sobered Nolan up. That was fading now, and the deck felt unsteady beneath his feet. "Nolan glanced to Caleb who was still passed out on the table. "I should probably get him back to his rack."

  "I'll give you a hand."

  The two lifted Caleb up and tried to wake him. He was semi-conscious, mumbling indecipherable gibberish.

  They slung his arms over their shoulders and helped the drunken soldier walk out of the mess hall, his toes dragging against the deck most of the way.

  Nolan and Kira escorted Caleb down to medical. It wasn't a pretty sight. The compartment was loaded with wounded from the day’s battle. There were moans and groans and wails of agony. Flesh was lacerated, exposing meat and bone. Bandages were soaked through, blossoming crimson red. The compartment smelled like death and disinfectant.

  Dr. Coleman and several corpsmen were tending to the wounded. They were caring for the most severe cases which also had the best chance for survival. Those too far gone were injected with high doses of pain medication and left to die on their own. It was brutal. But the resources had to be conserved and used wisely.

  It was a sobering reality that Nolan and Kira had put out of their minds once they left the battlefield. No warrior wanted to spend too long around the wounded. That kind of thing could get into your head and rattle around for days, months, or even years, taking you out of the game completely. It could make you second-guess yourself, and skittish to fight. Most warriors conditioned themselves to accept the fact that every battle could be the last. But it was still necessary to maintain a sense of invulnerability. How else could one go into battle without the somewhat delusional mindset that they were going to be the one to get through unscathed? No one wanted to deal with that gray area in between life an death—wounded and crippled for life. People lost eyes and limbs and were scarred for life, but the wound of all wounds—a groin wound—was the kind of thing that kept soldiers up at night, praying when they had never prayed before.

  Dr. Coleman barked at Kira and Nolan. "What's the matter with him? He looks perfectly healthy."

  "He's had a little too much to drink," Kira stammered. "Perhaps you can give him something to sober him up and keep him from choking in his sleep?"

  The doctor rolled his eyes. "Oh, sure, let me just take time away from people who are actually dying. Do you want me to wipe his ass for him too?”

  “By the time we finish arguing about this, you could have just given him the shot,” Kira said.

  The doctor grumbled to himself as he stormed away.

  Kira and Nolan exchanged an uncertain glance. Was he going to help them or not?

  The doctor returned a few moments later with an injection gun. He pressed the nozzle up to Caleb's neck and squeezed the trigger. A vial of clear liquid drained as the gun shot the liquid into Caleb’s system. Almost instantly his eyes rounded, and his head perked up. He glanced around at the carnage, perplexed. His face grew pale with fear. His worried eyes examined his body, looking over his legs and torso. "Have I been injured? What's happening?"

  Kira chuckled. "Relax, Private. You’re fine. You just had a little more liquid celebration than you can handle."

  Caleb looked confused, having no memory of recent events.

  "Get him out of here," the doctor said. "You're taking up space."

  "Thank you, Doctor." Kira said with a cute smile and sparkling eyes.

  Coleman rolled his eyes and attended to other patients.

  Caleb was able to stand on his own now, fully alert. It was like he'd gotten pumped with a high dose of adrenaline.

  "I don't understand," Caleb said.

  "We won the battle. You lost the victory party,” Kira said.

  "Oh," Caleb said, remembering the early portion of the celebration.

  "You're still going to have a hell of a hangover in the morning,” Kira said. “But at least you won't die from alcohol poisoning tonight. Though, you may wish you had by tomorrow."

  The three of them stepped into the hallway, heading back to their birthing compartments. Caleb seemed to have his normal mental and physical faculties about him. But Nolan and Kira were still three sheets to the wind and listing down the hallway.

  "Are you guys okay?" Caleb asked.

  "Never better," Kira said.

  They twisted their way through the corridors to Thrasher platoon’s birthing compartment. There was an awkward moment of silence between Kira and Nolan.

  Caleb stared at them dumbly.

  “That will be all, Private,” Kira said to Caleb.

  He looked at her, confused for a moment. Then he realized his presence was no longer needed, or wanted. "Oh, right. Good evening, sir." He spun around and opened the hatch to the birthing compartment and stepped inside.

  Another awkward moment of silence between Nolan and Kira.

  “I’m going to need you to debrief me on the specifics of how you defeated Su Vu
Jwon today. It will just take a moment.”

  Nolan was pretty sure Kira was looking for something a little more than a debriefing.

  “Perhaps you should follow me back to my quarters, since this is classified information.”

  Nolan translated that as come back to my place and keep your mouth shut about it.

  The moment he stepped inside her compartment, her plush lips smashed into his. Nolan was a little surprised, but he wasn't about to argue.


  Just as things where about to get hot and heavy, Kira pushed away from Nolan, coming to her senses. “Okay, I think this is a really bad idea. “

  “Seems like a good idea to me,” Nolan said, eager to continue.

  “The only way this can end is badly. I’m your superior officer, and I could get in a lot of trouble.”

  Nolan flashed a sly, seductive grin. “I can keep my mouth shut.”

  “Sorry. Maybe in another life.” Kira rubbed her head, starting to sober up.

  “Maybe I’ll have to die and be reborn.”

  Kira chuckled. “It’s not that I’m not interested.”

  “It’s okay. I can see that you’re scared.” Nolan was egging her on.

  Her eyes narrowed. “I’m not scared.”

  “Whatever you say.” Nolan taunted her.

  “Whatever you say, sir.”

  Nolan stood at attention with a sly grin. “Whatever you say, sir.”

  Kira planted another kiss on his lips. It was too short. “Now get out.”

  “Aye, aye, sir.”

  “And this never happened.”

  “Of course, sir.”

  Nolan turned to exit the hatch, but Kira wasn’t done with him yet. “Speaking of classified, how did you kill Su Vu Jwon?”

  Nolan shrugged. I destroyed the statue of his likeness. It must have held some type of magical connection.”

  The wave of realization washed over her face. “His amenkonti.”

  “His what?”

  “Amenkonti. It means container of the soul. Powerful wizards use them to protect their mortal bodies.”

  Nolan got to thinking. ”Does every wizard have an amenkonti?”

  "The powerful ones. If a wizard can keep it secret, he can virtually live forever."


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