Today We Die (The Killing Sands Book 1)
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I didn’t speak, but just held him tighter. I don’t imagine that any of us will survive this plague. Without a vaccine, which hasn’t been developed yet despite the tremendous efforts of our friends, we will all die.
Thankfully, I believe that life continues after we die, and that we can be together again after this life. While my faith is being tested now, I hope that it will remain strong enough to carry me through this time. But I didn’t want to talk to Shift about that. He needed to grieve. I couldn’t imagine anything I said would actually be of comfort. It’s going to have to come from within himself. I sighed as a tear dropped from my cheek onto his shoulder.
Just before we hung up the com with Arilee, she asked Shift to read the story of Job in the Bible. She pled with Shift to be like Job and stay strong in faith to ensure that their lives together as a family would continue, whenever it happened that God called him home. She begged Shift to keep the faith for his nieces, who adored him.
I couldn’t speak and wanted to leave them in privacy as I listened to these two siblings grieve together and talk of such spiritual things. But Shift held tightly to my hand. After a few minutes of silence, Arilee seemed to understand that Shift was struggling. She told him that she loved him and that she would continue to pray for all of us.
I hope that Shift understood her faith and strength and will be able to feed from it in time. Arilee was an amazing woman.
April 6, 2093—Anta
Shift is still despondent, but doesn’t appear suicidal. He’s taking the death of his family very hard. I’m trying to understand it. I think I will be equally devastated when my brother and parents die.
I’ve been by his side, except for his trips to the toilet, for better than 40 hours now. Last night we fell asleep sitting on the couch in the common area with my arm around him and his head on my shoulder. It was nice, but when I woke up, I had to hurry away to freshen up and brush my teeth. Funny how we adapt to our conditions, like wearing a chem suit for days without worrying about bad breath or body odor. That was hard to get used to, but by the time we left El Alamein it didn’t even cross my mind. Now, I couldn’t go more than a day without taking a shower. And I know Shift is aware of his appearance and grooming when I’m nearby. He’s normally so careful about the impression he’s making on me that I can tell this is really killing him.
We’ve talked a little, about his sister, and about her daughters. I don’t ask questions, but I haven’t stopped him from talking. It appears therapeutic. I’ll let Shift talk as long as he wants to, and about whatever subject may concern him. Ultimately, I’ll probably call upon him to perform the same service in the near future.
The longer I sit with him, the greater love I feel for him—as my friend and my brother. I think this is what Shift referred to a few hours ago as a “Christ-like love”. I don’t know what that is, but I know that right now, I would do anything to take away his pain, if I could.
Anthrax E is spreading further into Asia, with noted infections throughout Russia, Mongolia, China and the Baltics. It won’t be long before the infection spreads into Europe and then the Middle East. It probably already has. Mom and Dad are fully aware of this, unlike many others they encounter. Apparently, many people in Mom’s circle of associates and Dad’s political associations deny the risk that’s on their doorstep. Many refuse to take precautions that may save their lives. Perhaps they’re in denial or perhaps they know there is nothing to be done.
Mom and Dad have been searching, so far in vain, for a place to take refuge from the oncoming “storm” as Dad calls it. Although they continue to search, they’re not so deluded as to think that, even if they find refuge, they will live long. They have, more or less, resigned themselves to their fate. Dad tried to lighten the mood of our last com by suggesting that maybe they should go bury themselves in a cave in the desert; I’ve never heard him use sarcasm to make a point and I know it hurt him to say it. They have chem suits, like Shift and I wore, but they can’t survive in those for long. They need a more permanent solution. Dad said that, if they can’t find a permanent solution, they may not even wear them just to prolong the inevitable.
It may be weeks, or it may be months, but without a vaccine, Mom and Dad will die. Unlike Shift and his sister and nieces, we at least have time to prepare ourselves for this probability. Hasani understands it well too. While we may never see each other again in the flesh, when death finally comes, and it almost surely won’t be long now, we won’t be taken by surprise. We’ll be ready—I hope. But on the chance that grief strikes me like it has Shift, I’ll call on him to be my support, as I am trying to be his.
The people in the bunker here have had much less contact with any governmental leaders over the past few days. The IWO continues, at least until two days ago (the last we heard from them) to function as a world governing body; but other local governments and agencies, including the United States federal government, haven’t contacted us in the last few days. Our days as a human race are numbered—I can feel it.
April 8, 2093—Dr. Steven Porter
I haven’t heard from the family in several days. It is terrible. I know that everybody is losing loved ones. Shift’s family just died a few days ago. It’s greatly affecting him and it’s torture to watch his suffering. I don’t know whether my good wife is alive or dead, or whether my children are safe—although I doubt very much that there’s any hope for them.
It seems unnatural that I, along with my friends here, must sit and watch our world crumble and our families and friends perish by means of some unholy disease unleashed upon mankind. My prayers that they may live—and that I may see them again—may yet be answered; although if they are now gone to rest with their maker, I will grieve, but not lose faith. The Lord is good, and his reasons and purposes are just, whatever we may think of them.
I intend to continue to attempt to contact my family until I have confirmation of their death or their continued life. In the meantime, I grieve with my friends for their losses.
April 10, 2093—Shift
Over the past week, Anta has been my rock. What a wonderful human being. I’m not sure I’ve forgiven God for taking my family from me, but I do thank him daily for putting Anta in my path.
At this afternoon’s staff meeting, John handed us each a copy of an op-ed piece published in Germany’s “Free People’s News Corp. Press”, dated April 10, 2093.
Anthrax E, that highly-contagious and deadly bacteria, which softly arose from the desert sands of El-Alamein, yet came crashing down from the killing moon, has continued its steady advance through the nations of Asia. It has now begun its relentless decent upon Europe. There are none who can avoid the putrid ramifications of this apocalyptic pandemic. As came to pass with our ancestors of old, this new ‘bubonic plague’ has attacked, and will devour our civilization.
The ancestors of our great German race, who suffered and died by the hands of the impious Adolf Hitler 150 years ago, fought themselves free from the ‘better life’ prophesized by the Führer. That unholy man preached the cleansing of European society of those he deemed undesirable. Yet, our noble ancestors finally came to understand, far too late, that the destruction of one societal element would lead to the destruction of the whole. It is now manifest that the evil minds of the early twentieth century could not understand, or, at the least, refused to comprehend, the significant ramifications of the development of biological weapons, as Anthrax E must surely be.
Historical documents, contemporary researchers, and generations of politicians want us to believe that, during the great battles of World War II, Nazi Germany, at the behest of Führer Hitler, forbade the development of biological weapons due to some immense horror from his own past. That Hitler, the fanatical, delusional, evil and self-proclaimed savior of the Aryan race would experience apprehension at the thought of the destruction of living souls, by whatever means, is beyond comprehension. Yet, the leaders of grand nations of the world today continue to spoon this revolting propa
ganda down our throats. While there has been, from time to time, historical evidence which sheds light on the true nature of the biological weapons research programs in Europe and America during World War II, the truth has remained hidden behind deceptions and secrets meant to keep us, the sheep, in order.
The truth, which should not be kept secret, and which will now be known unless the publishers of this news outlet are censored by the IWO, is that Germany did, indeed, have an extensive biological research program dedicated to the complete annihilation of several political and religious factions throughout the world. During the early 1940s, high-ranking puppets of the Nazi regime, including scientists and medical “professionals”, began clandestine research into the development and use of biological weaponry. Concurrently, the British were also experimenting with biological agents aimed at thwarting the German war machine. Bacillus anthracis, the etiologic agent of anthrax, was heavily studied and transformed, by both the British and the Germans, for future use against the ‘enemy’.
While the whole truth may not ever be revealed, it IS known by those of us who have spent our lives exposing hidden truths, that have been covered up by our governments, and informing the world thereof, that the Germans ultimately developed an abominable strain of Anthrax to be utilized along their hoped-for, but ultimately unrealized path to world domination. Not even the Italian or Japanese militaristic regimes, which, along with Germany comprised the strongest corners of the Axis power, understood the ramifications of sitting idly by, watching this development unfold.
Clearly, some form of Bacillus anthracis was released in the Egyptian desert. Our leaders, and their puppet media have claimed that such release was ‘accidental’ and that Anthrax E was discovered in a ‘hidden’, ‘unknown’ cave during a sand storm. The truth, my friends and allies in our fight against governmental tyranny, is that our leaders, those to whom we have given our blind and ignorant respect and trust, have intentionally released against us the very agents that our ancestors fought so hard to defeat 150 years ago.
To be clear, we, the human citizens of this vast world, have been intentionally infected by our government! While it is foolish to believe that our leaders knew the ultimate outcome of this plague—the death of the entire human race—it would likewise be foolish to believe that they did not intend for many people to die.
The cleansing of our world has been occurring since the first human awoke to a sunrise on this world. Tyrannical leaders and oppressors have sought, throughout all ages, beginning with the creation of our world and the dominance asserted by Cain over Abel, to lead through fear, and to destroy life as a means to that end. This is no different. Do not believe that we live in a safe and sophisticated world, and that the IWO labors on your behalf. The IWO and all of its political affiliates want power and control. They want to rule you. They want you to serve them.
Indeed, you are a slave already; but you can throw off those shackles and be free now. The truth is out. You, the individual, are not required to be bound by their laws and their restrictions. You, the individual, have been pushed far beyond what is natural and moral. YOU, the individual, have the right to stand up and demand the release of the vaccine that your government developed long before the ‘accidental’ release of Anthrax E upon our world!
The vaccine exists! Even now, your ‘leaders’, and those deemed worthy to continue to live in this world, are hunkered down in bunkers receiving vaccines. They are safe. Do not rest, satisfied that you may, yourself, be safe from Anthrax E. You are not. You are going to die from the horrible madness intentionally released upon our world unless we rise up together and demand, through whatever means necessary, that our governments release the vaccine to the public. Fight with me! Live with me! Or die trying!
WOW! Are you kidding me!
April 11, 2093—Shift
“Could that actually be true John?” I asked. The op-ed article John gave us yesterday has been consuming my thoughts for several hours now. I wouldn’t even talk to anybody about it until now. “I’m just so pissed off about it!”
“Shift, of course it’s not true,” Anta replied, before John had a chance to speak. “John knows that. Everybody here knows that. There’s no cure out there.”
“I know it’s a lie man. And you should be pissed,” John said. John and Anta were both taking this much better than me.
Within minutes of its publishing yesterday, John and Mike saw the article popping up all over the internet, on thousands of websites. Within an hour of its release, the websites that were republishing the story began to be shut down, probably by the IWO, or whatever is left of it. Today Mike has found over 6,000 websites with that same article published. He’s also found nearly a dozen similar conspiracy theories. I suspect that, over the next few days, hundreds, or maybe thousands of similar stories and conspiracies will sweep across the internet.
“Seriously though, do people really think that some government agency, somewhere, intentionally released the plague, all the while having a vaccine to prevent the total annihilation of our species?” I asked. “Do they really believe that? It’s asinine!”
“People believe a lot of things Shift,” John replied, “but that doesn’t necessarily make them true.”
“If they knew what we know, John, they wouldn’t believe it. I mean, we found the stupid thing. We walked and talked with the first infected people. We walked in the damn caves. We held the vial and saw the stuff left by the German soldier when he died from that very disease 150 years ago. I held his gun, man. I read the dude’s bloody journal. It was authentic!”
“Hey, I believe you,” John said calmly. “I don’t think any government, apart from Nazi Germany’s government, of course, wanted this to happen. And I know there’s no cure, obviously.”
“Well, let’s not be too hasty guys.”
John, Anta and I all turned to see Dr. Angel Robertson standing in the doorway to the lounge.
“What do you mean Angel?” John asked.
“Maybe Anthrax E wasn’t released intentionally, but can we be sure there isn’t a cure somewhere? If the Germans developed the thing in the 1940s, and I have no reason to doubt that, isn’t it possible they also developed a cure or an immunization?”
“I doubt it,” I said. “It was the 1940s. Wartime. The Nazis wanted to take over the world. Hitler wasn’t necessarily a forward-thinker.”
“Even if he wasn’t,” Angel said, “he also wasn’t the mastermind behind much of the evil that occurred during that time. There were others—smarter than he. Perhaps they had something. Perhaps they didn’t. But I don’t want to discount the idea that there may be a cure out there.”
“So, you’re saying that the Nazis may have had a cure, but it’s been hidden somewhere, or by someone for 150 years, just in case the plague was released at some point?” Anta asked.
“I’m saying that the Nazis may have had a cure or vaccine. And, if they did, it, or its formulation could still be around somewhere. That’s all. I certainly don’t think anybody intentionally released Anthrax E at this point in time. I’m sure it was lost to the world and then accidentally released a few months ago. But maybe we should go digging and see if we can come up with information about an existing cure.”
“Okay Angel, I’m with you on this,” John said.
Anta and I both looked at John. I was a little surprised. But hey, if there could be a cure out there, I won’t stand in the way of a search. I just don’t think they’ll find anything.
Even though I felt a bit better after our conversation, I still couldn’t relax. Anthrax E and I have walked hand-in-hand for months. Plus, Anta and I have been in this bunker for weeks while the smartest minds of our generation attempt to find a cure or create a vaccine. If there could ever be a vaccine, these are the people who will find it. There’s just no way a cure or a vaccine already exists! I can’t fathom how any scientist from the 1940s could do something we cannot, unless by accident.
April 11, 2093; later—Shift
br /> Okay, I’ve calmed down a little. Anta brought me a bag of Lay’s and a Pepsi. I’m feeling better. I love those chips.
Anyway, there’s no cover-up. If there was, that conspiracy would’ve started in the 1940s, with some illogical plan to come to fruition in the 2090s long after the death of everyone involved. That’s stupid.
But I’ve come around to the idea that, even though Anthrax E was accidentally released a few months ago, there may still be a cure, or the ingredients and plan for one, somewhere on Earth. But, the scientists working here in our bunker are the best in the world. If they can’t find a vaccine, who else could, and when did they do it?
In any event, I think that article, and all articles like it, that continue to pop up on the net are going to wreak havoc on the already-fragile existence of the people in any place Anthrax E hasn’t yet spread its ugly, ugly wings. I expect to see people, who have become so desperate to survive, risk the end of their lives a few days early for the chance to live. People are going to kill each other over this. The people who started these rumors are idiots.
April 12, 2093—IWO Proclamation
Let it be known: the IWO wholly refutes the alleged conspiracies now being propagated by agitated and scared individuals in our society. Do not believe the stories. There is no truth to the theory that your government intentionally unleashed the plague that is now ravishing our brothers and sisters in all quarters of the world.
While no vaccine is currently available, as has been stated from this venue multiple times in the past, dozens of facilities and teams, employing the brightest minds, have been organized throughout the world, working to find or create such a vaccine. When it is discovered, or created, it will be freely distributed to the masses.
Please be calm and rational. This conspiracy theory is no different from those of the past which have been generated to promote fear and stir up hostility. Do not be led down that path. Let us strengthen one another and resolve to spend whatever days we may have left on this Earth making peace and loving our neighbors.