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The complete scars series: Books one-four

Page 40

by Tonks, Rachael

  “Well, what are we waiting for?” he replies, pulling Tara into his arms, grimacing as he struggles with his own injury.

  “Isabelle,” I say, standing and grabbing hold of her hand. “Let’s get out of here.” I dip my head, kissing her on the tip of her cold nose. Her eyes flutter shut and I pull her into me. She lets out a squeal of fright and my eyes dart back to Carter who has his hands wrapped around her leg, pulling Isabelle back toward him.

  “Let go of me.” She kicks out her leg, fighting him off.

  Before I have time to react, Isabelle finds the handle of my gun, grabbing it and aiming it directly at Carter.

  “You don’t want to do that,” he mumbles, using his hand to cover his face as he cowers at the sight of Isabelle pointing the gun at him.

  “Believe me, I do,” she snarls. “This is for everything you’ve done to us, motherfucker,” she growls, clenching her teeth and holding out her arm at full stretch. Tears pour from her eyes, streaming across her cheeks. “I hope they torture you in hell, just like the devil tortured me.”

  “No…” he croaks, closing his eyes.

  Pop. Pop. Pop.

  Pulling the trigger, over and over, she doesn’t stop. His body becomes limp and lifeless, his head barely recognizable. “Izzy,” I shout, hoping to catch her attention. “He’s dead, baby.” Blood covers the floor, her hand, and her clothes. Shrapnel of skin and bone sprays, covering us and the walls around us.

  Suddenly, she stops firing, the gun falling slowly from her hand. Her body shakes and I grab her arm, spinning her until she’s looking at me. All the times I’ve seen Isabelle terrified, doesn’t compare to this time. Her body stiffens, her eyes are wide and tears fall silently. She’s scaring the fuck out of me.

  “I got you,” I say, holding her against me. “We got to go,” I say, kissing the top of her head.

  “It’s all over me,” she whispers. “I need to wash it off.” She pushes herself away from me, staggering over to the bathroom adjoining Carter’s office. I hear the tap running, so I reach down, grabbing my gun, racing to get her.

  “Seriously, we have to go. You can clean up at home.”

  “No, no… look at me,” she says in a panic. She’s ghost white and in shock. I have to get her out of here. I reach down, scooping her up and carry her out of there.

  “Tara needs medical attention. She’s lost a lot of blood and the bullet could have hit her main artery. I’ll make sure you get cleaned up. Promise.”

  I hold her shivering body tightly against mine. “I’m sorry,” she mumbles against my chest. “I know he was your friend.”

  “Baby, don’t,” I say in a low voice. “You did the right thing. Don’t ever apologize to me for what you’ve done.”

  “I needed it to end. I needed closure. Everything that has happened to me was caused by that man. He ruined me, Brax. I couldn’t allow him to do that to me again. It was never going to be over. I had to. I can’t live in fear anymore. Losing you again just isn’t an option.”

  “There’s no one standing in our way now, Izzy. I’m not giving up on us. We are meant to be together. We’ve loved each other for so long that nothing and no one can ever change that. You’re the strongest person I know. Me and you, baby. Just us against the world.”

  “Always,” she murmurs, closing her eyes and nestling in my neck.

  “I’m taking you home, baby. Where you belong. Where you’ve always belonged. In my arms.”


  A lot can happen in one year. I remember back to that fateful day, exactly one year ago, when Brax told me he was taking me home. And he certainly did. That was the day that everything changed where our life together finally began.

  Even in the bleakest of situations, and the hardest of times, hearts can be unified and mended beyond what you ever imagine possible. At least that’s how it is for us. Every day we grow stronger, every day my mind heals a little. I’ll never forget what happened to me, but now, I can reflect on the past and know it made me the person I am today.

  I’m the wife of the most powerful man in the city. That man just happens to be the most loving, loyal, and protective husband you could ever wish for.

  Throwing back the covers I step from the bed. Running my hand across my forehead, I feel confused. I hear music. But our house, the one we had built, isn’t anywhere near any other houses. Well, there was once a house, we had the owner move out, and we demolished it. Because this land held so many memories, it was the one place we managed to agree on.

  After everything, my mother went quietly. I chose not to speak to her, and even a year after finding out the truth, I’m still not ready to have a relationship with her. My heart can’t quite forgive what she did to me. At least not yet.

  Stretching my arms above my head, I step over to the window, pulling open the curtain. I look out as far as I can see. The early morning sunlight shines down on the man that owns my heart. I hold my hand over my mouth, gasping at him standing outside, in front of the old oak tree. Lights are hanging from the tree. A picnic blanket is set out and now I see the source of the music. I chuckle to myself, shaking my head a little from side to side. For a man so feared, so formidable, he is the cutest, most affectionate, loving man. Slowly, Brax turns his head, noticing me admiring his hard work from the window. With a wave of his hand he summons me down. Opening the window, I lean out, shouting over to him.

  “What are you doing?” I ask, crossing my arms as the cold morning air gives me a chill.

  “Breakfast, baby,” he says with a huge, eye-reaching smile. How can I resist? I give him a slight nod, closing the window and grabbing my robe. I race down the stairs and out of the door leading to our yard. Opening the sliding door, I stop at the sight of perfection standing in front of the tree. I love being out here anyway, but this, this adds a magic sparkle to the one place we’ve loved for as long as we’ve loved each other.

  Grinning at me, I race over to Brax, flying into his open arms. “You did this for me?” I ask, kissing his neck, before looking right into his beautiful green eyes.

  Scooping me up into his embrace, I feel my feet leave the ground as his lips meet mine. Kissing me softly I melt into him. I’ve never once tired of his touch, or his kisses. They’re my most favorite thing. My body aches for his touch first thing in the morning and last thing at night, like a drug I just can’t get enough of.

  “I told you I would make every day special. Today, baby, we are having breakfast in our favorite spot.” Slowly lowering me down, I look over his shoulder and at the tree behind him. My heart soars at the carvings on the tree, and I almost have to pinch myself. “I’m so lucky to have you. This, here, now. It was all worth it. You know that, right?” I look up at his dazzling eyes staring back at me and my stomach flips, over and over. Damn, he does some crazy shit to me. The lines around his eyes show as he bites back a smile.

  “Do you think we would have been this good together, had we not spent years apart?”

  “Of course,” he says, scrunching up his nose and drawing his brows close together. “We were always meant to be together, Izzy.”

  “I know that,” I reply. “But everything that has happened, brought us to this point. We have the most amazing house in the only place I ever wanted to live. We talked about it as kids. About moving to the tree and building a house here. But do you think if we’d turned out to be your average Joe Blow that we would have had this?” I hold up my arms, glancing back over at the spectacular house we had built. “I truly believe that we are exactly where we’re meant to be, and everything that happened led us here.”

  “That’s some deep shit. Jesus, it’s like seven a.m., let’s eat before I have to head out.” He lets out a deep, heart-warming laugh.

  “Shit, you’re working today?”

  “Baby, I work every day. You know that.”

  He was right. Ever since Carter has been out of the picture, Brax hasn’t stopped. He reclaimed the bars and restaurants that he’d once co-owned. Eve
ryone that dealt with Carter, now deals with Brax. Nate and the Savages have been instrumental to the success Brax has had. And I sit proudly by his side. I’m involved in every decision that is made within the business. In fact, Nate and Tara have been a huge part of our lives. Luckily, they were both okay after receiving wounds when they came to rescue me from Carter.

  I owe them much more than I can ever repay, and my heart aches for them. They are so clearly in love with each other, but Jeffries forbids it. He always did have a thing for Tara. Nate going against his own father was never an option, so he called their secret relationship off. Tara is heartbroken, but she doesn’t let it show.

  After months of online schooling, I finally graduated. I know for most people that’s not a big deal. But for me, it’s an achievement. I wanted to feel normal. And this was all part of me achieving that.

  Running my hand down his arm, I reach for his hand, intertwining our fingers, sitting down on the picnic blanket he has set out. Reaching inside the basket, he places the food out on the plates, and pours fresh orange juice into the small glasses.

  “This is all very well thought out.” I smile as I give him praise. “Food, location, music. It’s perfect.”

  “Well, I may have had some help on this one,” he says with a wink and I know instantly that he means Tara. Cooking isn’t really his forte, but he does try.

  “Why doesn’t that surprise me.”

  “The idea was all mine,” he interjects, lifting the back of my hand to his mouth.

  “Well, it’s perfect,” I say offering him a kiss, only pulling away at the last second before our lips meet.

  “Seriously,” he says with wide eyes, “that’s how you’re going to repay my hard work?”

  Rolling to the side, I stand up from the blanket, bare feet against the grass. “Come get one,” I say, sticking out my tongue.

  “You know there’s only one winner,” he muses, jumping up from the blanket, his legs wide apart and leaning forward in an attack stance. I squeal a little with nervous anticipation. Racing around the huge oak tree, I press my back against the tree. I rub my palm across the harsh bark, finding some comfort in doing so. My chest heaves as my heart pounds in a mixture of exhilaration and excitement.

  “Mine,” he says creeping around the tree. I make a dash for it, only he manages to grab a hold of my wrist, pulling me into him.

  “I believe you owe me something, Mrs. Harris?”

  “Really?” I say, struggling in his bear-like hug. I can’t help but notice how sexy and disheveled he looks this morning. It’s my favorite look on him, the one I yearn for when I open my eyes in the morning.

  His hand works slowly up my back, my body shivering in anticipation. His cold hand touches the back of my neck, drawing me closer to him, our lips meeting finally. Kissing him deeply, I lose myself in this man. A man I killed to be with.

  Yeah, guilt is a bitch. Some days I think I’m a survivor, and I must be strong to do what I did, right? That I fought for the life and freedom I have today. That, undoubtedly takes strength, and I thank God every day that I had the strength when I needed it most. Other days, knowing I caused someone to take their last breath, plays tricks on my fragile mind. Yes, it was part of our story. But it’s not a part that I like to think about.

  But I believe, without any doubt, that the fight for my life led me here. Back into the arms of the one person who shows me that despite the evil that has been inflicted on me, there is still love, even in the darkest of times. A song playing on the music player catches my attention. Slowing the kiss, I pull back, looking up at Brax with a smirk.

  “Dance with me?”

  “You’re joking, right?” he laughs out loud. “Baby, I have two left feet.”

  “This song, Brax. This reminds me of us.”

  I listen to the lyrics, the singer describing two kids falling in love. I wrap my arms around his waist, slowly swaying from side to side.

  “Perfect,” he whispers. “Sounds just like us.” As he sways with me, I press my head into his chest, his heartbeat thudding against my ear. Reaching down for my hands, he holds them in his, stepping back and then pulling me back into him.

  “I thought you said you couldn’t dance,” I tease.

  “Watch this,” he says lifting my hand up and grabbing my waist, making me spin on the spot.

  “Who even are you?” I laugh, falling clumsily into his chest.

  “I will be whoever you need me to be.” He hooks his finger under my chin, pulling my head up until our eyes meet. I feel the familiar feeling of butterflies in my chest. “Always.”

  “You, me, and this beautiful life we have together is all I’ll ever need, Brax.”

  Two broken, damaged souls fused together as one. We healed the scars—the scars of us.

  Together, we are perfection.


  Huge thanks to everyone that has offered me support at any stage of my writing career. It’s because of you that I keep going.

  My amazing BETA’s who never fail to let me down. I love you all dearly! Thank you for being such an important part of the writing process.

  To everyone that takes a chance on my books. Thank you! Without you, none of this would be possible.

  Also by Rachael Tonks








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  In love and ruins


  Copyright © 2018 Rachael Tonks

  Published: Rachael Tonks, November 2017

  Cover Design: Dark water designs

  Editing: Andie M. Long

  Proofread by Judy Zweifel

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, including electronic or mechanical, without written permission from the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should return it to the seller and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the author’s work.

  All rights reserved.

  Tara –

  In Love…

  My face is flaming at the sight of this gorgeous boy in front of me as his eyes pierce mine. He’s a feast and I want to be the one to devour him.

  Only, it goes against everything my family has ever taught me. My uncle was infamous. The biggest and most well-known criminal in these parts. He would’ve killed us both if he knew what was going on between me and the son of the MC gang, the Savages.

  I drop my eyes from his and hold onto the doorframe, suddenly feeling a little bashful but failing miserably at acting cool. I draw in my bottom lip, biting lightly. “You’d better come in,” I instruct, my stomach buzzing with excitement.

  His heavily tattooed hand grabs my chin, lifting it until my eyes are once again focused on him. “What’s wrong, Tara?” he asks with a glint in his
eye and a smirk on his lips. I stare into his eyes. His gorgeous blue-gray eyes that remind me of stormy skies just before the rain falls.

  “Cat got your tongue?” He flicks his head a little and my usually smart mouth finds no reply. Stifling a chuckle, I step aside, breaking the hold he has on my chin. I allow him to enter. Placing my hand across my stomach, I hope to control the butterflies I feel deep inside. But it’s no use. Closing the door, I make my way over to him as he stands at the window in my bedroom, leaning forward on his hands. Narrowing my eyes, I sense that something isn’t right.

  “What’s wrong, Nate?” I ask, my voice wavering as I swallow the lump that has now formed in my throat.

  “I’m not sure.” He breathes out, his head hung and moving slightly from side to side. “But I think someone followed me here.”

  “Why would anyone do that?” I ask, slowly moving toward him and gently placing my hand on the back of his vest. I shudder at the logo on the back, a constant reminder of the gang in which the man I fell in love with belongs to. Ducking under his arm, I force my way until I’m resting on the windowsill, his face just inches from mine.

  “God, you drive me crazy,” he mutters, reaching for the blinds and closing them. Dropping his head, his lips meet my collarbone. He nips and sucks and my heart rate increases. “Hate all of this sneaking around,” he mumbles. His lips work up from my collarbone and the heat of his breath is now against my neck. My whole body aches with need. My nipples strain and memories of his past touch causes a pulse between my legs. Soft, slow licks of my neck produce a deep moan.

  “I want everyone to know you are mine. That you belong to me.” He moves one hand underneath my tank top, yanking down my bra cup, freeing my aching breast. He flicks his thumb over my nipple causing them to tingle. “See, this,” he continues, “your tits fit so perfectly in my hand.” His other hand lands softly against my sex as he rubs back and forth. “My hand fits here like it’s made to.”


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